
Kuailong looked at Xu Jing, who brought back the dragon egg.

There was a hint of curiosity in the dragon's eyes.

The fact that this human trainer was willing to return the dragon eggs he found was simply unbelievable to the fast dragon!

It knows how valuable its dragon eggs are to human trainers!

This human in front of you.

Not only help yourself find dragon eggs.

Find the dragon egg and send it back.

This is very different from the human trainers that Kualong has seen before!

It carefully claws deep into its claws.

Xu Jing placed the dragon egg in the big claws of the fast dragon.

Relieved, he looked at the other party and began to check the dragon eggs.

For Xu Jing.

Mini Dragon, although he also has the idea of subduing.

But Kuailong is so important to the dragon egg, if he doesn't know it, forget it, and take the dragon egg directly on the premise of knowing, what is the difference between him and Keane who stole the egg?

The dragon sniffed the scent on the egg.

There is more than Xu Jing.

There's another human one.

Sure enough, it was stolen by other humans!

"Ang woo~~~"

- Thank you for helping me get it back~

The dragon's eyes narrowed, and when it felt better, it felt that its physical recovery speed had become much faster.

"In the future, you should pay more attention, Kuailong, many people still don't know that you have laid dragon eggs, and I am afraid that there will be more people who have the idea of beating your dragon eggs after a while. "

Xu Jing is right.

He should be the first trainer to know about the laying of eggs by fast dragons.

After him.

And how many people know about it.

It's hard to say.

After all, Kuailong's abnormal behavior these days, as well as the fact that the three evil dragons brought their younger brothers to fight for territory before, made a lot of noise!

Kuailong nodded to indicate that he understood.

Xu Jing stared at Kuailong.

This female fast dragon is also very qualified.

It also has the qualifications of the master!

Maybe in the near future, it will be able to break through to the wild master!

No wonder the dragon eggs laid are so highly qualified!

"Kuailong, do you have anything to eat, can you help get some over, my partners haven't eaten something good for a long time, haha~"

Two side quests are completed.

Xu Jing has two new high-level gacha opportunities.

He can't wait to leave the Dragon's Lair and start preparing for the second main quest!

Certified as a king, and has its own title!

Complete this, and the second god-level gacha will come!

But before that.

He also had to go to Peng Laosan's place worth 5 million alliance coins to have a look.

And now 910 is in.

He's going to have to give his elven friends a good meal.

All of them have helped you find the dragon eggs quickly.

Don't you overdo it if we want to eat something good?

Naturally, there is no problem with the fast dragon.

I immediately told the younger brothers to prepare.

The purple fat man Geng Ghost said a few words to Xu Jing, and Xu Jing nodded that he could.

Got Xu Jing's consent.

Geng Ghost licked his lips.

Then the figure vanished.

Xu Jing saw that Kuailong noticed this scene, so he looked at Kuailong and smiled: "We don't know each other anymore, I'll invite you to eat delicious food later, Geng Ghost went to catch fish." "

Catch fish?

The fast dragon is unknown.

Nodding still.

Fish or something, there's a lake near its nest.

There is a lot of fish in it.

It also sometimes catches some fish.

However, I don't eat it often because it feels fishy.

It doesn't like that taste very much.

Do human trainers like the fishy smell of fish?

When Xu Jing saw Kuailong's eyes, he had actually guessed what Kuailong was thinking, but he didn't say anything.

He still had some seasoning for barbecue meat and fish in his backpack.

Wait for Geng Ghost to catch the fish and come back.

As soon as he operated, Kuailong understood.

Soon, the little brother who Kuailong ordered to go down to get food came up.

It's that wind speed dog!

Wind Speed Dog brought back some fruits and some common animals hunted by his younger brothers.

It placed one of its favorite fruits in front of Lucario, and motioned with its paws to push it.



Lucario nodded.

Let's eat together!

But soon, Kuailong found the clue.

Xu Jing: They only ate the fruit.

Don't eat meat?

No, no, it's not that you don't eat meat, it's that the meat is being processed, and it looks a bit troublesome.

Human trainers are the trouble.

What is this little cube? It smells very fragrant, and I kind of want to eat it.

Xu Jing took out the last few energy cubes.

Divided it among the elf companions.

There are 3 left.

I looked at the dragon.

"Kuailong, Wind Dog, do you want to try it?"

As he spoke, Xu Jing held the 3 energy cubes with his superpowers and floated towards the fast dragon and the wind speed dog in the air.

