As smart as Xiao Lan, she thought of so many things at once, and she naturally knew that this kind of thing was definitely a secret among secrets, so even if she knew that Chen Han had created a soundproof barrier, she was so cautious subconsciously. asked.

  "It's not really convenient for me to say this. In fact, the league, or the chairman of the board, only told me about Hupa's specific situation, which is something other champions can't know.

  But what I can tell you is that at the moment the masked man appears, we can use Hoopa's ability to teleport us directly to him."

  Chen Han is the champion of Guandu, and the chairman of the board is actually the director of Guandu and Chengdu. Naturally, they are close to each other.

  What's more, Chen Han has rescued the Guandu area many times, and also rescued the light yellow city in the Chengdu area some time ago, so the heroic chairman will naturally be 100% trusted, so Chen can know most of the secrets, and this Privilege, currently only Chen Han can have it.

  Therefore, it is not convenient for Chen Han to explain this matter to Xiao Lan. After all, it is related to the secrets of the divine beast and the alliance. Apart from the trust of the chairman of the board, he also has his own inner plan, so it is really not a good idea. It is convenient to explain the little blue.

  However, Xiaolan also understood what Chen Han meant. After this would ensure the reliability of the plan, she did not intend to go back to the Chengdu area. She directly sent a message to Yin to investigate, and she herself returned to smiling. Continue to play some intimate games with Chenhan.

  Although early in the morning, it was a bit like Bai Rixuan, but Xiaolan seemed to see the hope of defeating the masked man, and she was obviously happy, and the source of this happiness was given to her by Chen Han, so she In the name of wanting to reward Chen Han, Xiaolan looked at Chen Han seductively, then leaned down with a smile, and made a head movement for Chen Han.

  At this moment, Chen Han, who originally wanted to think about the tactics of the finals and the tactics to deal with the masked man, was so comfortable that he postponed these things for a while, and fully enjoyed the service of Xiao Lan, the goblin.

Chapter 201 Today, the strongest king will be born (Part 1)

  : Three people 3 melee is the first time to write, but it feels very interesting to write this way, let's try it now.

  ——Today, the strongest king is about to be born!!! The championship tournament is a competition where only the world's champions are qualified to participate in the battle, and if these top players can win the championship, it is naturally the world's strongest. Strong king! In fact, many people have changed the title of Chen Han's strongest champion to the strongest king. After all, the number of champions in this game is far beyond imagination, and what Chen Han has shown is completely inconsistent. Like what a champion can do.

  In addition, Chen Han's strength is obviously the strongest, and the winning rate is naturally the one with the highest win rate, so there are already many people who directly call Chen Han the strongest king.

  In response to such a situation, Chen Han said that he did not speak, anyway, these are what the audience said, not him, and he had no light.

  However, the players are also discussing about the title and Chen Han.

  "Speaking of which, why didn't this group of original residents directly call the big boss Chen Han the title of 'God', as we said at the beginning, god-level players and the like, wouldn't it be good to give him a god-level trainer? "

  "Gods from this world, divine beasts are also elves after all. Calling a personal trainer a god will probably make them think of bad things."

  "We don't really care about this kind of name, but here, we say the word 'God-level player' and they can't hear it. Players are blocked words, and so are god-level players."

  "But to be honest, I didn't expect that there are so many players in our group, but at this stage, except for the big boss Chen Han and the masked man, the highest level is only the main level of the gym, and it is rare to upgrade to become stronger. I really doubt whether the big boss Chen Han and the masked man have been linked, or have been found."

  "You're still talking like this, not to mention this is nonsense, it's more of an unfounded reason for jealousy, and besides, even if the big boss Chen Han is open or found, what can you do with him? manage"

  "That's right, is it hard for you to trouble him? He can beat up thousands of players with a single elf, and looking at the destructive power in the venue, this data is only a conservative estimate. The most hopeless may be the , his team of elves can overturn all our players."

  "Fortunately, although Big Brother Chenhan has no plans to make deep friendships with other players at all, he has no plans to do anything to the players. It can be considered that they are at peace with each other."

  The players at the venue were talking, but the host on the stage had already started his performance.

  "Hello everyone! After several days of competition, today, we finally usher in the finals of the Championship Championship!"

  "And this much-anticipated quartz general will be played by Guandu champion Chen Han, Guandu champion Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town, and Hoenn champion Dago. Let's hope they can bring us a unique and exciting game. Let's fight, next, there are players who are invited to enter the arena!"

  "Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!!!"

  Accompanied by the host's roar, the symphony, and even the cheers of the audience, Chen Han and the other two slowly walked towards Tongdong.

  When he stepped out onto the platform of the arena, he was immediately completely buried by the endless cheers.

