"If it's gone, it's gone!"

"Isn't it the god of the three clouds?"

"Anyway, Akroma is already working to control Kyurem, and it doesn't matter if the three cloud gods are then!"

"If I just fold here, it's really over. "

Quirkis made up his mind.

He let the helicopter continue to take off and sail away.

As for himself, he took out a simple bronze mirror and shone on the body of the earth cloud, tornado cloud, and thunder cloud respectively.

With the illumination of the bronze mirror, the true form of the three cloud gods was illuminated.

This also caused their current form to change immediately.

From the incarnation form of a god riding a cloud in the last second, to the form of a spirit beast shaped like a fierce beast.

It also ushered in the end of the morphological transformation.

There is a strong change in the momentum of the land clouds, tornado clouds, and thunder clouds.

Although their strength has not been substantially improved, it gives people a more ferocious feeling.

Like a beast that has survived a hundred battles and has survived endless slaughter.

"Spirit animal form?"

"This is being forced to be in a hurry!"

Looking at the god of Sankumo who has changed dramatically.

Qi Yang smiled slightly, with a slight teasing in his eyes.

"Xiao Huang, Ma Li ......"

"Don't be polite to them!"

"Possessed by the possessor, directly crushed. "

Qi Yang reminded.



Xiao Huang and Ma Li nodded their heads.

Without any hesitation, they sent out their other divine beasts.

In the next moment, the figures of Punishment Hopa and Emperor Yan appeared, each heading towards the Three Cloud Gods in the form of Gainoseket's team and spirit beasts.

With the advent of the god of punishment Hupa and the three clouds.

The stalemate has once again been reversed.

First Gainosect, then the god of the three clouds.

Under the powerful combination of Xiao Huang and Ma Li.

They were broken one by one, and one by one they fell to the ground unwillingly.

It's the same as Gainoseket, who was previously subdued by Xiao Huang and them.

These defeated Gainosect and Sanyun Gods, even though they had already fallen, their bodies were twitching.

Obviously, they are also 24 to the control of the controller, and they can't help themselves.

Something is different!

Except for these four Gainosect, the three cloud gods have all been subdued.

"Brother Yang, I'll leave it to you here!"

"I'm going to chase after Marry!"

Xiao Huang said to Qi Yang.

At this time when they were at war with Gainosekt and the god of Sankumo.

Quirkis had already flown far in a helicopter.

Fortunately, it is still in their field of vision.

"Go ahead!"

Qi Yang nodded.

As he spoke, he subdued the four Gainoxekts on the ground.

As for the three cloud gods?

I can only wait to catch Quichisi, get the Poke Ball of the Three Cloud God from his hand, destroy it, and complete the subduation again.

"Mewtwo, I'll leave it to you!"

Xiao Huang looked at the armor Mewtwo and said.

"Leave it to me!"

Mewtwo nodded.

After gathering Xiao Huang, Ma Li and their elves beside him with his telekinesis.

It moved instantaneously and disappeared in place.

Wait until it reappears.

They had all appeared in front of Quitch.

"Damn ......"

Seeing the armored Mewtwo and Xiao Huang and Marly who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Quitches gritted his teeth!

The gap in strength is too big.

Even though he let the Sanyun God attack in the form of the strongest spirit beast, and had the Gainosect Regiment to help in the battle, he was not the opponent of Xiao Huang and Ma Li.

And Qi Yang, who is suspected to be the strongest, didn't even make a move from beginning to end.

It seems that it is really possible for him to collapse in the hands of these two little girls.

This made him think how willingly.

"N Akroma, you two guys, haven't you arrived yet?"

Quirkis yelled at the telecommunications machine in front of his mouth.

When preparing to escape in a helicopter.

He was already in contact with his son N, who was in another stronghold, and was trying to take control of Akroma in Kurem in the Giant's Cave.

Because only N, who controls the black dragon Zekrom, and Akroma, who is expected to control Kurem, are the opponents of Xiao Huang and Marry.

After getting their response.

Naturally, Quirkis breathed a sigh of relief.

But what annoyed him was.

Whether it was N or Akroma lost contact soon afterward.

It also left him with no way of knowing where N and Akroma had been.

If he didn't show up before he was caught by Xiao Huang and the others, I was afraid that it would be useless for them to come.

"Take it!"

