Chapter 267 Two people who fled in embarrassment, angry three holy beasts

  : I'm sorry, sorry, I'm so tired today, I'll take a day off, so I'll update it at night, and I'll resume tomorrow.

  Li Hua and Kazuki looked at Chen Han's malicious smile that kept showing, and the whole people couldn't help but tremble.

  There are some reasons for being afraid of Chen Han, but more than that, he is afraid of the masked man behind him, that is, Uncle Liu! "Kazuki! No matter what, use our old method to retreat first!"

  After all, Lihua was more resolute, since she had revealed her identity, she would no longer hide anything, she shouted to Kazuki, and also threw a Poké Ball again.

  "Flower Rock Monster, [Strange Wind]!"

  After the words fell, the flower rock monster that just came out of the Poké Ball instantly released a purple wind that contained ghostly abilities and blew towards Chen Han.

  At the same time, the other elves of Lihua all released [Waves of Evil] towards Chen Han from their respective directions.

  On the other side, Kazuki and Natural Bird seemed to be engaged in something, making their figures inexplicably blurred.

  "While attacking the trainer himself, it's a good tactic to run away immediately, but it's just not bad."

  Chen Han's face was indifferent, and he spoke condescendingly about Lihua and Kazuki's tactics.

  "Latias, block the attack, other partners, deal with them!"

  When the words fell, the light around Chen Han was distorted, and the information that once reflected the light source and made the human retina unacceptable appeared in front of Kazuki and Pear Flower.

  The beautiful feathers like colored glass are as strong as dragon scales, exuding colorful and splendid light under the refraction of light.

  But unfortunately, Kazuki and Pear Flower didn't have the heart to admire this beautiful dragon.

  Because the moment this legendary dragon appeared, it opened its mouth and set off a wave of dragon energy, directly offsetting all the incoming attacks with ease.

  On the other side, Kirbymon, Sun Eevee, Fire-breathing Dragon, and Bite Land Shark all released their own attacks and attacked Kazuki and Pear Flower.

  Although the spirits of the two had already stood in front of the two, no matter whether it was a pear flower or a tree, they couldn't help but feel that their hearts were unspeakably cold.

  "Fortunately, I didn't intend to use Latias at all, and it is impossible for you to see this beautiful dragon, even if your tactics are very good.

  However, Kazuki's clown performance made me a little bit satisfied, especially when facing my separation, Miss Ewha's calm and rational distortion really explained the evil thoroughly!"

  "So, next, let Latias give you the last ride!"

  After the words fell, Latias narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth with a [Dragon Breath], and followed the group to attack Lihua and Kazuki.


  "Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

  In one face-to-face, the elves of the two were all knocked down, but they did not know what method they used, and they were bombarded and fled with the help of this attack, and at the end, the moon Ibrahimovic and the natural bird, who were protecting themselves.

  Of course, even if it went well, you could tell from the miserable screams of the two that they were obviously severely injured.

  "It's a good idea, but it won't be able to escape smoothly like this."

  Chen Han waved his hand, and put away the slow Kirby beast first, while the other elves were ready to continue their pursuit.

  However, the fastest biting land shark just mentioned

  Speed, in the blink of an eye, the speed comparable to that of a supersonic fighter became as slow as a snail, and even if it was allowed to speed up desperately, the speed of progress became slower and slower.

  Naturally, not only it, but also the fire-breathing dragon, the sun Ibrahimovic, and Latias' speed became equally slow.

  However, soon, Sun Ibrahimovic and Latias seemed to have reacted, the two elves' eyes flashed with light, and as the light blazed, the sound of glass shattering came from above their heads.

  However, at this moment, the two people who were blasted away in the distance did not look back into the deep mountain.

  "The super power skill, the effect of reducing the speed. This is the [Juggling Space]. It's a very rare super power skill. It is indeed a clown. The tricks and tricks are really colorful."

  Because it was a skill released by the two of them before they were blasted away, Chen Han didn't notice this thing for a while.

