Watching the Rocket Sparrows and Arrow Eagles, numbering around 50,000 to 60,000, fly overhead like red clouds, it was extremely spectacular to watch from below.

And because they were all fire elves, Jiang Qing clearly felt that as they passed by, the temperature below increased by nearly ten degrees.

This is still over five or six hundred meters high. If the height were any lower, it would be out of reach to prevent the temperature from rising, and it would be easy for people to be directly burned.

"Go over and take a look."

Jiang Qing patted the dog under him. He was very curious as to what they were going to do with so many rocket sparrows and arrow hawks.


Wind Speed ​​Dog:"Are they looking for some treasure?"

The first thing that comes to mind of a shrewd dog is some kind of treasure.

Jiang Qing is also thinking of this, but he can't say it. After all, he thinks the same as Wind Speed ​​Dog. Feel downgraded

"Is there any treasure that can be hidden from my treasure detector?"

Jiang Qing denied the guesses made by Wind Speed ​​Dog and himself just now. There is a high probability that it is not the 28 treasure. If it is really a fire treasure, then his treasure detector can definitely detect it.

And since this fire-type treasure has attracted so many Rocket Sparrows and Arrow Eagles, it will definitely attract other fire-type elves. It cannot be said that this treasure is exclusive to the supervisors and Arrow Eagles.

Hug. Out of curiosity, Jiang Qing rode the Wind Speed ​​Dog and followed closely behind them. At the speed of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, he would never lose them. The

Rocket Sparrow and the Fierce Arrow Eagle flew for more than an hour, and Jiang Qing felt that they When they were about to fly out of the crater area, these elves suddenly swooped towards a red rock wall.

Then they grabbed the bulges on the mountain wall with their claws, and pecked at the mountain wall with their sharp beaks. The gravel was pecked off, and small pits suddenly appeared on the mountain wall. I continued pecking at the pits, and in the middle of pecking, I actually ate these small gravels.

"Jiang Qing and the others are actually eating rocks, how pitiful."

Looking at this scene, Jirachi said unbearably.

"Boscodora and Bankiras also eat rocks, why don't you see you pity them?" Jiang Qing rolled his eyes and gently pinched Jirachi's cheek with his fingers.

"These stones can increase the fire energy in their bodies, and by pecking and rubbing the stones with their beaks, their beaks can become sharper and at the same time remove the old cuticle on their beaks."This mountain wall is huge, and the entire mountain The mountain walls are all densely packed with small pits, which seem to have been pecked out by Rocket Sparrows and Arrow Eagles.

There are actually many mountain walls like the crater, but why would Rocket Sparrows and Arrow Eagles choose this mountain wall? Naturally It's because this mountain wall is unusual.

Flame Stone: Contains a small amount of fire energy.

In addition to the Rocket Bird and the Arrow Eagle on the mountain wall, there are also Molten Ant Beasts at the foot of the mountain wall, and they are also eating the Rocket Bird. and the small gravels pecked out from the mountain wall by the Fierce Arrow Eagle.

In the entire Flame Stone mountain wall, the content of the topmost Flame Stone is the highest, and the Molten Ant Beasts can't go up, so they can only eat some Fierce Arrow Eagles. The small gravel they pecked out.

The wind speed dog was curious and ate a little, but immediately vomited it out.

"They actually eat such unpalatable garbage so happily."

Fengsu dog pulled his tongue to get rid of the remaining residue on it, and the dog's face looked a little uncomfortable.

These words happened to be heard by several molten ant beasts nearby. I wanted to quarrel with the Wind Speed ​​Dog, but found that I couldn't see through its strength. It was probably stronger than me, so I pretended not to hear it.

"For elves in the wild, this is considered a good thing," Jiang Qing said lightly.

Such a large flaming stone mountain wall is unique, and it can allow a large number of low-level fire elves to have a long-term absorption A place with fire energy.

The treasure detector has this red dot. Because it is not an ultimate treasure or a secondary treasure, Jiang Qing did not go there at all.

""Go away, dog."

Patting the wind speed dog, Jiang Qing was ready to leave.

He already knew what the purpose of the Arrow Sparrow and Rocket Eagle were here, and Jiang Qing had even taken the video. For elf scholars, the scene just now was Very good research material.

The volcano crater has been fully explored, and a top fire treasure fire wood has been obtained. Jiang Qing is very satisfied with this harvest.

Leaving the volcano crater, Jiang Qing came to the sixteenth location of the trip, Long Tail Strange Hand Mountain.

As you can tell from the name, the most numerous elves in this place are the long-tailed Strange Hands.

After arriving here, Jiang Qing released Zeraora

"What are you doing?"

Zeraora looked at Jiang Qing with a bit of disgust. In the past few days following Jiang Qing, she had enjoyed top-notch resources that she had never dreamed of enjoying before. In fact, she no longer had any resistance to Jiang Qing in her heart, and even I was secretly happy that I had followed the right person.

But I still couldn’t lose face. After all, it was only willing to be subdued by Jiang Qing when it was threatened by him.

"Come and see where you can find it."

Jiang Qing looked at Zeraora with a smile, not caring about its attitude at all. This guy is just a tough talker. If he is asked to leave now, he will most likely not be willing to leave.

""Long-tailed Monster Hand Mountain" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hearing Jiang Qing's words, Zeraora looked around and quickly recognized this place.

Long-tailed Monster Hand Mountain has Two major characteristics.

The first is naturally the long-tailed monster hand and the double-tailed monster hand.

The second is that more than 70% of the trees here are fruit, and the number of tree fruits can be said to be massive.

With these two obvious characteristics, Jie Of course, Laola quickly recognized where this place was.

"What are you doing here?"

Zeraora 663 picked off a tree fruit next to her, took a bite, and then handed another one to Jiang Qing.

"You can eat it."

This is an unknown tree fruit. Jiang Qing scanned it with his exploratory eyes and found that it is indeed edible by humans.

After taking a bite

"It tastes good."

He nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course you come here to explore, and don’t you know a tribe of long-tailed monsters here? They invited you to drink monkey wine at that time."

Long-tailed Monster Mountain has thousands of tribes of long-tailed monsters, each of which The number of long-tailed monsters in the group will not be less than one hundred.

When Jiang Qing said monkey wine, Zeraora subconsciously licked her tongue, as if recalling the taste at that time, but then she heard Jiang Qing again explain

"You were drunk at the time, and you turned on the big wolf dog"

"Shut up."

Zeraora's face turned red and she covered Jiang Qing's mouth.

Facing the curious faces of Celebi and Jirachi, it said angrily:"What are you looking at? Do you believe what he says?"

Jiang Qing said that he would stop talking. Zeraora then let go of his mouth, but still looked at him with vigilant eyes. He said that if you speak, I will cover your mouth immediately.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, Celebi, Jiraqi, I just said nonsense." Jiang Qing smiled.

But Celebi and Jiraqi didn't believe it at all..

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