Outside the gate of the secret realm of the Taiping Sea.

Taiping Island.

The entire 12-square-kilometer island has welcomed many guests today, and it is probably only when the Gate of the Secret Realm of the Taiping Sea was first discovered that it was so lively.

It's so lively today.

It's the second time in many years.

Come here.

All of them are world-famous trainers.


The trainers who were originally stationed here are not the only ones who just started.

After a major situation occurred in the secret realm of the Taiping Sea.

Other countries within the United Nations have rushed to send powerful trainers here.

Upon arrival.

A short-lived but strong garrison team was established.

Although the garrison team is composed of trainers from various countries, the order of everyone is not chaotic.

The first reason is that there is a strong man who leads the team.


Everyone is watching the excitement!

Who to see?

Naturally, it's between the Dragon Kingdom and the United States!

On the United States side, there are many countries on the European Union, Sakura, Oshu, and Kuroyo.

There are also a lot of them on the side of the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition, there is the country of hairy bears, a neutral that neither side can ignore.

The leader of the United States was a white man named Gardner, who was second only to Tefergus in the United States Congress.

And the Dragon Kingdom side is led by Granny Long.

There are also four titled kings in the back, such as the Flame Heavenly King, the Flying Heavenly King, and so on.

Yes, when the Flying King and the Flame King came to Taiping Island and wanted to enter, they happened to meet with the trainers who had arrived from the United States.

The two sides almost fought directly on Taiping Island.

Therefore, neither the Dragon Kingdom nor the United States was able to enter the Taiping Sea Secret Realm again.

The two sides have been at a stalemate.

Until the leaders of the two sides arrived.

Then trainers from other countries arrived.

Gardner was sneering at the side of the Dragon Kingdom led by Granny Long, and he hugged his chest: "In the words of your Dragon Kingdom, your Dragon Kingdom is really making a big fuss, isn't it because your champion Long Jun is in the Taiping Sea Secret Territory, but he wants to blatantly violate the provisions of the convention on the Taiping Sea Secret Realm that everyone formulated at the beginning." "

"Anyway, you Dragon Country trainers will never allow another champion-level trainer to enter!"

The Taiping Sea Secret Realm is the only five-star secret realm in the world.

For sustainability.

The United Nations had consulted together.

Relevant regulations and policies have been introduced!

That's a trainer who has reached the level of a champion.

Only one person from each realm is allowed to enter it at any one time to scavenge for elven resources.

This can greatly reduce the damage caused by the elves of powerful trainers to the Taiping Sea Secret Realm during the battle.

And now.

The dragon kingdom is under the leadership of Granny Long.

Plus Granny Long herself.

Here comes two champions!

They all want to enter the secret realm of the Taiping Sea.

Naturally, all the people of the United States led by Gardner will not allow it!

So the two sides are at a stalemate here.

For Gardner, they.

Tefergus entered with another champion.

It's just to target Long Jun.

And Granny Long came over with her group.

It was to find out what was going on in the secret realm of the Taiping Sea, and I also guessed that the goal of the United States was His Majesty Long Jun.

They're here to save people!

"Damn! you United States definitely have more than one champion level entering!" He Yan, the most grumpy Flame Heavenly King, looked at the sneer on Gardner's face, and his temper came up at that time, pointing at Gardner's nose and shouting: "The strength of Long Jun's crown, you Tefergus are not opponents, dare to make a moth There must be more than one strength of the same level!"

was pointed at his nose in public and shouted loudly, although the scolding was not too obvious, Gardner's face was gloomy at that time.

To know.

They weren't the only trainers on the scene.

Some of the world's well-known elf news outlets are like cats that smell fishy, and they have come here a long time ago!

In the distance, the high-tech camera equipment is hidden in various places, just waiting to capture the wonderful moment!

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense. Gardner snorted coldly at He Yan, and then grabbed the Poke Ball with one hand, while looking at He Yan and Granny Long and said, "In short, if you want to enter the Dragon Kingdom today, it will be a blatant violation of the United Nations Convention System, and all trainers have the right to stop your behavior!"

Gardner continued to speak loudly, intensifying.

If you dare to go up, we will dare to call out our elf partners to fight, anyway, it is you who provoked the war!

"Flame King, calm down. "Granny Long is relatively calm among the people present, she understands the Flame King, if she continues to quarrel with the other party, I'm afraid that the Flame King is really likely to call out the elves here to fight.

