Said to be familiar, it was because Chen Han had seen it in the comics in the previous life, and said it was unfamiliar, it was because Chen Han was the first to see this girl.

  The girl has long fiery red hair, she wears a round hat, the hair at both ends of the round hat is raised high, it looks like a headdress or a specially combed hairstyle, and she has a double ponytail.

  Ordinary people may not be able to see anything in this somewhat bizarre hairstyle, and they will probably think that this hairstyle looks like a double ponytail. Although it is said that the girl is wearing two double ponytails now, the beautiful appearance of the girl will make a lot of people Ignore the bizarreness of her hairstyle.

  The girl doesn't look big, she seems to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. She is wearing a brown short-sleeved coat with fitted denim shorts underneath. The jeans are tightly pressed against the skin, showing off the girl's slender legs. The glasses on the bridge of the girl's nose reveal a mature and fashionable atmosphere.

  Only by looking at her bright red eyes through those glasses, will you notice that the girl is not as mature as she looks, because those eyes are full of enthusiasm for life and pure and lively.

  Although wearing such a pair of glasses and a round hat, covering most of her face, it can be seen only from the tip of the iceberg she exposed that this is a beautiful girl with delicate skin and delicate facial features.

  Of course, this is the image of a girl in the eyes of Chen Han, who has super powers and the power of waveguide and even Vittorian, as well as holding the flute of infinity, and also knows the appearance of the other party. As for the others, maybe it's just because she is an ordinary tourist.

  "I found you, Latias."

Chapter 20 Passive of the Family of the World (Part 1)

  Chen Han knew the girl, she was the patron saint of the water capital' Aldo Mare, the infinite elf, the divine beast in anthropomorphic state, Latias.

  At this moment, Latias, let's call it a girl for now.

  Although she is wearing such a cover up now, but like Chen Han, she looks around, like a tourist admiring this beautiful water capital.

  Her actions, coupled with her costumes, could easily be mistaken by others for tourists who came here from other regions.

  "Let's not mention whether she is really admiring her, or just wandering around in boredom. Just talking about her very anthropomorphic behavior, it's no wonder that for so long, no one has discovered that she is the legendary patron saint of water. ."

  "Although this acting is not at the level of a movie star like Xiao Lan or Sakagi, but most actors should be excellent."

  Looking at the girl who behaved like this, Chen Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Although the maturity of the other party is only at the level of a girl, it is obviously more mature than the childlike nature of a dream, and it is easier to integrate into the human world than a dream. middle.

  At this time, it seems to be intuition, it seems to be extremely vigilant, or both.

  When Chen Han was watching and commenting in his heart, the girl stopped her play behavior, turned her head back with some doubts, and looked at Chen Han from a distance of more than ten meters.

  If an ordinary girl is stared at by a man like this, even if he is a handsome guy, he will feel panic, but the girl in front of him reacts completely differently.

  After she discovered Chen Han's peep-like gaze, she was so puzzled that she looked at Chen Han. After a few seconds, she nodded to him, revealing a row of teeth, and the corners of her mouth were raised, and she smiled lively and lovely. .

  "Yes, it seems to be very friendly, it seems that the passive is still somewhat effective."

  Seeing the other party's obviously friendly attitude, the corners of Chen Han's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

  On Chen Han's body, there is a passiveness that the public has almost forgotten.

  Family of the World: 1. The initial favorability of the original inhabitants of the elf world for you, the initial favorability of the beasts for you, and the luck in the game will greatly increase the initial favorability of the original inhabitants and the beasts to Chenhan, Let's not mention the original residents, but in fact, the increase in the favorability of divine beasts, although it rarely plays a role, after all, Chen Han is not someone who can encounter divine beasts every day, but as long as he encounters divine beasts, this passive is still useful.

  Apart from the dream that had memories and was specially taken care of, in the past, although the three divine birds were rescued by Chen Han, they also had to be beaten by Chen Han. At that time, when the other party was released from the state of three divine birds, they could They left, but the other party forced his severely injured body to protect Guan Chenhan by his side at the end.

  Also, Xie Mi, this little guy, although there are various reasons why he is willing to be subdued by Chen Han, but if his favorability is not good, will you 'voluntarily' as for Mewtwo and Lugia, the former It is a resonant connection with Chen, so he almost regards Chen Han as a family member, and Lugia, it just lays on the gun for no reason, and then gets beaten by Chen Han, and then it simply does not want to be subdued, and then escapes, this Even if the initial favorability is high, it is useless.

  However, if he achieves something that the other party approves, or directly implements a method of continuously beating him to surrender, then even Lugia will become Chen Han's elf.

  Chen Han didn't look for it now, just for the next plan.

