After reading it several times, he finally put down his phone reluctantly. At this moment, he was extremely sure that this was a newly discovered Pokémon, most likely a steel-type Pokémon, but he didn't know what it evolved from.

After figuring this out, Jiang Ruo picked up his phone and poked Zhao Yi's profile picture frantically, shaking three times in a row.

If he didn't find out about this Pokémon today, he would have to complain about it while eating.

"Stop shaking, you're almost putting my phone into vibrate mode. Bring your device and come to my Tianwang Palace."

After a long while, Zhao Yi finally replied and sent Jiang Ru a coordinate.

""Okay, I'll be right there!"

Excited Jiang Ruo hurriedly asked someone to go back and bring the equipment, and hurriedly told the driver to drive towards Zhao Yi's Tianwang Mansion.

On the other side, in Tianwang Mansion, Zhao Yi, who had just accompanied Steelix for some simple adaptation training, reluctantly took out his mobile phone, which was almost in vibrate mode, and sent the location to Jiang Ruo.

As for why he wanted to announce the evolution method and evolution form of Steelix, of course, it was for fame and fortune.

Life in the world is nothing more than fame and fortune. In the last life, he had enough of the suffering of mediocrity, so of course he wanted to be as ostentatious as possible in this life.

Not long after, the butler walked over quickly again. The moment he entered the courtyard, he looked at the unfamiliar Steelix in astonishment, but soon lowered his head and stopped thinking about Steelix, and whispered to Zhao Yi

"A group of people came over with a bunch of unfamiliar instruments, saying they were friends of yours, Mr. Zhao."

As soon as he heard it, Zhao Yi knew it must be Jiang Ruo's researchers. He didn't know how they could get here so quickly. It was hard for them to rush all the way here so fast.

"Yes, they are my friends, all researchers from the Lotus City Elf Research Institute. Please come in, please come to the training ground."

If it were somewhere else, it would be hard for Steelix to toss around.

After getting Zhao Yi's confirmation, Liu Bo nodded and left quickly. After a while, a group of powerful people came in carefully carrying a few expensive-looking machines, followed by a group of researchers in casual clothes.

It was time to get off work, but when they heard Jiang Ruo say that he had found a new elf, none of them could sit still and all followed.

""King Zhao Yi, I'm here. Where's the new elf?"

Jiang Ruo's vision was blocked by a bunch of machines, so he didn't see the figure of the big steel snake and shouted. Just as he was shouting, he suddenly noticed that the sky was dark. He looked up and found that it was a huge head emitting cold light staring at him.

In an instant, Jiang Ruo's breathing stagnated, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it!"

After commanding the Hao Li to put the equipment away, Jiang Ruo hurriedly went to Zhao Yi to inquire about the Steelix.

""King Zhao Yi, what are you going to name this elf?"

Rubbing his hands, Jiang Ruo asked impatiently. As the first person to discover the Steelix, Zhao Yi naturally had the right to name it.

"Steelix, just Steelix."

Zhao Yi didn't plan to change Steelix's name. He stroked Steelix's metal body and said with a smile.

At this time, Steelix with steel and ground system finally got rid of the stupid attribute of rock and ground system. Good guy, two quadruple weaknesses of water and grass, and they are both popular attributes. Who can bear this? The evolved Steelix is not only immune to electric and poison, but also has only four double weaknesses, no quadruple weakness, and resists eight attributes, among which the rock system is quadruple resistance.

This wave is a direct turnaround. Although the evolved Steelix cannot use the evolution stone and its own tankiness has also decreased, it has so many more resistances and two fewer quadruple weaknesses. Overall, it is still a win.

"Steelix?! Is this the evolved form of your Onix?!"

The names of the elves' evolutions are always related. The moment Jiang Ruo heard the name Steelix, he thought of Onix. It just so happened that Zhao Yi had an Onix.

"Yes, Steelix's attribute is ground plus steel, and its characteristic has changed from the original armor breaking to forced."

It is not uncommon for elves to change their attributes after evolution, so Jiang Ruo did not care. Instead, the combination of ground plus steel made him stare wide-eyed.

""What excellent attributes!"

After exclaiming, Jiang Ruo immediately began to test Steelix's attributes.

They worked until the sun went down, and finally they had a thorough understanding of Steelix's racial value.

Looking at the numbers displayed on the report, several researchers all widened their eyes and looked at Zhao Yi with strange expressions, wondering why the new elves discovered by this Dragon King were so extreme.

"Physical defense racial value 200? Are you sure you're right?"

Jiang Ruo pointed at a particularly prominent number above and angrily scolded a researcher.

This number is too outrageous, directly surpassing Boskodora, and only slightly lower than Huhu.

"Director, I checked it twenty-one times, and it is 200. No mistake. This is normal, Director. Onix's physical defense is already 160. It is normal for the evolved version to add 40 points."

"In other words, after Onix evolved into Steelix, it was a monster with a total racial value of 510 and a physical defense racial value of 200?"

Jiang Ruo widened his eyes and muttered in disbelief.

Then, he immediately turned his gaze to Zhao Yi.

""King Zhao Yi, may I ask what is the evolution path of Steelix?"

Zhao Yi did not hide anything and told the whole story.

"After Onix carries the metal membrane, it uses the Pokémon Teleporter to transfer it to another person. In this process, Onix seems to absorb some special energy, and thus it will evolve into Steelix."

As soon as this was said, all the researchers present showed incredible expressions. They would never think of such a thing even if they had eight lifetimes. Whose Onix would carry the metal membrane! The Pokémon item like the metal membrane can increase the power of the steel-type skills of the Pokémon carrying it. Whose Onix would deal damage, or use steel-type skills to deal damage?

"How did you discover this method of evolution?"

Jiang Ruo asked curiously. After all, no normal person would do such a thing.

"Archaeology, I found the notes of my predecessors in the newly discovered secret realm, which recorded some ways of elves' evolution."

Zhao Yi had too much time to settle the accounts. Besides, after leaving the secret realm, he specifically told Yan Hu that the notes recorded the evolution of the Slash Commander, so it was normal to have an extra Rock Snake now.

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