It was evening.

Since it's Sunday, there are no classes at the Defense Genie Academy today.

All students from freshman to senior.

No matter if there is anything or not, everything is okay at this time, everyone gathers on the big playground, waiting for Xu Jing and his party to return triumphantly!

It was spearheaded by Dean of Studies, Liu Jinhua.

All the instructors of the National Defense Genie Academy.

With all the students of the National Defense Elf Academy.

All gathered in the big playground.

All sorts of banners have been made.

"Warmly Celebrate the 2023 Elf Championship Championship of the National Defense Elf Academy"

"Elf Champion Cup! Xu Jing, Ouyang Su, Hua Yan...... Triumphant return!"

There is also a banner that is relatively simple and straightforward.

A total of 4 words - "Xu Jing is awesome!"

Needless to say, this simplest and most straightforward banner was created by three roommates in Dorm 105.

When Wang Ming and the three of them took the banner to the teaching director, they were still a little apprehensive.

As soon as the dean saw the banner, he saw it.

The heart is lying in the groove, this banner is good, direct enough!

He laughed on the spot and said that this banner would definitely be used.

And hang it directly in the most conspicuous position!


When Xu Jing and his party returned to the National Defense Elf Academy.

Just walked in for the first time.

I saw the most conspicuous position on the big playground - "Xu Jing is awesome!"

"It's back, it's back!"

"Senior Brother Xu Jing is back? My idol is back!?"

"Hahaha, the one-year use of the resurrection instrument belongs to our National Defense Elf Academy, and I finally have the opportunity to subdue the fossil elves, I've been greedy for a long time!"

"Warhammer Dragon! Warhammer Dragon! Warhammer Dragon!"

"The Guardian Dragon! The Guardian is more powerful than the Warhammer Dragon!"

"The two you are talking about are very rare fossil elves, it's not our turn, anyway, they are all thinking, why not just imagine subduing a divine beast, haha!"

The students were excited to discuss various topics.

As the dean of the college, Chen Lin saw that Liu Jinhua had already done a good job of the whole school's teacher-student conference, he came to the podium and was full of spirit: "I announce that the 202305 Elf Championship Cup National Competition, the champion, is our National Defense Elf Academy!"


"Bang Bang!"

The applause rang out, especially the students who have a soft spot for fossil elves but are suffering from the fact that they can't resurrect fossil elves for the time being, and now they finally have a chance!

Moreover, winning the national championship is an honor!

An honor that every student of the Defense Elf Academy has!

Chen Lin raised his hand slightly, and after everyone's applause quieted down, he continued: "The National Defense Elf Academy can win the championship without the 12 participating students in this competition, and I will ...... next."

Chen Lin crackled and said.

The general meaning is: The rewards won in the national competition are what you deserve, and our National Defense Elf Academy also wants to give you 12 students some rewards!

Without further ado, just put the rewards out!

The first is the attribute essence.

Each person gains 4 attribute essences.

If you don't need it, you can directly exchange it for 2 million alliance coins.

Secondly, 1 attribute stone per person!

Attribute essence may not be needed by someone.

But no one needs attribute stones, after all, this thing is a hard currency between trainers, a precious item to barter.

You can change it anytime you want to change it!

Then there is the cultivation fund, 2 million per person!

According to the overall conversion of the market value, it is 9 million alliance coins per person!

12 people, 9 million per person is 100.8 million!

Although it cost 100 million.

But will the National Defense Elf Academy lose? Absolutely not!

They just won the championship!

This is not to say that the cost of education will definitely rise sharply next year.

Let's just say that the reputation has also been played!

There is also a one-year research and use right to resurrect the instrument.

This is a good thing that can't be exchanged for hundreds of millions!

At last!

"This time I won the national championship, and everyone's results are very good, but the MVP of the whole game is Xu Jing, which should be recognized by everyone, right?"

Dean Chen Lin is quite fashionable.

The MVP of the whole game is out.

"Yes, Xu Jing is awesome!"

"Senior Brother Xu Jing is indeed the MVP of the whole game, and he deserves it. "

"Are there any other rewards?"

The students looked at Dean Chen Lin curiously one by one.

Xu Jing also had some expectations in his heart.

"Xu Jing's performance is excellent, and the National Defense Elf Academy has decided to reward Xu Jing with an additional attribute secret treasure with specified attributes!"

Dean Chen Lin released Wang Bang!

An additional attribute treasure was rewarded!

Today, the students of the National Defense Elf Academy are happy to discuss the medal conference of the teachers and students of the whole school with the people around them, Dean Chen Lin's hand has fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm, and all the students are thinking that they can become one of the 12 students next year and win glory for the National Defense Elf Academy!

