
Song Yan, who looked sleepy, picked up the phone that had fallen to the ground.

Song Yan looked at the caller, and the sleepiness on his face disappeared instantly.


Song Yan adjusted her voice.

After taking a deep breath ,


Song’s mother said unhappily:"I asked you to make a phone call yesterday, why didn’t you?"

Song Yan:"I was too tired yesterday, so I went to bed early and forgot."

Song’s mother:"Where did you sleep?"

Song Yan:"At Natsume’s house."

Song’s mother: ???’

"What did you say?"

Mother Song suddenly became nervous.

After all, she is an adult, so her associations are richer.

Mother Song thought: I want you to communicate more with Natsume.

But I didn't let you communicate so deeply all at once.

"What are you thinking about, Mom?"

Song Yan looked at Natsume, who was lying beside her, with a weak face, and said,"There are many guest rooms in Natsume's house, and I slept alone."

Song's mother was relieved to hear this.

Parents always think that their children will not take the initiative to do something.

What's more, Natsume looks very upright and is definitely not that kind of person.

Song's mother thought to herself, how could she think about her daughter and Natsume.

Song's mother asked: When will you come back?

Song Yan hesitated.

She sat up and the white sheets slid down from her body.

Song Yan pulled the sheets to cover her body and looked out the window.

It rained heavily on the farm last night.

The air was filled with the smell of moist soil.

The crops on the farm are ripe.

There are still raindrops on the pods of Wangwang Valley and Rolling Beans.

The raindrops are hanging and dripping from time to time.

Song Yan said:"The farm may have to harvest rice in the next two days, so I want to stay and help."

"Aren't you planning to buy straw from Natsume's house?"

Song Yan tried,"But if the ranch is busy with"360", I will go back first."

Song's mother thought for a while and then said,"Then you can stay there for a few more days."

"Remember not to cause trouble to others"

"Got it."

Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone.

Natsume sat up and looked at Song Yan.

Song Yan's neck and half of her exposed breasts were all marked with the marks he left last night.

"Did I wake you up?"

Song Yan looked at Xia Mu and asked.

Xia Mu shook his head slightly:"Normally, I get up around this time."

"But, do you want to..."

Xia Mu said as he stretched out his hand and pressed Song Yan down.

"No more..."

Song Yan blushed:"It's already daytime"

"Besides, everyone is downstairs and will hear it."

While Song Yan was talking, little Ibrahimovic ran up the stairs.


Ibrahimovic jumped towards Natsume on the bed with a happy face.

Natsume caught Ibrahimovic with his super power.

Ibrahimovic was fixed in the air.

"Ibrahimovic flapped his short legs in the air in dissatisfaction.

Natsume let go of Song Yan, sat up and hugged Ibrahimovic:"Good morning, little Ibrahimovic."

Natsume said and scratched Ibrahimovic's body with his hand.


This little Eevee is from Qingshan Pokémon Academy.

Natsume plans to train it to be a fairy Eevee.


Ibrahimovic twisted his body, giggled, and then stretched out his tongue to lick Natsume's cheek.

After Song Yan put on her clothes on the side, she got off the bed.

Song Yan stretched out her hand to the little Ibrahimovic:"Ibrahimovic, come to your sister~"


Little Ibrahimovic jumped into Song Yan's arms.

Natsume looked at Song Yan teasing Ibrahimovic and thought this scene was really beautiful. Natsume got out of bed and walked towards the balcony.

Natsume lay on the guardrail, admiring the morning of the farm.

The mature crops in the farm were swaying gently with the morning breeze.


In the sky, a Bibi bird flew from somewhere and was flying around in the field above the rolling beans.


Houndoom gave a warning growl to the Pidgeot in the sky.

Seeing flames coming out of the corners of Houndoom's mouth, Pidgeot flapped its wings and flew away.

Pidgeot fell into the woods outside the farm.

When crops are ripe, they always attract many wild elves.

Natsume looked at the scene in the farm and thought,"It's going to be busy today."

Farm hut, large living room on the first floor.

Zoroark lay on the floor, looking at the nanny bug and the long-eared rabbit who were preparing breakfast.

The pot on the stove was steaming, and the kettle next to it made a"woohoo" sound.


A large group of Ibrahimovies were running around in the hut.

They were making a lot of noise.

Next to the sofa in the middle of the living room


Zoroa was surrounded by Chinchilla, Bulbasaur, Baby Kiras and Bugbo.


Zoroa shook his body.

Zoroa turned into a Chino Chinchilla


Chino Chinchilla looked at Zoroark in surprise.