2 fast dragons, 1 wind speed dog.


Kuailong looked at Xu Jing with a question mark on his face.

No, how did you do that?

It's a superpower, right!?

You're human, how can you have superpowers?

The dragon was still very cute when he was cute.

Staring at his eyes, he subconsciously took the energy cube that floated over.

At the same time, Lucario, Menas, Fossil Pterodactyl, and Gera Ola all swallowed the energy cubes.

The fast dragon and the wind dog have the same example.

A small cube of energy is not enough for their big mouths.

But the moment the energy cube is swallowed.

The compressed energy in the energy cube began to emanate, and their taste buds began to accept the taste, and the aftertaste was endless!

Oh yes, it's so delicious!

I've never eaten anything like this before!

Is this the daily meal for the elven companions of the human trainers?


The Wind Dog, who had been left behind for Lucario's connection, was the only leader to stay in the area to eat, and he licked his big mouth.

An expression of unfinished business.

Some flattered Xu Jing.

It's a good thing, and it wants to taste it!

"Haha, it's gone, the last bit is divided. Xu Jing was happy when he saw the wind speed dog's expression, and proposed: "Wait a minute, there are still good things to eat, you can save some stomach." "

And the good stuff?

Okay, good, the wind speed dog is waiting obediently~


Today it's Geraora's turn to take care of the ingredients.

It splits and attacks with one move, and its power is controlled just right.

Once the meat is cut, look at Menas.



Menas understood what Geraora meant, and whispered softly, the water elemental condensed on the surface of Geraola, cleaning it of its blood-stained hair.

The fossil pterosaur used its primordial power to strengthen and weaken a rock into a solid slab that was only 1 centimeter thick.

As for the wood, I don't need it.

Just let Bicchitini control the fire element!(If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These operations get down.

The fast dragon and the wind speed dog next to him were stunned.

That's too much trouble, isn't it?

Why don't you just have a meal?

At this time, Geng Ghost also returned. []

It caught a lot of fish and brought them with superpowers, and it looked like it wanted to have a good meal.

The fish are all thrown to Gera Ola for disposal.

Gerala raised her claws, and tiny electric wires swam within her white hair, landing on the fish, causing them to tremble slightly.

At the same time, the scales of the fish fell off but did not hurt the flesh, and the force was still well controlled.

Xu Jing commented while handling the barbecue: "Jielaora is doing a good job, let's change to Darkrai next time." "

Next is Xu Jing's operation time.

Barbecue mode on!

When I didn't have superpowers before.

Xu Jing's barbecue is also very troublesome!

Now, the superpower precisely controls every piece of meat and fish on the hard slate, and below the slate is Biktini condenses the fire element to heat the slate!

Soon, the fish and meat were roasted to the point of smoking, and the aroma was already coming to the face before the seasoning was even added.

Kuailong drooled greedily beside him.

I can't imagine that there is so much attention to eating, this human trainer can really eat, and the fire skill can still be used like this?

Kuailong looked at the wind speed dog next to him, who was also greedy.

It seems that we have to let the wind speed dog learn more!

Eat like this in the future!

After a full meal (ADCC) is sufficient.

Xu Jing is playing with his elf companions.

The fast dragon next to him didn't squeak.

In my heart, I am weighing the pros and cons.

Looking at Xu Jing's elf companions, none of them have poor strength, if they follow such a human trainer, they should be able to stand higher in the future, right?

Kuailong is not stupid.

It has a lot of things to consider when it reaches LV.87!

Xu Jing looked at the time.

It's already 13:20 p.m.!

Now at this point in time.

Have the fossil pterosaur fly at its original speed.

You can also take a break along the way.

In the evening, you will be able to return to the secret hall.

It's time to say goodbye!

Xu Jing bid farewell to Kuailong.

But he didn't expect Kuailong to hand the dragon egg that he regarded as a treasure to Xu Jing, and whispered cautiously: "Woo! roar~"

Kuailong, who plans to entrust the child he regards as a treasure to Xu Jing!

This is its decision after much consideration!

Just like Xu Jing said, its dragon egg is wanted by many people, and after seeing Xu Jing's strength and Xu Jing's attitude towards his elf partner.

The dragon felt that it was much better for his child to be able to follow such a human trainer than to be by his own side!


Seeing that Xu Jing did not express his position.

Kuailong urged dissatisfiedly.

"Kualong, your child will soon be as powerful as my other elven companions, just wait and see!"

