"Teacher Zhang Feng, their information has been logged into the Xia Country Trainers Association. Our task is considered completed, so we will go to other classes first."

After the association staff packed up the instruments, they handed them to Haoli on the side.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Zhang Feng, the head teacher, nodded.

There are six classes in total in the second grade of high school, and they will continue to log in information for the remaining five classes.

"Jiang Qing, a senior in high school, doesn’t know if we can be assigned to the same class," Wang Feng said.

"Why do you want to be in the same class as me? It's not good to be with her."

Jiang Qing said not far away. The class beauty of their class will also enter the trainer class, but as she said, she wants to become a breeder.

"If she wants to be a breeder, she will definitely not be in the same class as us." Wang Feng was a little disappointed.

Looking at the other person's adolescent appearance, Jiang Qing said:"I have a way to make it possible for you to be in the same class as her."

"any solution"

"Why don't you become a breeder?"

"Believe it or not, I will strangle you to death right now." Wang Feng was furious. He really thought Jiang Qing had a solution just now, but in the end he was just teasing himself.

As for the so-called class beauty, she is only the prettiest among the sixteen girls in the class. Just a few, compared with the school beauties, they are a bit worse.

Only a worthless man like Wang Feng likes the class beauties.

There is still a long way to go, so we can't pursue a little and invest our emotions in cultivating elves. Among them, wouldn’t it be better?

"What kind of look are you looking at?"

Wang Feng couldn't help but stretched out his hands to pinch Jiang Qing's neck. The contemptuous look in his eyes made him very angry.

"Be quiet."

At this time, the head teacher Zhang Feng spoke, and Wang Feng had to stop.

The classroom quickly became quiet, and Zhang Feng continued:"After the summer vacation, those who are assigned to the trainer class and the breeder class must have an initial Elf, type and level schools have no requirements"

"Yesterday I asked you to go home and ask your parents whether you should prepare the initial elves yourself or buy them from the school. These are the eggs of the elves currently in the school’s breeding house. You can take a look first. If you want to buy them from the school, you can come to me now. Sign up here."

The school also has its own breeding house. Some school teachers will also store their elves there. Occasionally, they will sell the eggs laid by their own elves in the school's breeding house, which can be regarded as doing something for the school. Contribution.

A picture appeared on the screen through the projector, with elf eggs on it.

The name of the elf, qualifications, approximate hatching time, the level of its parents, the number of eggs, etc. were also written on the edge of the egg. Watching Very detailed.

There are a total of twenty kinds of elf eggs, which is a lot more than in previous years.

But they are all the most common elf eggs, such as Bobo's eggs, Spearow's eggs, Walking Grass eggs, Horned Goldfish, etc. , even the eggs of green caterpillars and unicorn worms are available.

The qualifications are all yellow, because different types naturally have different prices.

However, the eggs in the school breeding house will be about 20% cheaper than the same type outside, although The types are limited, but they give students from poor families the hope of becoming trainers.

Among these eggs, walking grass eggs have the largest number.

Because grass-type elves are notoriously easy to cultivate and save resources, usually as long as It can survive with more sunshine and a small amount of food.

Although its final evolved form, King Flower or Beautiful Flower, requires the use of Leaf Stone or Sun Stone to evolve, both of which cost more than 5 million.

However, walking grass After evolving into a Stinky Flower, the unique stench of the Stinky Flower family can often stun many elves of the same level.

Of course, this stench does not distinguish between friend and foe. If the trainer does not put on a gas mask in advance, the first one will be killed. The one who gets dizzy is the trainer himself.

Moreover, Stinky Flower can also learn poison powder, paralysis powder, sleep powder, super absorption and other moves, which are very popular with some dirty routine trainers.

In addition to the walking grass having the most eggs, the third The second largest number are green caterpillars and unicorn worms.

Bug-type elves are famous for their fast evolution. A newly hatched green caterpillar often only takes a month to evolve into a large butterfly. The food is also very simple and only requires leaves. That’s fine.

Therefore, insect-type elves can often form effective combat effectiveness in the shortest time. Of course, their lifespan is much shorter than other elves.

For novice trainers with poor family backgrounds, grass-type and insect-type elves are the best.

Although there are many elf eggs in the school breeding house, the number of each elf egg is limited and based on the first-come-first-served principle, so people soon came to the class teacher Zhang Feng to choose elf eggs.

A total of ten people in Jiang Qing's class signed up for the trainer class, and three of them entered the breeder class.

"Selected students, the school will deliver the elf eggs to your home according to your address. Of course, cash on delivery will be paid."

The last sentence caused some students to smile.

"After the elf is hatched, you must register with the Lancang City Trainer Association as soon as possible. Remember that if your initial elf level exceeds level five, the Trainer Association will not register you."

"Especially students who choose insect-type elves"

"In previous years, there were always a few students in our school. Because they were so happy about the newly hatched elves, they forgot to register with the association, causing the elf itself to exceed level five."

Zhang Feng's expression was serious when he said these words.

For ordinary families, A starter elf may cost them most of their life savings. If they fail to register in time due to negligence, then they will have no other financial resources to continue buying a second starter elf for their children. Why does the

Xia Country Trainers Association stipulate The initial elf level cannot exceed level five. The main reason is to limit the erosion of the living environment of poor trainers by the children of aristocratic families.

Without this regulation, the children of aristocratic families can start at the age of ten, or even seven or eight years old. With an elf, by the time they are seventeen, the elf's level is estimated to be in their forties or fifties, and some excellent ones can even reach the level of quasi-kings.

As for the poor people, they are not qualified to have an elf in the early stage. Seven years old is the starting stage for them, the stage when they have just obtained the initial elf.

Class contradictions exist in all countries. With the emergence of elves, class contradictions become more and more obvious. Therefore, the World Trainers Association stipulates that all countries in the world must comply with People in this country can only receive the initial elf when they are seventeen years old.

Moreover, the Xia Kingdom Trainers Association also stipulates that after the initial elf is registered, the level of the elf registered in the future must not exceed the initial elf level ten. When the initial elf level exceeds level 50, This regulation is automatically abolished.

This also prevents some disciples from aristocratic families from taking advantage of the loopholes and preventing them from registering higher-level elves that they started training a few years ago after registering the initial elves.

If such a thing is once trained The family association found that the punishment is also quite severe.

So even if the disciples of the famous family have the elf in advance, but if they want to register, they must get the initial elf level of more than 50.

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