She always exudes a cheerful and cheerful atmosphere, as if standing beside her, you will feel happy and forget your troubles.

  Latias is not a human being. As a divine beast, although she knows a lot of things, she does not understand the secret words that are revealed between human beings, let alone what it means for a man to go to a woman's house.

  "By the way, Latias, do you live by yourself?"

  "I live with my brother."

  Chen Han nodded after hearing the words, and then walked to a snack shop and bought a huge pizza, seafood risotto, and a few good grilled fish.

  It has to be said that the snack shops here have almost everything.

  "Take these things back and share them with your brother. It's your reward for taking me shopping today."

  Although he was speaking to Latias, Chen Han didn't plan to give it to him at this time, so he had to send Latias back first.

  Seeing Chen Han's actions like this, Latias stared straight at him with a pair of crimson eyes.

  "What's the matter, Latias"

  Although it was a little hairy, Chen Han didn't feel that he was exposed, this was still a question with a smile on his face.

  "I just think you're weird, I like you very much."

  Latias didn't think that the declaration she made had any significance to human beings, she would happily lead Chen Han to her house.

  For Latias, Chen Han is one of the rare human beings that she likes very much. For most of the human beings, Latias doesn't like it but doesn't hate it, they are just human beings.

  In fact, as far as divine beasts are concerned, they also view humans in the same way. As long as humans don't provoke them, they won't be idle to bully humans.

  "Really? That's a coincidence. Actually, I like you, Latias, too."

  Chen Han said very meaningfully, and then walked to her house with Latias step by step.

  Very good, the plan has been more than half successful, and tonight, it is time to conquer them.

Chapter 24 The world is so big, don't you want to go see it? (2nd more)

  Chen Han knows where Lattias and Latios' homes are.

  After all, the Ocarina of Infinite not only directed Chen Han to find Latias, but also told Chen Han where Latios was.

  Unlike Latias, who is lively and active, Latios is like an otaku, staying in a certain place all the time, and it is estimated that this is their home.

  "This is my home!"

  Latias took Chen Han's hand and ran forward happily. After passing through a winding path, what appeared in front of Chen Han was a beautiful garden.

  There is also a pair of statues of Latios and Lattias in the garden, the fountain below is spraying spring water, colorful flowers are blooming, and there is an old-looking swing beside the fountain.

  Chen Han didn't intend to come in, but since Latias was so enthusiastic, Chen Han naturally wouldn't refuse.

  This garden has the same long history as the city hall. Although the citizens don't know why this garden is designed this way, under this long history, everyone is just used to it.

  However, pedestrians are only playing in the outer ring of the garden, and cannot enter the inner ring at all, perhaps it should be said that they cannot enter the inner ring.

  Chen Han can feel it, there is a super power that is not weak here, creating a labyrinth space similar to that which people can't feel, if it wasn't for Latias to pull him in, then Chen Han would only go no matter how he walked. It will circle around in front of the inner ring, and it is the kind that can't get in.

  Of course, this refers to the situation that Chen Han does not need various abilities, whether it is super power or waveguide, Chen Han can crack this maze.

  "It's beautiful here, Latias."

  Admiring the beautiful scenery here, Chen Han couldn't help but express such emotion.

  It is estimated that this place may be the most beautiful place in the whole water, after all, it is the place where the patron saint lives.

  At this time, there is no other existence in this beautiful garden except Chen Han and Latias, but this is just an illusion. Through the guidance of the Ocarina of Infinity, Chen Han can perceive that there is a living being watching not far above his head. Looking at him and Latios, he didn't even have to guess to know that it was Latios.

  As far as Chen Han knows, the feathers of Latios and Lattias are like glass, and they can change their appearance or even hide themselves by wrapping their bodies and refracting light.

  Since this ability is just an instinct, not a superpower, there is no trace of superpower aura at all, which even superpower elves and superpowers can't detect such existence.