  Closer to home, in a word, this passive is playing a very good role now, even if it is the first time to meet, but the girl, that is, Latias, obviously has a little affection for Chen Han.

  Then, the next thing will be much more convenient. Now, go to it and discuss with it about saving the world.

  "Drip drip"

  Just when Chen Han was about to convince the other party to join with the righteous thing, the picture book on Chen Han suddenly rang.

  At this moment, Chen Han's attention suddenly shifted to the illustrated book.

  And when Chen Han was going to hang up the illustrated book first, he went to contact Latias first.

  "! It's gone! It's gone in an instant!"

  Yes, at the moment when Chen Han's attention was distracted, the girl suddenly disappeared in front of Chen Han's eyes as if she moved in an instant.

  "It's not like teleportation, this is teleportation, I almost forgot, Latias is a dragon type + super power type spirit."

  Walking to the position where the girl just stood, feeling the remnants of the superpower that permeated the air, Chen Han couldn't help but smile bitterly.

  "Drip drip"

  The picture book is still there: it is ringing, and Chen Han at this meeting is a little irritable, thinking about whether to slap the person who interrupted his actions, but when he wants to know his phone number, it is his partner and his woman, this meeting He slowly took a deep breath, and after recovering, he answered the call.

  "Chen Han, it's me, Dawu, I've already gathered the Four Heavenly Kings, and tomorrow I can go to summon the Heavenly King-level powerhouses and some champion-level powerhouses in the gym owner. It will also recover seven, seven, eight, eight, and at that time, we can set off."

  "This is the situation on my side. How is your side? It's already night. Have you caught up with the masked man? If not, let's find a place to rest first."

  It turned out to be Dawu, who I just met today, Chen Han is very fortunate now that he has just calmed down his annoyance, otherwise he would definitely have scolded this guy who didn't really know him very well.

  "I'm in the water capital of 'Odomare' now, and I noticed that the masked man's trace is here, and then I also heard that there is the existence of infinite spirits here, and I think that the last time the masked man appeared for the purpose of Lugia, I just guessed that the other party might have come for the Infinite Spirit this time."

  "Now, not only do I have to constantly search for each other's traces in this water city, but I also try to search for the existence of the guardian gods of the water city, Latias and Latios.

  On your side, come over as long as you gather the right people, by the way, you can call me at 0:[-] every night to discuss the situation, and I have to do a good search at other times."

  Chen Han continued to use his serious nonsense ability, and in order to prevent such 'bad phone calls' from happening again, Chen Han also asked the other party to change the contact time to 0:[-].

  "The water capital 'Odomare' is indeed the southern part of the Hoenn area, I understand, then I will inform Mikoli about it now, and analyze the information about the flute and the infinite spirit with him, what about you? Be careful, I'll call you at 0:[-] tomorrow night."

  When Dawu also started to act, he was also a fiery person. It is estimated that he also heard from Chen Han's proposal that he might have disturbed Chen Han's actions. After explaining the situation, he immediately hung up the phone.

  "The day after tomorrow? Even if they leave early in the morning, in order to preserve the physical strength of the elves, they will definitely arrive here near dusk. If they do their best, it is estimated that they will arrive in the afternoon after noon. Then, I must be here the day after tomorrow. Just start it in the morning.”

Chapter 21 Originally I wanted to refuse, but it really is.. (Part 2)

  According to the information from Dawu, Chen Han can take corresponding measures and implement his plan better.

  And this is the advantage of having information.

  "However, it's very late today, and Latias just didn't know where to go. Let's deal with these things tomorrow. Anyway, I, who have the Ocarina of Infinity, can find each other at any time."

  At this time, the sun has already set, which is why Dawu just called him, I guess Dawu also thought that Chen Han might stop and find a place to rest.

  One day is enough to make all the preparations, and then start to launch the day after tomorrow. Today, he has done a lot of things. Since the morning, he has been running around and fighting with Mikkori, and then he initially resorted to natural methods. Even if it is Chen Han, I will be a little tired, and now I have a good rest.

  With such thoughts in mind, Chen Han walked towards the place where he was going to rest tonight.

  Soon, he arrived in front of a rather modern building, and the big pokeball sign at the door told others that this was the elf center that every city would definitely have.

  Even at night, the entrance of the Elf Center is still full of people. After all, as long as there are elves at home, or if their profession has something to do with elves, they will almost always come here, no matter what.

  Whether to check the body or treat the injury is inseparable from the Spirit Center.

  When Chen Han walked into the center of the elf, the very conspicuous champion robe on his body attracted the amazed eyes of countless people.

  If there are the most trainers in a city, it is undoubtedly the center of elves, and as long as it is a trainer, even in the far-flung Carlos area, you have definitely heard of the name of the 'strongest champion' or seen him. photo.

