": Contribution point judgment, defeating the Rockets' miscellaneous soldiers by 10 points, defeating the Rockets Commander Musashi Kojiro's trio of 100 points, defeating Hoo by 500 points, and defeating the head of ice, Liu Bo, by 100 points. "

  Different from the previous two large-scale plot missions, this time, it is no longer limited to players in the Guandu area, but all players can participate in this mission.

  Of course, I say so, at this stage, most of the players in this Quartz Conference are from the Kanto area and the Chengdu area. I just love it. Only a few players from other areas are here. After all, their respective areas also have this kind of of the conference.

  In the past, Chen Han would open the forum to take a good look at the complaints from these players who received quests, but this time he didn't have the time.


  There was a terrified cry from the arena of the Quartz Conference, not only the spectators who were ordinary people, but even some trainers panicked, looking at the legendary elf with seven-color rainbow feathers, spewing out a blazing holy spirit. fire.

  Being attacked by a mythical beast has happened several times over the years, but there are still many people who haven't seen it for themselves, and it will naturally explode in panic.

  "Mr. Chenhan, Mr. Chenhan! This, is this the enemy's attack you said! If possible, start action now, and don't let the enemy attack the audience at the venue!"

  Chairman Guan Du covered his head and yelled. Although he knew Chen Han's arrangements in advance, he really didn't expect that the enemy would actually have Team Rocket and King Feng. Chen Han quickly acted.

  Compared to everyone's panic and shock, Chen Han was very calm. After all, he had long expected all this, even if Team Rocket didn't come by a maglev train from the original book, but by an airship.

  "Okay, don't panic, everyone, get moving!"

  "On the Gym Master's side, Xiao Mao, you should arrange their work first, then come and join the war!"

  "Xiao Zhi, Xiao Lan, and my friends who were invited by me, come on!"

  Chen Han methodically issued one order after another, and the people who received the order immediately activated.

  "Listen, Chen Han gave an order, except that there are beasts in their hands, all non-championship gym owners, hurry up and evacuate the audience in front of Team Rocket! As for King Ho and strong enemies, Xiao Mao still has a picture book in his hand. This is the order to the fourteen 14 gymnasium masters outside the present uncle.

  And when Xiaomao's words just fell, Zhi, Xiaolan, and the reinforcements who were recruited by Chen Han all took action.

  Several rays of light with different attributes attacked the incoming [Holy Flame]——Although the Hoo level was as high as: 115, he was in a peak state, and he was also controlled by the masked man, and his strength was comparable to the dream [transformation] 】's Feng Wang is much stronger, no matter who it is, he absolutely dare not underestimate him.

  However, Chen Han's strength in finding reinforcements and Xiaozhi Xiaolan and others are also not weak, and they are all champions. Together, it is not a problem to be hard on King Feng.

  After one blow, Ho-oh's holy flame, Ash and even the spirits of the reinforcements' spirits were annihilated together.

  "Don't be in a daze! Hurry up to protect and evacuate the crowd! The Rockets have come down!"

  Seeing that many people were a little surprised by the unexpected reinforcements, Xiao Mao reminded again.

  "Since it was arranged by Chen Han, then we will naturally follow the instructions, everyone, let's go!"

  Li Jia was the first to react, looking at Uncle Liu with vigilant eyes, while speaking to the other gym owners.

  "Now the Gym masters in Guandu and Chengdu are acting in batches. First, the Gym master in Guandu blocks the Rockets, and the Gym masters in the Chengdu area quickly go to the Arena Elves Rescue Center to recover their main elves, and then work in shifts. Instead, the master of Chengdu Gym will block the enemy, and the master of Guandu Gym will go to heal!"

  Xia Bo would have noticed that many people's main elves had suffered minor or serious injuries after the exhibition match just now, and could no longer exert their full strength, so this would be a quick suggestion.

  However - "No, it's not good, the elf treatment center at the venue was attacked, all the elf treatment machines were destroyed, and the power supply facilities of the entire stadium were also invaded. Now the entire venue is out of control."

  Hearing the staff member's words, the complexions of the gym owners changed, knowing that the enemy had already made all preparations, taking into account all the details, and not giving them any leeway at all.

  "The video just now was recorded for a long time. It didn't happen in real time at all. In fact, Feng Wang was caught long ago. The effect of that video was just to distract people."

  Lijia gritted her teeth and said, and then she glared at Uncle Liu and asked.

  "Mr. Liu Bo, you did all this, right?

  Whether it is to capture Ho-oh or to control the Rockets in the Joto area, you are the mastermind behind all of this!! You are the masked man!"

  "Mr. Liu Bo"

  "Impossible, this is all done by Mr. Liu Bo"

  The gym owners were in disarray. They looked at Uncle Liu in disbelief. They were hesitant and suspicious about Li Jia's words, because Uncle Liu always gave the impression of being modest and kind. Strength, everyone will also subconsciously relax their vigilance against him.