Young Gilas wanted to make Zoroark look like him.


Zoroa, who had turned into a Chino Chinchilla, shook his body.

He turned into a baby Kiras again.

""Wow." Young

Kiras was amazed. Soraya's stomach suddenly growled. Soraya looked at everyone with some embarrassment.


Little Kiras ran quickly to the refrigerator.

It wanted to pull the door handle, but found that it couldn't pull it at all.

Little Kiras looked around.

Little Kiras moved a small chair and placed it under the refrigerator.

Little Kiras climbed onto the small chair, then stood on tiptoes and stretched out his hand.


The refrigerator door was opened.

However, it was not opened by little Kiras.

Natsume and Song Yan came down at this time.

Natsume opened the refrigerator door and asked,"What do you want?"


Little Kiras pointed at the fresh milk in there.

Natsume took out a bottle of fresh milk and handed it to Little Kiras.

Little Kiras held the fresh milk and ran to Zoraya.


The other Eevees running around in the hut looked at Natsume and quieted down.

They looked a little nervous.


The special Eevee, who was lying on the mat and being looked after by a doll, stood up nervously.


The doll comforted Ibrahimovic and calmed it down.

Song Yan looked at everyone in the living room and then walked towards the long-eared rabbit and the nanny bug.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"


Natsume walked to the sofa naturally and turned on the TV.

The Eevees watched this scene and inexplicably relaxed.

The surroundings became lively again.

The news was playing on TV.

The host Fanshu was talking about Jirachi.

"Many people speculated that the pillar of light that reached the sky last night was Jirachi receiving the energy of the Millennium Comet."

"To find out the truth of the matter, we invited Gao Xiang, the head of the flying department in Magic City."

"Gao Xiang is not only a national-level gym leader, but also a forest ranger."

The camera turned to Gao Xiang.

Gao Xiang said seriously on TV:"Everyone guessed correctly, that is indeed Jirachi."

"But Jirachi has now completed its mission and returned to the earth and fell into a deep sleep.

Fan Shu looked at Gao Xiang and said,"Master Gao, everyone is concerned about where Jirachi is sleeping. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Gao Xiang said,"It doesn't matter where Jirachi is sleeping."

"What's important is that Jirachi will always protect us.

Fan Shu smiled at the camera and said,"Jirachi wakes up once every thousand years. It's our generation's luck to meet Jirachi.""

"In the future, I hope we can all encounter more beautiful things."

There was a lot of noise at Natsume's farm last night, so the people of Linhai City are paying close attention to today's news.

At this moment, in Linhai City, a middle-aged man with glasses complained speechlessly about the TV news:"The point is that there is no one word."


Beside the sofa, another Fatboy responded in agreement.

He turned his head and looked at the girl sitting on the other side of the sofa and said,"Qingqing, isn't Master Natsume your classmate?"

"Why don't you ask him if he has any inside information?"


Liu Qingqing looked up at her father and said,"Should I ask?"

The middle-aged woman who was packing up at the dining table said unhappily,"How can you let your daughter ask such a question?"

Liu Qingqing's father worked in the alliance.

So he knew some inside information.

For example, Shen Hu, the provincial gym leader in the eastern region, died on Xia Mu's farm.

But he didn't know more.

Father Liu muttered,"Shen Hu died there, something big must have happened."

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about, why are you talking about this so early in the morning?"

Liu's mother came over and slapped him.

Liu Qingqing's father looked at her and sighed:"You really don't understand anything."

"Something big must have happened in the alliance now, and many people's positions will probably be relocated."

"If I could know more, I would definitely have a chance to move up."

Liu Qingqing was not interested in the conversation between her parents.

The fact that Natsume became the gym leader of Linhai City had naturally caused heated discussions in their school.

In fact, Liu Qingqing had already been to Natsume's gym once with her classmates.

Unfortunately, when they went there, Natsume happened to be out.

Liu Qingqing returned to the room and looked at the class group chat.

The messages in the group have not stopped since last night.

Chen Xiaoming: So, I'm sure that Jirachi is definitely related to Natsume.

Chen Xiaoming: Jirachi is the god of wishes. Maybe Natsume's Dragonite was obtained by making a wish to Jirachi.

Zhang Yan: In that case, the battle last night was caused by someone trying to snatch Jirachi, and then Natsume wanted to protect Jirachi, right?

A girl in the class said: I can't believe that the legend happened next to me. This is too incredible.

The noise from Dragonite and Charam was so loud last night that the whole sky was bright...

Naturally, everyone in Linhai City saw something.

