With Du's new instructions and Chen Han's sigh of pity, the situation of the battle suddenly changed! I saw that the flame fist of Kabimon was about to be defeated. He let go of the dragon's tail of the tyrannical carp dragon and freed his other hand.

  Immediately afterwards, the liberated hand clenched its fist instantly, gathered its lightning once again, and slammed away at the jaw of the Tyrannosaurus who was near Chi Chi! Forced to stop attacking, then at this close range, Kirbymon can launch a fierce onslaught.

  However, Du saw through Chen Han's tactics one step ahead, and after the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon got the order, it stopped the attack instantly, even if the dragon tail was still there: it was caught by the Kirby beast and stepped back.

  And it just so happened that the Kabi beast had already let go of the dragon's tail, and the tyrannical carp dragon broke away smoothly, and quickly retreated to avoid the attack.

  "The calm dragon messenger is really difficult to deal with."

  Seeing that he was smiling, but still showing a calm attitude, Chen Han couldn't help but feel a little pressure.

  "However, it's not me who is anxious now. The longer the delay, the greater the chance of defeat."

  Indeed, there are as many as three elves that Du has already hit hard. If he doesn't hit Chenhan's three elves as soon as possible, the balance of victory will only tilt towards Chenhan.

  In this regard, Du, who is at a disadvantage, must know better than Chen Han.

  "The three elves can only fight for a fight! Huck Dragon! Come here!!"

  "Call the wind! Call the rain!"

  After thinking about it for a long time, Du is finally going to gamble! And with Du's order, the two Hackerons threw off their opponents and rushed to Du's side.

  Immediately afterwards, two hakrons summoned violent winds and pouring rain, and for a time, the entire battlefield was swept under the storm.

  This storm not only affects Chen Han, but also affects the battlefields where other elves fight. Even the rain falls into the magma mouth and continuously emits water vapor mist, which is also affecting their respective battlefields.

  "Isn't it a smart choice to not call thunder this time, and let Ha Kelong come here, thinking of using the power of three dragons to quickly defeat the three elves on my side? Hehe, calm and serious crossing, indeed It's a little tricky."

  "However, that's what makes it interesting. As a champion at the pinnacle, if I'm defeated so easily, I'll be very disappointed!"

  A war-loving smile appeared on Chen Han's face, and he looked at Du who was in the center of the storm with full of fighting intent.

  At this moment, Koga Ninja and Ibrahimovic, who were fighting with Ha Kelong, came to Chen Han's side and stood side by side with Kabimon.

  "Come on, friends, defeat these three elves! The outcome is ours!"

  Chen Han waved his big hand, Jiahe Ninja, Ibrahimovic, and Kabi beast all charged towards Du.

  Who wins and who loses depends on the outcome of this three-on-three battle! At least, the battle between non-divine beasts is like this.

Chapter 74 One Turn Offensive (Part 1)

  The three elves rushed away and pointed at Yulongdu.

  "Tyrannosaurus, [Climbing Waterfall]!"

  Facing the three elves rushing in like this, Du's face was solemn, but he didn't panic, and calmly issued an order to counterattack.

  The tyrannical carp dragon roared, and there was already a huge water column around its body like the eruption of a submarine volcano. These sky-high water columns not only reached a height of hundreds of meters, but also the terrifying energy contained in it made people involuntarily slapped. Chills.

  Immediately afterwards, the tyrannical carp dragon spewed a violent water flow from the jet on the side of its body. Under its operation, the sky-high water column and the violent water flow combined together, coupled with the storm-like assistance of two hakrons, a In time, the battlefield of Chen Han and Du appeared layer after layer of magnificent waves.

  The tyrannical carp dragon, like riding the wind and breaking the waves, dashed towards the three elves along with the huge waves.

  And crossing, this will still stand on the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, and the horn of the counterattack will be launched with the latter.

  "It's a familiar move, this tyrannical carp dragon that doesn't transition is much stronger than Xiaozhi's, and there are two hakron's to assist, the power of this move might be able to submerge the volcano."

  Looking at the stormy carp dragon that looks like the sea god at this moment, although Chen Han still has other thoughts on his mind, the dignified expression on his face is not much less than Du.

  "Koga Ninja Frog, Ice Eevee, Kabimon, [Blizzard]!"

  The three elves stopped their charging pace and jointly launched a [Blizzard].

  For a time, on the opposite side of the waves, there was a violent snowstorm with scattered snowflakes.

  The violent blizzard swept towards the tyrannical carp dragon riding the wind and waves, and also formed a lot of rainwater and waves into ice cubes. While attacking, it also made a lot of defensive ice walls.

  However, in the face of the blizzard that swept across, the Cypriot Dragon had no intention of stopping, and rode the waves to directly meet the blizzard.

  The next moment, countless blizzards hit the tyrannical carp dragon, but the latter relied on his resistance to ice-type skills, and directly took this move. To a certain extent, it was affected by the wind direction, and not all of its attacks hit the Tyrannosaurus.

