However, this is also blocked, and after the attack is over, the ice wall will be melted by the power of fire.

  Of course, what Liu Bo could control melted only after the attack was over, which was a testament to his proficiency in using the power of nature.

  However, two ice-type elves blocked two fire-type elves, which is just the limit. During this period, if a head-level or divine beast-level attack is added to this, the ice wall will look like Lugia before. Participating in the attack was smashed like that! Previously, Ho-oh protected Liubo, but this time, Ho-oh has been knocked away, how could Chen Han miss such an opportunity! Lugia and Latias have just After releasing the skills, at this time, you need to release new spirits to attack! "Shanaido, [Supreme Spirit breaks five,"


  !!!Use 【Wall of Light】!"

  Just when Chen Han released Shanai Duo and was about to release the ultimate meaning of the super power system, Chen Han suddenly felt a threat, and quickly changed his mouth to let Shanai Duo use [Light Wall].

  However, this is a step too slow after all, and it is normal for the barrier released in a hurry to have insufficient defense.

  At the moment when Chen Han's words fell, Shanaido released [Light Wall].

  A ray of light almost invisible to the human eye flew out from the center of the arena filled with chaotic airflow. It penetrated and shattered the [Wall of Light] released by Shanaido very simply and roughly, and pierced Chen Han's shoulder.


  Chen Han's body shivered, and he only felt that the body was filled with cold from the deepest part of the cells, and the bones seemed to be frozen.

  His expression changed quickly, he pressed his shoulders with his hands, and pulled out an ice thorn made of fine snow from above. The ice thorn was like a steel needle, but Chen Han could clearly perceive it. The terrifying power contained in that ice needle.

  "It's very dangerous, the light wall blocked that moment, and if I finally escaped with the waveguide's long-strengthened body, this attack will probably directly penetrate my heart."

  While Chen Han's face was ugly, he was extremely grateful that his reaction ability and physical ability were strong enough, otherwise the attack aimed at his heart would just kill him directly! "Condensing the power of ice into this ice The needle strengthens the penetration power. It is estimated that the barrier that is not released with all your strength will be penetrated. Although this thing can't cause much power, it can easily penetrate the trainer's body.

  Zuzu, Liu Bo, while studying the power of nature, he also came up with this skill to directly kill the trainer."

  Although Chen Han avoided this trick, and if this thing didn't penetrate the heart or head, the hit part wouldn't feel much pain, but the chill in it made Chen Han's right arm appear directly. Inconvenient, that right hand seemed to freeze, and it became extremely difficult to move.

  "This is to see through my upcoming onslaught, so the lore made before the defense was originally intended to find an opportunity to kill me, but I didn't expect that I just released Shanaido and used the wall of light to win me that precious treasure. the moment"

  Chen Han didn't know the answer either, but at this moment, although his life was not in danger, his right hand was already a little inflexible, and I'm afraid it would affect his battle to some extent.

  "Hmph, although it did hurt me, but if you make such an attack before defending, your defense will also have problems!"

  Chen Leng smiled coldly, and didn't dare to let the elf treat him now, so he slightly released the power of fire in his body to dispel the cold, and while covering his shoulders, he stared at the location of Uncle Liu below.

  Sure enough, when the flames and the ice wall ended, everyone saw Uncle Liu's appearance. He was no longer in such high spirits compared to before, and his sparse hair was messy.

  And his elf was even more unbearable, and the little mountain pig on his knees was breathing rapidly, as if he had consumed a lot of energy, Chenglong stood in front of Uncle Liu, with some serious injuries on his body. Liu Bo blocked the attack. As for Ho-oh, who was knocked into the sky in the distance, after being attacked by Latias with the exclusive skill of blessing the super power of nature, its left wing was directly bald, and it was slowly growing feathers. .

  And the most important thing is that the corners of Uncle Liu's mouth overflowed with blood. Although there was not much blood, it was clear that under the series of shocks just now, even with the protection of the elves, his body was also injured. .

  Not only that, although Chen Han and Uncle Liu seem to suffer from both losses, Chen Han's injury is very light, and even that cold air will be dispelled by Chen Han's fire power, and it just takes a little time.

  But Liu Bo's words, the injury was obviously injured by the energy, coupled with the fact that his elves seem to have no healing skills and his own rotten body, his injury is obviously much more serious than Chen Han, not only can't be treated , and greatly affects the energy and physical fitness he needs to fight! This momentary victory or defeat, on the bright side, both suffers, is actually Chen Han's victory!

Chapter 339 Standing at the top of the most glorious city in the city! (1st more)

  "Well done, he's finally hurt!"

  The chairman of the alliance raised his fist and cheered. The strength displayed by Uncle Liu who suppressed many champion-level powerhouses unscathed before was really terrifying. A normal person could not help but feel deeply afraid.

