
Terrifying skills explode in the sky.

The gray-brown body of Super Charizard X hugged the steel crab-like body of the giant gold monster and fell into the forest.

Then it exploded.

Then two red Poké Ball energy rays rushed into the forest in no particular order.

Take back Charizard and Megachny.

"Long Jun, this time I'll see who can save you!"

Tefergus stands on the shoulders of the Super Bangira, who walks like a behemoth, leaving deep and large footprints on the ground with every step.

The ground can't bear its terrifying weight!


A wave of evil exploded!

The target is none other than the fast dragon in the sky.

Like a thick purple-black chain, the sky seemed to be a little darker after the evil wave burst out of Super Banjira's mouth.


The furious water cannon erupted from the mouth of the fast dragon, and the front of the water cannon gathered the most domineering water elemental energy of this skill, and the water molecules in the air kept condensing, making the water cannon even more powerful.

The distance between the two is several kilometers.

However, the two skills collided in the middle of the blink of an eye, and the purple-black chain exploded the moment the dark blue water column met.

This will be the pinnacle of the LV.89 championship level.

But Banjira has a super evolution, and his strength has temporarily broken through to the initial level of LV.91 level, but the fast dragon also has Long Jun's dragon power auxiliary bonus, plus the fast dragon's skills are super wide.

For a while, Super Bangira played on par.

As for the old lady of the United States?

The old woman's elf wanted to sneak up on Long Jun.

was repelled by the slashing commander beside Long Jun.

He even killed 3 champion-level elves.

The old woman knew she was invincible.

Her original task was only to assist Tefergus to entangle Long Jun on the side, so that Long Jun's elves would be distracted and unable to deal with Tefergus wholeheartedly.

Now it costs 3 elves.

But there are also 3 elves on Long Jun's side, who are seriously injured and in a near-death coma.

On the other hand, Tefergus is on the other hand.

Only the Golden Monster and another elven companion are dying and unconscious.


Tefergus undoubtedly has a big advantage!

He now has Super Bangira, Sonic Dragon, Miss Lips, and a Wonderful Frog Flower!

On Long Jun's side, there were only fast dragons, tyrannosaurus dragons, and a slashing commander.

Eluredo: They have returned to the Poké Ball.

Fast Dragon, Tyrannosaurus and Charizard, the three are the absolute trump cards of Long Jun, and now there are two left.

Long Jun's main combat power is still there.

But Tefergus stared meaningfully in Long Jun's direction, as if his gaze could see through the distance.

He said to himself: "Long Jun, Long Jun, shouldn't you still be thinking about the reinforcements of the Dragon Kingdom, if there is no accident, the reinforcements of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely come slower than expected, this is the best time to solve you!"

Tefergus's gaze was frenetic.

This time, he must solve Long Jun!


"Sharp Stone Attack!"


One terrifying stone spike after another condensed out.

Long Jun always wanted to get close, so that his slashing commander would have the strength to fight, otherwise he could only stay around him like he was now to protect him.

Tefergus knew how powerful the slashing commander was, and he stood on the Super Bangira and didn't come down.

Water cannon!

The dragon on the back of the fast dragon has always maintained the output of the dragon's power.

For a while, the fast dragon and the tyrannosaurus were not worried.

The Slash Commander can't easily get close to Super Banjira, Super Banjira's earthquake is not a joke, it only takes an earthquake to restrain the damage to make the Slash Commander look good.

"At this time, I can only try my best to delay until Aluredo recovers a little combat strength!" Long Jun took a deep breath.

As long as Eluredo can recover a little combat power and reach the point of urging two teleportations, he will be able to teleport over with the Slash Commander and disrupt the rhythm of the battle with Tefergus in an instant!

Super skills will only be greatly resisted by evil elves, and once they let the super skills fall on themselves.

There is no problem with Eluredo teleporting and slashing the commander.

Suddenly, a voice that surprised Long Jun appeared in the depths of his mind!

"Senior, lead him to my side, I'm 11.65 kilometers directly east of you... !"

The voice......

Long Jun was stunned.

Xu Jing!?

"Why are you here!?"

"How sure are you?"

Although Long Jun didn't know how Xu Jing could talk to him directly in his mind, he was still silent on the surface, still directing the Tyrannosaurus and the Fast Dragon to maneuver around with Tefergus a few kilometers away.

"Don't worry, 100% sure!"

"Don't you know me? I never do anything I'm not sure of. "

Hear Xu Jing's confident words.