  Immediately afterwards, the ice walls blocking the front of the waves were crushed by the huge waves simply and rudely, and then they continued to press against the Koga Ninja frogs and the others.

  "It was a misstep, I forgot for a while that the tyrannical carp dragon is not afraid of ice-type skills at all. However, being able to crack the combined use of the blizzard so easily is indeed very powerful."

  He was talking about raising others' prestige, but Chen Han's movements were not slow.

  At this time, Chen Han was still standing on the shoulders of Kabi Beast, while Bing Ibrahimovic had turned into Sun Ibrahimovic and came to Chen Han's side, and Jiahe Ninja Frog also jumped to the other shoulder of Kabi Beast. superior.

  In the face of this overwhelming wave, it is not enough to go back and dig a hole to go under the ground, because the waves will pour in, and it is not impossible to resist hard, but it will cause huge damage.

  Then, there is only one answer: "Sun Ibrahimovic, the super power is fully activated!"


  Chen Han and Sun Ibrahimovic, both exude huge superpower fluctuations, wrapping them in three elves.

  He Chenhan himself was struggling to transfer.

  A few seconds later, at the moment when the overwhelming waves were about to drown them all, the three elves and Chen Han flickered and disappeared together! The next moment, the waves rushed down, and Chen Han and his elves appeared in the sky, perfectly dodged the attack.

  "Haha, I rarely use super powers with bursts, and I'm a little tired."

  Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Chen Han took a breath and said.

  If it were just Chen Han and Taiyang Ibrahimovic, they could actually transfer and leave, but at this time there are Jiahe Ninja frogs and Kabi beasts, and Chenhan could not leave them and Taiyang Ibrahimovic. .

  Jiahe Ninja Frog is good to say, it also has a super power attack skill, it is not difficult to cooperate with the transfer, the Kabi beast is more troublesome, not to mention whether it will have super power, its huge The body needs to be transferred directly, but it requires powerful superpowers to do it.

  Therefore, Sun Ibrahimovic alone can't move the Kabi beast away, but if it is fully active, and with the cooperation of Chen Han, it can barely do it! Finally, in Chen Han and Sun With Ibrahimovic's cooperation, at the last minute, the elf and Chen Han himself were all transferred to the sky.

  "Very well, after dodging the attack, the next step is Huck Dragon!"

  Looking at the two hakrons flying closer to him at this time, Chen Han couldn't help showing a bright smile.

  Under the control of him and Sun Ibrahimovic, the sky where they moved was closer to Hackron.

  And now, the tyrannical carp dragon that was beside them was already riding the wind and waves away, it would be at least a few hundred meters away from Huck Dragon, a few hundred meters is actually very short for a champion elves, but it has to come back, at least It also takes nearly ten seconds! And during this time, the two hakrons will face the onlookers of Chenhan's three elves, and they will inevitably be severely injured, and even directly defeated!" Water Shuriken]!"

  Exuding a terrifying breath, the super-giant [Flying Shuriken] appeared in the hands of the Koga Ninja frog, and its oscillating energy even dissipated all the violent storms around at this time, creating a windless and rainless scene for a while. environment of.

  Immediately afterwards, Koga Ninja's calm face showed a slight smile, and then he slammed the [Flying Shuriken] in his hand away.

  Aim! Two hakrons who are manipulating the weather! "Hakron! [Hold on]!!"

  In the distance, Du, who was riding a tyrannical carp dragon on his way, gave orders to the two hakrons who were about to be hit.

  Hearing the words, a halcoon stopped exhaling, unfolded a light-colored barrier, and wrapped itself and the other halcoon.

  The giant [Flying Shuriken] is very powerful, but it is still a skill that cannot crack [Guard].

  Therefore, after the shuriken hit the barrier and exploded with a huge explosion, it still did not hurt Hakron.

  However, the Koga Ninja frog is not a elf fighting! At this time, after blocking the giant [Flying Shuriken], the two hakrons were already shrouded in a huge black shadow before they could breathe a sigh of relief. .

  Looking up, the gigantic Kirby beast, with the pale energy that wraps its entire body, swoops down towards Harkron!

Chapter 75: Two Three Four Turn Offensive (Part 2)

  Just now, the Koga Ninja Frog started to attack to the end, and ten seconds 1 only passed three seconds 3.

  At this time, Toto, who was riding on the way of the tyrannical carp dragon, issued the same command again.

  "[Keep it]!!"

  The wind-breathing Hackron had already used [Guard], and at this time, the Hackron who was calling for the rain also stopped the act of manipulating the weather, mobilized energy, and unfolded a light-colored barrier.

  And at this moment, because the two Huck Dragons stopped controlling the weather, the storm had already dissipated, revealing the sun shining on the world.

  However, the sun didn't shine on the Huck Dragon, because there would be a huge behemoth on top of their heads that would drop the pressure from the sky to them! However, the light-colored barrier that wrapped the Huck Dragon was very strong and pressed the [Tarzan] of the Kirby beast to the top. The attack was resisted.

