When the words fell, Xiao Zhi laughed, and his eyes were full of fighting intent, and so was Yulongdu! The two will not wait: the chairman and the host announced the change of the fighting mode, holding Several Poké Balls jumped from the podium into the arena platform.

  They did not release the elves at the first time, but stared at each other, just like a western cowboy duel, it depends on who shows the flaws first, and thus launches an attack!

Chapter 186 Yulongdu's Terrifying Dragon Power (Part 2)

  : Yulongdu put all his energy into finding a new base and comprehending the power of the dragon, so his elf level remained unchanged during this time, but because of the dragon qi, his strength was enhanced because of the dragon qi.

  On the platform of the arena, after a confrontation between Xiaozhi and Yulongdu for nearly ten seconds, the two of them acted as if they were left and right, and the Pokeball in their hands was already thrown high.


  "Fossil pterosaur!"

  A cute cry and a dragon roar sounded at the same time, and the elves and trainers on both sides started to rise.

  "Pikachu level 87, [[-] Volts]!"

  "Fossil pterosaur level 87, [rock collapse]!"

  Yulongdu himself jumped onto the head of the fossilized pterosaur, and under the launch of the fossilized pterosaur, countless boulders appeared out of nowhere and smashed towards Xiaozhi and Pikachu! However, for such an attack, Xiaozhi and Pikachu were As expected, the former even took out the second Poké Ball.

  "Kirby beast level 85, [Charge]!"

  The huge Kirby beast appeared in front of Xiaozhi, used skills to improve his defense and special defense, and then acted as a huge meat shield in front of Xiaozhi, and occasionally smashed his fists, it was very simple and straightforward. The hard resistance against these few rock-falling attacks.

  And Pikachu did not know when he came to the head of Kirby, and jumped high with the huge body of Kirby as a springboard, and suddenly jumped to the same height as the fossil pterosaur.

  And then—"Pika——Yu!!!!"


  When Yulongdu saw the electric mouse that had electrified him, he felt bad for a while. Before the 2-volt electric current hit the fossilized pterosaur, he jumped off the fossilized pterosaur without saying a word, and put his hands on the early morning. I took out the two [-] Poké Balls and released them.

  He actually planned to release the Kirby when Ash released it, but he didn't expect Ash to move so fast. It seems that Ash was obviously prepared, and anticipated some of his actions and made corresponding tactics.

  "However, that's what makes it interesting! Now let me see how far you can go!"

  "Hackron level 86!!"

  "Calling Thunder -- Calling Rain --"

  Yes, Yulongdu released two hakrons, and after he landed on top of one of them, he quickly recovered the fossil pterosaur that was hit by [[-] Volts]. ball.

  Although the Fossil Pterosaur was only slightly injured, when the Huck Dragons launched a fierce attack like a map cannon, it was best to return to the Poké Ball and appear at the right time.

  At the same time, under the action of two Hackerons, the entire venue of the competition was covered by dark clouds, and the thunderclouds and pouring rain in the rear sky became the main theme of the sky here.

  Rumble————Dazzling lightning pierced through the sky, and the rain poured down like the Milky Way: Xia, Xiao Zhi now has to face such thunder and torrential rain! "Is this the climate blow of Hackron? It's really strong, but , I'm ready!"

  After the words fell, Xiao Zhi backhanded and released a new elf again.

  "The tyrannical carp dragon is level 85, [tornado]!"

  At this time, the audience could see that amidst the roar of the raging wind, a tornado that seemed to run through the heavens and the earth appeared on the field.

  The tornado is actually a little fragile.

  It looks very fragile in comparison, as if it will be broken in the next moment.

  And it was indeed the case, Yu Longdu snorted coldly, and did not even give an order, the two Huck Dragons manipulated the gust of wind to disrupt the tornado, and the lightning strike directly smashed and completely disintegrated the tornado.

  However, after breaking the tornado, Yulongdu discovered that Xiao Zhi was actually riding a tyrannical carp dragon flying slightly in it, and the Pikachu on his shoulders and the tyrannical carp dragon under his body were already ready at this moment.

  "Pikachu, Tyrannosaurus, use [Thunder] together!"

  “Pickup pickup!!!”


  The two elves launched at the same time, and with the help of the thunderclouds brought by the two hakrons, they set off an extremely violent thunderstorm, and attacked the two hakrons of Yulongdu! "Your tyrannical carp dragon actually I was surprised to even become [Thundering], but I have seen a lot of your tactics of [Thundering] with the help of Leiyun!"

