"I originally wanted to watch it here, but I suddenly had an intuition that it might be more interesting in the past."

  Sister Yu laughed for some reason, as a strong person, she always trusted her intuition.

  The clown next to her shrugged her shoulders, and then followed Sister Yu to the Linglong Tower.

  Carter and Garm looked at each other, both realizing that something was wrong.

  The Royal Sister in front of them is an existence that they are completely incomparable to. If her hunch is correct, then it may be interesting to her, but for Carter and Garm, it is likely to be extremely ominous. .

  "It's dangerous, we called these two people over in advance."

  Both of them had such thoughts in their hearts, and after sighing in relief, they quickly rushed to the meeting point.

Chapter 256 Disturbance on the dance floor (Part 2)

  The performances of geisha continued in the Yuanzhu dance hall. The most orthodox geisha performances in this urban area did not have any vulgarity, but only gave people the glitz of the ancient upper class and the solemnity of history.

  Chen Han was eating the snacks on the table, he supported his chin with one hand, and looked lazily at the performance on the stage, while next to him was Jin's loud shout, which brought a touch of youth to this solemn and depressing environment. impulse and passion.

  "Is there an earthquake?"

  Ami, the master of the light yellow city gym, who was sitting on the left of Chen Han, her hair like rabbit ears trembled, her lips squirmed and she made a small sound, she said cautiously.

  Ami's age does not seem to be young, and it is estimated that she is similar to Chen Han, but she is shy and careful like the girl next door, and she doesn't know how a girl with such a personality mustered the courage to participate in the gym challenge. and defeated the original owner.

  "Miss Ami, you are also from the Chengdu area. You should know that there are frequent earthquakes in the Chengdu area. What's the fuss about?"

  Jin heard Ami's words, he took a sip of water to moisten his hoarse voice, and said carelessly.

  Ami hesitated for a moment, then said in a small voice.

  "However, I think there is something wrong with this earthquake."

  "What's wrong, isn't it an earthquake?"

  Jin said nonchalantly, but just after the word 'ma' fell, the ground of the Yuanzhu Dance Field shook, he was stunned, and immediately.

  There is no more calm and panicked way before.

  "Oops! It seems to be an earthquake, and the magnitude is not low!"

  The shaking of the earth became heavier and heavier, and a heavy aura that was only found during a major earthquake permeated the air, and the air pressure suddenly dropped. The audience who didn't care about the slight shock before also started to panic.

  "It's an earthquake"

  "No way, Yuanzhu City hasn't had a major earthquake for a long time."

  "The magnitude of this shaking is not small, everyone be careful, find a place such as a table and hide!"

  "The floor of the main hall of the dance hall is too high and easy to collapse. We'd better go out and find an open area."

  "Please don't panic, we are the staff of the dance hall. The main hall of this dance hall has been reinforced by several layers, which is more than twice the building standard of the earthquake-proof floor. Unless it is a huge earthquake and it is very close to the source of the earthquake, it will not collapse. of!"


  The hurried screams of the audience and the hoarse consolation of the staff came one after another, but fortunately, there was no escape-style panic in the dance hall, especially when the hall of the dance hall was shaking, there were no turtles on the walls. After the head was split, and there were no stones falling from the top of the head, most of the people's thoughts were stable, and they still trusted the architectural standards of this thousand-year-old dance hall.

  Several staff members hurriedly came to the dance hall to sit down and explained to the VIPs that the worst of these people sitting in the front seat were billionaires, and many of them were high-ranking members of the alliance. The dance hall did not want to offend them, so the staff also In groveling explanations and expressions of apology.

  However, the staff did not let these dignitaries leave first, because if there is such a thing as 'leaders leave first', it will easily cause panic among other audiences.

  The earthquake did not hurt anyone, but a stampede accident would be troublesome.

  Obviously, the earthquake emergency drills in Yuanzhu City were well done. Even because they have experienced many earthquakes, they have rich experience in dealing with earthquakes.

  Chen Han's table was because of Ami, the master of the gymnasium, and the director of the dance hall came to explain in person, and Ami just waved her hand to indicate that she didn't care.


  Suddenly, the geisha screamed from the stage.

  With the earthquake, the performance was interrupted long ago, but the geisha stood on the stage but did not come down. They thought it was a small earthquake and wanted to wait until the end to continue the performance.

  The audience under the stage was empty overhead, but above the stage there were rows of lights. Those headlights were fixed by a steel frame, but they were extremely heavy, and the screws on the steel frame collapsed under the shaking of the earthquake. When it is turned on, the headlights that can smash people into flesh also fall down.

  The geisha watched in horror as the headlights fell. Although they all had different evolutions of Ibrahimovic around them, who could expect that the elves Ami and Jin, who were used more in performances than in actual combat, were the most severe trainers. The experience of survival in the wild, they reacted very quickly to this kind of emergency, but they were still a long way from the stage, and it was too late to throw the Poke Ball at this time.

  "Have you started? Then, I have to start too."

  "However, let's save the people here first, anyway, it happened right in front of my eyes, just take the lead."

  For what he can't see, Chen Han can completely ignore it, but if it happened in front of him, it would be fine if he took the lead.


  At this moment, a Sun Ibrahimovic suddenly appeared, but this Sun Ibrahimovic did not belong to the geisha, because from the look of this little cuteness, a normal person could see its terror.

  Sun Ibrahimovic's eyes emitted purple light slightly, and directly fixed the falling headlights, glass fragments, and even all kinds of steel bars in the air.

  Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the geishas to react and steal it, Taiyo Ibrahimovic directly moved it to the open space on the side.


  Seeing that Ibrahimovic, who didn't know who it was, rescued all the geisha, there was a sound of relief from the whole venue.

