At this time, Chen Han was able to perceive through his super powers that the child who had been hiding behind the tree to watch the play would have the urge to come in, but this urge was suppressed by himself, and then he just stared at him. Have to watch the three of them walk in.

  The corners of Chen Han's mouth twitched slightly, and he signaled that he would be standing near the child at some point, and the invisible Sun Ibrahimovic was optimistic about this guy.

  "Oh, I'm eager to enter the orphanage, don't worry, I'll let you in later. As for the price, it's just that green shard."

  The area of ​​the orphanage is not very large, and you can see a neat lawn without taking two steps forward, where you can see a group of children and some elves.

  Originally, the children were worried, but when they saw Crystal returned safely, they immediately showed joy.

  However, the children in these orphanages are all precocious, and when they see Chen Han, a stranger, walk in, they know that the adults have something to discuss, so they suppress their urge to rush to Crystal.

  "Everyone, the lava worm has been defeated, it's all right, you can continue to play with the elves, I have guests to entertain, and I will play with you later."

  "it is good"

  Crystal can naturally see the situation of the children, which will take the initiative to comfort the children, and after receiving the response from the children, she will nod her head in satisfaction.

  Immediately afterwards, the three of them walked toward the room that was about to collapse, and did not stop until they reached a room that could be regarded as a reception room.

  "Master Champion, I don't have anything to drink here, so just drink water to moisten your throat."

  At the beginning, I was embarrassed to bring a disposable paper cup, which was filled with water and placed in front of the beginning.

  There is no drink, no tea and wine, not to mention the high-end food collected by the elves. Even Chen Han just noticed that this glass of water was poured into a bucket of mineral water that Jobany finally found. At that time, the teacher could not even drink mineral water, so he could only boil the water himself.

  Chen Han sighed slightly, he knew the situation here, so he didn't say much, just took the water glass with a slight smile, and took another sip, let's just give some face to the great man who adopted orphans and persisted for so long. .

  However, today Chen Han is not here to find the original.

  "Miss Crystal, I guess you've already thought about it, I'm here to find you today."

  "Master Champion, you can just call me by my name."

  In the face of the legendary Guandu champion, even the Chen Han who won the championship a few days ago and became the strongest king, almost no one can face Chen Han indifferently.

  At this moment, the crystal was a little nervous, and couldn't help sitting up straight, like a student listening to the teacher's speech.

  "Then Crystal, this time I came to you, in fact, to ask you one thing, I hope you can accept a task."

  "Accept the mission"

  Crystal was surprised.

  "Yes, it's just a mission, you must know Dr. Damu, right?"

  "Yes, I am afraid no one does not know the name of Dr. Damu."

  Speaking of Dr. Ogi, there is also obvious respect in Crystal's expression.

  "Actually, this mission was not announced by me, I just ran a errand for Dr. Damu.

  Crystal You became the most powerful elf capturer in the current city area certified by the Alliance at a young age, known as a capture expert who can capture anything.

  And your strength, I have just seen it."

  "As a matter of course, the task given to the capture expert is, of course, 'captured.

  Crystal, on behalf of Dr. Damu, I hereby issue a special appointment to you. I hope you can capture all the known elves in the Chengdu area, no matter what.

  common or rare, no matter

  The original form or the final evolutionary form."

  "This is the specific content of the capture mission. I hope you can take over this mission."

Chapter 247 Kind Crystal (Part 2)

  After Chen Han finished telling the mission, when the crystal hadn't reacted yet, he couldn't help being startled at first.

  "Crystal you are a capture expert!"

  At first, I never thought that this girl who has been volunteering for the past year will be an alliance-certified capture expert. You must know that a good trainer is not necessarily good at capturing, but the person who is good at capturing must be a Excellent trainer.

  No wonder, the spirits of the sprites just released by the crystal are completely different from the rookie and the trainer. At first, he thought that the crystal was a relatively good rookie and a trainer, but he really did not expect that the other party was actually a capture expert.

  "I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't mean to hide it."

  Crystal was a little embarrassed and apologized earnestly.

  "Ah, no, no, you don't need to apologize to me. Instead, I should apologize. Let such an excellent capture expert come here to volunteer."

  At the beginning, he waved his hands again and again, although he didn't think there was anything to hide, but Crystal didn't say that he definitely wanted her ideas, and he wouldn't say anything.

  "How about it, Crystal, are you willing to take on this mission.

  By the way, this quest is to exclude the legendary elves, and even I can’t say that there are other existences that are out of specification to capture easily, so naturally I won’t let you capture those existences.”

  After seeing the crystal and the initial communication, Chen Han continued to ask.

  Chen Han knew that due to his own reasons, the matter of looking for a capture expert was a lot earlier, and this was not the time when Crystal took the initiative to send an email to Dr. Damu for self-recommendation, so Chen Han had to persuade him.

  Although he knew that Crystal should take over this task, he still couldn't let go of his persuasion.

  To be honest, the difficulty of this task is actually quite high, and most people are completely afraid to take it, but for the person who captured it, it is not particularly difficult at all.

  "Capture all the elves in the castle area"

  Crystal's expression was a little hesitant, but it was not because of the difficulty of the task, but some other reason.

