
A tyrannical roar roared out from a cave in the depths of the Spirit Valley Secret Realm, and a Pavilion Master-level Nido King, who was twice as large as the elite-level Nido King, burst out of the cave!

It was like it was enraged by something.

Outside the cave, there were some students who had graduated from their senior year, and they had entered the secret realm of Linggu with Xu Jing, and had invited Xu Jing to form a team with Shen Shaolan and his party.

After these days of groping and exploring.

The group of them can be regarded as arriving at the depths of the Spirit Valley Secret Realm.

With the strongest strength and elite middle-level elves, it is no problem for them to explore the depths of the secret realm of Spirit Valley.

Lin Xing chased Nidorang, who wanted to be subdued, and ran into the cave, relying on the fact that he had two elite beginner-level elves and a few teammates' elves to help, so he forcibly rushed in without thinking.

The results can be imagined......

King Nido rushed out with the power of the earth!

Severely injured their two elite entry-level elves on the spot, terrifying them!

"Arrow Eagle, go!"

"it, it! Compare the eagle, compare the eagle! Take me away!"

"Fly, take off!

"Pavilion master level, definitely the hall master level Nido King!"

"Grass! It's chasing it out!"

Only Shen Shaolan and a girl with an eagle had time to fly away, and the other three people's flying elves didn't move so fast.

"Ni Roar !!"

King Nido, who is more than 3 meters tall, is burly and strong, and it chased after him caused a great shadow in the hearts of the three people in front of him.

It seems that you can vaguely smell the fishy smell from King Nido!

"Damn, fight it or you'll all die!"

The three of them glanced at each other, and a trace of determination flashed in their eyes, especially "287", Lin Xing, who caused this consequence and dragged down his teammates, took the initiative to stand in front of the two teammates, and roared angrily towards the oncoming King Nido: "Owl Nighthawk, use your mental power to restrain it!"

"You two hurry up!


The owl nighthawk in the sky urges the telekinesis, and the super energy system restrains the poison system of the Nido King, but the level of the owl nighthawk is too much inferior to the Nido King, and the telekinesis is forcibly broken free by the Nido King.

"Nie Roar!"

Disturbed by the little mice one after another, King Nido was completely furious!

Without waiting for Shen Shaolan and another girl to command their elves to use their skills from the air.

King Nido is ready to return to the power of the earth!


Fossil pterosaurs with wings outstretched and hidden from the sky.

The dragon's groans come from far and near!

A primordial force descended from the sky!


King Nido's entire massive body was shrouded in primordial power.

Crash on the rock wall of a nearby cave.

A second ago, it was still on the hunt.

The next second he fell to the ground and couldn't get up, "fall to the ground and sleep".


"Thank goodness ......"

"It's terrifying, the strength of the Pavilion Master-level King Nido is really strong, this fossil pterosaur is even stronger, senior, thank you for ......"

Lin Xing, who lived for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, looked at the fossil pterosaur, and said the words of thanks without finishing his words, and was stunned on the spot.

Look up from his point of view.

Just in time to see Xu Jing standing on the back of a fossil pterosaur!

"How could it be him!?"

Lin Xing was petrified on the spot......

Xu Jing was checking the information of King Nido.

[Elf: King Nido (Poison + Face)]


[Level: LV.51 (Beginner Level)]

[Individual Talents: Stamina (20) Attack (29) Defense (25) Special Attack (20) Special Defense (30) Speed (26)]

[Trait: Stinger (Possess a proud Stinger, use contact skills to attack the person with the Stinger, there is a 30% chance of being poisoned)]

[Skills: Poison Ling, Random Attack, Double Kick, Corner Collision, Poison, Poison Strike, Power of the Earth, ......]

The last five-star mission is to find out if there are any wild elves in the entire Linggu Secret Territory who have the strength to break through to the hall master level.

The task is just to probe.

The task of arresting and taking away does not need Xu Jing to do.

But Xu Jing knew.

This Nido King could no longer stay in the Spirit Valley Secret Realm.

With the first-level strength of the hall master, it was too much for the wild elves of the other Spirit Valley Secret Realm, and for most of the trainers who came to the Spirit Valley Secret Realm!

Since they are all defeated.

Then just take it with Poké Balls!

As soon as he thought of this, Xu Jing, who was standing on the back of the fossil pterosaur, dropped a Poke Ball.

The Poké Ball opens and takes King Nido inside.

King Nido was killed by the primordial force, so he naturally had no ability to resist.

The Poké Ball "clicks" to indicate success.

