"Oh my god, why?"

The young man who had not yet left looked at this scene and said indignantly:"What's wrong with this Squirtle?"

"Will someone else be obedient?"

Natsume glanced at him and said,"The tadpole opposite has the characteristic of storing water."

"The first time you let Squirtle use the water gun, Squirtle explained it to you."

"As a trainer, learning to understand Pokémon is also a required course."

Shen Man showed a little surprise when listening to what Natsume said.

Because this mosquito tadpole does have the characteristic of storing water.

Ali is a trainer who has just started traveling and his family conditions are pretty good.

This time he came to the Water People Breeding Base to buy a suitable water-type main force.

After listening to Natsume, he remembered Squirtle's previous actions.

Ali knew that Natsume was probably right.

However, he still said stubbornly:"No, buddy, do you think you are the gym leader?"

"You said it is a water storage, so it has the property of storing water?"

The staff member suddenly said:"Uh....This one���Tadpoles do have the property of storing water.

Ali blushed and said,"I know."

"But, I asked him to use the water gun, so I must have some ideas."

Someone around laughed and said,"Good boy, what can you think of using a water gun on a Pokémon with the water storage attribute?"

The water storage attribute can protect Pokémon from being harmed by water skills, and at the same time, the Pokémon can replenish its physical strength from the water energy contained in water skills.

Ali said angrily,"I just want to see if this Squirtle will listen to me!"

"What are you arguing about?"

"If you are really that powerful, let's fight...fight...right..."

He took out the Poké Ball as he spoke.

When Ali was about to release his Pokémon, he suddenly saw a Dragonite with a water fish on its head slowly flying in front of Natsume.

Ali suddenly became a little stuttering:"Yes, that's right...."


Dragonite: Do you want to fight?

Natsume looked at Dragonite:"Are you ready to play?""


Dragonite called out happily.

Natsume looked at the Water Leap Fish on Dragonite's head:"It seems you have made a new friend."

The Water Leap Fish greeted Natsume:"Hala~"

The people around looked at Natsume's Dragonite in surprise and said:"Dragonite?"

"Oh my god, who is this?"

"By the way, I just saw that he looked familiar, he seems to be the owner of the Natsume Pavilion who has suddenly become popular in Lin Province recently."

Someone took out his mobile phone to compare the photos and exclaimed:"It's really him."

Natsume listened to the discussions around him and looked at Dragonite and smiled;"It seems that you are more famous than me, Dragonite"


Dragonite scratched his head.

Natsume patted Dragonite's fat belly and then said to Ali:"I am indeed the gym leader, you want to fight, right?"

Ali opened his mouth but said nothing.


With your Dragonite?

Who will go up?

It can't be me, right?

Ali silently put away his Poké Ball, lowered his head, and squeezed through the crowd.

Slip, slip.

Natsume didn't care much about this little episode

"Miss Shen Man, I want to buy this Squirtle and the water jump fish on the dragon head."

"Please follow me."

Shen Man led Natsume to continue walking inside.

Shen Man looked at Natsume and asked curiously:"Master Natsume, how did you know that the mosquito coil tadpoles are storing water?

Natsume picked up the Squirtle who was following him and said:"This child told me"


This Squirtle obviously has a good personality.

Natsume thought to himself:"There is already a Bulbasaur in the farm."

"Now there is Squirtle"

"If there is another Charmander, the first generation of the three great families will be complete."

However, as for Charmander, it seems that there is only one in the Fire Dragon Valley near Daxingling in China.

The Fire Dragon Valley is located in Longjiang Province and consists of fourteen volcanoes.

A few decades ago, the volcano in the Fire Dragon Valley had an eruption, which caused the river to be blocked.

As a result, five volcanoes connected by pools were formed.

Therefore, the Fire Dragon Valley is also called the Five Great Connected Volcanoes.

"Next time when I go to Daxingling, I will stop by the Fire Dragon Valley."

Natsume thought to himself while holding Squirtle.

Shen Man looked at Natsume and said,"Master Natsume, you also have the ability to talk to elves."


Natsume noticed the key words.

Shen Man pulled up the necklace around her neck and smiled:"Master Natsume, have you heard of the Water People?¨ˇ?"

Natsume nodded slightly:"Of course I have heard of it."

"Legend has it that the Water People are the protectors of the Sea Prince Manaphy."

"They are the brave warriors of the sea, possessing magical powers."


Natsume said, his eyes on Shen Man's neck.