Xu Jing made a promise to take Kuailong's egg!

Being able to get the dragon's egg was something he didn't expect.

It can only be said that sometimes life is impermanent!

Kuailong nodded, although it knew that it would be difficult to reach its own strength, but it still believed in Xu Jing.

It's not over yet, it takes Xu Jing to the place where he hides his treasure.

This time it was Xu Jing's turn to be surprised.

Because there is more than one place where the fast dragon hides treasures, and its lair has the least treasures!

No wonder he didn't find anything good in that Keane's backpack, it turns out that the dragon has its own place to hide treasure.

After returning from Kuailong's treasure land, Xu Jing had a lot of treasures in his backpack.

It was all the fast dragon who was afraid that his child would not be able to keep up after hatching in the future, so it gave Xu Jing 2 dragon attribute essences, 2 dragon stones, and 1 dragon tooth!

It's not that the fast dragon doesn't give more.

Rather, the same kind of treasure can only be absorbed 2 times per elf, which the wild elves also know.

As for the dragon pure crystal, Kuailong has no stock here.

The dragon pure crystal that Xu Jing found in the Thorny Dragon King Lake before could be absorbed by the mini dragon when the time came.

It's 14:30!

Sit on a fossil pterosaur under the watchful eye of a fast dragon.

Xu Jing set off again!

Back to the halls of the secret realm!

The information of 5 million Alliance Coins will go tomorrow.

Now, Xu Jing just wants to have a good rest in the secret hall!

I've slept in the secret realm for so many days.

He's already missing the soft double room!

On March 18th, it will be 22:45 on the same day!

There is a LV.79-class fossil pterosaur that acts as a flying vehicle.

Xu Jing stopped and walked along the way.

On the premise that there is no exploration on the whole way.

The average speed of fossil pterosaurs was controlled at 450 km/h

It took 8 hours and crossed more than 3,000 kilometers!

Xu Jing was finally on the night.

Successfully rushed to the square outside the secret hall.

However, at this time.

In the square, which should not be anyone, there are dozens of senior trainers with elves checking the equipment.


The elves in the square roared one after another, and the fossil pterosaur just fell from the sky at this time.

See this.

It roared abruptly, and a dragon roar vibrated across the inky night sky, and the elves in the square instantly fell silent.

The flying elves of the eagle, the eagle of the arrow, the eagle of Muk, and so on, trembled.

Of course, it's not just the elves.

The elven trainers were silent for a few seconds, and everyone began to discuss which boss it was.

"Fossil pterosaur, my eagle is already at the high level of the Heavenly King, and I will be subconsciously afraid in the face of the roar of this fossil pterosaur, my God, this is a Heavenly King-level fossil pterosaur?"

"Which predecessor in China has a king-level fossil pterosaur?

"I can't see clearly, the big guy has come down from the fossil pterosaur, do you want to go up and talk to see who it is?"

"Go ahead, I'm going to enter the secret realm!"

"Big guy, this is from the dragon's nest to go back to the secret realm hall to rest, right? I don't know if he knows about the fast dragon......

These trainers, at least one quasi-king-level elf, gathered in this square, and several of them formed a temporary adventure team.

"Senior, where are you from the Dragon's Lair? If we can, we would like to ask if we can buy the latest information from you. "

Someone really came to Xu Jing and asked.

Is it to buy the latest information?

Xu Jing raised his eyebrows, he knew that he would shoot more videos when he explored, and he could still sell them for money~


Seeing that Xu Jing didn't reply, the people who came to inquire thought that they didn't want to sell, so they didn't ask again, and the courage they finally mustered up was gone.

didn't even dare to look at Xu Jing a few more times.

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Jing looked around curiously, just like the people around him looked at him.

, really fake, what a young voice?

Xu Jing's voice shocked the trainer who came to buy the information, and immediately said that all of them had come to look for the Quick Dragon Elf Egg!

The dragon elf egg was spread so quickly?

Xu Jing was speechless......

I can only say that I hope these people can have good luck.

Because after Xu Jing spent a few bottles of high-grade energy liquid and Menas constantly using life droplets, Kuailong's state had returned to its heyday!

Tsk, a fast dragon in the heyday of LV.87.

Xu Jing didn't dare to say that he was going to touch the mold.

But he didn't say anything more.

I can't say that all of you don't bother to make efforts, the dragon eggs you want are actually lying quietly in my backpack?.

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