However, King Nido is a pavilion master-level elf, and its wildness has long been fixed and cannot be tamed or changed.

Xu Jing glanced at Lin Xing and the others, if it weren't for these people present, he could have stood on the back of the fossil pterosaur and used his superpowers to hold up the Poke Ball and return it to his hand.

Now he has to land the fossil pterosaur, and he has to go down and get the Poké Ball back, which is really troublesome.

Lin Xing and the others looked at each other.

Until Xu Jing took the Poké Ball back.

Shen Shaolan looked at Xu Jing and said, "Classmate Xu Jing?"

There are fossil pterosaurs, they are still so strong, and they are wearing masks, and they came from Nanhu Province!

All kinds of conditions are added together.

If they can't think of Xu Jing again, it will be too stupid!

"Well, we met again. Xu Jingjing nodded, but he didn't plan to say anything more to them, but seriously proposed: "Don't worry, there are no other hall master-level elves in the secret territory of Linggu, I'll take this guy back and hand in the task, you continue to explore, good luck." "


In the meantime, Lin Xing and the others are still reminiscing about the scene when Xu Jing fell from the sky just now.

"We are so lucky that we were able to take the same train as Xu Jing to the Trainer's Exclusive Subway Line to reach the Spirit Valley Secret Realm!"

The girl who had the carving was very emotional.

Xu Jing, the students who studied in the Dragon Kingdom Elf Academy, which one didn't know Xu Jing?

She only hated herself for why she didn't recognize Xu Jing earlier.

You can also find a chance to ask for an autograph and take a group photo or something.

When the time comes, go back to the academy.

The classmates still don't envy her to death?

"That's right, Xu Jing doesn't have a frame at all, we said before that we invited him to team up with us, and we wanted to take care of him, my God, now that I think about it, my toes are so embarrassed that I almost pulled out of the three-bedroom living room!"

"Who says it's not, and he just saved us all, and he doesn't look proud, it's a danger to our lives, but for him, the elves kill them with a single blow, alas, we're three years older than him!"

Listening to the envy and admiration of his teammates for Xu Jing.

Lin Xing also had to admire Xu Jing, he was really amazing!

"If I could have half of Xu Jing...... No, a third? No, if I could have one-tenth of Xu Jing's strength, I'm afraid the scenery I see now will be completely different, right?"

Shen Shaolan was also sighing in her heart.

Today she can be regarded as seeing what is the strength of the pride of the sky, it is not a level at all, the Elf Championship Cup has only been a few months, and Xu Jing's strength is becoming more and more terrifying!

Not to mention students like them who are three years older than Xu Jing.

It is estimated that even those senior trainers and seniors are probably not Xu Jing's opponents, right?

After 2 hours.

Because he no longer hid his traces, Xu Jing had quickly returned to the secret realm hall to handle the procedures for handing over the task.

"The three five-star missions have been handed over, and 45 points have been issued to your identity, thank you for your contribution to the development of trainers, and I wish you a happy life!"

Complete three five-star tasks at once, and the person in charge of handling the procedures for Xu Jing is the manager in charge of the secret realm hall.

Because I already know Xu Jing's identity.

Although Xu Jing reminded him not to make a noise.

But when the manager in charge was talking to Xu Jing, he was unconsciously a little respectful in his attitude.

Xu Jing didn't care so much. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, I'll be gone later.

"Well, by the way, how do you generally deal with wild elves whose strength exceeds the level in the secret realm?"

Xu Jing suddenly thought of this question.

"Please rest assured, the wild elves that exceed the strength of the two-star secret realm, we will place them in the three-star secret realm suitable for it according to the situation, and the same is true for the situation of King Nido, and the impact of life on it will be minimized as much as possible. "

If ordinary people ask this question, the person in charge is too lazy to take care of it and turn his head and leave, but Xu Jing asked this question, a good question, a good question, Xu Jing, do you want to ask a few more questions?

Why don't we add a contact information and I'll answer you slowly?

This is not an exaggeration.

Being able to become the person in charge of the secret hall of any elven secret realm is an existence with connections in the family.

This kind of person is very anxious to find out what the high-level leaders of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance think of Xu Jing now.

It is no exaggeration to say. []

Xu Jing is only a freshman now.

But the future champion will be him!

In the end, of course, the person in charge did not add Xu Jing's contact information.

Xu Jing flew to the headquarters of the Elf Alliance again.

There is no way, he has to go over to explain the matter of the secret realm of Linggu.

This kind of thing can't be said clearly on the phone0 ...

It's better to say it in person.

