The leader of Steel Guard No. 3 was asked by Jiang Qing to investigate the Steel Guard who dealt with the remnants of the overseas Wen family more than ten years ago as participants in that incident.

Easier to investigate than other Iron Guards.

After more than ten years, some of the Iron Guards who dealt with the remnants of the overseas Wen family have died, some have been assigned to other places, and some have retired.

Yes, some of the Iron Guards have retired.

As one of the invisible forces of the Jiang family, most of the main members of the Iron Guard are orphans adopted by the Jiang family since childhood, or ordinary people with talents.

After passing the loyalty test, you are eligible to become an Iron Guard.

If you want to retire, there are three conditions.

Condition 1: Serve the Jiang family for at least thirty years after joining the Iron Guard.

Condition 2: The task completion rate is no less than 90%.

Condition 3: The strength is not lower than that of the Quasi-King.

These three conditions are really not difficult at all. Except for the second one which is a little difficult, the other two conditions are almost non-existent.

Basically, all big clans have their own secret forces to deal with shady matters.

There are few people like the Jiang family who can retire members of their own secret forces.

Most families basically let him work until he died.

From this point of view, the Jiang family is definitely very humane.

Therefore, even if most of the Iron Guards have met the conditions for retirement, very few actually choose to retire.

Firstly, it's because they don't know what they will do after retirement, although the Jiang family will arrange new identities and new jobs.

But they have become accustomed to life in the Iron Guard, and they will not be used to it when they return to the light.

Secondly, once you choose to retire, even if the Jiang family gives you an upright identity and job, the resources available are simply not comparable to those of the Iron Guard.

These two points are the main reasons why few people choose to retire.

The Iron Guard has three major leaders, each of whom is a quasi-champion level.

Each of the three leaders is in charge of ten groups. The leader of each group has the minimum strength requirement of being a king. A group consists of ten people, and these people with the lowest strength are elites.

Therefore, the Jiang family's Iron Guard has three hundred people, including three quasi-champions, 30 kings, and the remaining quasi-kings and elites.

This power alone surpasses the apparent strength of most aristocratic families.

In addition, Jiang Qing's rise in recent years has found a lot of treasures from the secret realm. Most of the treasures are of no use to him, so he threw them to Iron Guard.

This also caused the Iron Guard's strength to skyrocket.

In the past, the Iron Guard belonged directly to Jiang Iron and Steel. After Jiang Qing became the champion, Jiang Iron and Steel handed over the Iron Guard to Jiang Qing.

He skipped Jiang Lan directly.

Jiang Lan was not surprised by this.

When the time comes, Jiang Gangtie will directly give the position of head of the family to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Lan: I know, it’s nothing to do with me.

Fortunately, Jiang Lan didn't care about this, otherwise it would hurt the relationship between father and son.

Looking at the retirees of the Steel Guard who have been in their hands for more than ten years.

The leader of Iron Guard 3 saw a familiar code name

"It can't be you, Coco Dora."

The third leader's eyes had some doubts and worries.

Tianying City is located in the south of Yinbai Province. It is a third-tier city because there is a very majestic waterfall in the city, which attracts Many tourists come from all over the world.

Therefore, this city is also considered a relatively famous tourist city.

At this time, in an elf battle club called Fighter in downtown Tianying City, a battle between quasi-kings is going on.

Blue Fang Wei is the trainer of the owner of this fighting club, while Red Fang is an elf who is a fiery monkey and a member of the club.

"The owner of the"Weird Explosive Fist" club is a middle-aged man who is about sixty years old.

The average life span of the Xia Kingdom is 12 years old, so sixty years old can indeed be regarded as middle age.

As the Explosive Fist falls, even if the Explosive Monkey has arrived in time He made a defense, but was still knocked away by the power of the explosive fist, and hit the protective cover hard. With a bang

, he slipped from the protective cover. Although he did not lose his combat effectiveness, he could not stand up for a while.

"I lost to you again, Boss Shen."

The red trainer put the Fiery Monkey back into the Poké Ball and said with some reluctance.

"Your Fiery Monkey has made great progress. Now you can fight with my strange power for five minutes. As long as your level and combat experience increase, it will be a matter of time before you defeat my strange power."

Boss Shen took out two towels and threw one to himself. of strange power, threw one to the other party

"Boss Shen, don’t think I don’t know that you have more than one strange power. I heard from others that you also have a Heavenly King-level monster."

Then the man walked up to Boss Shen and asked in a low voice:"Boss Shen, do you have a Heavenly King-level monster?""Weird force."

Boss Shen said speechlessly:"If I were a king-level trainer, I would still make money by sparring with you here, and go to the Jiang Group to be a security captain. I would make more money in one year than I did in ten years.""

"That's not necessarily true. There are king-level trainers hidden among the people. Things like pretending to be pigs and eating tigers happen all the time."

"So you still think I am a king-level trainer?"


The man shook his head and looked at the other person carefully.

"You probably aren't"

"Oh, why not again?"

Boss Shen asked curiously

"Because you are a profiteer who wants money, and you actually charged me 100,000 more for this battle than last time. If a king-level trainer were like you, I would have crashed into a pillar and died." As he spoke, his tone became more excited. Get up

"Then your strength has improved compared to last time, so I will charge you an extra 100,000 yuan. If your strength remains the same, I will definitely not charge you more."

"So do you think my charging you more money is a recognition of your strength?"

Listening to Boss Shen's words, the man was stunned. This seemed to make sense, but he felt it was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

So I was stunned. (Qian Wang’s)

"Think carefully about whether what I said is right."

Boss Shen smiled and patted the other party's shoulder, taking the towel away from his hand.

The strange force on the side had already started cleaning the venue, and it was almost time to close the door.

"Right or wrong?"

The man muttered, and walked out of the battle club with doubts and confusion on his face.

Because he was not paying attention, he accidentally bumped into a person walking towards the club.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The man apologized hastily.

"It’s okay, just be careful in the next life," the other party said calmly.

"Well, okay, wait."

The man was startled. Is there something wrong with what the other person just said? Or did I hear it wrong?

""Plop" the next second, the man fell directly to the ground, and then his body was quickly swallowed by the opponent's shadow.

This is really something to pay attention to in the next life. He did not hear wrong, he was really dead..

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