  Not only that, when the light-colored barrier resisted the physical attack of [Taishan Pressing the Top], it vibrated a bit, slightly bounced the Kirby beast, and directly unloaded the force of the Kirby beast's attack, which would make the latter slightly stunned. , and then fell directly from the sky.

  At this time, seven seconds passed by one person within ten seconds, and Du had three seconds left before he could rush back here to rescue Hacron.

  However, "My attack is not over yet!! Ice Eevee! [Blizzard]!"

  In the air, Ibrahimovic, who changed from Sun Ibrahimovic to Ice Ibrahimovic, lost his superpower. At this time, Ice Ibrahimovic and Chen Han were descending from the sky together, or falling.

  But in the process, it evoked as much as the previous use of [Blizzard], and attacked the two hakrons who were already powerless in defense! "They were no longer able to defend, and these two hakrons were defeated. After that, Du, your defeat has become a reality!!!"

  Looking at the two hakrons that were about to be hit, Chen Han looked at Du, who was about to arrive, but was already unable to stop him, and couldn't help showing a triumphant smile on his face.

  This scene, for Du, is a time of great crisis.

  However, Du, the smile on the face of this meeting is a successful plan! "Oh, that's hard to say."

  Looking at Du's smile and listening to Du's words, Chen Han's eyes shrank, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately turned his head to look at Ha Kelong.

  I saw that the defenseless Huck dragons are still defenseless, but, in front of them, there is a thorn dragon king riding a water column! "Thorn dragon king!"

  Chen Han subconsciously looked at the battlefield of the Dragon King before, but found that the Lizard King, who was not lightly injured, was trapped in a small pond and was trapped by the whirlpool of flowing water! By the way, the violent storm just brought by Ha Kelong, Many battlefields have also become venues belonging to the water elves. In the water, the speed of the Lizard King is not faster than that of the Dragon King, and the strength of the Dragon King is stronger than that of the Lizard King, which will hurt the Lizard King. It seems normal to stay here and then come to support Hacron.

  In the mind of the reason why the Thorn Dragon King appeared here, Chen Han suddenly looked at the Thorn Dragon King again.

  In the face of the incoming blizzard attack, the Dragon King's eyes flashed, and then he shot out the terrifying water cannon capable of penetrating steel.

  The water cannon that gathered terrifying kinetic energy was like an electromagnetic cannon. It easily penetrated the attack of the blizzard, and then attacked the falling Bing Yibu and Chen Han without any hesitation! "Hahahaha!! Chen Cold! Be fooled! You just kept attacking me, isn't it very exciting, now, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, whoever is forgiven by heaven, now, your retribution is coming!"

  "According to your words, as long as the ice elf is defeated, plus you are injured! This time the victory or defeat will be won by me, Yulongdu!"

  Du seems to have seen his victory, and this will finally return to his previous confident and even arrogant posture.

  Of course, he also has him

  He had been chased and beaten all the time before, and even had the resentment of being injured by Chen Han many times, otherwise he would not have laughed so frantically, and hurriedly declared his victory.

  While Du was laughing wildly, he also looked at Chen Han. He planned to see the despair or unwilling expression on Chen Han's face, so as to satisfy his inner sense of revenge! Seeing Chen Han, the frenzied smile on his face immediately froze.

  I saw that what appeared on Chen Han's face was not despair or unwillingness, but a smile that he was very familiar with.

  Yes, it was the smile he showed just now, the smile that succeeded in his scheming! Yu Longdu's eyes narrowed, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately turned his head to look at the Dragon King.

  I saw that on the trajectory of the water cannon attack, a Chenglong appeared there riding an icicle soaring to the sky! "Chenglong!"

  Du suddenly looked at the battlefield before Chenglong, and found that the desert dragonfly fighting Chenglong had already become a lifelike ice sculpture, sitting in an ice pond full of cold aura somewhere, and judging from the breath, The desert dragonfly has obviously lost its combat effectiveness! By the way, the violent storm just brought by Haklong has made it impossible to stay there all the time: the flying desert dragonfly's Chenglong has an excellent terrain advantage. That is, after getting rid of the desert dragonfly, he came here to support Chen Han! At this time, facing the [water cannon] that contained terrifying energy, a trace of fear flashed in Chenglong's eyes, the 88-level thorn dragon king, whose strength eliminated the divine beasts. In addition, it is only weaker than the champion-level peak elves, so this [water cannon] can defeat the blizzard so simply and rudely.

  However, dread is dreaded, since he is already standing in front of his own trainer, how could Chenglong shrink back! "Woo-!!"

  I saw that Chenglong let out a soft cry, used all his strength, and ejected the [absolute zero] that contained the ice energy that could freeze everything! As soon as this move was performed, the surrounding temperature plummeted, causing The speed visible to the naked eye dropped to a chilling temperature, and even the moisture in the air around Hucheng Long had already been frozen into ice.

  [Absolute Zero] is a skill that can kill with one hit. While its power is huge, the energy consumption is also extremely terrifying, and the hit rate is horribly low.

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