Although the top combat power of the trainers who arrived here in the Dragon Kingdom was not afraid of the United States, after all, there were so many news media here, and the crime of provoking a war could not be easily raised.

"Granny Long, Xu Jing's kid has already entered, if there is really anything wrong with the crown, it means that both of them are ......" The Flame Heavenly King was a little anxious.

Xu Jing, that kid, he is quite optimistic.

In the future, he will definitely be able to surpass all the trainers in the Dragon Kingdom.

Even he thinks that Xu Jing can win the realm of the head of the house, Donald!

In He Yan's opinion.

Even if it really sets off this crime.

That's better than Long Jun and Xu Jing both falling in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea, isn't it just fighting, he He Yan is not afraid!

That's right.

Granny Long also knew that what He Yan said was true.

If Long Jun has an accident.

Xu Jing, who went in to find Long Jun, was naturally unavoidable.

The United States is simply deliberately pinching the point so that they cannot be rescued.

"Granny Long, Lao He is right. Next to him, the Flying King Lan Fei's views were the same as He Yan's.

The other two Titled Heavenly Kings said that they could wait and see, but they knew Long Jun's strength.

The other champion didn't express an opinion.

He was obviously waiting for Granny Long's decision.

At this time, the trainers from the nearby countries were also expressing their opinions.

Hairy Bear Country:

"Anyway, if this one really fights, the strength of the two sides should be roughly equal, what should we do?"

"It's better to be on the side of the Dragon Kingdom now, the ambitions of the United States are too great. "

"I don't know how the specific situation is, but it's still a matter of whether I can fight, let's take a look!"

Cold Country:

"Hurry up and fight, the more losses on both sides, the better, and it is best to let all the high-end combat power of the Dragon Kingdom fall. "

"Xu Jing is the bloodline of our Han Country, and the Dragon Kingdom doesn't even recognize it, Assi!"

"That's right, that's right!"

European Union:

"If there is a fight later, let our news media focus on publicizing it, and we will know the reason for it, right?"

"Oh God, this must be fine, damn Long Jun didn't target us in the EU at the beginning, and now it should be like this. "

"Keep arguing, and when the Dragon Kingdom makes a move, you must go all out!"

Cherry Blossom Country:

"The Dragon Kingdom killed Mr. Heiichiro Eida of our Sakura Country, it's unforgivable!"

"That's right! It's best to get the dragon country to hand over the murderer later!"

"Mr. Heiichiro Eida is the only two champion-level powerhouses in our Sakura Country, and he was brutally killed by the Dragon Kingdom, which is simply unreasonable!"


The best thing many nations can do is to fall into the ground.

On the side of the Dragon Kingdom, Granny Long has already made up her mind.

Prepare for everyone to call out their elven friends.

Forcibly break into the secret realm of the Taiping Sea!

Whatever you say, you have to confirm the safety of Long Jun and Xu Jing!


A low dragon groan came from the location of the gate of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm, suppressing all the voices present!


The sky above the hall of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm that I saw suddenly shattered, and an orange fat figure rose into the sky!

It fell quickly, and the ground shook violently!

A cloud of dust was flying.

An elf, who didn't know who it was, swung a soft breeze with its wings at the direction of the trainer to blow away the dust and mist.

The dust and fog lifted.

The fat figure that appeared in front of everyone was none other than one of the quasi-god elves that all trainers must know - Kuailong!

"Quick Dragon, the Dragon Jun of the Dragon Kingdom has come out?"

"Who else can it be other than Long Jun? There are only a few people in the world who have fast dragons, this fast dragon is very powerful, and there is a high probability that it is a champion-level fast dragon, and the champion-level fast dragon that can come out of the secret territory of the Taiping Sea during this time period must be Long Jun!"

"It's Long Jun, that's right, I once fought with him, Kuailong impressed me very much, it's this one!"

As soon as the dragon appeared.

Everyone immediately thought of Long Jun of the Dragon Kingdom!

Unlike trainers in other countries who were surprised.

Everyone on the side of the Dragon Kingdom breathed a sigh of relief, it would be the best if Long Jun was fine, the worst they imagined did not appear!

But soon, the Flame Heavenly King's face changed.

He didn't know if Long Jun knew that Xu Jing had gone into the secret realm to look for Long Jun!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Long Jun is back, what about Xu Jing?

On the other side of the Dragon Country, many trainers in the United States, led by Gardner, looked like they had seen a ghost.