  In the face of the incoming thunderstorm, Yulongdu was not afraid at all, and the Huck Dragon under him moved autonomously.

  "How can a mere thunderstorm be a dragon's opponent! Hakelong, let them see what the power of a dragon is in the world!"

  "Feel everything in despair, stare at the legend of this dragon with your eyes wide open - Huck Dragon, [Dragon Breath]!!!"

  Although the skill was only the ordinary [Dragon Breath], everyone who witnessed this moment held their breath and stared at the dragon messenger who exuded dragon energy together with Ha Kelong.

  [Dragon Breath] is a skill that almost all dragon attribute elves have. Some scholars even believe that this ability is not a pure skill, but a talent of dragons.

  This ability can be seen everywhere, but now in the eyes of all people, it has unparalleled destructive power! It is no longer a simple breath with dragon energy, which gathers on Yulongdu, and even Hakolong. The dragon energy of its own, this ordinary skill, has completely turned into a breath of fuel in an incomprehensible way! The two dragon breaths covered the sky and covered the sky, burning like a smashing bamboo, and drowned the incoming thunderstorm in an instant, and then attacked Xiao Zhi and his Pikachu, the tyrannical carp dragon, and directly involved them! "Xiaozhi!!!"

  In the contestants' seats, Xiao Mao, Xiao Lan, Nanami, and even Alice and Zhiba all stood up abruptly, and even Shirona and Cattleya couldn't help frowning.

  Especially Xiao Mao, judging from his appearance, it seems that he is ready to rush into the arena at any time.

  Both are true newcomers, everyone is naturally good friends, and Xirona and Cattleya have been staying with Chen Han and others these days, and naturally they also recognize a sunny boy like Xiao Zhi as a friend.

  As for Zhiba, it doesn't need to be said. Isn't it normal for a fighter to sympathize with his opponent Xixi? However, everyone is calm and mature. After exclaiming, they immediately calmed down.

  Xiaomao was Xiaomao after all, he was the most excited, but he was the first to react. It seemed like he remembered something, so he sat down slowly, and by the way, he also pulled his sister Nanami to sit down. down.

  As for Xiaolan, Shirona and Cattleya, they looked at Chen Han who was almost motionless, and calmed down like a sigh of relief.

  After everyone who was worried about Xiao Zhi sat down, everyone discovered that in the arena, where the dragon's breath was involved, there was a golden thunder glow!

Chapter 187 Ten million volts vs. the ultimate dragon shaking the world (Part 3)

  : Shiyi is so excited to write this chapter, I hope you all enjoy reading it.

  Although it is said that there are not many people here, but Shi Yi is not a eunuch, so he will definitely finish this book in good condition, don't worry.

  Finally, thank you again for your support. Without your support, Shiyi would not have been able to write such a "golden thunderbolt, and this breath is"

  Xirona discovered the mystery immediately, after all, she had been defeated by similar aura several times before in the battle with Chen Han.

  "As you think, but, I didn't expect that Yulongdu would use the power of nature so quickly, forcing Xiaozhi to use it as a last resort.

  That guy at Yulongdu probably saw through Xiaozhi's tactic against him, so he thought of a simple and straightforward brute force attack."

  Chen Han responded to Shirona, and because his voice was not small, it also made everyone else understand that the two on the field had initially grasped the existence of the power of nature.

  In other words, in this Guandu area, it has been determined that five people are the ones who control this power. This is too much. Why is it all in the Guandu area, no matter how sturdy the folk customs are, it is a bit too much! Don't say it is the first Players who left the field after their rounds, even Daigo, who was also a semi-finalist, would find it difficult to accept such a situation.

  In fact, they are also unlucky. In the past, although there were many strong people in the Guandu area, they did not reach such an exaggerated level. It's just that I don't know why in this era. Even if there is no Chenhan, there will still be three super real people in Zhenxin Town. The newcomer, the Four Heavenly Kings will still face the world with a strong attitude.

  And even the gym owners have a brilliant record of controlling divine beasts, and it is not just a coincidence of one or two people! There are only two people who have not controlled divine beasts, and a few people have even gone too far. Just a beast.

  The original book is so terrifying, and at this moment, after the player and Chen Han appear, the Guandu area will only become stronger! Therefore, the strong people in other areas have no taste, and at this moment, in a thunderstorm that shakes the sky and earth When the sound sounded, everyone turned their attention to the arena.

  In the terrifying dragon breath that was swept in, violent golden thunder and lightning pierced out, smashing the dragon breath, revealing Xiao Zhi, the tyrannical carp dragon and Pikachu who was emitting terrifying thunder.

