"The power of Vibrant Pan has not only the function of healing, I will tell you in detail later."

  Chen Han took the wonderful frog flowers and the others back into the poke ball, and then reached out and stroked Latias's abdomen, causing him to giggling uncontrollably.

  "Don't touch it, it's very itchy."

  Continuing to ignore the interaction between Latias and Chen Han, this will carefully recall the other Poké Balls in Chen Han's hands, as well as the legends it has heard, and asked with a rather gloomy expression.

  "I just remembered suddenly, Chen Han, aren't the power spirits fire-breathing dragons? The four spirits such as the wonderful frog flower that appeared this time, I remember that you didn't use them at the Quartz Conference two years ago, right?"

  Although Latios doesn't like anthropomorphism and lives in the crowd, it doesn't mean that he won't watch TV or something, and he will watch TV to pass the time when he is bored.

  Naturally, he also watched the Quartz Conference two years ago. When he thought about it, he found that Chen Han still had the strongest main force.

  The fire-breathing dragon, Bangira and the appearance of the bite land shark.

  "Miaohuahua, they are also my main elves, but I have never let other people see them. In fact, I have eighteen main elves besides the beasts, but the strongest at this stage is indeed the fire-breathing dragon, and the second is It's a giant gold monster."

  Now it is no longer the era of the Big Three, which was dominated by fire-breathing dragons. What kind of natural power Chen Han has mastered is the strongest for the elves of the attribute, and now Chen Han has initially mastered two kinds of 'fire' and superpowers. The force of nature, the spirit of the corresponding attribute is the strongest.

  Naturally, there is no need to say more about the fire-breathing dragon, because of the power of 'fire', this will still be the big brother, and besides the fire-breathing dragon, the quasi-god giant gold monster with super power attributes has become the second strongest, although it is originally With this kind of strength, even if it joined the team the latest, it is still a quasi-god, and its strength is obvious to all.

  Chen Han has three quasi-gods, Bangira, Liebiting Lu shark, and the giant golden monster. When these three quasi-gods fight by themselves, they all have their own winners and losers. Generally speaking, they are indistinguishable. Commanding, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, but they are all Chen Han's elves, Chen Han can't fight with himself. Therefore, they have always lived under the fire-breathing dragon, fighting for second place, and then trying to backstab The big brother, the fire-breathing dragon, became the first.

  However, in internal battles, they are the same, but in external battles, the giant gold monster with super power attributes has already become the second place. If it hadn’t been controlled by fire attributes due to its steel attribute, it would have been long ago. Start to backstab the Charizard.

  "So, not only did you not send the strongest fire-breathing dragon, but you also sent one-third of the elves. Although it was only a formal battle, you could obviously end the battle at the beginning. The reason why you only sent Four elves, are you testing our strength?"

  Latios is worthy of being a divine beast of the rational faction. He just heard Chen Han's explanation, and with his own analysis, he could guess Chen Han's intention at once.

  "Of course, Latios, you can test my strength, why can't I test your strength? Maybe other trainers don't have the qualification and ability to do such a thing, but you have already seen my strength. When it arrives, I am fully qualified and capable to do this kind of thing."

  "You are indeed very powerful as divine beasts, but what we have to face in the future is not only divine beasts, but also trainers who are stronger than me. I will not test your specific strength to judge whether your strength is sufficient. Maybe I have to regret that I wasted my time."

  To test the strength of the divine beast, a plain sentence shows Chen Han's confidence in his own strength, and it can even be said to be arrogant.

  When Latios heard the words, although he felt that his dignity as a divine beast was being provoked, he seemed rather annoyed and dissatisfied, but he did not refute Chen Han's words.

  After all, as Chen Han said, he does have the strength to test the strength of the divine beast, even if Latios is a divine beast and Chen Han is a human being, but the saying that a big fist is the truth applies everywhere.

  "So, how do you feel about the strength of me and Latias?"

  At this time, Latios, like Lattias, flew in front of Chen Han, and although his face was expressionless, he obviously asked with some concern.

  When Chen Han heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking that the matter was done.

  Before starting the fight, Latios said that he would test his strength, and after the end he asked how his strength was.

  The gap between the two already showed Latios' inner choice.

  Although Chen Han knew that he would definitely be able to subdue Latios and Latias, Chen Han felt very happy when he heard this sentence, which was equivalent to surrender.

Chapter 37 Conquering the Twins, the Ultimate Steel Skill (Part 3)

  "I am very satisfied with your brothers and sisters, although you are not the kind of powerful elves that fight alone, but if you work together, you can bring huge changes to my team on complex battlefields, even in my natural environment. With the blessing of the power, whether you are fighting or supporting, you will reach a very terrifying level."