Gardner shouted in his heart: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Tefergus will definitely be able to solve Long Jun!"

Long Jun came out, and that Tefergus failed?

Wouldn't the fact that they had two champion-level trainers enter the secret realm of the Taiping Sea be exposed?

0 begging for flowers

The champion-level who followed Tefergus into the secret realm of the Taiping Sea was a champion-level combat force existence hidden by the United States.

This is a non-recurring thing.

But I don't seem to see the other party's Xu Jing?

Could it be that Tefergus didn't kill Long Jun though.

But he killed Xu Jing of the Dragon Kingdom?

If that's the case.

That's not unacceptable.

After all, judging from the side of the United States.

Xu Jingfu of this dragon country is a more terrifying existence than Long Jun in the future. []

Able to solve Xu Jing in advance.

It's worth it!

At this thought, Gardner's mood was like a roller coaster of ups and downs several times, and finally calmed down.

"Everyone, I'm worried. Long Jun came over with Kuailong, Kuailong has now recovered a little bit of strength, and he doesn't look like he has just experienced a big battle.

Long Jun and Kuailong arrive.

The elven news media clicked the shutter and snapped a lot of pictures.

Anyway, there are not many photos.

It's a little bit to be able to shoot more.

"Crown ......" Seeing that only Long Jun came out, the outspoken Flame Heavenly King was just about to ask about Xu Jing's news, but saw Long Jun hand over a look.

Suddenly, he could only anxiously close the words that he didn't ask.

It seems that the situation is very different from what everyone imagined!

They all know Long Jun very well.

Long Jun's expression means that nothing big has happened.

Or rather, the expression of everything under control!

"Granny Long, did you bring a backpack here?" Coming to the team of the Dragon Kingdom, Long Jun couldn't help but be excited, not letting others see the difference, and asked this key question in Granny Long's ear in a low voice.

The United States used the veins of the Hyper Evolution Stone found in the secret realm of the Taiping Sea to hook Long Jun.

Originally, Tefergus's plan was that after the dragon jun was settled, the people of the United States would secretly mine the super evolution stone veins.

Who would have thought they had failed?

Tefergus, the head of parliament of the United States, is dead!

Right now.

Someone who wants to secretly mine the veins of the Super Evolution Stone.

It's a dragon!

Stabilize the people of the United States first.

Wait until the Super Evolution Stone Vein is mined.

Settle the United States again!

How to mine unknowingly?

Here we have to mention the materials and technology items exchanged from the elven otherworld!

Space backpacks are one of them!

There is space for backpacks.

In the secret realm of the Taiping Sea, you can secretly mine those super evolution stone veins without making a big move.

The people present were all human spirits.

Long Jun's words came out.

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom knows that it's not easy!

Ordinary backpacks are naturally not worth asking Long Jun about.

This is obviously asking about space backpacks!

It seems that His Majesty Long Jun has found something good in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea!

Granny Long nodded.

"Everyone carries the best. "

The best?

Among the tech items that have been traded.

The space of the highest space backpack is three cubic meters!

There are ten people here.

If you only have a super evolution stone.

Preliminary should be enough!

Granny Long's crutches kicked lightly on the ground.

One of her ghostly elves immediately activated the power.

Wrap the trainer of the Dragon Country.

No one can hear any more here than to speak.

Of course, no one heard what they said just now.

If someone had eavesdropped, the vigilant elves would have been alerted long ago.

It's just that it's more foolproof.

The dragon kingdom didn't know what was plotting on this side.

The trainers of the other countries don't know why.

It's the same with Gardner.

He's waiting for Tefergus!

Soon, the discussion on the side of the dragon kingdom was completed.

Everyone followed Long Jun into the secret realm again.

And Granny Long and the other champion level are guarding the secret realm hall of the Taiping Sea Secret Realm.

After all, the situation now is that the United States has already entered the championship class, according to the conventions negotiated by the United Nations.

Before Tefergus didn't come out.

The United States can no longer send a Champion class into it.

Granny Long and another champion are the ones who guard the United States!

Soon, Long Jun led everyone into the secret realm again.

Trainers from other countries saw this.

They also let the trainers in.

Let's see what's going on in the Taiping Sea Secret Realm.

The United States, on its part, also let the trainers in.

But there is Granny Long.

Gardner, the champion, couldn't get in.

And Long Jun, he took the trainers of the Dragon Kingdom to the side of the Super Evolution Stone Vein as soon as possible!

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