  However, this will not wait: Liu Bo responded to Li Jia's words, and Xiao Mao stood up again.

  "You guys, don't let my words be repeated so many times!"

  Xiao Mao is a little annoyed, he has been arranging these gym owners according to Chen Han's instructions from the beginning, but these guys are still chatting here at this time, is it possible that seeking truth is more important than protecting the audience!" The main elf is injured, right? Let the elf treat it, and immediately go to rescue the audience after the treatment is completed, and stop chattering here!"

  Xiao Mao unleashed his aura of the peak of the championship level, first calmed these gym owners, then took out a luxurious ball, threw it lightly, and with a bang, a petite grass-type divine beast appeared in front of everyone.

  Xiaomao: "Xie Mi, Chen Han asked you to use [Wish of Healing] on their main elves."

  Shemi: "Shemi!!!"

  I have a sentence I don’t know when it should be said not only!!! Feilu reminds you: read three things

Chapter 326 Liu Bo shot, the frozen quartz conference! (1st more)

  Xie Mi wanted to scold the street very much, after all, since he became Chen Han's elf, he basically had no chance to play, and every time he had to use the [Wish of Healing] for the wounded elves to restore them. 's injury.

  Fortunately, Xie Mi doesn't like fighting, plus it's positioned as this kind of auxiliary elves, and it doesn't want to face the ice master who restrains its attributes. Although it's a little uncomfortable, it still follows Xiao Mao. , or in accordance with Chen Han's instructions, use [Wish of Healing] to heal the spirits of the gym owners.

  Unlike the previous championship tournaments, which were all champion-level elves, the main elves of these gym owners ranged from the master-level to the heavenly king level, while the only three champion-level powerhouses, Xiao Mao and Yulongchun, Nazi and others didn't consume too much fighting, so after recovering them this time, Xie Mi not only did not fall down, but also had a certain fighting power.

  However, Xie Mi was Chen Han's elf after all, not Xiao Mao's, so the latter didn't plan to command it to fight, but hid it behind.

  At this time, Liu Bo looked at the behavior of Xiao Mao and others in front of him, and recalled the words that Xiao Mao had said before Chen Han had already instructed him, and he couldn't help but be vigilant in his heart.

  "It seems that the guy is not unprepared, he just didn't tell these gym owners about the preparations, but arranged for Xiao Mao, who is also a real newcomer, to handle it?"

  "Interesting, then, let me see, you and us, who is more prepared!"

  Thinking of this, Uncle Liu tapped the cane on the ground, and the Phoenix King hovering in the sky let out a phoenix cry, and slowly landed behind Uncle Liu, shaking his wings of burning sacred flame, Bo was protected from the flames.

  Just this act alone made everyone feel frightened and the coolness that permeated the whole body.

  The audience shouted in fear one after another on the Quartz Conference. The airship with the Team Rocket logo came to the sky above the competition. As the airship hatch opened, countless Team Rocket members jumped from the air.

  They fell into the audience and used their elves to coerce the ordinary people present. Although the base of [-] ordinary people was very large, with the cooperation of the elves of many Team Rocket members, they easily controlled the scene.

  All at once, these [-] people became hostages.

  It should have been like this - "Made! It's impossible not to take this task, these guys have absolutely no intention of letting us go!"

  "Then fuck him!"

  "Why does it feel like there are Rockets everywhere! Damn it! I've endured you for a long time!"

  "Kill!!! These are contribution degrees!"

  Among these [-] people, there are at least one fifth of the players, that is, more than [-]. Although the strength of the players is uneven, the victory lies in the large number of players. In the face of the Rockets who only need a few thousand, whoever surrounds them is really Hard to say.

  Of course, there are also the contestants who originally joined the Quartz Conference, and these people's strength is not trivial, enough to withstand the Rockets' attack.

  Uncle Liu was stunned, and the gym owners also stayed. They did not expect that among the audience, there were so many trainers who could fight and dare to fight, and they would rush to fight them!" We've recovered, and now we're on the move."

  Xiao Mao reminded again, and this time, the gym owners finally woke up.

  "Everyone, obey Xiaomao, obey the instructions of the champion Chen Han, and act!"

  Li Jia took over the command and said this to the gym owners, and then she led everyone away to evacuate and protect the audience.

  Soon, except for Xiao Mao, Yulongchun, Ma Zhishi, Xiaoxia, and Nazi, all the gym owners left the venue and ran to fight against the Rockets.

  "Are these bastards stupid!! There are so many strong people here, and they dare to take hostages!"

  Ma Zhishi, who did not leave, was furious at what the Rockets did at the moment. In his opinion, this was simply a stupid tactic and a suicide attack, exposing all the players to so many powerful trainers. It's not about seeking death.

