
This is the water of a river that does not know how long.

The water surface was originally calm.

Now it's going berserk.

A waterspout hundreds of meters high raged on the water's surface.

The abundant water molecules and the earth element on the shore are mixed together, and the air here is filled with the smell of mud.

In the sky, orange dragons fly.

It was Kuailong who arrived with Xu Jing!


At a distance of more than 2,000 meters from the waterspout.

The dragon flailed its wings and stopped.

The fast dragon who stayed in the air turned back to look at Xu Jing on his back, and the dragon whispered something.

It is a reminder of Xu Jing.

said that there are many wild elves under the surface of the water, and all of them are quite strong, so Xu Jing should pay attention to it.

"Well, I feel it too. "

Xu Jing nodded.


You don't need to be reminded by the fast dragon.

His own superpower can sense the powerful water spirits under the surface of the water, and they seem to be moving with the movement of the waterspout!

These elves do not show the water.

Always following the waterspout under the surface of the water.

This proves that there should be something inside a waterspout that attracts them!

Thinking of this, Xu Jing set his eyes on the waterspout.

After pondering for a moment, Xu Jing did not use his superpowers and the power of the waveguide, but looked at Lucario and ordered, "Lucario, find out what's in there." "


After Lucario's exploration.

Soon Xu Jing got the answer!

- Aqueous Pure Crystal!

It's just right for Menas!

"I just saw a waterspout before, but I didn't expect it to take no effort. "

After hearing that it was a pure crystal of the water system, Xu Jing's eyes were bright.

"Lucario, Swift Dragon, the contents are the water-based pure crystals that Menas need, and they are now condensing and forming, and I am afraid that this waterspout will cause many wild elves to fight for it. "

"Hurry, it's up to you later. "

"Roar!" Hearing this, the fast dragon patted his chest.

The two dragon whiskers on top of its head twisted slightly.

It means that it is absolutely no problem to wrap it up on yourself!

It's now confident!

"Well, then, Lucario, let's go to the fossil pterosaur back. After Xu Jing patted the fast dragon, he also released the fossil pterosaur from the Poke Ball on his waist.

After the fossil pterosaur guy stretched out his dragon wings.

Looks a lot bigger than a fast dragon.

That's the benefit of having two flying elves.

Even if one of them has something to do on the fly.

It is also possible to ride on the back of another flying elf.

After sitting on the back of a fossil pterosaur. 303

Xu Jing's gaze fell on Kuailong.

I want to see how Kuailong performs later.

This water-based pure crystal can't run away anyway.

The wild spirits under the surface of the water have been staying under the surface of the water because the pure crystals of the water system are condensing in the waterspout.

Wait for the moment when the pure crystals of the water system are successfully condensed.

That's when these wild elves burst out of the water en masse!

And what Xu Jing wants to see is.

Fast dragon in this case.

How long will it take to get rid of those opponents!

Waterspouts are getting bigger.

At some point, a tipping point was finally reached.

A roaring waterspout deep into the clouds was cut off from the middle by some kind of energy fluctuation!

A crystal clear blue appeared in the air.

The most precious treasure of the water attribute, the pure crystal of the water system!

When the aqueous pure crystal is completely condensed and formed.

The surrounding heaven and earth rule energy also quickly dissipated.


A large and powerful blue figure suddenly rushed out from under the water, it was a terrifying Tyrannosaurus!

The tyrannosaurus obviously has no wings, but its body is straight and it rushes into the sky so fast!

And more than one!

In the other direction, a tyrannosaurus also rushed out of the water!

These two tyrannosaurs are probably more than 20 meters long, and they look like two giant pythons.


To the surprise of the two tyrannosaurs.

Even though they're already so fast.

But there was still an elf that appeared next to the water-based pure crystal before them!

It's the fast dragon!


The two tyrannosaurs were furious!

When the pure crystals of the water system are condensed.

Because of the protection of the energy of the rules of heaven and earth, they could not directly take away the pure crystal, so they could only follow all the way, and only jump out when the pure crystal condensed and formed.

But I didn't expect that at this critical moment.

The fast dragon flying in the sky wants to pick peaches?

They also sense the presence of fast dragons underwater.

But Kuailong doesn't have water attributes!

They thought the dragon was just here to see the fun!

The result is to compete with them for the pure crystals of the water system?

Two terrifying tyrannosaurs roared angrily.

The bloody mouth roared towards the sky.

The rich water element suddenly became even more.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and two tyrannosaurus dragons spewed out thick columns of water from the depths of their throats at the same time!

Water cannon!