The pendant hanging above her snow-white chest seemed to be flowing slowly like a drop of water under Natsume's gaze.

"Are you a water person?"

Shen Man nodded:"Yes"

"My family has records that when Manaphy is about to be born, she will come to the water people."

"We will escort it back to the sea and find the Sea Temple."

Shen Man put down the pendant in his hand and said,"Of course, these are all legends."

"In fact, no one has seen Manaphy for a long time."

"I don't know if my generation will have the opportunity to meet the legendary Prince Canghai."

Xia Mu said:"If one day Miss Shen Man really needs to complete this family mission, I would be happy to provide some help."

Shen Man listened to Xia Mu's words and smiled:"Okay"

"If there is such a day, I will definitely ask Natsume to come and help."

Shen Man and Natsume chatted and came to the rest area in the base. All the Pokémon sold in the breeding base need to be registered.

After Natsume paid the money and signed, he officially received Squirtle and Water Leap from the Water People Base.

""Master Natsume, would you like to stay here for one night?"

After the handover was completed, Shen Man invited Natsume,"Our hotel facilities are quite good."

Natsume declined,"I have something to do at the farm tomorrow, so I won't bother you today.""

"If I have a chance next time, I will definitely come and experience it."

After saying this, Natsume sat on Dragonite.


Dragonite waved at Shen Man.

"Okay, goodbye, Natsume."



Dragonite carried Natsume into the night sky.

The Water People's base was near the sea.

Natsume could hear the sound of waves hitting the coast while flying in the air.

The sea breeze was floating in the air with the coolness and the unique wet and salty smell of the sea.

The lighthouse in the distance and the stars in the sky guided the direction of the ships drifting on the sea.

The sea is always full of mystery and makes people yearn for it.

"What a nice view."

Natsume said to himself, and patted Dragonite's body:"Let's go, Dragonite"

"We go home"


Peach Blossom Spring-Farm

"That's about it."

Song Yan helped the long-eared rabbits put away the kitchen supplies.

"Long-eared rabbit, what do you do when Natsume is not around?"


Gardevoir helped translate:"The long-eared rabbit said, of course we have to wait for Natsume to come back"


The long-eared rabbit nodded.~


In the night sky, the voice of Dragonite rang out.


The long-eared rabbits heard the sound and ran out happily.

Dragonite landed in front of the hut.

As soon as Natsume jumped off Dragonite, he saw two long-eared rabbits hopping towards him.


Natsume looked at the long-eared rabbits and smiled and opened his arms:"I'm back"

"" Milu~"

The long-eared rabbits jumped into Natsume's arms.

The long-eared rabbits licked Natsume's cheek with their soft tongues.

Natsume picked up the two long-eared rabbits and looked at Song Yan who followed them and said,"Has Liu Qingqing left?"

Song Yan said,"The Desert Dragonfly has already sent her back."


Natsume nodded slightly:"Okay"

"Oh, let me introduce you to two new friends."

"Come out, Squirtle, Aquasquirrel."

Natsume said as two Poké Balls floated out of his body.


As soon as Squirtle ran out of the Poké Ball, he greeted everyone energetically.


The water-leaping fish looked much more shy and stood there silently.


Bulbasaur looked at Squirtle and Gallup curiously.

Natsume said to Bulbasaur:"Bulbasaur, can I give you a task?"


Bulbasaur nodded.

"Bulbasaur, take Squirtle and Squirtle around the farm and let them get familiar with the environment."


Bulbasaur said hello to Squirtle and Squirtle, then motioned for them to follow him.


Squirtle and Waterjump looked at Natsume. Natsume said,"Go ahead. You can live freely on my farm.""

"So, first get familiar with the environment you will live in."


Squirtle responded, and then he and Aquaska followed Bulbasaur and walked towards the bamboo forest behind the hut.

""Mi Lu~"

The long-eared rabbit said he wanted to watch a movie.

Natsume smiled and said,"Okay"


The long-eared rabbit was happy.

Natsume held the long-eared rabbit and said to Song Yan and Gardevoir:"Let's go, let's go in.



Natsume squeezed on the sofa with everyone else.

Two long-eared rabbits sat in Natsume's arms.

Natsume held them, feeling like holding two soft twin-tailed lolita.

The ears of long-eared rabbits are very long, so long that they can even cover their perky buttocks.

However, because their ears are too sensitive, you still have to be careful to control your strength when playing with them.

Song Yan looked a little tired.

After all, she was busy all day.

She yawned and leaned on Natsume's shoulder.