Long Jun thought about it in his heart.

But he still advised: "Okay, I'll lead him over, cooperate with you the whole process, don't be reckless, you know? With you, even if we can't leave Tefergus, we can both retreat calmly." "

It's hit to this point.

Any king-level strength has the potential to influence the tide of battle.

What's more, Xu Jing is a freak!

"Huh?" Long Jun's tactics were adjusted.

Tefergus reacted immediately.

"Sonic Dragon, go, chase after it!"


"Bangira, the sharp stone attack waits, block the other party's way!"


Seeing that Long Jun really stopped fighting against him, Tefergus was not surprised, thinking that Long Jun couldn't be consumed and wanted to escape!

He immediately let Bangira chase after him!

Don't look at Bangira can't fly.

But with such a huge body, even if it is just running, it is extremely fast, not to mention that Long Jun is also chasing after the sonic dragon, and Miao Frog Flower and Sister Misty Lips are also chasing and killing.

Miao Frog Flower has a very peculiar way of traveling, that is, using the rattan whip skill to firmly tie some fixed places in front of him, and use inertia to tear his body away.

Although a little peculiar.

But it's really not slow!

Sister Misty Lips is the same as Tefergus.

Right on the shoulders of Super Bangira.

It was to protect Tefergus at the same time.

Also to attack like Super Bangira.

The cold wind blew, and Tefergus couldn't help but feel a sense of heroism in his heart.

Long Jun, his lifelong enemy will be solved soon!

How does this make him not excited?


"Knock knock!"

The Swift Dragon and the Super Tyrannosaurus sped by.

Super Bangira runs wild on the ground.

As he had to fend off the sharp stone attacks thrown by Super Bangira from behind as he walked, the dragon slowed down a lot.

And the other side.

Xu Jingzheng was in ambush.

In order to be able to kill with one hit, Xu Jing has already let Lucario, Fossil Pterodactyl, and Geng Ghost all open the super evolution form in advance.

After their super evolution, their levels have been temporarily raised to LV.89, which is the peak of the champion level!

Then, what kind of sword dance, meditation and other short-term strengthening skills, all of Xu Jing's elf partners were raised to the limit.

After the Bicchitines' victory power was increased by 100%, their true combat power reached an absolutely terrifying level.

"Everyone, after a while, the fast dragon will urge the god to quickly contain the enemy elves, and the Geng ghost will stay by my side and don't leave for the time being. "

Xu Jing began to arrange the battle that was waiting for him.

When Kuailong heard that he was finally going to make a move this time, he immediately smiled and nodded beautifully.

Geng Ghost is a big face. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Jing knew what this guy was thinking as soon as he saw it, he paused and added: "Okay, don't have this expression, let you stay by my side just in case, in case there is something behind the other side or something, it will be up to you." "


The Geng, who has been super-evolved, is no longer a pure purple fat man.

The purple color is only above the mouth.

The purple below the mouth is always obscured by a red mist.

Normally, it is half of its body on the ground.

The other half of the body is under the ground!

To be precise, the other half of its body should be in a different dimensional space, and Xu Jing should be the first trainer in the Dragon Kingdom to super-evolve the Geng Ghost, but he didn't go to the time to figure out what the other half of the Super Geng Ghost's body was.

Xu Jing suspected that the red mist from the super Geng's body in contact with the ground might have something to do with the fact that the other half of its body was in another dimension.

The most distinctive thing is that its pupils have become heavy pupils, and there is something similar to a golden eyeball on its forehead, and ordinary people will unconsciously fall into an illusion after staring at this eyeball for a long time.

This is a normal color super Gengh.

Not too much has changed.

If it's a glittering Geng.

After the super evolution, it is pure white as snow.

The color changes are simply one day at a time![]

Super Gengh nodded.

Xu Jing looked at Super Lucario and the Super Fossil Pterodactyl that landed on the ground, as well as Gera Ora, Menas, and Darkrai.

"The five of you are the main attackers later, and I won't repeat what skills restrain what elves. "

"Super Lucario remembers to maintain the speed of God throughout the whole process, your current state is turned on at God Speed, except for the fast dragon in the same state, I am afraid that there is no other spirit in the world that can surpass you. "

"You are responsible for saving the whole scene, you will attack wherever you are needed, on the premise of paying attention to safety, the main target is the opponent's Super Banjira, and your fighting skills are four times to restrain the opponent!"


