Half an hour later, Jiang Qing had arrived at the central area of ​​Long Tail Monster Mountain. There was a fruit tree in the central area that was larger than other fruit trees.

Most of the fruit trees are about twelve or thirteen meters tall, but the one in front of me is almost thirty meters tall, four or five meters thick.

It is extremely rare for a fruit tree to grow so big. At least this is the first time Jiang Qing has seen it.

And this fruit tree is not an undiscovered fruit tree, but the most common banana fruit tree. This tree is still full of banana fruits.

With this banana fruit tree as the center, a large open space has been cleared around it. A large number of long-tailed monster hands and two-tailed monster hands are staying in this open space, each hand holding monkey wine made by them..

Elf: Two-tailed Monster (General)

Level: 92

Qualification: Purple

Characteristics: Technical Expert

Items: Jiuqu

Sex"407" Category: Male

Moves: Scratching, Shaking Sand, Tail Wagging, Frightening, Taking the Baton, Tickling, Chaos Grabbing, high-speed star, harsh sound, high-speed movement, two-hit combo, throwing, trick, collection

Skill disc: None

Genetic skills: None

Note: Using macaroni powder, the qualifications are greatly improved.

Note: It has a strong talent for brewing. The monkey wine brewed by it has the effect of improving the strength of the elves, and can remove the ingredients in the monkey wine that are not good for humans, so that humans can also drink monkey wine. Watch and explore. Jiang Qing was a little surprised by the information fed back by the eye. This two-tailed monster actually had a talent for brewing wine.

Of course, other long-tailed monsters and two-handed monsters also have the talent of brewing wine, but their talent is not very low enough for the Probing Eye to specifically show it to Jiang Qing.

And this two-tailed monster's brewing talent is very powerful, so it shows up.

Star powder: It can greatly improve the qualifications of ordinary elves. The chance of blue qualifications improving purple qualifications increases by 30%.

This treasure can definitely be regarded as a top-notch general treasure.

It can actually increase the chance of breaking through from blue qualifications to purple qualifications, and the number is still as high as 30%.

Below the King of Heaven, the only thing that troubles the elf's strength is resources.

Above the King of Heaven, what troubles the elf’s ability to improve is their qualifications and resources.

If you want to break through and become a champion, in addition to qualifications and resources, you also need some opportunities.

Obviously, this two-tailed monster has great luck. He has obtained a general treasure that improves his qualifications, and he also has a strong talent for brewing wine.

Perhaps its becoming a champion has a lot to do with its winemaking talent.

The flame bird in the sky had already restrained its aura, but it was still sensed by the two-tailed monster below, and it subconsciously raised its head and looked into the air.

"The perception is very keen."

Jiang Qing was slightly surprised. The flame bird flew at a height of three to four hundred meters. Although it was not very high, its aura was restrained and it could still be sensed in this case.

This really surprised Jiang Qing. A little bit, the emphasis on the Two-tailed Monster is much higher.

And - looking at the treasure detector in his hand, it shows a huge red dot.

This is a treasure.

In other words, there is a treasure in the Two-tailed Monster..

And this treasure is most likely the monkey wine it brews.

Jiang Qing previously denied that the other party could not brew monkey wine at the treasure level, but now it seems that he is most likely underestimating the other party.

"Now that we've been discovered, let's go down."

Jiang Qing patted the flame bird.

""唳" was accompanied by a loud cry of the Flame Bird, and as it landed, its restrained breath was also revealed.

Countless long-tailed monster hands and double-tailed monster hands below were shocked, looking at the Flame Bird falling from the sky in fear , because they were frightened by its aura, they now have no ability to escape. The leader of the two-tailed monster hand looked extremely serious at this time, because the aura emanating from the flame bird indicated that the opponent was much stronger than himself.

Originally, it was It became a champion by chance, and has always been obsessed with brewing monkey wine. It is not enthusiastic about fighting and improving its strength.

Fortunately, it did not feel any hostility from the Flame Bird, so it did not take action immediately.

The Flame Bird After landing, his breath converged, Jiang Qing jumped off his back. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Flame Bird:"Now we have to kill the monkey and get the wine."

He looked back at Flame Bird, this guy When did you become so angry?

"We are civilized people, why are we fighting and killing?"

After giving the flame bird a lesson, he put it into the elf ball. Jiang Qing took the Metagross and the two little ones and walked towards the leader of the two-tailed monster.

Although the flame bird The bird was taken back into the poke ball, but the leader of the two-tailed monsters did not feel that the threat was gone, but instead felt a greater sense of fear coming over him....0

The Metagross -

Soon it turned its attention to the silver-white Metagross, and that huge feeling of fear was given to it by the other party.

If the Flame Bird just now could fight it for a few rounds, then this Metagross gave it the feeling that it could strangle itself to death at any time.

How could it be possible? After all, he was also a champion-level elf. Even the king in the king's field didn't have the ability to easily strangle him to death.

Did you perceive it wrong?

But as Jiang Qing and Metagross get closer and closer, the sense of fear is also increasing.

"Metagross is almost ready."

Jiang Qing stopped Metagross and continued to exert its mental pressure. If it continued, the spirit of this two-tailed monster would collapse.

""Kang Jin."

The giant metal monster nodded, and then restrained his breath.[]

What I did just now was naturally a deterrent to the two-tailed monster, making it more honest.

The purpose of doing this is of course for my own trainer.

After all, the two-tailed monster is also an elf in the early stage of the championship. Jiang Qing is still moving forward. If the opponent suddenly attacks out of nowhere, it will still be a bit troublesome.

Therefore, Metagross is to be polite before attacking.

I have already shown my strength. If you really dare to take action without knowing what is going on, I will strangle you to death. 5.7 Among the countless long-tailed monsters and two-tailed monsters around, the two-tailed monster that received Jiang Qing and the others yesterday evening because of Zeraora was also among them.

At this moment, its entire pet was stunned. It never thought that the human who spent the night in its territory yesterday night could be so powerful.

Now it understands why the unruly Zeraora is willing to become this human elf. The emotion is because of this.

The Flame Bird and Metagross are simply stronger than the other.

If you call yourself Zeraora, then you are willing to become this human elf.

Most elves are willing to follow the strong.

Zeraora: This is not the reason for me. The main reason is that this human method is too despicable.

When the two-tailed monster thought about the powerful Metagross, who actually had a drink with him yesterday, he instantly felt that he was awesome..

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