At a time when Quitch was indignant.

Yellow is going to let Mewtwo in Armor catch Quitch in the helicopter.

"Don't think I'm going to be tied up like this!"

Quirkie was crazy.

"Attack me!"

"Take out all your firepower. "

Quirkis shouted at the helicopter pilot.


The members of the Plasma Regiment who were responsible for piloting the helicopter immediately used the weapons on the helicopter.

Same as the Milky Way.

Plasma regiments also use weapons that are strongly forbidden.

Neither Quitch nor the other Seven Sages would have placed their hopes on the elves.

This is true even for mythical beasts.

Even those brainwashed and deceived members of the plasma group stupid and N don't know anything about it.

"Sudden ......"

"Boom ......"


With the helicopter pilot began to activate the weapon.

For a while, machine guns and artillery launched an attack on Xiao Huang and Ma Li at the same time.


The attack of powerful firepower has aroused the vigilance of the armored Mewtwo.

They immediately spread their defenses, blocking and diverting the incoming attacks for Xiao Huang and Ma Li.

This also led to a major failure in Quiches's artillery attack.

In a short time, the weapons on the helicopter were empty, and there was no more ammunition.




The weapon attack that didn't work made Quiges angry.

"Come on, give it to me!"

Angry, Quichisi, who was almost stoned, threw out several Poké Balls and released the elves in them.

I didn't see N Akroma before she appeared.

He could only rush to the doctor and send his elves to fight.

However, although his strength is not weak, he has the strength of a champion and a high-level, but compared to Xiao Huang and Ma Li's divine beasts, it is too much worse.

It's almost one trick at a time.

The spirits of the three evil dragons, the coffin of death, and the symbolic bird were easily defeated by Xiao Huang and Ma Li.

Even Quiches himself, along with the members of the plasma regiment who flew the helicopter, were dragged out of the helicopter.

And the helicopter that lost control was casually thrown in a no-man's place by Xiao Huang with the power of punishment Hupa.

"Don't struggle anymore!"

"You will pay the price for your mistakes. "

Xiao Huang looked at Qui Qi Si in front of him, who was controlled by the armored Mewtwo, with a calm face.

Although her face was calm, she still looked at Quitch with anger.

The same is true of Marley on the side.


"I'm curious about how wrong I have ever been. "

"It's all about realizing our great dream of plasma clusters. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You two stinky little devils are trying to stop our plasma cluster. "


Quirkis laughed maniacally.

If you say, he was just angry just now.

Now, then, it's completely crazy and insane.

"There is no cure!"

Yellow shook her head.

"Mewtwo ......"

Xiao Huang didn't want to listen to Qui Qisi's crazy words.

She directly asked Mewtwo in Armor to do it and told Quitchis to shut up.


Only a snapping of fingers was heard.

Under the impact of telekinesis.

Quitchis was directly stunned by Mewtwo in armor.

Even the pilot with the plasma cluster quickly fainted. []

Do it all.

Xiao Huang is going to ask Mewtwo to take them back again, back to their original place.

But a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

and Leshiram's voice ringing in her head, but it caught her attention.

"It's coming!"

Leshiram reminded.

What is coming?

The one who can attract such attention is naturally its old enemy, Zekrom.

"Are Zekrom and N coming?"

"Don't worry about it yet, send them away first!"

"Sanyun God's side, it also needs to be dealt with. "

Yellow ignored it.

Then, under the teleportation of Mewtwo in armor.

They were soon back at the podium in Arbasque.

"Brother Yang, give ......"

Xiao Huang first said hello to Qi Yang, who was resting.

Then, he handed over the Poké Ball of the Three Cloud Gods that he found from Quichisi to Qi Yang.

"Well done!"

Qi Yang smiled.

After receiving the Poke Ball handed over by Xiao Huang, he first used the Poké Ball to dissolve the subjugation relationship with the Sanyun God, and returned the Sanyun God to freedom.

Then, he took out his Poké Ball and subdued the Mikumo God again.

At this time, the god of Sanyun officially changed hands.

As for the controls on the Sanyun God?

When he had just taken in Ganosekt, he had already dismantled the controls on Gainocekt's body.

"Brother Yang, Zekrom and N are here!"

"I went to fight N Zekrom first. "

Wait until Qi Yang subdues the Three Cloud Gods.

