"No, I'm still looking for that guy."

  What Yin didn't even think about was rejection. Compared with the Quartz Competition, he wanted to find the Masked Man for revenge.

  "If you want to find the masked man, then I suggest you go to the Quartz Plateau, where you will get everything you want to know."

  "what do you know"

  As soon as Chen Han's voice fell, Yin turned his head to look at him quickly, but after seeing Chen Han just smiling and not saying a word, he just 'cut', knowing that this man would not tell him more of things.

  "I know, then I'll listen to you to go to the Quartz Plateau."

  In desperation, Yin had to agree.

  "Brother Chen Han, you won't go with us"

  Hearing his intention to leave from Chen Han's words, Xiao Huang asked nervously.

  "Xiao Huang, go to the Quartz Plateau with Crystal. Since I accepted the commission from the alliance, I have to finish the work. Besides Ma Zhishi, I have to find a few museum owners that the alliance can't get in touch with. ."

  Chen Han rubbed Xiao Huang's hair and said warmly.

  He just left the customs a few days ago and became the actual head of fire, and the fire-breathing dragon and Ibrahimovic directly broke through to the head-level elves.

  After the Chenhan elves had gone through countless battles before, although Chen Han didn't pay attention to their strength for a while, he knew that before the retreat, all the elves in his body had reached level 89 at the peak of the championship level. After becoming the leader, The elves with related attributes directly break through level 90.

  Originally, the fire-breathing dragon on Chen Han's body was a fire-type elf, but Ibrahimovic was able to transform into a fire-Ibrahimovic, which also made a breakthrough.

  As for superpowers, although he has also learned a lot about superpowers and is much stronger than other forces of nature, he still hasn't been able to completely break through. He is now only a half-step superpower master.

  However, this is enough, after all, fire is the restraint of ice, and combined with the super power that is about to break through, it is enough to defeat the masked man.

  Furthermore, Chen Han is not fighting alone, this decisive battle, he has already prepared everything, although he cannot guarantee a hundred wins, but Chen Han already feels that it is a matter of ten sure and nine wins.

  However, as soon as Chen Han left the customs, he told the chairman that the enemy should be the master of the gymnasium, and he could be lured out by tricks.

  Yes, at the beginning of the Quartz Conference, those gym master exhibition games were just some ideas of the chairman to increase the momentum, and this idea was borrowed from the championship.

  Of course, this can only be done in the Chengdu area and the Kandu area. If other areas want to hold this exhibition competition, they can only compete in their own areas. How can it be like the Quartz Conference where the gym owners of the two areas compete against each other? .

  It's just that when the chairman heard Chen Han say this, he immediately handed over the matter to Chen Han to deal with.

  After Chen Han informed the chairman of the plan, in line with the idea of ​​finding Lugia and being idle for the time being, he took over the task of finding the owner of the museum, and then came to the Vortex Islands.

  Therefore, next, he has to find some gym owners that the alliance failed to notify. Naturally, he can't act with Xiao Huang and others.

  "That's it, then Brother Chenhan, let's meet again in Quartz Plateau."

  Although a little disappointed, Xiao Huang is very sensible.

  "Well, when I finish things, it won't be long before I go to the Quartz Plateau."

  As Chen Han said this, Uncle Liu's appearance flashed across his mind.

  The decisive battle is approaching, Garm and Carter have been abandoned, Kazuki and Rika are equivalent to defecting, the Castle Rocket Team has also been in the hands of Musashi Kojiro, Liu Bo is left alone, plus his own strength. And arrangement, Chen Han is confident, this battle will be won!

Chapter 305 Ninja Girl A Xing (Part 1)

  When the full moon in the sky was gradually shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, the sculptural ninja girl suddenly moved.


  The girl whispered, and the spider-like elf beside her jumped directly from the high floor and fell into the air. At the same time, the girl followed behind Alidos and grabbed its legs.

  A nearly invisible silk thread spit out from Alidos' mouth, and it took its owner to fly around the modern high-rise buildings as easily as Spider-Man, and in the blink of an eye it landed on the glass of a building.

  "Abo, [Acid Bomb]!"

  The girl supported her body outside the building, and suddenly an Aboriginal appeared on her left hand, only to see Abomon spewing out a dissolving liquid, melting the wall in front of her, and the girl entered the building with ease.

  "Fork bat, use [ultrasonic]!"

  When the girl entered the building, she stopped and released a new elf cross-shaped bat. Under the subtle control of the cross-shaped bat, the ultrasonic wave affected all the monitoring in the building in a way that humans could not detect. He swaggered in and walked in.

  It didn't take long for Abo Monster to dissolve a steel gate like a bank vault again, and she finally saw her goal, a beautiful diamond.

  "Double-bomb gas, it's up to you, [Dark Mist]!"

  The girl leaned her back against the wall, and she replaced the new elf double-bomb gas again. After the faint pitch-black mist sprayed out of the double-bomb gas shrouded the entire hall, all the infrared and other alarm devices were exposed to the girl's eyes.

  "It seems that there is no way to steal it, especially if the air is completely closed, so that people can't interfere, but the person who set up this security device looks like he has watched too many movies, not all the thieves will do it from the air. "

  The girl sighed softly, as if she was dissatisfied with the security here.

  She squatted down and touched the floor, because this was a safe hall protecting important targets, so the ceiling, floor and surrounding walls were extremely thick, which gave the girl more opportunities.

  "Dragon King Scorpion, let's tell them that ninjas are not only able to fly around in the air, but they can do anything even when they are on the ground."

  Following the girl's soft words, the Dragon King Scorpion she released drilled a hole in the ground, approached the central security guard at an extremely fast speed, and easily took the huge diamond out of the glass cover.


