When Zhiba heard the words, he raised his brows and did not respond to Chen Han immediately, as if he was thinking about something.

  As for Aju, although he is the Four Heavenly Kings of the city, although he is friends with Zhiba now, he is not familiar with the other three Four Heavenly Kings, so he just sits and watches without speaking.

  When Zhiba was thinking, he looked at Chen Han many times, as if he wanted to see if there was something wrong with Chen Han, but Chen Han really didn't plan to fight them, so he didn't have a guilty conscience, and he wasn't afraid of Zhiba's suspicion.

  In the end, Zhiba said that he couldn't make his own decisions about this matter, otherwise he would be beaten by the other three, so he sent a message to them and watched their responses.

  However, within a minute or two of disseminating the news, Zhiba received replies from the three.

  Although the words of the reply are somewhat different, the general meaning is the same - agree to meet.

Chapter 118 The Great Change of Kona (Part 1)

  After receiving the news of the agreement, Zhiba took Chen Han out of the hotel where he lived and went to a small hotel.

  Here is the accommodation chosen by Yulongdu and the others. This inconspicuous place is just right for them to hide.

  As for Aju, after all, he is only familiar with Zhiba, and he is not familiar with the other three of Yuanguandu's Four Heavenly Kings, and when Chen Han and Zhiba are obviously planning to discuss some secrets, he is a ninja and he is very knowledgeable. Said that he intends to go shopping and not to follow.

  "Interesting, the distance between your hotels is not far or near, so you can prepare to be ready to meet at any time. By the way, Zhiba, aren't you separated from them?"

  Looking at this very inconspicuous hotel, and then estimating the distance, Chen Han couldn't help but ask curiously.

  "Isn't it right? I just didn't participate in their plan, and then they used Kikuko's research results to control me, but they wouldn't control my behavior unless it was necessary.

  I thought about it carefully, that is, when I was besieging Xiaozhi, I was reluctant, and then I controlled me that time, and I was quite free at other times."

  "Besides, no matter what, other people treat me and them as partners. To be safe, we decided to let go of some unpleasant pasts, and it's not a problem to work together again."

  Zhiba's words were a little soft and meaningful.

  Obviously, although he is a generous person, he is not a fool who does not think about anything.

  "To be honest, they didn't plan to come, but looking at this so-called championship tournament, a normal powerhouse can't help but fight against other powerhouses. In the end, Yulongdu and Keke I couldn't help but take it.

  As for Kikuko, I don't think she's very interested in fighting, but since she came, she has been nagging about what that bastard will come."

  Going to the hotel and getting on the elevator, in the process, Zhiba was telling Chenhan why Yulongdu and the others came.

  Think about it, to their level, there are too few opponents who can compete against each other. Although champion-level powerhouses are not so rare that they are less than ten fingers, there are really only a few people in each region. Degree.

  This is far too small for the entire elf world, and even more so for the powerhouses themselves.

  If the trainer wants to continue to become stronger, in addition to taking risks and training himself, he will only be able to fight against other powerhouses of the same level.

  But there are only so many champion-level powerhouses, and usually the dragons don't see their ponytails. It's a problem to find them, and it's a problem whether they're willing to fight when they find them.

  Therefore, ordinary champion-level powerhouses basically do not say that they will go to other champion-level powerhouses to fight, but to fight with champion-level wild elves themselves, or find a suitable place to retreat and practice like Chen Han before.

  But now, as soon as the news of the Champions Championship came out, after learning that this competition will call for champion-level powerhouses to participate, even Yulongdu, who had just found a suitable training place, couldn't wait to run over to participate in the competition. Don't talk about Kona.

  This competition is not only as simple as being able to compete with other powerhouses, but also going a step further, and becoming the champion of this type of competition will become the actual strongest.

  Therefore, no matter whether it is to become stronger, the strong will run over in their hearts.

  As a matter of fact, if some of the powerhouses weren't too shy to expose themselves or something, it is estimated that they would not be able to resist coming over to participate in this competition.

  For example, Sakagi, even if he is frostbitten now, if he is not afraid that he will be beaten in the past, he will definitely come to a goddess who defeated Kona in the future, or the same person who defeated Kona in the future. A certain girl from Karuna, and a certain girl who couldn't come out and expose herself due to the rules of the clan, these strong men are not because they are evil organizations, or because of other various reasons, they can't come here. Otherwise, there will only be more strong players who come to participate in this game.

  But apart from that, almost all the champion-level powerhouses in the elf world have come.

  Originally, the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu couldn't come. After all, they were considered criminals, but it is a pity that, in order not to cause panic, the top officials of the alliance did not define them as terrorists, but threw the blame on others.

  And only some high-level officials knew about this, so the Four Heavenly Kings of the original Guandu took advantage of this, and ran over to participate in the competition swaggeringly, so that even the chairman's hair that had just grown out fell out again.

