The car drove to the city center and stopped in front of a yellow and white shop. Jiang Qing and Grandpa got off the car.

"Grandpa is here"

"That’s it for this store"

"Why doesn’t there even be a signboard?"

Jiang Qing looked up at the store and couldn’t help but say, this is a store without even a signboard, so how can outsiders know what this store sells?

""This little brother, our customers are introduced by regular customers."

Just as Jiang Gang was about to explain, two people, one old and one middle-aged, appeared at the door of the store.

The old man looked about the same age as Jiang Gang, while the middle-aged man seemed to be about the same age as Jiang Gang. Jiang Qing's father is about the same age. Judging from their similar faces, they should be father and son.

The middle-aged man who just spoke was

"Jiang Qing, this is the national gym leader Li Chongshan, and this is his son Li Gan"

""Grandpa Li, Uncle Li"

Li is indeed a surname. I met a Li Chengfeng on the plane before, and now I met two more people named Li.

"Mr. Jiang’s grandson is indeed a young talent, and you can tell from his face that he will achieve extraordinary things in the future," Li Gan said.

This is no nonsense. My grandfather is the top king of Xia Kingdom, with quasi-championship fighting power. My father is also a king, with two big legs, so I can do it myself. Even a pig can fly.

Not to mention that he still has a system, so it's hard not to fly.

"How dare you chat with guests outside? Brother Jiang and the boys from the Jiang family, please come in first," Li Chongshan said.

"I was negligent, please come in"

""Dongzi, please bring me my treasured tea leaves."

The group of people walked into the store. Jiang Qing actually didn't want to delay here. He wanted to see Riolu's eggs quickly, but grandpa didn't say anything, so he naturally just said I can bear it.

The tea is indeed good tea. Even if Jiang Qing doesn't drink tea very much, people who don't know the quality of tea will feel clear physically and mentally when drinking this tea.

"Kung Fu Tea is well-deserved," Jiang Gangtie said slowly after taking a sip.

""Brother Jiang is overly praised. If you like it, you can take Shiliang away later," Li Chongshan said.

Kung Fu Tea, Jiang Qing's eyes showed the original expression.

Kung Fu Tea is produced in the special high-level secret realm of the Road of the Brave, and is protected by a group of masters Weasel , its tea can improve people's physical condition.

Of course, this has to be drank for a long time to be effective.

This is also one of the few treasures that can have an effect on humans, so its value is very high, and it cannot be bought by the outside world. Only the Li family and his son give it away Only in order to obtain this tea.

And how can the person who wants the other party to be willing to give tea leaves be a simple person?

Li Chongshan is the current master of the national gymnasium of the fighting system. He is about sixty years old, full of energy, and his arms are exposed. While making tea, the muscles that were inadvertently arched proved that the old man was very strong.

Most of the trainers who specialized in fighting skills knew some boxing and kicking skills.

According to what Jiang Qing learned, the Li family was originally The martial arts family, when the elf world had not yet integrated, was the famous Hong Fist family in the area.

According to what his grandfather told him in the car, the ancestors of the Li family obtained the first elf from Kuai Fist Lang, and nothing else , but he himself used Hong Fist to defeat Kuai Fist Lang.

Nowadays, the only ones who can fight against the elves with human bodies are these martial arts masters. Of course, even the most powerful martial arts masters cannot He couldn't defeat a quasi-king elf with his bare hands. Jiang Gangtang did not refuse the gift of tea. This treasure could be given to his grandson. Once he was old, it was too late to improve his health. After drinking a few cups of tea After that, we finally got down to business.

"Brother Jiang, let’s go see Riolu’s eggs. Your grandson can’t wait for a long time."

Although Jiang Qing concealed it very well, Li Chongshan was an old man, and his impatient expression was nowhere to be seen.


So the group of people walked towards the second floor.

"The second floor is full of elves with green qualifications, about three hundred of them,"

Li Chongshan introduced as he walked, pointing to the row of elf eggs in the incubator on the second floor.

The incubator can speed up the hatching time of elf eggs. But it also has a function, which is to pause and slow down the hatching of elf eggs.

After all, many people buy elf, and elf eggs are the first choice. In this way, when the elf just hatches, the first one he sees will treat him as a relative. , the intimacy will be very high.

The qualifications are all green, which means that as long as the appropriate amount of resources is invested, this elf will grow to the level of a quasi-king.

Although the quasi-king is not a king, it is already what most trainers need to look up to. exists, and there is a huge gap between Quasi-Kings and Heavenly Kings. Many Quasi-Kings trainers will never become Heavenly Kings in their lifetime.

"The qualifications of the elf eggs on the third floor are cyan."

Compared with the elf eggs on the second floor, there are many fewer elf eggs on the third floor. There are only about a dozen, representing more than a dozen king-level elves in the future.

Compared with the elf eggs on the second floor, There is also a price tag, and the elf eggs on the second floor do not have a price tag.

An elf with cyan qualifications can no longer be measured by price. These elf eggs are used by the Li family to develop contacts, win over some top civilian geniuses, or Used to trade with other forces.

Jiang Qing looked at it with his exploratory eyes and found that they were indeed blue-qualified elf eggs, but they were all common elf eggs, such as Bobo, Little Fist Stone, and Nidolan. He I also saw the elf egg of the green caterpillar.

There are no rare or powerful elfs.

Riolu’s egg is not here. As Li Chongshan continued to walk up, he reached the fourth floor.

"These three are Riolu's elf eggs," Li Chongshan said proudly.

Although Lucario is not as good as Metagross and other quasi-god elves, it can master the wave missiles that very few elves can master, and He has a waveguide on his body and can use the power of the waveguide to explore the surroundings. This ability can save lives in the wild, in secret realms or ruins, and he looks handsome. Therefore,

Lucario's value is not at all lower than that of the Uncensored God..

And Lucario is the iconic elf of their gym, and even if the Lucario currently owned by the Xia Kingdom trainer does not come from their Li family, then the parents or grandparents of this Lucario must have come from From the Li family.

In the past, the martial arts of the world came from Shaolin.

Now it is Lucario from the Xia Kingdom who comes from the Li family.

Although it is a bit conceited, it is also true.

As long as the Li family has been in charge of the path of the brave for the Xia Kingdom Trainers Association, as long as the people inside are not allowed to If the elves run out and harm the humans outside, the Li family's status in the Xia Kingdom will never change. The

Jiang family achieved its current status by relying on its own strength, while the Li family relied on selling the precious Riolu. Elf eggs.

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