  Then, with the cheers of the crowd, Chen Han, Xiao Mao, and Da Wu all walked to the platform of the arena.

  This arena platform was the one from the beginning. After a few days, it was repaired at the fastest speed, and then it was used as the arena platform for the finals.

  Of course, almost everyone knows that after this final is over, the platform is estimated to have reached the end of its lifespan.

  After all, after watching the game between Xiaozhi and Yulongdu, no one would think that the intensity of this game will be worse than that of Xiaozhi and Yulongdu.

  And since Xiaozhi and Yulongdu were able to sink the field, this final will naturally be no exception.

  "Because there are three people competing for the level, at the suggestion of the chairman of the board and the approval of the three players, the game mode was changed to the real battle mode of three-person melee, but all the six elves of the players lost their combat effectiveness. , will be judged to be defeated!"

  After the words fell, the audience was stunned for a moment. Before, they were still thinking about how the three of them would fight in this game, but they didn't expect it to be a melee mode, and it was the kind of real battle.

  Thinking of the wonderful battle between Xiaozhi and Yulongdu a few days ago, the enthusiasm of the audience instantly boiled, and they all cheered again.

  At the same time, Chen Han, Xiaomao, Dawu, the three of them didn't talk too much nonsense at the moment, they just held a Poké Ball in each hand, and stared at the other two very vigilantly.

  This is not the one-on-one as before. Even Chen Han has not experienced much of this kind of melee, let alone Xiaomao and Dawu, so the three of them are not polite at all, some are not, these things have long been I did it before the start of the game. This will focus my energy and be alert to the possible siege of the other two. It is the most important thing.

  Yes, this tactic of siege is very likely to occur in this three-person melee, and the biggest possibility is that Xiaomao and Dawu besiege Chen Han. Of course, it is also possible that Xiaomao and Chenhan first take Dawu. Kick out and fight one-on-one.

  As for the situation where Dawu joins Chen Han to defeat Xiao Mao together, that is impossible. As long as Dawu is not stupid, he will not do such a thing, because he knows that he can't be Chen Han's opponent no matter what. If Mao, who might be an ally, kicked out, he was just a runner-up.

  Although he knew that his strength was the weakest among the three present, who would give up competing for the championship position, so even if his hope of winning the championship was the lowest, he would still not give up.

  Just when the three of them were wary of each other, the host also understood that the three of them didn't intend to make some pre-war declarations, so they directly announced.

  "Since the three players are ready, then, now, I announce the finals of the first championship tournament! It's officially started!!!"

  "Oh oh oh oh oh!!!!"

  The cheers sounded again, and everyone focused their attention on the finals, waiting for the birth of the strongest king!

Chapter 202 Difficulty is interesting! (2nd more)

  "Brother Xiaozhi, elder sister Xiaolan, what do you think Master and Brother Xiaomao will come out first?"

  Looking at the three people who were about to throw the Pokeball 3, Alice asked curiously.

  Although the answer will be known soon, but Alice wants to learn something from the analysis and judgment of the two, so she asks like this.

  As for why he didn't ask Dawu, it was because Alice thought that she was not familiar with him, and Ash and Xiaolan should also be unfamiliar with him, and Alice herself didn't really want to know what kind of elves Dawu would send. Just ignore it.

  "That guy Xiao Mao, because he is more rational, he usually fights safely, and in such a melee, the first elves to be released are likely to be two elves, one attacking and one defending."

  "Judging from this thinking, the elves sent by Xiaomao should be the super armored rhinoceros and the giant pincer mantis.

  Of course, the giant pincer mantis may also be other elves, after all, there are quite a few elves that Xiao Mao is good at attacking."

  As Xiaomao's long-term rival, Xiaozhi has a relatively deep understanding of Xiaomao, but because of the melee, it's hard to say whether Xiaomao will send a giant mantis, but Xiaomao's defense is undoubtedly the best. It's a super armored rhino.

  "Chen Han's words, he may also be able to guess what Xiao Mao is thinking, although he is also a rational person, but his fighting spirit is stronger than Xiao Zhi's, so he is likely to directly send two people who are good at attacking. The spirits come out."

  "And he estimates that he can also judge what kind of elves Xiao Mao will send, so he will naturally send out targeted elves, then there is a higher chance that the Koga Ninja frog and the fire-breathing dragon will be sent by Chen Han.

  But since Chen Han may not be able to judge whether Xiao Mao will produce a giant pincer mantis, this one will attack the elf, and Huyou will choose a more versatile one."

  Xiaolan wouldn't dare to call Chen Han 'dear' when there are several other women, lest he be surrounded and dragged to 'please have tea'.