  But now, seeing the blood spilling from the corners of Uncle Liu's mouth, this suddenly gave people great confidence. At least this old man is still a human being, not an invincible monster. He will be injured, which means that he will Death, the reason why he was able to escape unscathed before was just because the opponent's level was not enough.

  However, laymen are watching the excitement, and experts are watching the doorway. Compared with Liu Bo's injury, those champion trainers who are resting or have lost their combat effectiveness, they are even more nervous to look at Chen Han. Others may not have noticed the attack on the shoulder, but they definitely did.

  "Chen Han!"

  Yulongchun took a step forward and called out to Chen Han who was standing on Latias' back.

  Although she didn't say it clearly, everyone knew what she meant. Yu Longchun wanted to ask Chen Han if he needed medical treatment. You must know that when they were fighting with Uncle Liu, as long as they were scratched by the opponent's ice , will freeze themselves into ice sculptures in a short period of time.

  Chen Han could hear Yu Longchun's cry, but he didn't look back, but still stared at Uncle Liu, even if the latter was injured, this only meant that Chen Han finally had the upper hand, not that the battle Victory, so Chen Han didn't dare to be careless at all.

  Therefore, for Yulongchun's shouting, he just waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

  "But! If you don't treat it, you"

  "Xiao Chun, that's enough, don't disturb him."

  Yulongchun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yulongdu.

  Although Yulongchun is not the strongest present, but with her temperament, she basically won't follow other people's orders too much.

  However, Yulongdu is different, he is Yulongchun's cousin, and before Chen Han appeared, Yulongchun was the only person who was always worshipped.

  Therefore, even though the two have been separated for a long time and reunited, they started to fight Liu Bo after meeting, but this did not affect their brother-sister relationship at all.

  "Ferry, but these ices"

  "The power of nature can resist the power of nature. I can resist the power of ice with the power of the dragon that is restrained by ice. That guy Chen Han is the head of fire, and his power of fire is the most restrained. He needs the treatment of Emperor Yan, and after a while, the power of fire in his body will disperse the power of ice."

  This is Yulongchun, if it were someone else, Gao Longdu wouldn't explain so much.

  "Okay, although we are very unwilling, what we can do, or want, is to defeat Liu Uncle's other elves, and those absolute main forces can only be dealt with by him."

  Said, Yu Longdu had a displeased look on his face, and then controlled the fast dragon to attack the messenger bird again.

  Seeing this, Yulongchun looked at Chen Han again, gritted his teeth unwillingly, and immediately directed Emperor Yan to rush towards the Difang Sea Lion.

  "It's been a long time since I was hurt."

  Uncle Liu wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and sighed slightly when he saw the blood on his fingertips.

  He and Chen Han are both leaders, although he can be regarded as a veteran leader, he should have been able to take Chen Han as a new leader.

  The head of the human being pressed and rubbed against the ground, but Chen Han had too many divine beasts to make up for the gap.

  Chen Han is stronger than Uncle Liu in terms of elves, and Uncle Liu is naturally stronger than Uncle Liu in terms of trainers, or in terms of controlling the power of nature, but with the combination of the two, the combat power is balanced.

  Thus, the battle between the two sides becomes a battle of equal ranks, at least on the surface, at least for now.

  Therefore, you can only play one-on-one in a regular manner, and you are likely to be injured if you make a slight mistake.

  Just like now, his Little Boar and Chenglong can completely resist the attacks of Fire Breathing Dragon and Hueybu, because his attributes are restrained, but because his strength is stronger than Chen Han, his ice can defend Chen Han. of fire.

  But this defense needs to go all out to defend it, so the little boar just made a sneak attack before the defense, which made the defense a step slower, and the ice wall that he used in a hurry could not completely defend, which made him himself injured.

  Although Chenglong and Xiao Shanzhu blocked most of the flames, the energy shock brought by the flames still hit him, and the heavy energy shock made Liu Bo's body feel untold pain.

  If he is still young, this shock is nothing at all, but he is old, and this kind of shock can already cause no weak damage to him.

  "It seems that it is a bit difficult to beat you exactly, and even if you can do this, it will probably take me a lot of time.

  Really, the future is terrifying."

  "However, it's almost the same time now. What I didn't do when I was young, I didn't expect to be happy in my old age."

  Uncle Liu couldn't help laughing out loud, his smile was extraordinarily smooth and comfortable, as if he had vented all the depression and suffocation that he had suppressed in his heart for decades.

  "After I think about it, people are comfortable. Because of your existence, I originally planned to go directly to the Tonglin Forest, but I thought that I had been suppressed for so many years, and I went to meet my dragons with that kind of negative energy. , they must be sad too."

  Liu picked up his little boar, stroked Chenglong who was standing in front of him, and smiled at Chen Han.

  "You know, Chen Han, my Chenglong and I once made an agreement that we would defeat all the gym owners together, defeat the Four Heavenly Kings together, and even defeat the champion, and let us stand at the top of the most glorious city in the Chengdu area together. ."