In the blink of an eye, the two water cannons rushed not far in front of the addc, and the dragon looked downward, spewing out two gases visible to the naked eye from its nose.

A shock to the back!

Shake up with an amplitude invisible to the naked eye!


The invisible energy formed a force that tore through everything, and the flying elements converged from all directions, shaking out from the wings of the fast dragon.


The dark blue thick water column collided with the storm head-on, and it was defeated without any suspense, and the water column was split into countless small strips, annihilated and collapsed.


Before the two tyrannosaurs that rushed into the sky brewed their skills again, the storm that defeated the water cannon suddenly suppressed it!


The furious flying energy cut off the power of the two Tyrannosaurus dragons that were the overlords of the river, and their strength had reached the initial level of champions.

This is the horror of the Taiping Sea, the world's only five-star secret realm.

There are a lot of champion-level wild elves in this!

More than all the trainers in the urban world!

And the water cannons of the two tyrannosaurs weakened the storm of the fast dragons a lot, and now they fell on them again, and they arrived with strong physique.

Don't wait for them to recognise their skills again.

The electric elements in the dragon's whiskers of the fast dragon in the sky are "sizzling", and the two dragon whiskers radiate two ultra-high-voltage electric skills - thunder!

"Zizi Zi ......"


After the two Tyrannosaurus Overlords were hit by thunder.

Now I can't be arrogant anymore.

Falling from the air to the surface of the water.

Lift a curtain of water several feet high.

After all, it's ...... Quadruple restraint plus level crushing!

Congratulations to the host, your fast dragon defeated the Tyrannosaurus ×2 and gained 49,200 experience points】

The two tyrannosaurus overlords provided nearly 50,000 points of experience to the fast dragon, which made Xu Jing call it a pity, what a pity!

At this time, if it happens to be within the activation time of the Golden Experience Crit Card, then the nearly 50,000 experience points can be crit into hundreds of thousands!

The fast dragon held the water-based pure crystal in his large claws.


A water cannon with an electric current rushed up under the water, which was very different from the water cannon of the Tyrannosaurus!

A water cannon with an electric current?

Hydro cannon!

Same as hardened plants.

An exclusive skill that belongs to the three families of the water system.

There's also a name for the cannon cannon!

The power is unmatched!

But it's a pity.

The genie that was pumping the hydroelectric cannon seemed to shrink a little.

Under the perception of Xu Jing's superpowers who were watching the battle from the side.

The power of this water cannon is most likely urged by a high-level spirit of the Heavenly King.

His gaze fell.

Sure enough, a blastoise emerged on the surface.

The two cannon tubes on the turtle shell are the "weapons" that urge the hydroelectric cannon!

It's not just it.

There were also ten other Heavenly King-level elves who all shot at the same time.

Have one's head in the clouds!

I want to participate in this battle for the pure crystal of the water system.

It's a pity that this is tantamount to a grasshopper shaking a tree!

"Roar!" Kuailong knew that Xu Jing was watching the battle from the side.

The skills of the ten Heavenly King-level elves were varied, and the terrifying murderous aura in the body of the fast dragon in the sky was released, and the red-purple murderous aura seemed to form a substance and fell!

A terrifying and boundless phantom of a fast dragon appeared in the sky.

The phantom roared downwards!

Ryujin swoops!

The reddish-purple murderous aura all melted into the phantom of the fast dragon.

In an instant, the skills of the ten Heavenly King-level wild elves were directly shattered by the roar of the dragon god's swoop!

The entire surface of the water instantly sank by five meters.

Then there is the rolling waves!

The waves slapped again and again.

Congratulations to the host, your dragon defeated the Blastoise and gained 9120 XP]

Congratulations to the host, your dragon defeated the Gotha Duck and gained 9360 XP


After a pass, more than 90,000 points of experience were harvested.

Xu Jing saw that there was so much experience in the account, and he immediately felt a lot more energetic.

"The elves of these leader's strength are cool to harvest, and the experience points that Kuailong lacks are suddenly reduced by half. "

In front of him was a fast dragon who came to invite merit with a water-based pure crystal. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, let's go find the water first, and go to the wider water!"

That's right, Xu Jing changed his attention!

Head downstream along the river.

He would definitely be able to reach one of the largest bodies of water in the secret territory of the Taiping Sea, and he wanted to use the water system pure crystal in his hand to determine an idea in his mind!

This idea was also the idea that he had just seen the water spirit attracted by the water pure crystal, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Xu Jing has tasted the sweetness......

Defeating these powerful water elves is really a lot of experience!

Since the water-based pure crystal can attract these guys.

