Despite Kuailong's innocent appearance, he looks like a good old dragon. Of course, he is indeed a good old dragon. He goes out from time to time to help wild elves in distress.

The strength of the old dragon is quite impressive. Under the Dragon God's swoop, the green grass field was directly defeated by the strong dragon energy.

At the same time, the ground below is also broken under the dragon energy as the dragon continues to advance.

""Ba Na"

The target of Dragon God's dive was Miao Frog Flower. The latter sensed the crisis and released the power of the earth. As the ground shook, a huge rock appeared in front of Dragon God's dive.


The rock was like a piece of tofu in front of the Dragon God dive, and was directly defeated.

But the next second, Meng Ge's cactus seed machine gun and Bulbasaur's seed bomb attacked one after another, and the moves of the two parties continued to weaken the Dragon God's dive. Energy.

With the combined efforts of the two elves, Kuailong's Dragon God dive finally stopped more than thirty meters away from the Bulbasaur.

"Meng Ge Cactus, be careful."

Mr. Lin's somewhat urgent voice reached Meng Ge Cactus's ears, and then the latter felt an extremely sharp breath appear on the top of his head.

Paper Royal Sword: Holy Sword.

The milky white Holy Sword is against Brother Meng slashed the cactus head over his head. The latter's reaction speed was also extremely fast. After receiving the trainer's prompt, he directly used protection without even instinctively raising his head. The holy sword fell and the protection was formed.

With a tearing sound, It was like the sound of strips of cloth being cut into pieces.

Under the surprised gaze of Meng Ge Cactus, the protection was cut open by the holy sword. Then he felt a white light flash in front of his eyes, and then his body was hacked away by the holy sword..

Bulbasaur quickly used the vine whip to catch Meng Ge's cactus. The latter had an expression of great pain on his face. If the protection hadn't offset part of the power of the holy sword, it might have fallen down now. The paper sword turned into a streak. Liuguang headed towards the Mengge cactus again, without a single blow to deal with it, feeling somewhat unwilling to do so.

Bulbasaur tried to block the paper sword with a vine whip, but the opponent's small body was extremely flexible, and fifty or sixty vines The whip almost formed a net, but it still didn't stop Zhi Yujian.

Continuous chops!

Zhi Yujian's limbs turned into extremely sharp swords, and streams of light continued to strike Meng Ge's cactus. The latter was already at this moment. No resistance


Bulbasaur's vine whip hit Paper Edge Sword again, because Paper Edge Sword is now close to Brother Meng's cactus. If Bulbasaur wants to use other moves, it is very likely that Paper Edge Sword will not hit, but instead It hit Brother Meng's cactus.

The vine whip flew through the air, but was firmly grasped by a hand.

Flame Fist

""Boom" punched the Bulbasaur dragon that flew past. As the flames exploded, huge power poured into Bulbasaur's body. At the same time, he released the vine whip, and Bulbasaur's body flew upside down with a swish. Go out.

Zhi Yujian, who was using the continuous slash, felt the movement behind him, and his light body moved upward.

The next second, Bulbasaur's huge body hit the Meng Ge cactus heavily, and then the two elves came together They hit the protective cover.

Mr. Lin took out the elf ball and put them back.

But in the face of absolute strength, it is useless no matter how well they cooperate.

Kuailong and Zhi Yujian have some cooperation. The cooperation is indeed a bit. But not a lot. Compared to Bulbasaur and Mengge Cactus, their coordination is equivalent to none.

The reason why they win is that their own strength is much higher than that of Bulbasaur and Mengge Cactus. This is because their coordination is not good enough. With a high level, they won the game.

Jiang Qing also took back the two elves.

At the same time, Mr. Lin has sent out single elves.

Elf: Xie Mi (Grass)

Level: 87

Qualification : Blue

Characteristics: Natural Recovery

Items: Miracle Seed

Gender: None

Moves: Growth, Magic Leaf, Parasitic Seed, Photosynthesis, Sweet Breath, Healing Wish, Trouble Seed, Aromatherapy, Energy Ball, Angel's Kiss

Skill Disc: Protection, Sunny day, seed machine gun, daylight beam, shadow clone, grass knotting, mental power, sleep, flash - genetic skills: none (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Look at the long one on the field An elf that looks like a hedgehog, Jiang Qing was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Xie Mi, a grass-type fantasy elf.

Mr. Lin owns Xie Mi. Many upper-level trainers know about this, but Jiang Qing has not investigated it. The opponent was a little surprised.

Moreover, this Xie Mi is still an elf in the late stage of quasi-championship, and his real combat power can definitely reach the peak of quasi-championship.

He is worthy of being the oldest national-level gym leader, and his strength and foundation are indeed incomparable. Look down.

Even though Jiang Qing owns several legendary elves and fantasy elves, that is because he is lucky enough, but most trainers may never meet one in their lifetime, let alone conquer one.

Since it is If it’s a fantasy Pokémon, then send it.

Jiang Qing throws the Pokémon ball


Accompanied by a loud cry, the fiery red flame bird spread its wings and flew.

Originally, Celebi was actually a better choice, but this guy has been fed to waste by Jiang Qing, and he looks so plump. He was probably the one who was embarrassed by sending it out.

And he had no plans to expose Celebi yet.

Although Celebi wanted Jiang Qing to expose him, so that he could go out with Jiang Qing openly, Go shopping together to eat, the latter may be more important.

Elf: Flame Bird (Fire/Flying)

Level: 84

Qualification: Blue

Characteristics: Sense of oppression

Items: Hard charcoal

Gender: None

Moves: Wind, Stare, Sparks, Mysterious guardianship, wing attack, high-speed movement, primitive power, burning out (killing Zhao), air slash, feather perch, hot wind, sunny day, storm, hold on, overheating, divine bird slam

Skill disc: protection, slam , charged flame attack, flame vortex, swallow return, air blade, hold on, fly, will-o'-the-wisp, large-character explosion, storm, flash charge, solar beam - genetic skills: None

Note: Use the light stone to increase the power of the flame to the original Twice.

The flame bird hovering in mid-air looked at its opponent below. It felt an aura similar to its own from its body.

Jiang Qing patted the elf ball of Metagross on his waist, which was expressing dissatisfaction. He thought Jiang Qing The Qinghui Association sent it out, but in the end it sent the Flame Bird.

This was because they disliked me for not being as high-level as the Flame Bird.

Wind Speed ​​Dog's Poké Ball was also shaking, as if to express that I could kill such a little hedgehog with one bite.

Xie Mi stared at the Flame Bird. His small body showed no fear at all, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

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