  [Trick Space] is a very magical skill. As the name suggests, it is to create a space, and in this space, the speed of the elves will be reversed.

  The faster the elf will be in the space, the slower it will become, and vice versa, and at the speed of biting the land shark, it is almost the same as the snail crawling in this space.

  "Oh, if I hadn't put away the Kirby beast just now, it would be useless. When I step out of this space, the speed of the Kirby beast's reversal will return to its original state, and it is also impossible to chase them both.

  Yes, this trick is very useful to escape, I wrote it down, and I will try this trick next time."

  Chen Han shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, but he didn't have any emotion for the other party's escape.

  Although he let Rika and Kazuki escape, but no matter what, this time his goal has been achieved a lot.

  Furthermore, as he had thought before, as long as the two of them thought it was because of themselves that Uncle Liu's words were revealed, then no matter if the two of them could escape, there were not many options left for them.

  "Aren't you going to catch up, Chen Ling?"

  Latias looked at the two who had disappeared, and couldn't help asking Chen Ling.

  Chen Ling didn't return to Latias for the first time, but first touched Latias's face, and the latter couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

  "There is no need to chase down. The routes in the mountains are complicated. It is too difficult to determine the opponent's escape route. Even if you can chase them down, it will take a lot of time."

  "Besides, I don't have to catch them, it's enough to calculate and injure them.

  After that, it depends on how they perform, no matter what, they won't be able to continue doing things in a short time."

  After a simple explanation, Chen Han looked towards the Linglong Pagoda in Yuanzhu City.

  "Okay, let's get it done for now, let's go back and collect that group of Rockets."

  Yu Luo, just when Chen Han was about to go back to Linglong Pagoda, a mutation happened.

  At the scorched tower, there were three angry roars of different sounds, and then three rays of light of different colors rushed out directly from the scorched tower, and then fell from the sky and landed near the Linglong tower.

  "Oh, the time is just right.

  In other words, these three holy beasts have already sensed the collapse of the Linglong Tower, the lair of King Ho, so they are so angry, and this will save you an explanation."

  Chen Han couldn't help but smile slightly, and then he took a few elves and rushed back towards the Linglong Tower together.

Chapter 268 Water King, Emperor Yan, Duke Lei (Part 1)

  A few minutes before Chen Han defeated Lihua and Kazuki, at the charred tower.

  Even if there is a big earthquake and riots in Yuanzhu City, the innocent and lively dream will not care about these, and it will still fly around happily.

  However, fortunately, it remembered Chen Han's instructions after all, and it would be a pleasant joke without forgetting the business.

  In the invisible state, Dream came to Linglong Tower with the silver feather and the rainbow feather.

  As if feeling the approach of the two feathers, the three holy beasts called for help again, and the scorched tower also began to vibrate again.

  However, the entire Yuanzhu City is in turmoil at the moment. Although the Linglong Tower has collapsed, the entire Yuanzhu City is shaking from time to time, so no one cares about the shaking of the Burnt Tower.

  The dream that has entered the scorched tower, the rainbow-colored feathers and the silver feathers on its hands suddenly light up, echoing each other, and somewhere on the basement floor of the scorched tower, it also flashes its faint brilliance.

  Dream looked at it, put a barrier on himself, and then rushed to the glorious place with two feathers.

  The two feathers are shining brighter and brighter, and the dream with them is under the action of the feathers, entering the radiance, passing through the traces like water waves.

  There is a time gap, if you don't bring time-related props, even divine beasts can't easily enter it.

  Dream last time actually thought about whether to save the three 3 guys here, but even the real Ho-oh couldn't do it at that time, because only the silver feather and the rainbow feather were in hand. , in order to play the role of suppressing time.

  But now it's different, the dream with two feathers can easily enter here, and save the three sad beasts that have been sealed by Liu Bo for many years.

  The moment the dream entered it, it saw three holy beasts that had been trapped by time gaps.