Xu Jing took stock of his total gains!

Advertising signing fee of 100 million!

He shared 50 million of the 100 million who won the championship

1 set of attribute essence he collects, this does not count.

The 2 attribute stones that won the championship, the 2 flying stones that Xu Jing chose to want, which were prepared for the upcoming fossil pterosaur.

In this way, the 4-attribute essence and 4-attribute stones required by the fossil pterosaur are all in place!

Glitter Geraora's 2 attribute essences and 2 attribute stones are also in place.

The attribute treasure that won the championship was originally distributed according to Chen Lin's distribution method, which was 20 million according to the market price, and was distributed to each participating student according to the amount of effort, of which Xu Jing accounted for half.

However, Xu Jing discussed it with everyone.

He gave 10 million points to others, and asked Dean Chen Lin to give him this attribute secret treasure directly.

Although Ouyang Su and the others are also greedy for attribute secret treasures.

But one is that their demand for attribute treasures is not as urgent as Xu Jing, and the other is that the attribute treasures that their elves have absorbed before have not been digested, and now they can't absorb them if they have attribute treasures.

It's better to give Xu Jing a favor~

On the side of the National Defense Elf Academy, Xu Jing obtained 4 million alliance coins (4 attribute essences + education funds) + 1 attribute stone + 1 attribute treasure!

It is equivalent to this national competition, Xu Jing's total harvest is 144 million alliance coins, 3 attribute stones, and 2 attribute secret treasures!

In addition, Xu Jing originally had most of the small goals.

This time, Xu Jing's alliance coins have reached two small goals.

Not counting the 2 flying stones prepared for the fossil pterosaur, he also has 1 more attribute stone to collect.

2 attribute treasures can be well negotiated with the dean.

By the way, Xu Jing's previous ground attribute secret treasure soft sand can also be bartered by someone!

For the trip to the secret realm of Heizhou on December 22nd.

Xu Jing must make a super leap in the strength of his elf partner!

In the evening, after Ouyang Su and the others received the reward in the dean's office and left, it was finally Xu Jing's turn.

"Xu Jing, hehehe, sit, sit down. "

Dean Chen Lin smiled at Xu Jing.

Xu Jing also returned a smile to the other party.

It's just that the smile made Chen Lin look a little inexplicable, and asked directly: "What can you kid say directly, who will we talk to~"

Chen Lin now recognizes Xu Jing from the bottom of his heart.

He completely regarded Xu Jing as someone who would definitely stand on the same level as himself in the future, and even surpass himself, so he didn't pose as a dean in front of Ouyang Su and them.

Chatting with Xu Jing, Chen Lin's attitude was more like treating a friend, otherwise he would not have asked Long Jun to come to Xu Jing's platform and ask the other deans not to fight Xu Jing's idea.

"Ahem, Dean, then I can say it directly, you also know that my waveguide power is a bit special, which can speed up the energy absorption of elves, I went to the Yanghu Secret Realm before and obtained 1 soft sand, I want to exchange it for a secret treasure with matching attributes, you see?"

Barter, who to exchange?

That must be directly to Dean Chen Lin!

What does Dean Chen Lin think, that's all?

"Yes, your elves Lucario, Menas, and Geng Ghost, I remember that there are still a few copies of attribute secret treasures in our academy's treasure house, Lao Liu, is there anything he needs?"

The trivial matters were all handled by Liu Jinhua, the teaching director, and Chen Lin looked directly at Liu Jinhua, who was drinking tea next to him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, Dean, there are 3 attribute secret treasures in the treasure house that match Xu Jing's elf attributes. Liu Jinhua smiled like a happy kappa, and he could say the elf treasury and treasure house of the academy like a few treasures.

Even where it is placed can be remembered!

Ground Secret Treasure for 1 copy.

The other 1 was awarded to Xu Jing by the college.

The third share is the one that wins the championship.

Exactly 3 copies!

"Okay, just change it for him. "

Chen Lin was in high spirits.

But Xu Jing is obviously not over here.

He has a big appetite!

"Dean, it's just that I saved some money, didn't you say before that as long as you can win the championship, you can find me a way to buy attribute treasures, I want to sell more, you see?"

There is no need to have connections!

Connections are troublesome!

Xu Jing fully understands this truth.

He will go to the secret realm on the Black Continent next month, and he must go all out to improve his strength!

Buy with money?

Dean Chen Lin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "I said this?"

"Uh, it seems to have been said, haha!" Chen Lin came back to his senses, the memory of a king-level powerhouse is not covered, and he can remember what he said casually, he rubbed his head, and the Haikou he boasted about could only bear it by himself.