  From this, it can be seen that the Chairman's Championship is indeed very attractive to the champion-level powerhouses, so this trick is the most suitable for summoning the powerhouses.

  After summoning the strong, whether it is to show the strength of the alliance or prepare to deal with the masked people, these are not too difficult problems.

  Closer to home, this hotel is not big, Chen Han and Zhiba chatted for a while, and they had already arrived at their destination.

  "Here, this is Du's room. It is estimated that Kona and Kikuko are also here now. Let's go in."

  "Du, it's me, we're here, let's open the door."

  After that, the door to the room was opened.

  "Oh, it's been a while, Guandu champion."

  The person who opened the door was a woman with dark red long hair, the original ice king Kena, when she saw Chen Han, she spoke like this.

  "It's been a while since I was gone. By the way, are you going to let me stand here and talk?"

  Chen Han was a little surprised when he saw that her hairstyle had changed, her clothes had also changed, and her temperament had changed a lot. However, when she recalled that the future of her original novel seemed to be like this, she suppressed her surprise and then calmed down. have to respond.

  "It's my rudeness, come in."

  If it was the former Kona, listening to Chen Han's indifferent and rude words, it is estimated that because of the so-called self-esteem, there is a high probability that he will fight with Chen Han.

  But now Kona won't, she showed an inexplicable smile, opened the door, stepped aside, and made a gesture of please.

  "You've changed a lot, but you're much better now than you were before."

  "Hehe, I will listen to you as a compliment."

  After saying that, Chen Han nodded and walked in, Kena turned around and took Chen Han away, and Zhiba also followed and closed the door smoothly.

  To be honest, this kind of situation where the 'former enemy' is placed in the middle one after the other is quite dangerous, not to mention that the opponent has a precedent for besieging Ash.

  If it was Chen Han during the chaos of the Four Heavenly Kings, he would definitely not do this, but now, he has initially mastered the power of nature, even if he cannot defeat the Four Heavenly Kings by himself, but they want to defeat Chen Han through siege, then It is also impossible.

  Besides, if you can't beat Chen Han and you can't run, it's not a big deal, let go of the divine beast and see who can stop him

Chapter 119 Get off the horse?Ridiculous! (2nd more)

  With confidence in his own strength, Chen Han followed Ke Na very indifferently, and Chen Han's expression was also secretly watched by Zhi Ba and Ke Na, and he was surprised inside.

  Although it was said that the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu were almost defeated by siege before, but it was a battle of life and death, and no one would care if they were besieged and defeated.

  And there is no doubt that, no matter which Heavenly King's battlefield was at that time, Chen Han's figure existed, and the elves he handed over to others played a decisive role.

  Zhiba doesn't need to say more, he just faced Chen Han himself, and Ke Na could have defeated Nazi and Xiao Lan originally, but because of Chen Han's elves, it was supported until Chen Han's arrival. Juzi is also similar to Ke Na, she is almost She was about to defeat Aju and Xiaomao, but was stopped by Gengar and Bangira who restrained her, and when Xiaozhi came, she was defeated.

  As for Yulongdu, he was almost chased and beaten by Chen Han who used all his strength. Even Zhiba was not as miserable as Yulongdu, because when Chen Han was fighting against Zhiba, he was completely maintaining his combat power. Not fighting with all their might.

  Therefore, in the most essential words, the propaganda of the alliance is not wrong, and the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu are indeed defeated by Chen Han.

  However, when Chen Han was not alone, but led a group of talents to do this, but now, Chen Han dared to come to the Four Heavenly Kings alone, his face was so indifferent, does this mean that he already has It is because of thinking of this that Zhiba and Kena are surprised, but when they think about Chen Han's growth speed and his terrifying strength, they feel that he is confident and indifferent. It's so natural.

  Walking into the room, I saw the familiar Yulongdu with the cloak and spiky head, and the chrysanthemum bowing with a cane.

  Zhiba crossed Chenhan, and Kena walked beside them, the original Guandu Four Heavenly Kings gathered again, but the expressions of the four of them looking at Chenhan were a little different.

  Zhiba smiled boldly as always, as if he had detected Chen Han's strength a little bit, he couldn't wait to have a fight with Chen Han, but fortunately he still knew that this time was not suitable, so he could only smile like this, and Looking forward to fighting Chen Han again during the competition.

  There was an inexplicable smile on Ke Na's face, and there was no resentment and anger in his eyes when he looked at Chen Han, but a smile that Chen Han couldn't understand, and he didn't know why she was smiling.

  Chrysanthemum's words are still the same, with a gloomy face, and the same is true of smiling.

  However, after seeing Chen Han, she seemed to have something to ask, but since everyone hadn't made a sound, she didn't make a sound.