  With the solemn expression of a giant lion, the graceful appearance of a unicorn, and the vicious appearance of a saber-toothed tiger, the three elves that appeared in front of the dream were Emperor Yan, Suicune, and Lei Gong! "They are elves, not humans."

  "And it's still a beast."

  "The supernatural beast, and this petite pink body, is it a dream?"

  The three holy beasts are naturally very grateful to come here to save their existence, but they thought it was humans who came in to save them, but it turned out that the dream that was also a beast came in.

  Although they are both divine beasts, the power and existence time of the three holy beasts are not comparable to fantasy. Strictly speaking, the three holy beasts are even only the second generation of divine beasts.

  The Three Holy Beasts are the three Ibrahimovic who once died innocently under the flames of Ho-oh. After Ho-oh revived them with his original power, they possessed the legendary characteristics and inherited some of Ho-oh's power, so they became divine beasts. exist.

  Although they are all very good at fighting, they are the middle and lower reaches of the divine beasts who only gained the power of Ho-oh and became divine beasts.

  If you want to dream, you may be able to undefeated one-on-three, and Swing can kill them all in one-on-three, even if the dream is not particularly good at fighting.

  However, no matter what, divine beasts are divine beasts after all, and they have the characteristics of divine beasts, and they are basically not killed. Therefore, after Liu Bo defeated the three holy beasts who were covering the escape of the king and Lugia, in order to prevent These three elves give him

  Continue to make trouble and seal it in the time gap.

  And this time gap of the scorched tower seems to be left by Liu Bo when he fought with Celebi when he was not prepared. Because he was not prepared, although he defeated Celebi, he could not catch the opponent. He could only watch helplessly as Celebi escaped directly.

  Closer to home, the three holy beasts saw that it was a dream, not a human being, who came to save them. Although there were some doubts, the gratitude in their hearts was not less.


  Dream pointed to the twisted vortex behind him, which was the door of time opened by the existence of the rainbow feather and the silver feather. As long as this door was exceeded, the three holy beasts could successfully unblock and escape.


  Communication between divine beasts is much more convenient than that of human beings. The three holy beasts glanced at Dream with grateful eyes, then they looked at each other, and then acted immediately.

  Shuijun turned into a stream of water, Duke Lei turned into lightning, Emperor Yan turned into a flame, and his limbs jumped out violently, jumping into the twisted door behind Chen Han, and in the blink of an eye he escaped the seal.

  Dreaming to see that the three holy beasts have left, it will become invisible again, turn into a pink flash, and leave here.


  Long ago in the state of being sealed, the Three Sacred Beasts sensed that the Linglong Tower seemed to be in an accident.

  As a result, as soon as it came out, it was discovered that the Linglong Tower was more than an accident. It had already collapsed. Known as the three holy beasts of the Phoenix King Guard, when they saw their boss's nest collapsed like this, even the gentle Suijun, At this moment, he roared like Lei Gong Yandi.

  The three holy beasts completely ignored the astonished gazes of Yuanzhu City residents, turned into representatives of their respective attributes, and charged directly from the sky towards the Linglong Tower.

  In the distance, Chen Han, who had just dealt with Pear Blossom and Kazuki, could not help but sigh.

  "These three mythical beasts that have nothing to do with the word 'flight' can fly, why can't some poor guy fly?"

  With emotion, Chen Han was riding a fire-breathing dragon, and under the escort of Zuo Lie biting the land shark and right Latias, he also flew back to the vicinity of Linglong Tower.

  "Is that the legendary three holy beasts?"

  Komatsu, who was commanding the fierce battle between the crew and Team Rocket, as the master of the Yuanzhu City Gym, was the first to see the identity of the Three Holy Beasts.

  As soon as the three holy beasts landed, they simply glanced at the audience and locked the Rockets in an instant! The beasts are all intelligent beings. When they appeared, Komatsu and others were relieved and showed joy, while the Rockets were happy. All of them looked overwhelmed, and many people even showed fear. This comparison basically confirmed the identity of the enemy and us.

  Besides, there will be a bad person who notices something, and makes a small report in an instant.

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