That goes into the wider waters.

With the "swagger of the water system" pure crystal.

Will it have an unexpected effect?

Although the condensed water-based pure crystals will not emit energy, as long as the powerful water-based elves see it, they will definitely be attracted to it!

Just like when Lucario and Gengar were both attracted to their matching Hyper Evolution Stone.

It's a knee-jerk reaction that comes from the instinct of life!

The average person probably wouldn't try that. []

After all, who would dare to be so swaggering in a secret realm like the Taiping Sea, where even the master-level wild elves exist?

Xu Jing is not afraid of this!

Soon, Xu Jing asked Kuailong to take him to the experiment!

The river is quite long.

20 minutes later.

The fast dragon carried Xu Jing to an endless body of water.

Xu Jingzheng looked at the description of this body of water on the map.

- Infinity Lake!

"This is the boundless lake shown on the map, and it is indeed boundless and magnificent. "

Standing on the back of the fast dragon, looking at the boundless lake water, Xu Jing sighed like this!

According to the information recorded on the map.

The area of Boundless Lake is about the same as that of the entire South Lakes Province.

This is not the sea, it is fresh water!

With such a huge amount of freshwater water, the depth of it is not many meters!

Because no trainer's spirit has ever been to the deepest depths, there is no accurate data to study.

According to certain professional researchers.

The deepest part of the Infinity Lake may have reached more than 6,000 meters!

In the entire Taiping Sea Secret Realm.

There are two places like the Infinity Lake, a wide area of freshwater!

The Infinity Lake is the widest.

Another place called the deepest lake of the Abyss!

Researchers speculate that the deepest part of Lake Wuyuan definitely exceeds the Mariana Trench in the urban world.

Even the depth of several Mariana Trenches is not necessarily.

Boundless lake, boundless.

There is no abyss lake, and the abyss is bottomless!

The fossil pterosaur that came with him also widened his eyes.

"Come out, Menas!"

Xu Jing throws Menas's Poké Ball.

As soon as Menas came out, he noticed the waters of the Boundless Lake in the distance, such freshwater waters, which were Menas's favorites.

"Whin~" Menas looked at his master, his eyes flashing with a look of eagerness, obviously wanting to go over and have a look.

"Menas, Swift Dragon, you two listen well. "

Xu Jing informed the two elves of his intentions.

It is to let Menas and Kuailong go for a walk under the surface of the Boundless Lake together, and let Kuailong take the water system pure crystal.

Well, yes, a fast dragon is a dragon!

Dragons can enter water.

And the fast dragon lived in the water when it was a juvenile mini-dragon.

When the hack dragon is in form, it is an amphibious spirit of land, sea and air.

It's impossible to evolve and then you can't enter the water, right?

So, the dragon can enter the water!

Let Menas and the dragon enter the water at the same time.

Xu Jing also instructed Lucario to use the power of waveguides to keep an eye on Menas and Kuailong's movements.

There are any special circumstances.

If you sense the appearance of a wild elf king whose strength exceeds the champion level, it is time for these master-level elves of Xu Jing to make a move!

Before entering the water.

Xu Jing specially asked Biktini to increase the power of victory for Menas and the fast dragon!

Wait for the two elves to enter the water.

Xu Jing's palm was on Lucario's back.

Share the power of waveguides, always probe and pay attention.

The results of the experiment were not long in coming!


"That's it!"

Through the exploration of the power of the waveguide, Xu Jing "saw" those water elves who were attracted by the water system pure crystal, although they did not dare to get too close to the breath of Kuailong and Menas, but they were still attracted by the water system pure crystal, and swam far away.

Isn't that right?

It doesn't seem like there's a need to look around on the ground for elven groups.

Looking directly in the boundless lake, isn't this much more reliable?

Attract a little more wild elves!

There are no fewer elves in the water than there are on the ground!

Xu Jing seems to have opened the door to a new world.

Telekinesis teleported his next step to Menas and the dragon in the water.

I forgot to eat my lunch.

A few hours later.

The number of wild elves attracted by Menas and the Swift Dragon with water-based pure crystals has reached a terrifying level!

Quantitative change leads to qualitative change!

There's a champion-level overlord coming!

4 came in one go!

One of the overlords is really oversized!

- The Howler Whale King!

Known as the largest elf among normal elves!

Howler Whale King!

It's not as scared as other water elves when it comes, and the roaring whale king with full horsepower is like a mountain.

It rushed up from under the boundless lake, and before it could reach it, the lake in front of it formed an oppressive force that enveloped Menas and the fast dragon!

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