  "This guy, if I haven't realized success, I just left the stage."

  Xiaozhi was a little embarrassed, but he didn't have many injuries. It was estimated that he was surprised by Yulongdu's unexpected dragon power.

  Xiao Zhi, who made so many tactics, didn't think that Yulongdu would use the power of the dragon in advance, but he didn't think that he would use it just now.

  After all, Yulongdu clearly has many ways to easily solve the [Thunder] attack just now, and Xiaozhi naturally formulated follow-up tactics.

  As a result, Yulongdu was good, just like killing a chicken with a bull's knife, it directly released the power of the dragon like a nirvana.

  "However, since he has already been released, then I don't need to be polite! Pikachu, please return the favor!"

  After the words fell, Xiao Zhi put away the tyrannical carp dragon and jumped in the air in the direction of Yulongdu with his skin in his arms.

  And at this moment, both Pikachu and Ash was covered with golden electric current, and this electric current was magical enough to fly them to Yulong and fall.

  Obviously, Xiao Zhi put away the tyrannical carp dragon so as not to hurt his allies.

  Electric current is not ordinary electric current, it is full of natural electricity! "That's right, that's how it should be, you really understand this power!"

  Yulongdu looked at Xiaozhi and brought Pikachu rushing over, but his face was ecstatic, he took back the two hakrons in an instant, and released his strongest trump card, the mutated fast dragon! A worthy opponent, the greatest respect!!!"

  When the words fall, whether it is Yulongdu or Kuailong, at this moment, the dragon spirit that fills the arena is bursting out.

  Immediately afterwards, Kuulong spread its wings and charged towards Ash and Pikachu who were rushing towards him.

  Yulongdu was wearing his cloak at this moment, and the strong wind of the fast dragon sprinting was blowing his robes, he narrowed his eyes slightly and released the power and insights he had learned during this time, and then activated his long-awaited attack. The ultimate meaning of the dragon that is pursued.

  "Roar! Fast Dragon, [Ultimate Dragon Shatters the World]!!!"


  The fast dragon at the moment was like a meteor that turned everything upside down, even giving everyone the illusion that the sky and the earth were intertwined, and then almost all the audience stood up and stared at the meteor. figure, and even the contestants.

  Only Chen Han, he was still sitting at the moment.

  And he is not looking at Yulongdu at the moment, but looking at Ash and Pikachu, who don't seem to be loud and are covered by thunder.

  And Xiaozhi, looking at the figure that seemed to be impacted by deja vu at this moment, there was no fear in his heart, and he even burst out with endless fighting intent! Once upon a time, in the face of such power, he was almost vulnerable, and was attacked by the masked man. Easy to beat.

  And at this moment, he also has the same power.

  "Although it's not the same as in my tactics, it will be released sooner or later, so let's go, Pikachu!"


  With that, Ash took off the hat that he never seemed to take off and put it on Pikachu's head.

  Immediately afterwards, one person and one elf, the thunder on his body skyrocketed and shone again! The next moment, it was as if a thunderstorm appeared in the sky and the earth under the influence of the fast dragon, falling towards Pikachu and Ash.

  However, neither Ash nor Pikachu was hurt by the thunderstorm, but absorbed the natural thunder and lightning between the sky and the earth, and gathered all the power in the body! "Shine! Pikachu, [Million Volts]!!!"

  "Pika - Chuu!!!!!"

  The light is no longer just golden yellow. At this moment, Pikachu and Xiaozhi burst out with colorful 7 thunders, and attacked the fast dragon that was rushing.

  At this moment, under the shock of the aftermath, the lenses of almost all cameras shattered in an instant. At the moment when the audience's mentality exploded when the audience was not on the scene, in the eyes of everyone on the scene, the arena, no, it should be said that the world It's like being split in half.

  Half of the army of dragons opened the way with dragon roars, and thousands of giant dragons gathered together and let out a long howl.

  The other half is like a thunderstorm that is like thunder, and it seems that only the seven-colored thunderstorm is left between the heaven and the earth.

  But no matter which side it is, the sky at the moment seems to be torn apart, and the earth is trembling madly, and the sea has already set off a huge tsunami! And in the case of natural disasters, the ultimate meaning of electricity and the ultimate meaning of dragon Profound meanings collide! "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

Chapter 188 The result of the confrontation, a tie?Or... (Part 1)

  At the critical moment when the two final profound meanings were about to collide, Chen Han was moved.

  Not to stop them from fighting, but to deal with the big earthquake and tsunami that had almost affected Fanba City.

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