I can give you anything. This sentence is like a scumbag saying to you, I only love you. It is ridiculous and full of temptation at the same time.

Of course, the landlady was not fooled by Jiang Qing's words, because Jiang Qing couldn't give her what she wanted.

If she simply wanted a powerful elf or a precious treasure, then she believed Jiang Qing could satisfy her.

Although it is in the sewer, the vibrations coming from the ground from time to time can be said to be very clear here, and even the occasional explosion can be heard.

"In order to capture me, you have really made a lot of efforts."

Listening to the voice, you can tell what is happening in the entire Xihan City now.

It will never be so easy for the boss lady to take her away. If she doesn't make some noise, some people will be taken away. How could she take him away?

I don’t know how many people will die because of him tonight. Thinking of this, Jiang Qing regretted his behavior of following the clues.

If he subdued this woman directly, maybe he could fish it out of her mouth. A few big fish.

Now he is already executing the plan he made. Even if he regrets it, it is useless and he can only continue.

I hope the fish behind the scenes is big enough.

The boss lady did not speak and walked forward again after a break. Carrying Jiang Qing to follow.

The sewers extending in all directions are indeed a very good escape route.

Many prison escape movies use sewers to escape. 510 Jiang Qing felt that if the people in the government department were not stupid, there should be someone there now Let's inspect the sewers.

But Jiang Qing didn't want to be found by them, otherwise his efforts would be in vain.

After walking for more than half an hour, a slight light appeared in front of him, and there was also the sound of waves.

To the north of Xihan City It is close to the sea, and there are many people living nearby who make a living by fishing.

When we reach the end of the channel, some wastewater flows from the channel into the sea. The channel is about five or six meters away from the sea.

"Where is the person who will take care of you?"

Jiang Qing looked at the sea not far away. Under the moonlight, he did not see any ships or anything like that.

The landlady glanced at Jiang Qing and said,"You really want to be taken away by me?"

Jiang His face remained unchanged and he said:"You are overthinking. I want to say that the person who assisted you may have been caught. Now if you let me go, I will not pursue this matter.""


About two or three minutes later, the sea surface suddenly surged, and the next second a roaring whale king appeared on the sea.

The roaring whale (cbac) king swam to the channel and opened his mouth.

As the boss's wife jumped into the roaring In the mouth of the Whale King, the next second the strange force also jumped in with Jiang Qing.

""My lord, I have brought Jiang Qing," the proprietress said.

There was another person in the Roaring Whale King's mouth, a middle-aged man. Jiang Qing didn't know him, but the clothes he wore were from the Trainers Association.

""Let the Roaring Whale King go"

The man didn't talk too much nonsense.

Now is not the time to talk nonsense. Xihan City is full of people looking for Jiang Qing.

As the Roaring Whale King closed his mouth, Jiang Qing fell into darkness for an instant, but Soon a bright light rose up.

The middle-aged man was already holding a lighting tool in his hand. The

Roaring Whale King is the largest elf known so far, with a body length of about 14, and is about as tall as a five-story building. With such a body shape, , it had no problem holding three people plus an elf in its mouth.

Jiang Qing couldn't help but think, if the Roaring Whale King swallowed his saliva, he would swallow them all into his stomach.

Hiding in the Roaring Whale King In the mouth of the Whale King, he roared that the Whale King was already heading towards the Kimchi Country, and they were safe for the time being.

The middle-aged man could also stop talking nonsense to Jiang Qing.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Han Jing, the vice president of the West Korea Trainers Association."

Jiang Qing was kidnapped. The West Korea Trainers Association is naturally looking for it, but the president is not here and the other vice president is sick and hospitalized, so As the vice president, he became the only one with the right to speak, and he had too much maneuverability.

He even thought it was God's will, but it happened that the president left Xihan City, and the only vice president was still sick. When he was hospitalized, Jiang Qing unexpectedly fell into their hands.

Under his operation, the sea surface of Xihan City was divided into several areas, and the area he was responsible for was the area just at the end of the sewer.

Each city There is a trainer association, and the minimum requirement for the president is to be a king. Of course, if it is a small city, a quasi-king peak can also be the president.

And the president and vice president of a city can definitely be regarded as the top brass of the city. If a spy comes out, Not to mention anything else, it would be very troublesome for this city to conduct self-examination, and it would cause a lot of noise.

The guy in front of me now is the vice president of the West Korea City Trainer Association. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So you are treason?" Jiang Qing looked at the other party with cold eyes.

Traitors are definitely the most shameful existence.

"I am not treasonous, I am a noble Kimchi country person." Han Jing's face was full of pride. Seeing his proud face when he mentioned the Kimchi Country, Jiang Qing almost thought that the other party was from the Asan Kingdom in the center of the universe.

I'm afraid it wasn't this guy or someone else. They must be spies from the Three Kingdoms.

Damn, there are so many spies in Xihan City. Jiang Qing cursed inwardly.

"Where is his elf ball?" Han Jing asked

""All the adults are here."

The proprietress quickly handed the backpack to the other party.

The other party couldn't wait to take the backpack and opened it. There were more than a dozen locked elf balls inside, with hot and greedy eyes.

What elf Jiang Qing owned would he know I don’t know.

The silver giant Metagross, the fantasy beast Melu Meta, the legendary elf Flame Bird, the overlord-level Boss Cordora, and the quasi-god Kuailong.

Even the quasi-god Kuailong can’t be ranked in front of these little elves. On the number.

He really wanted to take all these elves as his own, but he didn't dare to go so far.

This matter has been reported to the superiors.

The requirement from the superiors is to bring Jiang Qing and his elves back intact.

Jiang Qing was really afraid that this guy would open a Poke Ball, which would expose the secret.

But fortunately, the other party didn't open it, after all, it was roaring from the whale king's mouth.

And in fact, he didn't dare to open it. If he really did, Jiang Qing asked his elf to die with him, and that would be the end of it. He avoided looking away from these elf balls with great reluctance, and then zipped up the zipper.

He wondered if the superiors would reward him with one.

After completing this mission, he will definitely not be able to return to Xihan City. He may be able to hold a very good position in Kimchi.

The landlady here asked nervously:"Sir, when can I see you?""My parents and daughter."

Han Jing said:"You can see it when you get to Kimchi Country."

The proprietress suddenly smiled expectantly after hearing this.

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