  Chen Han smiled and gave Latios and Lattias a positive and recognized evaluation.

  The super-powerful fighting ability of auxiliary ability and cooperating with the battle can be seen in the battle just now, and after they become the elves of Chen Han, they have the bonus of the power of nature, and their super-powers will skyrocket, and it can even be said that they Its combat power will also be instantly enhanced to the point where it can fight alone against divine beasts that are good at fighting.

  However, having said that, if you add Lattias and Latios, almost all of the divine beasts in Chen Han's hands have super power attributes, except for Xie Mi, who was given to him by accident.

  "There don't seem to be many fire-type mythical beasts, the flame bird is too weak, and the wind king is said to be very short-tempered, and I don't like that look. Although Victini is a fire-type + super-power type, it seems to be an auxiliary. On the contrary, the flightless and white hero Reshiram, who returned to the original, are more powerful, so let's see the situation later."

  Yes, Chen Han hasn't dealt with the matter at all this time, he's already thinking about conquering other divine beasts, and he's even making a selection.

  Ordinary people are very happy to see divine beasts, let alone conquer divine beasts, even champion-level powerhouses are almost impossible to do so, but Chen Han is choosing to subdue them. Generally large.

  However, what I have to say is that Chen Han's current strength does have the qualification to selectively subdue the divine beast. In fact, the masked man can also be, but he is low-key and not very lucky, so he has been doing it for so long. Lugia has not been captured yet.

  Yes, it is 'reconquer'. That's right. Masked Man has beaten Lugia and Wind King many years ago and forcibly subdued each other. However, because he does not have a master ball, he is forcibly subdued and interfered by other divine beasts. Because of this, Lugia and Feng Wang broke the ball and ran away, and hid in order to prevent themselves from being caught again, causing the Masked Man to still look for their traces.

  Therefore, even if he knew that Sakagi was plotting against him last time, he had to step into this conspiracy trap, after all, he had been looking for Lokiya for a long time.

  Closer to home, when Chen Han was thinking about it, Latios spoke up.

  "Latias has decided to follow you, and I have also seen your strength and recognized you. Since that's the case, I don't have much to say on my side. I am willing to be your partner, in order to save the elf world, for the sake of you fight."

  Although Latios closed his eyes slightly, he took the oath quite seriously.


  Latias floated to his brother's side and started to circle, happy with his determination and choice.

  "Very good, then it's not too late, I'll briefly talk about my plan, Latios and Lattias, you also need to cooperate with me.

  Tomorrow, we have to put on a good show first, so that the world can see the power of your guardian angel of water and the strength of the masked man."

  After getting the surrender of Latios, Chen Han's mouth curled slightly, and he smiled with satisfaction.

  Immediately afterwards, he slowly said the plan and the things he had to do.

  Unlike humans, when elves are willing to become your elves, they will dedicate all their loyalty, and everything will act according to the will of the trainer. Elves are not divided into good and evil. From the moment Si was willing to become Chen Han's elf, even if Chen Han ordered to destroy the water capital, they might wonder why Chen Han did this, but they would not hesitate and obey the order.

  Even Xie Mi, who didn't like fighting, was not used to Yulongdu's behavior before, but if it surrendered to Yulongdu, then it would follow Yulongdu's instructions no matter how unaccustomed it was. of.

  By the way, because he saw that the whole uninhabited island had been bombed and turned into a barren land, Xie Mi, driven by instinct, used his abilities to create a sea of ​​flowers and flower fields in this barren land.

  Chen Han didn't pay attention to this matter, anyway, this place is an uninhabited island, no one will care whether it is broken or the flower field suddenly appears, and naturally it will not affect Chen Han.

  "Latias, Latios, although you not only have high IQs, but are also very close to human beings in thinking, so you can definitely cooperate with me to do this, then, remember that you want to do it tomorrow."

  Even divine beasts are not all high IQ, such as Dream and Xie Mi, although their intelligence is not low, but to say they are high IQ is nonsense.

  And Lattias and Latios not only have high IQs, but their thinking is very close to that of human beings, so there are many details of tomorrow's plan that don't even need Chen Han's orders on the spot, as long as he says it in advance, these two The elves can understand and complete it, and even call tomorrow without Chen Han to command, they can do what Chen Han ordered by themselves.

  Chen Han stood on the reef of an uninhabited island, explaining all his thoughts, purposes, methods, and processes in detail, while Latios and Lattias floated on both sides of him, nodding from time to time to show their understanding span

  Half an hour later, Chen Han had explained everything clearly.

  "Very well, you all seem to understand what you need to know tomorrow. Now, you should go back to rest first, and you will be ready to start tomorrow."