  The tremor under his feet became weaker and weaker, just when everyone thought the earthquake was over, Chen Han was vigilant.

  "Be careful, it's contrived, and it's still going!"

  "Rumble rumble--!!!!"

  The shock sensation that had just weakened suddenly increased again, Yuanzhu City shook again, and cracks appeared on the top of the lobby and the ground of the Yuanzhu Dance Arena.

  "The energy is even stronger than the one just now. It seems that the other party failed to achieve his goal, so he has to work harder!"

  Chen Han's eyes narrowed, although he didn't know the enemy's situation at all, but through the power of the two earthquakes, Chen Han quickly judged the general situation.

  He hugged Ami next to him, and jumped back through the girl's delicate and fair legs with his palms. Under the exclamation of the gym owner who was like the girl next door, he avoided the falling stone slab from the sky. and cracks in the ground.

  As for Ah Jin, this kid moved faster than Ami, grabbed the skateboard and slid to avoid the falling slate.

Chapter 257 This Feels Really Good (Chapter 3)


  Ami screamed nervously, not because she was frightened by the stone bricks falling from her head, but because Chen Han's sudden princess hug frightened the shy girl.


  Cracks appeared in the ceiling of the dance hall under the sound of cracks, and reinforced concrete bricks began to fall from the air.

  The audience in the dance hall shouted in horror. They squatted down or curled up trying to avoid the falling slates from the sky. These slates fell from this height, and if they rubbed a little, they would break their hands and feet. It is almost certain death on the body or on the head.

  In a short period of time, the audience was hit by the slate, and the whole person collapsed to the ground leaving a pool of blood, and the audience's panic screams became even more harsh.


  Chen Han gave an order, and the light in Ibrahimovic's eyes, who had just rescued the geisha on the stage just now, bloomed again.

  It directly fixed the shattered ceiling of the dance hall with its powerful [Psychic Power], and moved everyone to a safe space with the bright light in the eyes of Sun Ibrahimovic.

  But at this moment, when everyone turned their heads to thank this unknown powerhouse, Chen Han had already carried Ami and ran out with Sun Yibu.

  When Ah Jin saw this, he naturally swung his skateboard to keep up with Chen Han.

  After coming out of the Yuanzhu Dance Arena, the three of them discovered that the situation outside seemed to be better than indoors.

  Although there were two major earthquakes in a row, most of the citizens seemed to be very panicked, but in the panic, the citizens of Yuanzhu almost subconsciously did everything in an orderly manner to deal with the earthquake, so except for some houses that collapsed Besides, there were not too many casualties.

  "Huo, Yuanzhu City's performance is good, and Komatsu has a good sense of safety."

  Chen Han has removed his disguise, looking at the situation in front of him and expressing some satisfaction.

  It would be nonsense to say that these citizens were able to do so spontaneously. This must be because Komatsu, the master of the Yuanzhu City Gymnasium, has done all the preventive work in terms of safety awareness. Otherwise, the current situation will definitely be worse. messy.

  "That Chen Han Da, can you put me down?"

  Still: Ami, who was held in Chen Han's arms, made a small voice.

  Chen Han calmly put down the girl in his arms. Ami's short dress was very short. When the girl finally stood on the ground, she could clearly see the inside of Ami's fair thighs, with five red streaks. The imprint, that was when Chen Han picked her up and pinched her subconsciously.

  Although Chen Han only hugged Ami subconsciously to protect her, not to mention, Ami's thighs feel pretty good.

  "Ami, as the owner of the light yellow city gym, you should react faster when you encounter an emergency. Even if you can't rescue others, you must protect yourself."

  Although it felt good, Chen Han knew that the other party would definitely feel the situation after he was touched, so Chen Han didn't give Ami a chance to speak, and took the lead.

  Ami opened her mouth and wanted to say that those slates just now could be completely avoided by her own speed, and she didn't need Chen Han's help at all, but she pursed her lips twice, and finally issued an apology.


  "Well, it's alright!"

  Waved his hand generously, Chen Han signaled that he didn't need to apologize to himself.

  At this time, among the panicked fleeing sounds of the citizens, although it was noisy, after listening carefully, you could still hear the citizens shouting Team Rocket.

  "Okay, it's Team Rocket again, those bastards didn't steal my stuff enough, they dared to attack the city!"

  Kim was indignant when he heard the word 'Rockets', rolled up his sleeves and got ready to run

  Fight in the past.

  "Wait a minute, Jin, do you want to die alone? You don't know how many people the Rockets have come, and you don't know how many experts are there. If you just run out and fall into a trap, you will surely die."

  Chen Han grabbed the impetuous Jin's back collar and pulled him back again.

  This is not the original book, Akin can kill dozens of people by himself, and Carter and Garm just look at it stupidly.

  Although the special episode is much more real than the anime, some of the plots in the early stage are still a bit unreasonable. If Chen Han really lets Jin rush over alone, not to mention whether Carter and Garm will make a move, or even that group of Rockets. It is normal for members to directly surround and kill Ah Jin.

  Although Chen Han didn't know how powerful Ah Jin was at this stage, no matter what he thought, if he rushed over alone now, it would definitely be a free gift.

  Although Jin's personality is very similar to those lazy and hot-blooded anime male protagonists, although he is impulsive, he is definitely not stupid. After hearing Chen Han's words, he immediately calmed down.

  Remembering that in Ruoye Town he was attacked by a Rocket team and almost lost his life, even if he has improved now, he is definitely not an opponent when facing a Rocket squadron.

  Boss, what do you say?"

  Jin held the back of his head with both hands and looked at Chen Han.

  On the side, Ami couldn't help but look at Chen Han.

  Obviously, as a newcomer, the gym owner Ami, because of the last incident on the Whirlpool Islands, has long since regarded Chen Han as the backbone from the bottom of her heart.

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