  Furthermore, even if they don't go online to know the facts, those in the robe of champions will always know that becoming a champion is the goal, or in other words, the dream of countless trainers.

  In the end, it is the player's problem. More than 80% of the players who enter this game are trainers. Therefore, the number of players in the Pokémon Center is also the largest, and almost all of them have heard of God-level. The player's name, this will see Chen Han himself, and naturally he will pay attention.

  However, they were just paying attention. At most, they were whispering with their companions. No one would come forward to talk to Chen Han in self-righteousness.

  In this regard, Chen Han just nodded in satisfaction, then walked to the front desk, ready to register in a luxurious room to rest.

  However, when Chen Han walked to the front desk, he saw the fiery red long-haired girl who was sitting there sitting in the registration and nurse work, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

  "It's kind of interesting, is this a so-called fate, or is it luck?"

  Mingming Chenhan didn't follow the induction of the Ocarina of Infinity to come to the Pokémon Center at all, and planned to rest here today, but in this place, he actually encountered it again.

  That's right, it's 'it', and of course 'she' will do.

  At this moment, the fiery red long-haired girl who is sitting in the registration and nurse is Latias who has just been transferred away from Chen Han's eyes! She took it off, and the long coat and jeans on her body were also replaced by pink nurse uniforms. The girl's delicate face always had a warm and enthusiastic smile, which made people seem to have seen a beautiful angel. She squatted down from time to time to check. The wounded elf spoke out to comfort and at the same time provide emergency assistance.

  Also, the pair of white silk that the girl is wearing on her legs, although the legs have stockings that do not reveal the snow-white skin below, but the well-proportioned slenderness also makes people linger, especially the little girl's squatting buttocks, which makes it even more tempting.

  Don't blame Chen Han to look at these places, who is a girl who is so beautiful, as the saying goes, a slender lady and a gentleman are good, and it's not just Chen Han who is looking at the girl, there are many male trainers in the Pokémon Center. Intentionally or unintentionally, he set his eyes on the girl and peeped secretly.

  Warm, sunny and beautiful young girls will always make people feel liked.

  "It's awesome to be able to anthropomorphize elves, I don't know if they can do that, but if they do, even if they're in an anthropomorphic state, they're actually sun elves."

  Chen Han's thoughts couldn't help but get dirty. At this moment, he even thought of his own Shanaido, thinking about the appearance of a queen like an elegant queen. It seemed that Shanaido didn't even need to be an anthropomorphic person. For a month, I didn't expect that I would think again, um, find a chance to go back to them again, or, you can try Shanaido"

  It's not that Chen Han is dirty, but that there are quite a few people who marry Shanaido in the elf world.

  How to say that sentence, 'I would have refused, but it is so beautiful'.

  I'm okay with being impulsive to elves, maybe in the future I'll be able to see elves.

  By the way, Mewtwo said that a dream should be personified. If it is personified, it is estimated to be a pink loli, and it is still a legal loli cough! Well, I am dirty.

  Chen Han's rare thoughts diverged at this meeting, but if he thought of something, he would be forcibly suppressed.

  Immediately after, after adjusting himself, he walked up to the girl in a serious manner.

  "Hello, do you need any help?"

  Seeing Chen Han approaching, the girl immediately reacted, she quickly stood up and put both hands in front of her, the smile on her face seemed to never change, and she asked very enthusiastically.

  However, although the other party looked very natural, Chen Han in front of her would be able to see a flash of surprise in her bright red eyes, obviously recognizing Chen Han, who was staring at her just now. .

  As for why she suddenly teleported away just now, it is estimated that she noticed something. Of course, she may also be rushing back to work here.

  "Give me a deluxe room, by the way, I remember that I can live for free with this one."

  Chen Han said very seriously, and pointed to his champion robe.

  As a champion, in the Pokémon Center, you can enjoy everything for free. Of course, this is just one of the small benefits. After all, as a trainer, who will be poor? This thing is highly recognizable, although each The styles of the regional champion robes are different, but there is a special regional logo on it, which can let you know which region the champion is. The girl just didn't notice Chen Han's costume.

  "This, this is the robe of a champion. You are the Guandu champion, Mr. Chen Han"

  It was only now that the girl knew Chen Han's identity, she seemed a little surprised.

  Even if her true identity is a divine beast, a champion-level powerhouse is already capable of fighting against divine beasts, so she will naturally be surprised to see a champion.

  However, the surprise was only temporary, she quickly smiled again and began to go through the relevant procedures for Chen Han.

  "By the way, Miss Nurse, what's your name?"

  While the girl was going through the formalities, Chen Han asked very naturally.

  For a moment, the red-haired girl's movements stopped.

  "My name is Latias."

  After a little hesitation, Latias revealed his real name for some reason.

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