  When the Dragon King Scorpion took out the diamond, the whole hall was lit up, and there was applause.

  "Awesome, Miss Xing! You can easily break through even such protective measures. If we didn't know that you would come today, we would be waiting here. It is very likely that things will be stolen."

  A middle-aged man walked in and said with admiration.

  "What do you think our security measures are not up to?"

  "If it is unqualified, then there is too much to say."

  The girl named Xing took back her spirit, she put the diamond back in place again, and frowned.

  "From outside the building, I feel that the protective measures here are useless, and many steps are useless at all. In the face of ordinary people, these security measures are indeed defensive, but if you face the trainer, it will be dangerous."

  The middle-aged man gave a wry smile, and he took out the sweat on his forehead.

  "Then, what kind of trainer do you think you need to be able to get in here?"

  "It's totally unstoppable for a trainer like me."

  Without even thinking, Kyo replied.

  "You're joking, Miss Xing, you are the master of the gymnasium. How can there be so many powerful trainers like you?"

  The middle-aged man lowered his head and flattered carefully, he paused and continued.

  "Besides, a powerful trainer like you shouldn't be interested in our company's auction items, so we never thought about preventing those powerful trainers from these security facilities from the very beginning."

  The middle-aged man unconsciously thought of the battle scenes of some trainers he saw on TV, especially the battle of the Guandu champion. It was simply earth-shattering, like a weapon that could destroy the world. Don't talk about stealing, trainer, it is estimated that others

  If you want something, it is not a problem to directly capture a continent.

  Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Xing was also a little speechless. She found that she seemed to be a little too strict. The chairman was right. These protective measures should not be used to prevent those powerful trainers from the beginning.

  Furthermore, even the protective measures of the alliance are often unable to stop powerful trainers, not to mention these companies, which are already very powerful in resisting elite trainers.

  As for the master-level trainer of the gym, such a strong person really wants to do evil, and it is not something that companies like them can stop.

  It's like the super villain in the American comics movie looking for trouble with an ordinary company, which is completely impossible to stop no matter how good the protection measures are.

  "Well, now that the work is done, I'll take my leave."

  "I'm really bothering you, Miss Xing!"

  The middle-aged chairman bowed and said respectfully.

  Although the girl in front of him is not very old, and the work of testing security does not seem to be a big deal, but the identity of the opponent's trainer, especially the strength of the master level of the opponent's gym, is there. This level of trainer is not ordinary. The big entrepreneurs dared to provoke them, because the other party was already at the level of strategic weapons.

  "It's nothing, it's my job too, just credit it to my account if you get paid."

  "Please rest assured, when the financial staff goes to work tomorrow, they will pay you a lot of money."


  Xing replied, she didn't really care about the amount of money, at her level, she would not worry about material money for a long time.

  After saying goodbye to the client, Xing once again grabbed Alidos and leaped between the buildings in Manjin City like Spider-Man. After a while, he returned to the high-rise building where he was before, and once again became immobile. 's sculpture.

  In front of the bustling city, Xing felt extremely lonely inside.

  "Father, I have finished my work today, but I have absolutely no idea what it means to be a ninja.

  When you trained me, you told me that ninjas are people who are hired by their masters and devote themselves to their work."

  "You joined Team Rocket and became loyal to the leader of Team Rocket. I have already heard about this kind of thing. Although I don't like Team Rocket, what I care more about is that as a ninja, you will choose to betray your organization and yourself. what about the lord?"

  "You clearly told me that when I grow up and have the ability, let me be loyal to the lord with you, and for this reason, I will continue to hone my skills and make continuous progress.

  But why did you, father, choose to betray, and what is the meaning of our ninjas?"

  Xing stood on the edge of the building, looking at the lights of Manjin City at night with her eyes confused, she questioned suspiciously.

  Aju thought she was covering up well, but she didn't know that Xing was no longer a child, and as a ninja, she simply searched for information, and already came to Aju's situation.

  As for the Rockets, A Xing's perception is naturally not good, but what she cares more about is her father's choice.

  "Why do you want to betray the ninja's rules, why don't you come to see me after you do this!"

  Xing clenched her fists tightly, and even had a cry in her tone, without her previous heroic appearance.

  "Because of your father, it was for you that you chose to betray."

  Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Xing.


  Xing Xing's face changed greatly, she didn't notice that there was someone behind her, she quickly turned around and threw a shuriken.

  : Although the special chapter is based on the game as a prototype, it will sometimes make some good changes. The most obvious one is the clothing, which is much better than the game. This is the case with Nazi, and this is also A Xing. Rustic clothes, here are all kinds of clothes that highlight sexy, just simply change the clothes, which gives people a really different feeling.

  Although Ah Xing's tricks are not many in the original book, this book may not be many, but she feels sexy, but her strength and appearance are really average, she can be regarded as a subordinate, as for whether to accept her or not, it depends on the situation. , After all, although the protagonist is not a gentleman, he is not always welcome.

Chapter 306 Crushing spike-style battle (Part 2)

  Even when ordinary people launch an attack, they will first confirm who the opponent is and where they are before launching the attack.

  But Xing was completely different. When she didn't see the other party, she just relied on instinct and chose to do it first. This was a habit she developed as a ninja in her past training.

  When the shuriken flew out of his hand, Kyokai turned around and saw the situation behind him.

  On a surging water tower on the rooftop of a high-rise building, a man dressed in a seemingly ordinary, but inexplicably gorgeous and majestic robe was sitting on the edge. Pretty laid back.

  And behind the man stood a young girl. She was wearing a luxurious lace maid outfit. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, her body shape alone was enough to make her, as a woman, feel the throbbing of her heart.

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