"You kid thinks it's a wholesale in the vegetable market, and you can buy some, I'll try my best, you can contact Senior Long Jun, I may only have 2 copies here." "

"Dean, the rock and flight ones are fine. Xu Jing was afraid that Dean Chen Lin would ignore this, so he hurriedly reminded him.

"Well, I know, the fossil pterosaur elf egg you have in mind in your heart, and when the resurrection instrument is delivered, I will ask you to come over and hatch it as soon as it arrives, okay?"

"Hehe, then thank you Dean, haha, I'm fine~" Xu Jing laughed, this time his strength has risen and fallen!

"Hurry up. "

Chen Lin was afraid that Xu Jing would say something that was not shocking and endless, so he hurriedly let him go.

He was scared.

Use your money to buy attribute treasures.

However, when the words were spoken, Xu Jing really won the championship with the National Defense Elf Academy, and he had no face to break his promise.

Liu Jinhua, the director of teaching, took Xu Jing to the treasure house.

This is the first time Xu Jing has come to the treasure house.

Surely ordinary students can't come in?

Liu Jinhua came in with Xu Jing.

According to Xu Jing's "weak" waveguide force.

I'm afraid that there are several super terrifying elves stationed in the shadow position of this treasure house, and once anything happens to the treasure house, these terrifying elves will attack at the same time!

Haven't finished observing yet.

Liu Jinhua walked over with a few packaged boxes.

"Oh, take it, classmate Xu Jing, there are tens of millions of things in here, give me your share of the soft sand." "

These boxes are exactly the 3 secret treasures that Xu Jing needs, as well as 3 attribute stones.

Among them, there are 2 flying stones, a random attribute stone, but Liu Jinhua took a super energy stone for Xu Jing.

Super Stones are a little more precious than most attribute stones.

When bartering with 953 people, you can make the other party increase the price.

After Xu Jing gave Liu Jinhua the soft sand, he hurriedly returned to the dormitory after thanking him.

"Brother Jing, are you the reward for the competition?" Wang Ming looked at the boxes in Xu Jing's hand enviously.

"Then you don't need to ask, Brother Jing, are you free in the evening, let's get together, Lao Wang's little Kirby beast has evolved!"

Zhang Tao hugged Wang Ming's neck and hit the autumn wind with bad intentions.

"Evolved? Okay, Lao Wang, let's make more money in the future, Kirbymon's kind of big stomach king is a big expense every moonlight elf food." Xu Jingchao congratulated Wang Ming.

"By the way, Kirbymon must not be released in the dormitory. Xu Jing reminded that Kirbymon is a heavyweight elf like Rumble Rock, and the terrifying weight is taken out in this bedroom, who knows if anything will go wrong.

"Wori! You guys are inhumane, shouldn't it be Brother Jing's treat to fight the autumn wind! He has won the championship, and the alliance currency is soft!" Wang Ming wailed for his wallet.

"You can call me in the evening, I'll go back to my room first. "

After telling his three roommates to go to the cafeteria at night to be corrupted, Xu Jing returned to his room.

First things first, take a shower!

There will be an advanced gacha later.

Hurry up and take a shower and go through a ritual process~

After taking a bath.

Xu Jing released the three elf companions.

"Lucario, Menas, Geng, you all shined at the national competition this time, you performed very well, and you won many prizes!"

The first thing Xu Jing did was to praise his partners vigorously!


- I'm going to absorb the good!

Lucario looked at the few boxes that Xu Jing put on the table with burning eyes, the good things should be in this, right?


- What's delicious~

Menas was also curious, and blinked.

Geng Ghost, who has already experienced the skyrocketing strength, is naturally not far behind.

Already came to the table and poked the box with his finger.

"Haha, come, all share, this is a good thing more precious than the attribute stone, Lucario, your black belt!"

Black belt, a secret treasure of fighting attributes!

Although and the power headband are the shape of the strap.

But the attribute treasure is the condensation of the rules of heaven and earth, and this thing is not worn on the body, it is directly absorbed!

Opening the first box, Xu Jing handed Lucario a silky black ribbon.

After Lucario took the black belt, he was looking at the black belt when he saw the black belt in his hand turn into a puff of smoke energy and soak into Lucario's body.

At the same time, Xu Jing also got a hint from Lucario to absorb the black belt!

Congratulations to the host, your Lucario has absorbed the Fighting Attribute Secret Treasure - Black Belt, and the fighting elemental energy in his body has skyrocketed, gaining 800,000 experience points, and the absorption time is about 10 days].

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