  Although I don't know why this is clearly a remnant of the city's Rocket Team, it seems that all of them are above the advanced level, some are still at the Gym master level, and the strongest team seems to be the commander's trio, which is even at the quasi-king level.

  However, the small number of people is their fatal flaw. How could more than [-] people surround more than [-] people, even if they are stronger than each other, but at this moment, the gym owners are going to fight against Team Rocket under Chen Han's instructions. There is no advantage at all, so their behavior can only be said to be a long live charge.

  "Watch out, Ma Zhishi! The eyes of these members are distracted, they should be controlled!"

  Nazi stopped Ma Zhishi and said in a deep voice, Ma Zhishi took a closer look, and as expected, he found that all the members of the Rockets were as stiff as puppets pulling strings, and with those godless eyes, at first glance, they were controlled by humans. .

  "Sure enough, I saw you stealing Kikuko's technique in the last war, and I knew you would definitely use it in your trainers."

  Xiaomao told the truth about the Rockets' death in the city, and it was naturally Uncle Liu, the head of ice in front of him who did all these things! To Liu Bo.

  "Hahaha, as expected of the grandson of Damu, he is still so sharp and smart."

  Liu Bo lowered his head and gently stroked the little boar on his knees, letting out a low laugh.

  "Okay, it seems that the Guandu champion is well prepared, fortunately I have to prepare a lot, at least to raise the strength of the Rockets by one level before I launch it."

  The things that forcefully improve the strength, the Rockets have long been there, those are the potions that will consume the potential of the elves, and many people have already used those potions under control, so these remnants of the Rockets will look like this. powerful.

  However, even so, the Rockets were still too small, and under the siege of more than [-] players, the Quartz Tournament contestants, and many gym owners, they couldn't last long.

  However, in Liu Bo's plan, they didn't need to persist until the end, it was enough to delay him for a while.

  In the final analysis, the most fundamental reason why Liu Bo dared to launch such a plan lies in his absolute confidence in his own strength! "The fifteen pavilion owners in Guandu and Chengdu, who were present, were always in the city where they watched the game. The Four Heavenly Kings, and the more than [-] contestants of the Quartz Contest.

  Come on, I'm here, I'm the mastermind behind everything, the originator of everything! The masked man who terrifies you!"

  "But even if you know this, even if all the strong people in the Guandu and Chengdu areas are gathered here, in my opinion, you are no different from chickens and dogs!!"

  Uncle Liu made a confident and arrogant voice, and that sonorous force made all the trainers' faces change, not anger, but fear, because this is a quartz competition venue that can accommodate [-] people. After Liu Bo's deafening voice began to freeze into an ice sculpture!!

Chapter 327 GS ball, Xiaolan's anger! (2nd more)

  "Wait, they're all native chickens!"

  This sentence, Liu Bo said some time ago when he was besieged by many champion-level powerhouses.

  Under the arrogant words, there is a shocking and terrifying force of terror. The temperature of the quartz competition field began to drop rapidly at a speed that the human body can perceive. In the blink of an eye, the temperature seemed to drop to 00 degrees below zero. I shivered, and I could even see the ice flowers condensed in the atmosphere falling from the sky.

  Liu Bo didn't make a direct attack, but even so, he just released his own ice power, which was enough to create such a terrifying scene.

  I don't know if this counts as an attack or not, and many players and contestants also turned into ice sculptures. Although Team Rocket members also do this, due to the cardinal number, the number of players and contestants turned into ice sculptures is far greater than that of Rockets. There are many more teams! "Grandpa, grandpa, let me go!"

  At this moment, when everyone was attracted by Liu Bo's attack, in the noisy quartz competition venue, a little girl was hugged by a member of the Rockets, while the little girl struggled, While calling his grandfather.


  Because of his own negligence, Mr. Steel, who did not notice that his granddaughter was caught, shouted angrily. He took out a pokeball and wanted to take his granddaughter back, but when the Rockets member Aber Snake used the When the fangs threatened Qianhui's neck, Mr. Steel was throwing a rat.

  "Uncle Liu!!!! What the hell are you doing!!!!"

  In anger, Mr. Steel roared with his own unique loud voice, and his voice even overwhelmed the commotion in the entire venue at that moment.

  Mr. Steel is a famous ball maker in the urban area, but anyone who knows him knows that he is the most famous ball maker in the world.

  As the name suggests, the ball maker is the maker of the Poké Ball. If there were no such people in ancient times, it would be a question whether the profession of trainer would exist.

  Although modern industry can mass-produce the most common red and white Poké Balls, special styles such as weight balls, speed balls, and dark balls still need to be handcrafted. Therefore, the profession of ball maker is also very respected in modern times. 's profession.

  As for Mr. Steel, he can manufacture almost all types of Poké Balls, and it is said that he also participated in the manufacture of Master Balls.

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