  After all, if there is no super power fluctuations, even if you feel something is wrong, you still can't find the other party, let alone crack this hidden method.

  "The water is really good, and your garden is really beautiful."

  Chen Han is praising him sincerely, so whether it is Lattias or the hidden Lattios, he can also feel the truth of Chen Han. And this is actually the effect that Chen Han wants, although it is To be honest, this is just a foreshadowing.

  "However, Latias, you must have lived in the water for a long time, but I don't know if you want to go outside and take a look."

  Latios is indeed calm and composed, staying in a certain place for so long, but Chen Han doesn't believe it, the active nature, like a young girl, Lattias never thought of going out to have a look.

  Of course, if she didn't think about it, Chen Han would come to wake her up.

  “Hey go somewhere else”

  Latias, who was happy because Chen Han praised Shuidu and their home, was stunned when he heard the words, and asked in astonishment.

  "Yes, just go to other places, after all, the world is so big, you don't want to go outside and see it Haven't you thought about it?"

  Chen Han held Latias's hand and slowly turned around to look at her.

  The expression on Latias's face was a little hesitant, as if she had never thought about it before.

  She has lived in Oldo Mare for so long that she forgot how long, and she was almost the only one in Oldo Mare in her life, at most in the South near Oldo Mare The isolated island area is hovering and flying, and I have never thought of going to other areas.

  Except for a small number of legendary elves, that is, divine beasts, most of them habitually stay in one place and do not leave, which is why the legends of each region rarely involve legends of other regions.

  However, just as Chen Han thought, Latias, who is active by nature and not low in intelligence, actually had such thoughts in her heart, but there were no unexpected factors before, she couldn't do anything and didn't think about it. things in this regard.

  But now, Chen Han woke up Latias, and let her know that this world is not just the size of water.

  Of course, even if Latias will hesitate and consider, but it is not Chen Han who can make him follow him with a word or two, so Chen Han did not urge Latias to answer, but Continue to speak.

  "Latias, the water capital is here. Except for the residents who live here, everyone else is a tourist. No matter how much fun you have here, you won't stay here for a long time."

  "The same is true for me. Although I've only been here for a day or two, I'll have to leave here after I've played around a lot."

  Chen Han didn't lie about this, no matter whether he could conquer Latios and Latios, Chen Han would leave no matter what, the time is either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

  "You want to leave"

  When Latias heard Chen Han's words, her face was a little disappointed, but soon the dragon, who always gave people a happy mood, showed a smile.

  "Then you must come to Aldo Mare often in the future."

  "I can't guarantee this. After all, no one can tell what will happen in the future. When will the next time I come to Odomare, even I can't give a definite answer."

  Water is not Chen Han's home, nor is it a good place for special training, it is just a tourist attraction, apart from watching and playing, there is no value that Chen Han should leave behind.

  Even if the mythical beasts Lattias and Latios live here, if they can't get them, Chen Han will change to the next one, and won't come back to this place other than bringing women here to play.

  If it is accepted, then for these two divine beasts, it is not impossible for Chen Han to take time to visit this long-lived home occasionally.

  When Latias heard the words, the smiling face she just showed went silent again.

  "Before I leave, however, I have something to do."

  "whats the matter"

  Although he didn't know why Chen Han said this, Latias also asked in confusion.

  "Many of the residents of this water city of Aldo Mare believe that their patron gods, Latios and Lattias, are real here, and I, like those people, also believe that they are real. Existing, as a trainer, of course what I want to do is subdue them."

  "You, you want to subdue them"

  Latias's crimson eyes widened.

  "Of course, let's not mention whether I am the champion of Guandu or the existence known as the 'strongest champion', just a normal trainer has the dream of conquering the beast. Of course, it is different from those who are not strong enough to act. I have the corresponding strength, and I will naturally make corresponding actions.”

  After saying that, Chen Han handed Latias the food in his hand, turned around and left slowly.