  However, let's ignore these trivial matters for the time being, Xiaolan already knows Chen Han very well, and he can analyze this in a straightforward manner.

  And the more omnipotent elf in her words, even if she didn't say her name, everyone knew which elf it was.

  "By analyzing the trainer's temperament, and then by analyzing the field factors and the battle situation, we can determine what type of elves the opponent will send, and can even accurately determine which elves it is, right?"

  Alice, who listened to these analyses, took a pen and quickly recorded these words in the notebook.

  Looking at Alice who is so diligent and studious, even the strong people in other regions who are not familiar with Alice can't help showing a knowing smile.

  Powerful talent, diligent and eager to learn: Who doesn't like such a little guy, and when Alice recorded these things, the three people on the field finally started to mobilize.

  Just like the battle between Xiaozhi and Yulongdu, because of the real battle mode, the three of them were constantly looking for each other's flaws, and they even kept analyzing in their minds what kind of elves the other party would release.

  At this moment, the analysis was almost finished, and the three of them were activated instantly.

  "Koga Ninja Frog, Shui Yibu, [Waves of Water]!"

  The fastest one was Chen Han, and the sprites he released were almost the same as those analyzed by Xiao Lan, the Koga Ninja frog and the more versatile Ibrahimovic who could evolve and degenerate at will.

  At the beginning of the scene, Chen Han launched an attack on Xiao Mao and Dawu at the same time, and the [Water Wave] released by the two elves had an extremely wide range, and its power should not be underestimated.

  "Zhu, did you guess that I would release the super armored rhinoceros? However, even if it is restrained, as long as the power of the earth is used flexibly, defense is not a problem at all!"

  Xiao Mao knew that he had been seen through, and panicked, because there were too many ways to defend against water spirits from the book 'The Profound Truth of the Earth'.

  "Super armored rhino level 86, [Stone Attack]!"

  The super armored rhino just came out of the pokeball, and instantly stomped the ground fiercely, and countless rock thorns emerged to block the incoming water wave attack.

  [Water Wave] The attack range is wide,

  But it doesn't mean that its power is not too exaggerated. Although the joint release of the Jiahe Ninja frog and the water elf cannot be underestimated, it is not particularly difficult for the super armored rhino to defend.

  Even if the terrifying water waves can shatter some of these rocks, they are only a few, far from breaking through the rock formation and hitting the super-armored rhinoceros.

  "The defense is successful, then it's time for me to counterattack!"

  "Polygon level 8, [Triple Attack]!"

  A strange elf appeared with a face similar to Polygon, but the head was separated from the body and turned upside down.

  Under Xiao Mao's command, the polygonal beast's body emits strong light, and then three forms of light, fire, electricity, and ice, are emitted from its face.

  Target, Dago! "This, shouldn't this be stronger first?"

  Looking at the water waves coming from the left and the three energies of fire, electricity and ice coming from the right, Dawu smiled bitterly, but everyone could see the firmness in his eyes.

  Obviously, even if he is attacked by two opponents stronger than himself, Dawu will not give up, and he is more confident to resist.

  "Little Crusher is level 85, Psychic Earth Puppet is level 85, [Light Wall]!"

  Two elves, one small and one large, appeared in front of Dawu, and together they created a dozen walls of light to resist the incoming attack.


  Although the special defense of these two elves is very high, and released so many walls of light to protect themselves.

  However, Chen Han and Xiao Mao's flanking attack from left to right still shattered all the dozens of walls of light, and then slammed into the two elves.

  However, after smashing so many walls of light in this way, the two attacks were already considered dead ends, and the small drill and the psychic soil puppet blocked these attacks with ease.

  Seeing that Dawu actually blocked the attack so easily, Chen Han and Xiaomao were not too surprised, and Xiaomao even showed a slight smile and said to Dawu.

  "Interesting, since you can block the first round of attacks from me and Chen Han.

  Then, you are now qualified to join hands with me to fight against Chen Han."

  After the words fell, Xiaomao directly attacked Chen Han regardless of whether Dawu agreed or not.

  "Super Armored Rhinoceros, [Drilling]! Polygonal Beast, [Discharge]!"

  The sharp horns on the head of the super armored rhino spun up, and it jumped up, and the entire body also spun, and then charged towards the Koga Ninja frog with such a posture.

  And the polygonal beast, relying on the armored rhinoceros not afraid of electrical skills at all, ignored the super armored rhinoceros attacking the past, and unscrupulously released dazzling electric currents towards Shuiyibu and the Koga ninja frog.

  When Dawu saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood what Xiaomao meant.

  "It turned out that the initial plan was to test me. If I can't even take the first round of attacks, then there is really no need to join forces. Why don't you kick me out first, so as not to get in the way?"

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