Chen Xiaoming sent a crying emoji: We are all 18 years old. I was scolded by my mother for playing a game yesterday. Xia Mu has already started to protect the mythical beasts. Do we really live in the same world?

Zhou Xun: Everyone has their own opportunities. This kind of thing cannot be envied. We just need to live our own lives. By the way, I was admitted to Linhai University. Do you have time to go to the university together?

Chen Xiaoming: You and Liu Qingqing are the only ones in our class who were admitted to Linhai University. You can ask her.

Linhai University is a key elf university ranked in the top 100 in China.

Among them, the elf breeding major is a popular major.

Liu Qingqing applied for elf breeding.

Zhou Xun sent Liu Qingqing an invitation to ask if she wanted to see the school together in advance.

Liu Qingqing rejected Zhou Xun's invitation and then opened the chat box with Xia Mu.

Liu Qingqing hesitated for a while, clicked on a picture and sent it to Xia Mu.

The picture was a photo of the farm gym taken by someone last night.

It showed the mature Wangwang Valley.

At this time, on the sofa in the farm hut.

Xia Mu was still watching the news while holding Ibrahimovic.

The host Fan Shu smiled and said,"Please watch the next report."

"The famous male star was suspected to have been photographed having an abnormal relationship with an elf"

"This incident attracted great attention"

"How should the relationship between elves and humans get along? It has once again become a hot topic."

"Some people condemn this behavior, while others suggest that the law should protect the normal love between humans and elves....."

Natsume looked at the following news and complained:"Good man, no matter where they are, they like to use this kind of thing to suppress the heat."

Although everyone has seen this trick a lot.

But don't say it, it really works.

If two more such news broke out, the incident and discussion of Jirachi would slowly pass.

After all, Jirachi is still too far away from ordinary people.

But the collapse of the celebrity house, especially the abnormal relationship between the elves, is too exciting.

Ding Dong~

Natsume's mobile phone rang.

Natsume turned on the phone.

Liu Qingqing sent a picture.

Liu Qingqing: The Wangwang Valley on the farm is ripe, it looks so beautiful.

Natsume looked at this message and remembered that he had promised Liu Qingqing. Natsume said that when the Wangwang Valley is ripe, he will invite Liu Qingqing to his farm to experience the feeling of doing farm work.

Natsume asked: My elves and I will go to the farm to work together in a while. If you have time, do you want to come and play?

Liu Qingqing looked at Natsume's message and turned over happily in bed.

She gathered up her long black hair that had been tangled by her and said,"Of course I have time."

"Then I'll come in a moment?"

Natsume replied: OK.

Liu Qingqing jumped up from the bed excitedly and then opened the closet.

Liu Qingqing looked at the closet full of clothes and felt a little worried.

What should I wear?

"Bu Ling~"

On Liu Qingqing's bed, a round and plump Jigglypuff jumped into the closet.

"Bu Ling~"

"This one?"

Liu Qingqing looked at the clothes that Pang Ding had chosen and said,"It feels a bit fancy.".

Farm Cottage


An Eevee jumped onto the sofa and looked at Natsume cautiously.

Natsume reached out and rubbed its chin.


Ibrahimovic immediately made a comfortable sound.

This Ibrahimovic rubbed its body against Natsume's arm


The other Eevees, watching this scene, climbed onto the sofa.

Natsume was surrounded by Eevees.

They were all furry and soft.

They felt great to touch.

One of the brave ones even jumped on Natsume's head.

"Hey, hey."

Natsume took it off his head and patted its butt gently:"You can't touch my hair."

"Just washed it"


Ibrahimovic stuck out his tongue and licked Natsume's wrist


Almost Doll gently stroked the Eevee under him.

The Eevee looked at Almost Doll, then looked at Natsume.

The vigilance in the Eevee's eyes dissipated a little.

"Natsume, it's time for breakfast."

Song Yan helped the long-eared rabbits to bring the food to the table.


Natsume responded, put the two Eevees lying on his legs on the sofa, and then walked towards the dining table.

Song Yan looked at Natsume and asked,"Are we going to the farmland to harvest Wangwang Valley later?"


Natsume sat next to Gardevoir and said,"I still have two orders to process."


Natsume nodded slightly:"One is for the gym in Midori City."

"Another one is from an elf training center"

"After the crops are harvested, I plan to send them directly."

Song Yan asked,"Is there anything I can help with?""

"You can go with the long-eared rabbits to help Milkman milk the cows."

"Then, together with Heracross and the others, we collected all the fruits on the ground."

Song Yan helped out on the ranch every day. She enjoyed working with the elves.

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