"Is this your first time in a secret realm?"

While everyone was checking their equipment, Zhao Yi walked over to Zhang Yuan and asked in a low voice. He could see Zhang Yuan's anxiety and excitement.

"Well, I didn't have the chance to get in touch with the secret realm before."

Zhang Yuan nodded. The secret realm was not something that a poor student like him could enter.

I heard from those students who had been to the secret realm that every step in the secret realm was a crisis. Even a king had to be careful to avoid accidents.

"Put this under your nose, it will make you feel better when you enter the secret realm. Once you enter, follow me closely, and don't worry about the rest.".

Taking out the orange paste and throwing it to Zhang Yuan, Zhao Yi said


At this moment, the others had already checked their equipment and made an OK gesture to Zhao Yi and Bi Jiayu.

Most of them were video equipment to record information about the elves from all angles.

""Let's go."

Bi Jiayu waved his hand, and a group of people began to walk into the secret gate in an orderly manner.

Zhao Yi felt a change in front of his eyes, and the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

At this time, in front of him was an ice wall with a different style from the outside.

This is a safe point inside the secret of the Ice Forest, built by the official.

After leaving the ice house, many people have noticed this place.

After seeing Zhao Yi and Bi Jiayu in the crowd, their pupils shrank and they were all dumbfounded.

""Zhao Tianwang, Bi Tianwang, is there any kind of wild elf of the Tianwang level born in the Frost Forest?"

Someone came forward and asked anxiously. In their eyes, the thing that could make Zhao Yi and Bi Jiayu attack together must be this one.

Even that Tianwang-level elf must be quite something, otherwise it would be impossible for two Tianwangs to attack together.

"It's okay, don't worry, there are some scientific discoveries, and it has nothing to do with you."

Bi Jiayu said so, and after hearing this, those who were originally worried and uneasy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no wild king-level elf, it will be fine. If there is a wild king-level elf, they can only run away. After all, they can't survive the confrontation between the kings.

"This way.〃 "

Without stopping, the group of people quickly left the camp with the characteristics of Bailongjiang and headed towards their destination.

As the name suggests, the Ice Forest is full of snow and pine trees, and some elves pass by from time to time.

After seeing a group of people, they were not afraid of people and came over to ask them for some snacks.

In response, the leader took out the elf biscuits that had been prepared long ago and handed them over. The young elves who came to block the road left contentedly.

"The Ice Forest Secret Realm is rich in ice and grass elves, among which the most famous are the Blizzard King and the Ivory Pig.

In the whole world, the Blizzard King and the Ivory Pig in the Ice Forest are the best in terms of qualifications, just like the Big-mouthed Gull and the Bud Blowing Deer in your Lian City.

"The researchers from the Erbin City Elf Research Institute came in with them.

At this time, their leader was talking to Zhang Yuan and Lao Chen, constantly describing the characteristics of this secret realm.

At this time, Zhao Yi looked strange when he heard this.

Why does this sound so much like the hairy crabs from Chengyang Lake and the fish from Chagan Lake, especially when the other party said that in recent years, many people have brought snow hat monsters and small boars from other places to the Ice Forest Secret Realm to get a touch of the cold air and then sold them to pretend that they were produced in the Ice Forest. His face became even stranger.

"Bi Tianwang, the valley ahead is where we found the egg last time."

After walking for more than an hour, the leader stopped and pointed ahead.

Everyone was delighted and looked up immediately.

The front suddenly opened up, and the lush pine trees were washed a lot, just like the top of Sanmao's head.

In front of it was a valley. The passage in the valley was narrow but neat, just like it was cut out by a knife. The space in the middle could accommodate one person, and a slightly fat person could not enter.

"It's actually here?"

Bi Jiayu raised his eyebrows and muttered in surprise

"What's going on here?"

The only one in the team who dared to talk to him like this was Zhao Yi.

"This place is called Daopi Gorge, because it is famous for the canyon that looks like a knife split. Because of the unique scenery, it also attracts many people to come and take pictures. Oh, you young people should call it punching card."

He patiently explained to Zhao Yi

"I came here before, but I didn't realize there was such an opportunity here."

He sighed helplessly.

"There is nothing you can do if you are unlucky. Let's go in."

Zhao Yi smiled and consoled, then turned sideways and tried to imitate the trainers and go inside.

"Well, you guys go in from here, I'll let the armored bird fly in by a detour."

Bi Jiayu coughed lightly and released his armored bird.


The moment the armored bird saw Zhao Yi, it smiled and greeted him.

When Zhao Yi and Xia Yun went to Britain to challenge the whole of Britain, he rode this armored bird.

""Yeah, long time no see."

Zhao Yi, who understood what the armored bird was saying, also smiled and greeted him, then looked at Bi Jiayu in confusion.

After seeing the large muscles on Bi Jiayu's body, he finally understood what was going on.

This kind of sturdy body can't fit into this narrow gap.

""Okay, let's go first."

It was a rare opportunity to have such a novel experience, so Zhao Yi didn't want to spoil the fun and followed a group of people to drill into the mountain crack.

When Zhao Yi came out, Bi Jiayu had already arrived. The armored bird stood behind him and combed its metal feathers. The sharp beak and metal feathers intertwined, making a harsh sound.

The scenery inside Daopi Gorge was a huge space like a bowl, surrounded by mountains all around, with only the exit just now.

At this time, the trainers who had stepped in first had already begun to look around. After all, they couldn't let the two kings do this kind of thing themselves.

Zhao Yi released the wave guide and slowly paced in the space, looking for traces of other subspecies of Pokémon.

The space inside the mountains was not small, and even if he wanted to finish it, he would have to wait for a while.

At this time, as time passed, the faces of the others gradually became ugly.

Because they didn't find anything.

Just when Lao Chen was uneasily wondering if Zhao Yi had seen it wrong, and Zhang Yuan's electric-type Geodude was just an individual mutation, Zhao Yi stopped in the center of the valley.

""Everyone, spread out."

His excited voice attracted the attention of others, and they all looked in the direction of Zhao Yi.

At this time, Zhao Yi had already released the Land Shark.

"Open a hole for me here."

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