  This guy Yulongdu is now turning his back to Chen Han, looking out the window, not sure if he is putting up a wall or really enjoying the scenery outside.

  However, Yulongdu was as calm as Chen Han had seen him a month ago, but the dragon energy on his body was slightly improved.

  The four Heavenly Kings of Guandu, the champions per capita, even if they just stood there and didn't let out any elves, Chen Han still felt a pressure coming towards him.

  This pressure is so enormous that it is estimated that non-champion-level people can't move, and it is even possible to kneel down. Champion-level powerhouses, even Zhi Xiaomao and others four months ago, are expected to be blocked from moving.

  This is the Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu, which can basically be defined as the four strongest Heavenly Kings in the elf world.

  However, their pressure can suppress other people, but they can't suppress Chen Han, and even Xiaozhi Xiaomao, who has advanced further at this stage, is estimated to be only slightly delayed for a few seconds before he can continue to act.

  The Four Heavenly Kings of Guandu are very strong, but for Chen Han, they are already a thing of the past. Except for Yulongdu, who is comprehending the power of nature, no one else can enter the eyes of Chen Han.

  And under the stimulation of Mask and Chen Han, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao went into retreat for 4 months. At this stage, they will only be stronger than the original.

  However, after seeing him, these guys didn't mean to speak at all, and Yulongdu kept his back to him.

  Is this a plan to give him a disgrace?

  The laughter was filled with self-confidence in his own strength, sneer at the childish behavior of the Four Heavenly Kings, and even disdain for their self-control! "Oh, it's ridiculous! Do you still think that I am the me four months ago?"

  After the words fell, the power of fire and super power erupted violently, and there were flames burning in the air and twisting waves in the room.

  Under the control of Chen Han, these things did not spread out, nor did they destroy anything, but they gave the Four Heavenly Kings an extremely terrifying pressure! "!!!"

  Feeling this enormous pressure that was even bigger and more terrifying than the combination of them, the Four Heavenly Kings' expressions changed drastically.

  Chrysanthemum was the first to react. After all, she was old, and her poor and weak body could not hold up the huge pressure. She quickly pulled a chair and sat on it firmly, so as not to be overwhelmed. And make a fool of yourself.

  Zhiba's reaction was similar to what Chen Han thought. After being surprised, an ecstatic and excited smile appeared on his face again. He used his whole body strength, and his muscles seemed to swell, using his powerful body. and willpower to resist this overwhelming pressure.

  This guy, Zhiba, has been practicing with elves every day. He has been honing his will and never slackened his efforts. Therefore, facing this enormous pressure from the force of nature, he can completely bear it alone.

  If he knew the training method of the force of nature, it is estimated that he could comprehend the force of fighting nature at the fastest speed.

  However, it is a pity that Zhiba cannot become the master of fighting.

  Because Chen Han has seen his elves in the illustrated book before, none of them have the potential of the leader, so even if he masters the power of nature himself, but the elves do not have the ability to control it, then everything is useless, at most let the strength of the elves play It is stronger than the champion, but definitely weaker than the leader.

  Although it is said that the potential of an elf is not the limit of its strength, for example, an elf with a potential of the heavenly king level can continue to become stronger after the strength reaches the heavenly king level, and the upper limit is the champion level.

  Among them, the difficulty of continuing to become stronger will be particularly high.

  But Chen Han is not sure if the potential is a champion-level elves, whether it can break through the head-level, here is the worst guess and choose not, after all, even if it can, the difficulty is unimaginable.

  The reason why there are so few headmasters and so few champions is not only because of the problems of the trainers themselves, but also because of the limitations of elves. After all, if the potential is not in place, it is difficult for the trainers to continue to become stronger.

  : The explanation about the potential is actually in the third chapter at the beginning: I said, because I am afraid that the book friends have forgotten, I will briefly talk about it here.

Chapter 120 Shocked!Kona actually (Part 3)

  Under the huge pressure, Kikuko didn't choose to resist at all, and sat directly on the chair, so as not to be overwhelmed and embarrassed.

  Zhiba chose to resist hard, and even felt slightly.

  As for Yulongdu, he was just as Chen Han thought, he slowly turned around with his back on his back, looked at Chen Han, and his body also released the dragon energy that he had not yet mastered.

  This dragon energy from the power of nature is not very strong, and it is a little stronger than when Chen Han saw Yulongdu a month ago. After all, the power of nature is really not that easy to grasp. Yulongdu takes a month. A little progress is considered a talent.

  However, this little bit can't even make him reluctantly release the dragon energy of the final profound meaning. Wouldn't this be Chen Han's opponent at all, not to mention the two forces of nature that overwhelmed Chen Han? It can wrap Yulongdu and barely resist the huge pressure.

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