  "Although the Gym Master couldn't be beaten, this battle with the champions is much more exciting and glorious than the Gym Master.

  And now, I have completed the agreement between us, and it is time to reunite."

  "So, that's why even though you knew that I would stop you, you still acted here as if to death."

  Chen Han was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and finally understood the reason why Uncle Liu insisted on launching the Quartz Conference.

  Naturally, there is also the idea of ​​solving all the obstacles first, and then successfully completing his plan, but there is also the strong thinking that he wants to let go of the last battle before leaving.

  No one is born to be stable and low-key. Uncle Liu, who has such a talent, was also high-spirited when he was young. Just like Dr. Damu, he wants to accept the cheers of everyone and get all the honors.

  And now, although he is the evil side, he has indeed done it.

Chapter 340 The Evolution of Divine Beasts! Mega Latias! (2nd more)

  "You did it, even if you belong to the evil side, but this time, almost everyone can see this battle. Even if the alliance doesn't want to publicize your strength, it has to announce your record."

  "Uncle Liu, you are the head of the city, no matter whether you win or lose this battle, you fought against dozens of champion-level powerhouses on your own, suppressing the brilliant record of everyone in this Quartz Conference, and it will always be recorded. into history."

  Chen Han acknowledged the strength of Uncle Liu, and he did not deny the terrifying achievements he made at the moment, because this was the glory that the head of the city achieved by himself.

  Furthermore, only by acknowledging the strength of the enemy can you better face yourself. After all, if you say every day that the enemy is trash or fun, then what is yourself who can't even defeat this kind of enemy? Will deny Liu Bo's strength, and he himself is proud that he will be able to defeat such a strong man! "I didn't expect you to admit this, yes, but that's right, you, who can be the leader, will naturally have the same energy. different from ordinary people.”

  Liu Bo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then showed a kind smile in praise.

  However, Chen Han's next words and actions made him unable to continue laughing.

  "However, no matter how much we admit your strength, it doesn't mean we will let you go! Uncle Liu! Under the current circumstances, why are you still confident that you can leave here!"

  Looking at Uncle Liu, who was already injured, and even about to get into trouble, Chen Han didn't know what ability he had to get out of this predicament.

  Furthermore, even at this point, Chen Han did not use his full strength.

  But under this circumstance, he intends to play another trump card and completely smash Liu Bo's idea of ​​leaving here! Therefore, at the moment when Chen Han's words fell, Latias and Shanaido both radiated dazzling rays of light. !"what!"

  Liu Bo's smile disappeared in an instant, his eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Latias who was radiating light in shock.

  In fact, it wasn't just Liu Bo that behaved like this, but also Xiao Zhi and the others, all of them looked at Latias in disbelief.

  Yes, everyone was just looking at Latias, and Shanaido was completely ignored.

  There is no other reason, they are all familiar with this light, it is nothing more than the light of evolution.

  However, everyone knows that Shanaido can evolve, but why Latias, who is a divine beast, can do this too! "Impossible! Your Mewtwo can do this, then it can be said that it is an artificial divine beast. This is the explanation, but why can Latias evolve too! Isn’t it a divine beast that originally existed? Or, divine beasts can actually evolve too!”

  Liu Bo felt that everything in front of him seemed to be beyond his imagination.

  Chaomeng was already very strong. After evolution, when Chen Han was the leader, he could press Lugia to fight, but now Chen Han is the leader, and Latias is no better than the 'original Chao'. , Under such circumstances, it is still evolving! To what extent does this strength increase? "That's right! This kid's super dream has not been released yet, is he thinking of one-hit kill! No, I have to release that kind of trump card quickly! "

  Thinking of this, Liu Bo secretly tapped the cane in his hand and activated the device inside the cane.

  Chen Han ignored Liu Bo's shock, he went from subduing Latias to

  Now, he has been hiding the fact that it can evolve, just for now! However, when everyone's attention was attracted by Latias, he was very good at expressing the infinity that was resonating with Latias and glowing. The flute is hidden inside the robe of his attack.

  This thing is actually the evolution stone of Lattias and Latios, but this thing is theoretically in the hands of the 'Masquerade, so Chen Han can't let other people discover this thing.

  Fortunately, everyone's attention was on Latias, and even from the start of the war, they all forgot about the masked man, that is why Liu Bo didn't release the captured Latios. .

  At this moment, under the gazes of everyone, Latias' body grew slightly in the light of evolution. When the light dissipated, a purple and white elf appeared in front of Xiao Zhuang. .

  The red on Latias has completely turned into purple, and unlike the dexterous posture in the past, Latias after completing the super-evolution has a sense of heaviness and dragon majesty, just looking at her appearance. , it feels extremely heavy.

  The most obvious change is that the dragon energy and super powers around Latias have grown tremendously, as if she has grown from a girl to complete maturity, and has improved a lot in all aspects.

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