It's evening!

looked at Xu Jing again.

Long Jun was happy, and immediately looked at Xu Jing with a smile and teased: "Senior brother, why are you here again? Don't tell me which secret realm you found something wrong again?"

Long Jun was originally just a joke.

But when he saw the inexplicable expression on Xu Jing's face.

Long Jun's smile froze.

No...... No way!?

"Senior, you are like a god, I don't want to, but if I find out, I will find out, so I can only obediently run over and report to you. Xu Jingtan spread his hands, looking like I couldn't do anything.

Long Jun looked at Xu Jing tightly: "Did you really find out? Say, what's wrong this time? You kid shouldn't have gone to the mountains and rivers or the sea of clouds, right? There are only 4 of our Dragon Kingdom's four-star elf secret realms, 2 of which have already had accidents, and the remaining 2 can be leisurely." "

The four-star secret realm of the Dragon Kingdom is 4.

The labyrinthine caverns are completely locked down.

The Dragon's Lair doesn't allow new trainers to enter, and it's not much different from locking it down.

If something happens to the remaining mountains, rivers, coasts, and sea of clouds, then the senior trainers of the Dragon Kingdom will have to fight in a four-star secret realm, which will be too difficult.

"No, no, no, it's a two-star secret realm, the secret realm of the Spirit Valley in the Demon Capital, and there is a mysterious cave in it like the dragon's nest, but it's ......"

"But what? just say it!" Hearing that it was only a two-star secret realm, although it was from the magic capital, as long as it was not a four-star secret realm, it would be fine, and Long Jun finally put a snack.

"The mysterious cave entrance of the Spirit Valley Secret Realm is different from that of the evil dragon's nest, this cave has been there since the beginning, it should be just a matter of the past few days, but it is ......"

Xu Jing explained everything that happened in the secret realm of Linggu.

Long Jun felt a little wrong when he listened to it.

What forces of time and space have come?

What the hell is this?

"Senior brother, do you mean that the mysterious caves that appear in the two places of the Evil Dragon's Lair and the Spirit Valley Secret Realm are likely to lead to another world, a world that is completely different from the Elven Secret Realm?"

Long Jun's tone was serious.

"Well, because this time my waveguide power also heard some words from the other side, and the power of time and space seems to be calling from the other side, forcibly erasing the mysterious cave entrance!"

Xu Jing wanted Senior Long Jun not to despise the elf world in his heart, after all, the elves on the elf world had a much longer development time than here.

The elven development and technological development on the elf world side are estimated to be far from this side, although there is an elf secret realm here, and there may not be one on the elf world, but you should be careful or be careful

Long Jun's view is completely consistent with Xu Jing's view.

After listening to Xu Jing's words, Long Jun also nodded in approval: "It is very likely that the other side can even use the power of time and space, this is really unimaginable......"

"But don't be afraid, the other side takes the initiative to erase the hole, which means that the other side is also worried about something like us, no 5.8 but there is no need to do more. "

This one is.

Xu Jing thinks so too.

"Seal the secret realm of Linggu as well! I don't think you kid will be called the King of Volumes, it is more appropriate to give you the title of the Secret Realm Terminator. "

Seeing that Xu Jing had discovered the problem in several secret realms, Long Jun gave Xu Jing a new nickname.

"Yes, then should I go to the mountains and rivers and the sea of clouds to see ......?"

", don't, don't!"

Long Jun was afraid of Xu Jing.

"I've recently put a new batch of treasures into the treasure house, so let's go see if you need one. "

Xu Jing was sent away, and Long Jun left in a hurry.

That is, Xu Jing, if you change someone to the headquarters, can you see if it is so easy to see Long Jun every time?

Half an hour later.

Xu Jing's alliance coin - 71 million!

Got 2 copies of the Flying Attribute Essence, 2 copies of the Flying Stone, 2 copies of the Flying Treasure Sharp Beak, and 1 copy of the Dragon's Fang!

These are all for Hackron!

Hackron also only has dragon attributes.

But after evolving into a fast dragon, there will be more flying systems!

Xu Jing likes to plan ahead!

Pure crystalline words.

There are neither flying crystals nor dragon crystals.

Xu Jing himself obtained the dragon pure crystal in the evil dragon's nest in the backpack, and he was still waiting for the hack dragon to digest the energy of the dragon's tooth in his body and continue to absorb it!

Sunday, March 31st!

Xu Jing returned home, and not surprisingly, the news of the blockade of the Linggu Secret Realm had been reported in various news.

Xu Jing took a bath and finished the sense of ceremony.

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