  Both Lattias and Latios nodded to show their understanding, then they both spread their wings, and after using their abilities to hide their bodies, they left this uninhabited island.

  As for Chen Han, after tidying up, he also went back to the Pokémon Center to rest. After recharging his energy, he could start it tomorrow.

  Of course, the rewards must be sorted out before the break.

  "The flying crystal will be given to the fire dragon, as for the second steel crystal, it will be given to Lucario.

  As for the reward for breaking through the potential, I will give it to the Giant Golden Monster and Boss Cordola, but if I don't give it now, I will give it tomorrow after I get things done, and the effect will be better."

  The reward for potential breakthrough was known to all players when Chen Han defeated the divine beast several times before. However, this point can be used to make a fuss, so Chen Han will not need to do it first.

  "[Double-blade Head Hammer] Although this rock-type skill is very powerful, there are not many elves who can learn this skill. Fortunately, Boscotola can just learn this trick, which is equivalent to the ultimate rock-type skill. The existence of this time is not bad.”

  "As for this [Iron Hoof Light], let me read the notes first."

  After Chen Han let Bosscordola learn the [Double-Blade Hammer], he took it back, and then clicked on the skill machine, and there were remarks on it for viewing.

  [Iron Hoof Ray]: The ultimate steel technique, with a power coefficient of 140, which transforms the steel or energy gathered from the whole body into a beam of light and fires it violently.

  You will also be hurt.

  "Steel-type ultimate skills, steel-type skills actually have ultimate skills"

  Coco Dora's egg skill has the trick [Double-Edged Hammer], so it's okay for him to learn this trick here.

Chapter 38 The Daily Actor of the Actor (Part 1)

  "Steel-type ultimate skills, steel-type skills actually have ultimate skills"

  Seeing this explanation, Chen Han was quite surprised.

  Not all attributes have ultimate skills. The attributes of the current ultimate skills are only dragon, fire, grass, water, and electricity. At least, in Chen Han's impression, there are really only these five.

  Chen Han has always emphasized that the [Double-Blade Hammer] is equivalent to the existence of the ultimate skill, but it is only equivalent. Although it is powerful, it has not been named the ultimate skill, so it is still not the ultimate skill. technology.

  The ultimate skills of each department are different from ordinary skills. Although the power coefficient in the game is the same, in reality, these skills are several times stronger than ordinary skills. Otherwise, why are they called ultimate skills? Even in the game, these ultimate skills can only be learned by a small number of elves, or even certain elves.

  That's why Chen Han was surprised, and he didn't even expect the existence of steel-type ultimate skills.

  "Speaking of which, I have three steel elves, and there should always be some that can learn it."

  Chen Han first released the giant golden monster. It is known as the quasi-god. It should be no problem to learn the ultimate skill.

  "The quasi-god giant gold monster can't learn the ultimate steel skills"

  Chen Han silently took the innocent-looking giant golden monster back into the Poké Ball, and released the Boscodora that he had just taken back.

  "Ding! Boss Cordola can't learn the skill [Iron Hoof Ray], you can't use the skill machine."

  Taking back the stunned Boss Cordola, Chen Han released Lucario, who was the least like a steel elf.

  "Ding! Lucario can learn the skill [Iron Hoof Light], may I ask you to continue using the skill machine"


  "Ding! Lucario learned the [Iron Hoof Ray]!"

  "Absolutely, in my elf, Lucario was the only one who learned this trick, and it was just right to give it a pure steel crystal."

  After putting away Lucario, who seemed to be feeling the ultimate skill, Chen Han couldn't help falling into contemplation.

  This ultimate skill, a little bit six, is very representative and powerful, the steel-type elf giant gold monster and Boscordola can't learn it, but it is obviously biased towards the representative of the fighting type Luca Leo can learn, it feels a little subtle.

  However, it’s okay, after all, this steel-type ultimate skill is a special attack type skill, and Lucario is a relatively high elf in both attack and special attack, compared to giant monsters and bosses with high attack and low special attack As far as Cordola is concerned, Lucaros is more suitable for this move.

  "Okay, the rewards have been sorted out.

  That's about it, just in case, let's rest and sleep in the game today."


  At this time, when Chen Han was about to rest, his picture book rang.

  Chen Han subconsciously looked at the clock in the luxurious room of the Pokémon Center. At this time, it was exactly 0:[-].

  "Hey, it's Daigo, what's going on with you?"

  After picking up the phone, Chen Han took the lead in asking.

  "Chen Han, I've finished gathering here, and I can leave tomorrow and come here. What about your situation, have you found any clues about the masked man?"

  Dawu said that he can leave at any time, but because many people are a little tired after running back and forth today, so after a night's rest, he will leave early tomorrow.

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