Lucario's hyper-evolution makes it look even more handsome, with golden hair on its chest spreading to its tail, and red hairs on its claws and feet.

The most notable should be the pendant under the ear.

Originally, it resembled a water droplet, but after the super evolution, it became a satin-like floating object, fluttering with the wind, adding a touch of handsomeness to it.

Super Lucario's handsomeness is among the best in the entire elf world!

The fossil pterosaur is still the same.

In addition to its larger size, its grayish-brown rough skin has some sharp stone spines, which looks slightly hideous and terrifying.

Of course, the super fossil pterosaur was also terrifying in terms of speed.

Except for the elves who have the speed of God.

The speed of the Super Fossil Pterodactyl should be few rivals.

Menas and Geraora don't have hyper-evolved forms.

However, Menas also has its own advantages.

Both ranged and melee attacks can be played.

Ranged attacks can be used as turrets.

Melee also has powerful skills such as Water Tail.

At the same time, Menas is also a "nurse" who has reached the championship level, and the "leftovers" and water rings in her body can continue to restore her strength.

Life drops can restore health to oneself or one's teammates.

There are also self-regeneration and other magic skills to restore yourself.

Jieraola can use the power of electromagnetism to leave the ground and move freely in the air, and when the exclusive skill plasma lightning fist is urged, it seems to drop a blue sun, which is extremely cool.

Darkrai's words.

Xu Jing looked at Darkrai and had high hopes for Darkrai's dark hole: "Darkrai, you have established your authority in the previous battles, this time your main target is the sonic dragon, after the sonic dragon is finished, the other party will have no fleeing elves, and Sister Misty Lips is not to be afraid." "

"Snort~" The cool Darkrai nodded.

Say you know.

Xu Jing himself has already found a place to hide.

Soon, Long Jun's fast dragon and super tyrannosaurus covered him to the place where Xu Jing asked him to come over.

Of course, Xu Jing didn't let Long Jun rush over directly, so not only did he not have time to prepare, but the super spirit of the head of the United States was not a dry meal.

Maybe you'll find him in ambush in advance.

Long Jun also understands this.

Therefore, he asked Kuailong to take him in a big circle on purpose, and now he inadvertently brought Tefergus behind him.

"Long Jun! you can't escape!"

Tefergus had a loud voice, but it couldn't reach the front at such a high speed.

Suddenly, Tefergus's heart jumped.

His strong physique made him feel a little strange.

After the strength of the body has reached a certain level.

It is possible to perceive danger to a certain extent.

The Lost Lips sister beside Tefergus didn't notice anything unusual, in this kind of high-level chase battle, the superpower of the super elves can't be wasted at will.

Sister Mi Lip only uses her superpowers to probe her surroundings every few breaths.

And there was no abnormality in Sister Milip's superpower probe just now.

But the further he went, the more uneasy he felt in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and made Super Bangira stop immediately.

After the Super Bangira stopped.

The sonic dragon that was chasing and killing immediately stopped.

Long Jun secretly said in his heart that it was not good.

Could this Tefergus already perceive Xu Jing?

Now there is still some distance from the location provided by Xu Jing.

Xu Jing, who was secretly estimating the time, was estimating the time in his heart.

The results are after the point in time.

The other party who was supposed to rush over didn't come.

Even with Long Jun subconsciously stopped.

Xu Jing's superpower probe had already sensed Long Jun and Long Jun's three elves.

This proves that Tefergus should be not far behind Long Jun.

"Damn, this dog thing in the United States is quite cautious, everyone, just rush over there!"

Xu Jing and Super Lucario are still standing on the back of the fast dragon, the super Geng ghost is in his shadow, and the slow Menas and Jieraora have been taken back by Xu Jing Poke Ball.

Darkrai also burrowed into his shadow like a super Gengre.

The fast dragon and the fossil pterosaur rushed over as soon as possible!

Originally, Long Jun continued to flee and was fine.

But Long Jun subconsciously stopped.

This made Tefergus, who was already suspicious because of the uneasiness in his heart, immediately realize that something was wrong!

The current state is that he is chasing and killing Long Junli!

He stopped, Long Jun should have fled faster!

But Long Jun subconsciously stopped.

This does not prove that Long Jun is stupid.

It can only prove that the other party's state at the beginning was not an escape!

There is a fried!

These two words popped up in my heart, and the superpower of the very tacit sister of the lips poured out, but it was already night!

The distance of more than ten kilometers, for the fast dragon who has urged the speed, it will be killed in between breaths! .

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