Yes, at the moment when Chen Han began to wonder if the other party had sold him, it came out that they found that the two airborne and masked guys came to Yuanzhu City a few days ago. It is said to be watching the strength of the Lower City Rockets.

  Because it was a temporary act, the three of them only discovered this situation today, and then hurriedly informed Chen Han of this information.

  As soon as Chen Han saw this information, he thought that these three guys were peeping at him nearby, but as soon as he sensed his superpower, he found nothing, and even the opposite ability expert seemed to wonder why he had superpower. Scan them.

  In all cases, this can only be a coincidence.

  And Musashi Kojiro didn't betray him, and even gave him this crucial information at the first time.

  "Although there are many doubts, but the situation is very big, it's okay, I'll be careful later."

  Chen Han put away the picture book, thinking in his heart.

  As long as they are not ambushed by the Masked Man, the City Rockets are just a joke to Chen Han.


  "I probably understand the matter, then, without further ado, let's act quickly."

  "Komatsu, Ami, Jin, Yin, I'll fight their leader in person later. You four will take Komatsu as the captain and deal with the Rockets."

  "You'd better be careful and don't take it lightly. Although the ordinary members of the Rockets are not strong individually, they are not a rabble, and it is also a little troublesome to unite together."

  Facing Chen Han's proposal, even Yin did not refute anything.

  Team Rocket's strength has already been seen. If he fights alone, it is really equivalent to courting death. Although he likes to act alone, but now with a partner to take care of him, it is naturally better to act with everyone.

  Seeing that everyone nodded as if obeying the order, Chen Han threw a big hand and jumped on the back of the fire-breathing dragon again.

  "Then, now, get started!"

  The words fell, as if in response to Chen Han's words, the crumbling Linglong Tower finally couldn't hold on at this moment, and collapsed directly.

  "Rumble rumble--!!!!"

  Although the people were not far from the Linglong Pagoda, they were not too close. The collapse of the Linglong Pagoda did not affect them.

  However, after losing the cover of Linglong Pagoda, everyone can clearly see the situation on the other side of Linglong Pagoda.

  There, a large group of Rockets gathered.

  From a distance, it seems that there are no less than a hundred members of Team Rocket! "Hey, boss, boss, this number is too many!!"

  "Hmph, if you're afraid, you can leave now."

  "Who's afraid! Boss, let's go!"

  Jin was just sighing at the number of people on the opposite side. He would be so excited by Yin that he picked up the skateboard and released the elf to rush over.

  Of course, he wouldn't just rush over there foolishly. Before rushing, he greeted Chen Han first.

  However - "Hey boss"

  "You don't want to donate your eyes to other people, didn't you see that guy has rushed over?"

  Jin Wenyan looked up, and saw that Chen Han was riding a fire-breathing dragon, aggressive, and rushed over in a very simple and rude manner, this would have already come into contact with Team Rocket.

  "Wait for me! Boss!"

  "Just wait! Listen to my instructions, don't rush over by yourself!"

  When Jin was about to rush over to Xue Chenhan, Komatsu pressed his shoulder firmly.

  What an international joke, Chen Han dares to rush over by himself, that's because he is strong, you kid is not strong, rushing over to give it for nothing "Hmph, you really are an idiot.

  Yuanzhu City Gym Master Komatsu, right, in order to fight against the Rockets, I will follow your instructions for the time being."

  The first sentence is a mockery of Jin, and the latter sentence is said to Komatsu.

  Seeing that Yin also obeyed the instructions like this, Jin recalled Chen Han's words, but he didn't say much.

  Seeing that the two boys who had something to do with Chen Han finally stopped arguing, Komatsu and Ami couldn't help but smile at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although this kid's strength as a rookie and a good trainer, his temperament is still not good.

  Simply put, there is a lack of social beatings.

  Komatsu knew that this time was different from the last time when he had a group of good teammates in command, so he had to be cautious, otherwise, with the four of them, he would likely be defeated by Team Rocket's crowd tactics.

  "Alas, the champion, it really left me with a problem."

  Although he was thinking like this in his heart, Komatsu knew that it was good to have teammates. Before Chen Han informed him, he had planned to attack the Rockets alone.

  "Okay, the champion has passed, let's maintain a good formation, release the elves, and rush over while attacking, and after we pass,"

  After telling the basic instructions, Komatsu led the three of them to the Rockets.

  The battle has already begun! Feilu reminds you: read three things

Chapter 260 No, I'm going to hit twenty! (3rd more)

  A few minutes ago, that was when Chen Han used his super power to sense the surrounding situation.

  "Well, this feeling is super power!"

  Wearing a mask, every move is like a clown man, which will make a slightly surprised sound.

  "What's wrong"

  The other royal sister wearing a mask asked, and Garm and Carter couldn't help but look at the clown.

  "I can feel it. Just now, a powerful superpower swept over from the opposite side."

  The Joker is a superpower expert. Although he does not have superpowers, as a superpower expert, his sensitivity to superpowers is not comparable to others.