  Seeing Crystal's hesitant look at the surrounding orphanage, Chen Han immediately knew what her concerns were.

  "By the way, since it is a task, it will naturally be rewarded, and here I can pay this reward in advance for Dr. Damu."

  "I understand your concerns, so let's do it now, I will pay to overthrow and rebuild this place, and donate the operating funds that can keep the orphanage for a few years, and even call, because I funded the renovation, this can prevent some of the People with bad intentions, what is the reward?"

  For Chen Han who just made his debut, money is still a bit important, whether it is elves' supplies or his own daily necessities and adventure supplies, it is a big expense.

  But for Chen Han now, money is just a number.

  And even if he is really poor and white, go and talk to the alliance, and even talk to those rich people who have made good friends with him and have now invested successfully and prospered, the money is really taken casually.

  The cost of renovating an orphanage is really a trivial matter, and the original work is not at all distressed to pay the crystal payment first, and Chen Han can do the same, even if he had a thicker skin, he would not dare to ask the renovation company to ask him for the money.

  At this moment, when Chen Han's words fell, both Jing and Chuan's expressions changed, the former showed a very intentional look, while Chu's expression became excited.

  For them, this remuneration is really but very fast, and they are not happy at first.

  The conditions that Chen Han offered really made him excited at first, but then he thought that the person who needed to fulfill his responsibilities with such favorable conditions was Crystal, and his excitement disappeared.

  Not because of anything else, just because, crystal is not an orphan

  The latter only came to the orphanage to do volunteer work out of his kindness.

  He was very grateful to Crystal for coming to work here without remuneration, and buying toys and snacks for the orphans here from time to time. He was not qualified and could not make Crystal promise to make this promise. It's so unfair.

  Furthermore, even if he didn't know how many elves there were in the Chengdu area, from the specific content of the quest, he could tell that this was definitely not an easy job to accomplish.

  Let the girl who just debuted to give her youth to face the danger to complete the commission, but the reward has nothing to do with her, but to an orphanage with no relatives and no reason with her. a little.

  "Crystal, you don't have to agree, this is not what you should do at all."

  Initially seeing the hesitation on Crystal's face, it seemed that he was about to accept this commission, he said quickly.

  However, the crystal has its own ideas.

  "Major, I said before, if you need help, I think I can help too.

  Now is the time for me to help.

  This is probably the best chance for the orphanage, if the champion is rejected, we may never have such a chance in the future!"

  Crystal said seriously.

  "But, but this is not what you should pay for the crystal."

  There was some disagreement at first.

  "This is the entrustment I received, and the reward belongs to me, so I can use this reward no matter what, Master, I have decided to donate this reward to the orphanage now, you must not decide! "

  Crystal's attitude suddenly became tough, even a little aggressive, which made the initial startled by the sudden strength of the crystal.

  Who would have thought that this gentle and serious girl would have such a tough side.


  Chen Han's applause attracted everyone's attention, he smiled at the girl and praised.

  "Crystal's performance is really wonderful. I saw a very beautiful light of kindness in you just now."

  "You, you are overrated, I just did what I thought I should do."

  The girl who was tough before was immediately.

  With a blushing face, he shyly lowered his head and grabbed the corner of his clothes. This sudden change made people feel a little uncomfortable.

  "Then, let's get down to business.

  First of all, I believe in your professional ethics, so I will not give you a time limit for this commission. I only hope that you can complete it as quickly as possible. This commission is very important to Dr. Ogi's research.

  You don't need to capture all of them before delivering them, but you can teleport Dr. Oki once you have captured a certain number of elves."

  Having said that, Chen Han took out the last second-generation new illustrated book from his arms.

  "This is an elf picture book, a real picture book, not a castrated version of the outside world. There are fewer than ten people who have this kind of picture book, including me.

  You have to take it to capture the elf, and its function can also help you complete the task faster, and it can even be said that the capture task is to complete this illustration."

  After handing the illustrated book to Crystal, both Crystal and the original looked surprised, especially the meaning in Chen Han's words, which showed the preciousness of this illustrated book, and also showed that this thing seemed to have the meaning of a status symbol.

  "Please rest assured, I will do my best to complete this commission with the best attitude."

  Crystal also understood the importance of the mission at this moment, and this meeting nodded solemnly.

  At this moment, I took over the crystal of the illustrated book and became one of the owners of the illustrated book.

Chapter 248 Emerald Green Gem Core (Part 3)

  "Very good, then I will directly say what you care about the most. I believe in your professional attitude, so it is true that you will pay in advance. I will let Asu arrange the buildings in Kuseng City later. The construction team, I believe the orphanage will be renovated soon."

  "And during this period, you can go to the Aso gymnasium to rest, or you can go to the hotel, or don't bother Aso so much, I'll pay to rent the nearby rental house for a month, how about a month? Anything can be done to renovate the orphanage.”

  Chen Han said boldly, this attitude of treating the gym owner as a little brother's random instructions made Crystal and the initial swallowing their saliva, lamenting the power and energy of the Guandu champion, or the strongest king.

  But yes, when you become one of the strongest in the world, there will be countless people doing things for you, which is a symbol of strength.

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