Gardevoir leaned against Natsume's other shoulder, watching the movie being played a little nervously.

This is a horror film.

The horror scenes in it made the long-eared rabbits scream from time to time, and their hands tightly grasped Natsume's clothes.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Natsume comforted softly:"Everything in the movie is fake"

"Real ghost elves....Forehead..."

Natsume suddenly realized that real ghost-type elves can really absorb people's essence like in the movies.

Is there really an underworld in this world?



Natsume said,"I mean, if it's a ghost-type Pokémon in our farm, they will definitely get along well with everyone."

Song Yan asked curiously,"Does Natsume plan to adopt a ghost-type Pokémon in the farm?"

"I have many elves I want to raise."

Natsume smiled and said,"However, speaking of ghost elves, I think it would be interesting to watch a ghost movie with a big purple fat man in my arms."

Song Yan sat up:"¨「The purple fat guy is Gengar, right?"

"¨「It's really cute."

"What about you? What kind of ghost-type Pokémon do you like?"

Song Yan gathered her hair aside and thought:"I don't seem to have any particular favorite ghost-type Pokémon."

"However, if I had to choose, it would be interesting to have a wind-blown ball?"

"Wind ball?"


"The wind ball allows people to ride on it"

"Because it is floating in the wind, it makes people feel full of expectations."

Natsume listened to Song Yan's words and smiled:"It seems that you are still adventurous."

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

The lights in the cabin are still on.

The farm gradually becomes quiet.

The elf horror movie is just like the domestic horror movies that Natsume has watched before. It is really scary at the beginning.

But later, after the protagonist discovered the truth, it gradually became an emotional drama.

The long-eared rabbits were a little sleepy.

They yawned and fell asleep on the sofa.

Natsume put Song Yan on the bed.

Undressing, spring breeze.....


Bibi Bird and Bobo got up very early.

The sky had just brightened.

The sound of birdsong rang out in the farm.

Natsume sat up from the bed, looked out the window helplessly and said:"These guys, they got up really early."

Natsume was���and the cries of the Bobos.

However, Song Yan got up earlier.

Xia Mu looked at Song Yan who came out of the bathroom and said,"Why did you get up so early?"

Song Yan tied her hair up and said,"Because I have to milk the big milk cans."

"The food on the farm is very rich, so the milk production of the big milk tanks is very high."

"At this time, the big milk tanks should have started to feel uncomfortable."

Xia Mu gave a thumbs up:"As expected of a kid who grew up in a ranch."

Song Yan smiled and said:"Then I'll go down first."


Ding Dong!

Farm Story sent a reminder.

【Your Eevee (level 30) has evolved into Glaceon with the help of the power of the Froststone.】

【The special energy contained in the frozen stone increases Eevee's HP by 15-17.

Natsume looked at the notification on the phone and said in surprise,"Evolved?" Natsume put on his clothes and then used instant movement.


Glaceon looked at the Glaceon happily.

Although there are many Eevees in the farm

, not all of them want to evolve into Glaceon.

Rotom told the Eevees about the eight evolution directions of Eevees.

Therefore, the Eevees are not in a hurry to evolve immediately, so they usually don't come here.

Glaceon is very happy to see that a companion is willing to evolve into the same type as him.


But soon, it showed a puzzled expression again.

The Glaceon in front of it degenerated into Eevee again.




Ibrahimovic explained to it his specialness.

While they were communicating, Natsume suddenly appeared.

Natsume looked at the current Ibrahimovic.

【Name: Ibrahimovic】

【Attributes: General】

【Level: lv30】

【Features: Adaptability】

【Individual stats: HP (17), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: bump, wag tail, call, help, desire, round pupil, high-speed star】

【Genetic Skill: Prayer】

【Potential: Champion]

(Hint: This is a special Eevee whose genes cannot remain stable for a long time. It has more evolutionary possibilities.)

(Hint: Current evolvable attributes: Water, Fire, Electricity, Ice.)

Natsume squatted down and looked at Eevee and said,"Eevee, how do you feel?"

"Ibrahimovic feels good and has new strength.

"I see."

Natsume looked at Eevee and thought:"It seems that as long as I have the evolution items, Eevee can continue to evolve."

"If the intimacy is cultivated, Eevee should be able to switch freely between Sun Eevee and Moon Eevee."

"After it evolves, I will equip it with a treasure of corresponding attributes."

Natsume thought about the future of this Eevee and couldn't help but said,"Eevee, I will call you Arceub from now on?"

"Bui Kuang Kuang?"

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