On the neatly arranged desk, there was a neatly packed square package in the middle, with a Q-version Dragonite pattern on the front.

"Dragonair Global Express?"

"Where have they gone again!"

Xi Cheng sat at the desk and complained a little speechlessly.

Dragon Express is a well-known express company in the entire Blue Star. The delivery and collection of its express delivery are all handled by adult Dragon Express. The speed is amazing. Often within one day, the items required by customers can be delivered to a corner of the Blue Star, but the fee is also very expensive.

And his cheap parents, who hired Dragon Express to deliver items, are probably not staying in Donghuang now.

However, Xi Cheng was already relieved to remember the existence of his son. At least they still had some impression of him.


Somewhere in space debris.

In a tent, a man and a woman were snuggling together, admiring the aurora in the distance.

The woman leaning on his arms looked up and asked,"By the way, Brother Ming! What did you leave for Xiaocheng last time when you delivered the scheduled delivery in the Free City?"

"A fairy egg."Xi Ming smiled and replied

"The one we found in the C-496 space debris last time?" Su Xiao was stunned for a moment, then sat up from his arms and asked with a suspicious look on his face.


"But what kind of elf is that elf egg descended from? Haven’t we checked it yet?"

The scene suddenly became quiet.

"Ah, hey, really! I forgot!"Xi Ming scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said with a dry laugh. He was so busy cleaning the inventory in his backpack that he didn't notice this.

Su Xiao rolled his eyes at him and lay back down. You really don't regard Xi Cheng as your own son!

"If you hatch some elves that are not to Xiaocheng's liking, he will definitely call you and scold you!"

"What if the elf that is hatched is a quasi-god?"

"Then you go and prepare the resources for the growth of the quasi-god elves!"

"Hehe! Anyway, you have prepared some start-up funds for the town!"

"That’s not enough!"

"As a father, how could I not know?! Xi Cheng will definitely find a way! Don't worry!"

"That's true!"

The two of them indulged in their own world of two.


"Ha Qiu~" Xi Cheng was about to open the package when he sneezed for no apparent reason and couldn't help rubbing his nose.

"Who is scolding me again?" He spat inwardly, and took out a knife from the drawer, dismantled the tightly sealed package, and threw the debris into the trash can.

Then, two objects, one large and one small, came into Xi Cheng's sight: an envelope and a wooden box.

Xi Cheng first opened the envelope, which contained only a folded letter and a bank card.

"Xi Cheng:

When you see this letter, mom will probably have no idea which space fragment she and your dad are going to hang out in!ψ(`?′)ψBut , hehe! We still didn’t forget to prepare a new trainer gift for you!(???-)?

The money on the card is one million small coins that my mom earned by going deep into the space fragments and searching for things from various places!(づ-???-???_-???-???)づ

Just consider it as a gift to celebrate your birthday! Do your best! ヾ(′ー`)?

Su Xiao left a p.s.: Your dad is shy and doesn't dare to write to you?????"

The style of adding emojis to this sentence is indeed my mother's personality!

Xi Cheng shook his head helplessly, but a warm current passed through his heart.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on Su Xiao's chat avatar, which was a Q version of a giant forger.

"Love you, Mom!" Xi Cheng typed a line of words.

Red exclamation mark!

The user you sent the message to is not your friend, please continue sending after adding friends!

Xi Cheng's smile froze on his face, and he withdrew the words instantly.

I knew it! Give me back my feelings!

Xi Cheng shouted in his heart.

This kind of thing has happened more than once or twice. Whenever the mother and son lose contact through the mobile phone for a long time, it is more likely to appear the system reminder"You are not the other party's friend". Su Xiao has no habit of adding notes.

Silently sent the message to apply for friends.

Xi Cheng focused his attention on the box next to him. I think this The item should be a gift prepared by my cheap dad for me!

Hehe! Such a big one! I am really looking forward to it!

But according to my dad's aesthetics...

Xi Cheng's excited hands stopped immediately, and his expectant eyes suddenly showed doubt.

However, as the saying goes, an ugly daughter-in-law still has to meet her parents-in-law, and this gift for the new trainer that was delivered to the door can't be ignored!

Xi Cheng gritted his teeth and opened the lid of the box. In front of him was an incubator filled with off-white Pokémon eggs, and the surroundings were filled with white fluffy braids to prevent the small probability of collision and breakage.


Xi Cheng lifted the incubator out, and could hear a very slight sound of the machine operating from time to time.

The off-white elf egg inside was being held steadily on the groove, and there were some light black patterns on it, shaped like plum blossoms, as if engraved on the surface of the eggshell.

"Off-white Pokémon eggs, are they normal Pokémon?"

Xi Cheng gently put down the incubator, and thought back to the Pokémon egg identification course he had learned before, and guessed.

Normally, most normal Pokémon eggs are milky white, light white, and off-white, and there are also many Pokémon with other colored patterns on their offspring's eggshells due to the inheritance of their parents' energy. As far as I can remember, only Rada (Alola) and Ursagi (Alola), two races that are considered to be heterochromatic by the Pokémon academic community, have Pokémon eggs of their offspring that match this color, but the pattern does not seem to be a plum blossom print.

Xi Cheng scratched his head and did not think about it any more.

Anyway, the Pokémon eggs are already in hand, and we will know what the situation is when they hatch.

Even if the Pokémon's racial value is not high, as long as there is no problem with his personality, he will raise the opponent to the champion level!

Xi Cheng, who has a script change system, speaks very toughly.

""Pip~" [Is this also a partner?]

The tan servant who had come into the room at some point suddenly asked

""Huh~ You almost scared me to death!"

Xi Cheng turned his head suddenly, pressed his chest, took a few deep breaths, and relaxed.

"Beep!"[(′?д?`)], Tanshi touched the flame above his head blankly.

"It's okay!"

Xi Cheng squatted down and carried Tan Xiaoshi to the desk in one breath.

"Are you asking this?" Xi Cheng pointed to the elf eggs in the incubator.

"Beep~", the charcoal waiter sat cross-legged and nodded.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be our companion in the future!"

Xi Cheng held his face, guessed what Tan Xiaoshi meant, and said

""Beep~" [Hmm!], Tan Xiaoshi nodded in understanding and continued to look at the elf egg with Xi Cheng.

""Pop~" [Will it look good?]

After a while, Tan Xiaoshi suddenly asked.

Xi Cheng was stunned, and seeing Tan Xiaoshi's questioning eyes, he didn't reply.

I don't understand!

"Love the steward!!!"

"Boom boom~" [Here it comes!]

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