The King of Leaves became popular, the Nut Dumbbell became popular, and the Toad King became popular. Zhao Yi, who created all of this, added fuel to the fire.

The content of that open class has been spread on the Internet. For a while, the whole network has noticed the elves like Nut Dumbbell.

After all, it didn't hurt that the two consecutive kicks of the Bud Blowing Deer who took a sword dance once were not painful, but it turned around and killed the Bud Blowing Deer with a pounce. This strength is no joke.

People are visual animals. The three elves introduced by Zhao Yi this time are quite abstract. Usually, many people choose to forget them because of their looks and don't even try to understand them.

In addition, the hearts of some trainers of Nut Dumbbell are as dirty as the attributes and racial values of Nut Dumbbell. They blacken Nut Dumbbell every day, which leads to the extremely bad reputation of Nut Dumbbell.

But with this wave of vindication, the primitive people of this world saw for the first time what strength beauty is.

But this also means that the prices of these three elves that were originally ignored have begun to soar. It hasn't even been a day yet, and the price has almost doubled.

【I suddenly found that nut dumbbells are so cool!】

【The Toad King is so handsome too, the bulges on his body are a display of strength. How can there be an elf as handsome as the Toad King!】

【The upstairs is too outrageous!】

【By the way, has no one thought of using this method to circumvent the characteristics of the King of Leave?】

【It is also possible that someone has thought of it, but did not say it out loud. There are too few people like Zhao Yi who can bring upper-class knowledge to the lower classes.】

【Based on this class alone, Zhao Yi is the undisputed king! 】

But Zhao Yi ignored the noise on the Internet. At this time, he had already arrived at his own palace.

"Mr. Zhao Yi, I have prepared all the equipment for you to go to the secret realm."

Liu Bo, who was dressed in a butler's uniform and packed meticulously, had been waiting for a long time with a large backpack.

Before going to class, he told Liu Bo to go to the secret realm today and asked Liu Bo to prepare the equipment.

"OK, thank you for your help."

Zhao Yi took the backpack and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something and turned back to look at him.

"There is a courier arriving today. Can you sign for it on my behalf? You know all my information, right?"

"Of course."

Liu Bo replied with a smile. Memorizing the boss's information is a basic skill that every professional butler must do.

Zhao Yi left with peace of mind.

The secret realm of Shoushan Island is in the suburbs of Lian City. Taxis don't go there, so Zhao Yi can only trouble Liebite Land Shark again.

Shoushan Island was originally an unknown island. Later, it was named Shoushan Island after the secret realm appeared.

Liebite Land Shark landed on Shoushan Island and was immediately noticed by several military trainers in military uniforms.

"Zhao Yi, the King!"

The moment they saw the fierce land shark, they knew who was coming and immediately saluted Zhao Yi.

"Hello, I'm going to the secret realm. You should have received the notice, right?"

Zhao Yi jumped off the fierce bite of the land shark, with a kind smile on his face, and his slightly childish face gave people a different kind of affinity.

"Yes, we have received the notice. King Zhao Yi, please follow me."

The leading official trainer said hurriedly, leading Zhao Yi in front

"King Zhao Yi, after entering the secret realm, you will appear in the supply point we officially built. If you need to buy some supplies or sell some secret realm materials, you can do it in the supply point. The supply point is also equipped with a professional medical team, whether it is human or elf injuries, they can heal them."

"Expanding outward from the supply point, we divided the safe zone and the dangerous zone. There are signposts at the intersection. The level of the elves in the safe zone is between 1 and 20. Those above this range will be captured by us. The level of the elves in the dangerous zone of Shoushan Island Secret Realm is between 21 and 50. The strongest elf in the secret realm is a level 50 gym peak gull."

"It has reached an agreement with us that the tribe of large-billed gulls will not take the initiative to attack humans. They will also provide certain help when they see humans in danger, and we will provide them with resources to survive. So, King Zhao Yi, if there is nothing else, it is best not to attack the large-billed gulls and long-winged gulls in this secret realm. If you want to subdue them, it is best to let them follow you actively."

Knowing that this is the first time Zhao Yi has entered this official secret realm, he explained it in extra detail, and Zhao Yi listened carefully.

Nine out of ten of these precautions are not necessary for Zhao Yi, because Zhao Yi's strength is enough to kill through this secret realm, but this is the order that the official has finally reached with the elves in the secret realm, and Zhao Yi will not violate it unless necessary.

"By the way, King Zhao Yi, you can bring some dried sardines when you go in. If you need any help, you can use this as a reward to ask the long-winged gull or the big-mouthed gull to help."

After saying that, he took out a bag of dried fish and handed it to Zhao Yi.

""Okay, I got it."

Zhao Yi took the dried fish and shook it with amusement. This way of getting along with elves was something he had never tried before. If he had the chance, he would definitely try it.

After saying the precautions, he had already led Zhao Yi to a familiar transparent light hole.

"Zhao Yi, the king of heaven, when entering the secret realm, you will feel a strong sense of dizziness, and many people will faint directly. After our research, we found that high-concentration orange peel juice can effectively prevent this situation. Apply it on your lips and under your nose."

As he said, he handed Zhao Yi a box of orange peel cream the size of a thumb nail.

"Is that all?"

I opened the lid and inside was a transparent yellow solid paste that looked like hand oil. I put some on my finger and then put it under my nose and asked.

"Well, that's it, please come in."

Then the military trainer moved aside, making way for the light hole, and gestured to Zhao Yi to invite him in.

Walking into the light hole, Zhao Yi felt dizzy again like last time, but this time he didn't faint.

Soon, he felt grounded, and he opened his eyes. The scenery in front of him changed again. A modern camp appeared in front of him, surrounded by trainers setting up stalls everywhere, and from time to time there were military trainers walking by to manage the order.

""Fuck, Land Shark!"

At this time, a cry of surprise came from behind Zhao Yi, attracting the attention of everyone around.

After seeing Zhao Yi and Land Shark, they widened their eyes in shock.

"It’s really Land Shark, who is that person?"

"How long has it been since you left the secret realm? That person is Zhao Yi, the new dragon king of our Yan Country!"

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