  "Latias, I had a good time these two days, thank you for taking me to visit Aldo Mare, but I don't have much time, so I have to make the final preparations, by the way, tomorrow or the day after, go I'll let you know before, goodbye."

  After the words fell, Chen Han waved his hand, then released the fire-breathing dragon, jumped on its back, and flew away from the garden.

  Looking at Chen Han who was leaving, Latias seemed a little dumbfounded.

  "Brother, what do you think of him? What's the best preparation he just said?"

Chapter 25 The Place where the Flute of Infinite Sounds (Part 3)

  As soon as Latias's words fell, in the empty sky, the air gradually began to twist, and a blue-based dragon-shaped elf appeared from nothing. The inhabitants of Lei will be able to recognize here that this is Latios, one of the patron saints of the water capital.

  "Brother, let's chat while eating."

  Although Latias was also a little disappointed that Chen Han was about to leave, this meeting did not forget the food that Chen Han just gave her, this meeting said to Latias with the bag in his hand.

  "I have seen everything that happened before in your eyes. This man is a little strange. As for the best preparation he just said, I don't know what he means."

  The mouth didn't move, but human words came out from Latios' dragon mouth, but the sound didn't sound like the vibration of the vocal cords to the air, but more like a superpower that directly responded to people's minds. middle.

  Just as Chen Han thought, Latios was very prudent and cautious, appearing to be more serious, even if Chen Han was passive and had an inexplicable affection for Chen Han, he would not believe Chen Han easily.

  However, although it won't easily trust others, it also doesn't like to doubt others without any basis, so even if he suspects something is wrong with Chen Han, he doesn't just suspect that Chen Han is malicious or anything.

  Furthermore, Chen Han has always been showing goodwill, even though he just said some guiding words, he did not urge Latias to respond. Therefore, in general, Latios's sense of Chen Han I still prefer it, I just think something is wrong with him.

  Elves are much simpler than humans, even divine beasts.

  If this were replaced by Sakagi, someone suddenly approached him, whether it was accidental or inevitable, he would definitely guard against the other party, and even immediately investigate the other party's experience from birth to the present, and investigate the other party's purpose and so on.

  "Is that so, let's see in the next two days, how he's going to prepare, and how to call us."

  Hearing that his brother didn't know what Chen Han was thinking, Latias also gave up and continued to ask questions. Although he was very worried, he still kept a smile.

  Anyway, they are the legendary Lattias and Latios. If Chen Han really has the ability to find them, it is not impossible to talk about them at that time. If not, then it can only be said that there is no fate.

  No matter what, even if Latias is a little shaken by Chen Han's words, she still has no idea of ​​revealing her identity. It's just the bottom line that has to be done.

  Otherwise, if they exposed their identities when they met someone they liked, they would have been exposed long ago. Furthermore, exposing their identities would not only cause trouble to them, but also people who knew their identities would have all kinds of problems. Trouble, this kind of situation is not a good thing for both parties, Latias naturally won't do it.

  Therefore, Latias had to temporarily put this matter aside, opened the pizza bag, his body also changed from human form to elf under a burst of light, and his two dragon claws hugged the pizza.

  Even if he has something on his mind, Latias is still smiling, and the dragon's eyes are full of satisfied smiles, so beautiful that they are eating the food that Chen Han bought for them.

  Latios saw what was on his sister's mind, but although the latter was a little lost, she didn't do anything impulsive, so I won't say much, I just hope my sister can forget about it sooner.

  After slowly drifting down from the sky, Latti put the bag of grilled fish, and after saving a few for Lattias, he ate it beautifully.

  "The one called Chen Han, if it's really us, then, even if it's for my sister, it's not impossible to give him a chance to convince us."

  Even if it is an elves, even if it is, there is still a sister control drop.

  For the sake of his sister, Latios can also make some concessions, but they are only concessions. To persuade them, or even conquer them, you have to see if the Guandu champion has this ability.

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