Xiao Huang and Qi Yang talked about this stubble.

"Go ahead!"

"Defeat him. "

"Take advantage of this opportunity for you and Leshiram to hone each other's tacit understanding and cooperation. "

Qi Yang nodded.

He also sensed the arrival of N and Zekrom.

He is also a little curious and looking forward to the battle between N Zekrom and Xiao Huang and Leshiram.

And at the beginning, Xiao Huang and Leshiram were bound to suffer a lot of losses at the hands of N Zekrom.

After all, in terms of acceptance time and time together, N is much earlier than Xiao Huang.

It can be said that N Jing and Zekrom have a considerable tacit understanding and cooperation, and have thoroughly understood and controlled the power of Zekrom.

On the contrary, it is Xiao Huang, who has just subdued Lai Shiram and has not yet had a thorough understanding of Leshiram.

It was also from Sirona that she learned some basic knowledge about Leshiram.

The details of other aspects still need to be slowly mastered and understood in actual combat.

Fortunately, there is the power of Xiao Huang's Joban + the power of the dragon.

Even if Xiao Huang and Leshiram will suffer at the beginning, it will be completely small.

In the end of the battle, it will definitely be N Zekrom who loses.

Qi Yang has absolute self-confidence.

"Come on, little yellow!"

Ma Li cheered for Xiao Huang.


Xiao Huang smiled happily.

With that, she retracted her other elves, turned over and rode on Leshiram, heading in the direction of N Zekrom's attack.

"Let's finish the matter here as soon as possible, let's go watch Xiao Huang and N fight!"

Looking at Xiao Huang's departing back.

Qi Yang smiled at Ma Li beside him.


Marley nodded slightly.

Because of the uproar and turmoil that has just been caused.

At this moment, there were no other trainers near the podium, except for the members of the plasma group who had fainted.

Instead, there were police officers from Tangcao Town led by Miss Junsha 160, who was called by the police for unknown reasons.

They need to inform Miss Junsha and ask her to arrest Quiches and her party.

As for Quitches, will they be rescued by the rest of the plasma group?

Qi Yang didn't care about this.

Ordinary plasma group members have no such value at all.

And Quichisi, just now, was even more destroyed by the armor Mewtwo, and some of his nerves were destroyed.

This also made Quichis enjoy the same treatment as Vladali at the beginning.

What awaits them is a vegetative life in the second half of their lives.


When Qi Yang and Ma Li revealed their identities and explained to Miss Junsha.

On the other side, N Jing and Xiao Huang ushered in an encounter.

"My father is not here, did she let my father be transferred when Leshiram left just now?"

Looking at the little yellow on Leshiram's back.

N's head wrinkled slightly, and his heart kept guessing.

When Xiao Huang and Leshiram sensed the presence of N and Zekrom.

Of course, N Zekrom also felt the presence of Xiao Huang and Leshiram.

Because of this, he felt the sudden displacement of Leshiram.

Presumably, it was at that time that his father was transferred to another place.

"Messenger of the White Dragon, you and I, the Messenger of the Black Dragon, will have a battle. "

"But before that, how about releasing my father?"

"My father is also burdened with great ideals that will lead all people to a better future where humans and elves live in true harmony. "

N on the small ecliptic.

"He is the boss of the villain organization Plasma Regiment, and he needs to be held accountable for the mistakes he has made. "

"And you don't even know what he's done. "

Yellow shook her head.

Although she doesn't know the specific relationship between N and Quichisi.

I was also surprised by N Huqui Chisi for my father.

But judging by N's upright and ignorant countenance, she immediately understood something.

The N in front of him was probably used by Quichis.

N should not know the true face of Quichis or even the plasma cluster.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why as a villain is recognized by the black dragon Zellom.

And the path that N pursues is indeed to make the world realize that people and elves are in true harmony.

But that doesn't mean that the elves have to be separated from the trainers.

This is wrong.

And she must defeat N in front of her to let N say this, and don't make mistakes anymore.

"Father may have gone a little too far in some ways. "

"But what my father is doing is doing something that is good for the world. "

N eyebrows.

He didn't know what Huang was referring to.

But he still sided with his father, Lord Quits.

Quichisi's cultivation of him since he was a child, and he must repay the other party's nurturing kindness.

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