  Just like Ma Zhishi, as an expert in electricity, he does not have the special ability to generate electricity, but he is able to keenly sense the existence of electric current and electromagnetism.

  "What do you mean, there is a superpower expert peeping at us across from us, right? I remember that the master of the Yuanzhu City Gym is a ghost specialist, how could he have superpowers?"

  "Furthermore, even if other gym owners happen to be in Yuanzhu City, there seems to be no one who is good at super power among the gym owners in the Chengdu area, right?"

  Sister Yu analyzed with some doubts.

  "I don't know the specific situation, but what is certain is that there is a famous and powerful enemy on the opposite side of us."

  "By the way, didn't we just receive the news of the troops on the opposite side that lost contact? I remember that the squadron leader said the word 'Guandu'. Is this saying that the opposite is the trainer in the Guandu area?"

  Although the clown is a superpower expert, he himself does not have superpowers, so he can't sense who the other party is, and naturally he can't say that he can sense the opponent's strength.

  Moreover, according to the information, if the opposite is really a trainer in the Kanto area, it is very likely that it is a super power expert Nazu.

  And Nazi, let's not mention strength and super power, the key is Nazi's identity, everyone understands.

  Of course, this is just a guess, but even if it's a guess, the clown's words are a little vague and whispered, and only Sister Yu, Garm, and Carter can hear them.

  "The superpower expert in the Guandu area, huh, that's really likely to be her.

  Perhaps, the interesting thing I have a hunch is probably this."

  Sister Yu seemed to think of this too, smiled coldly, took out a Poke Ball, and was ready to fight Nazi.

  She knew that Nazi's strength was not weak, and coupled with her superpower, she was the most difficult type of enemy to deal with.

  However, she herself is an expert of evil, and she is an existence that can overcome superpowers! Garm and Carter did not stop Yujie's behavior, because their original purpose was to let these two guys stand on top of each other when encountering unexpected situations.

  They know the clown's strength. He said that the enemy is very strong. Then, the strength of the enemy will not be something they can fight against. It would be better for this lady to fight.

  Furthermore, if the opposite is really Nazi, then the two of them betrayed Team Rocket, no, it should be said that they are infernal fellows, and they will definitely be beaten to death by Nazi.

  Seeing that Sister Yu was planning to fight Nazi in the past, Garm and Carter looked at each other with smiles on their faces, very glad that they had called Sister Yu and the Joker over.

  But their smiles, not even Sister Yu's sneer.

  There is no other reason, because they have seen who the powerful enemy is.

  "Rumble rumble---!!!!"

  The Linglong Tower collapsed and collapsed due to their actions, but the Rockets of them didn't have any joy. Instead, their faces were extremely ugly, and many people even showed fear.

  "Fire-breathing dragon, [Hot Wind]!"


  Fire skills with high power and low range【

  [Hot Wind], at this moment, it is used to deal with the large number of Rockets, just like opening the unparalleled mowing mode! "Ahhhhhh!!!!"

  In the face of the surprise attack of the champion-level powerhouse, many members of the Rockets fell in one face.

  Sister Yu and the clown reacted immediately after the shock on their faces. When the Rockets in the front row collapsed, it was immediately.

  Send sprites to fend off attacks.

  Although they don't really like these Rockets, the Masked Man has a lot of things that the Rockets need to do for him, so even if the two of Jamkat are not on the right track with them, the ones who should be saved are still saved.

  "Heruga, absorb these flames!"

  "Natural bird, [Light Wall]!"

  Heluga with ignition characteristics can absorb these incoming fire skills, and attacks that bypass Heluga will be blocked by the wall of light.

  The cooperation between the two was very good. After their action, except for the unlucky guy who was hit in the front row at the beginning, everyone else was safe and sound.

  Although the wall of light was quickly shattered by the hot wind, many members of Team Rocket reacted and hid out of the attack range because of the time it took.

  "The wall of light has been smashed, so the one in front is undoubtedly the Kanto champion."

  The clown can't speak, but he doesn't dare to maintain the clown's posture, because he has already determined that the other party is the real Guandu champion.

  At this time, he also understood that the word 'Guandu' that the squadron captain just passed back was referring to the Guandu champion, not the enemy in the Guandu area.

  However, these things are irrelevant now.

  Because, after Chen Han's tentative attack, he rode the fire-breathing dragon and rushed towards the clown and sister Yu! But that's right, in this group of rockets, they were the only ones wearing masks and not wearing them. The Rockets were in uniform and even reacted for the first time in the attack just now.

  If it was Sister Yu and the clown themselves, they would also think that these two guys are the strongest, adhering to the principle of catching the thief first and the king, any normal person will find them.

  "Damn it! You can't fight here, or these Rockets will all die, let's go over there!"

  "Go! To the forest!"

  The clown and the royal sister reached an agreement in an instant, and they each directed the elf to move towards the forest.

  Chen Han is not annoyed, after all, his goals are these two.

  And if he chooses to leave it alone and go to open Wushuang below, I believe these two guys will secretly attack Jinyin and them.

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