As soon as the sun set, it began to rain heavily.

The farm hut looked particularly peaceful against the backdrop of the storm.

The Eevees were no longer noisy.

They lay on the windowsill, on the sofa, and on the carpet, yawning.

Rainy days always make people and elves sleepy.

Of course, it's different for water elves.

Just like Squirtle and Aqualad.

They are rolling happily in the puddle with the Lotus Leaf Boys.

The fighting elves are also very energetic. The Onion

Rangers and the others are all gathered in the training room for training.

The Porter and the Iron Man are carrying square wood and I-beams and running around the field.

Boom~ thunder roars



In the sound of thunder and rain, Infernape and Parasaurolophus were practicing close combat in front of the boxing trainer.

They flexibly dodged the machine's attacks and kept punching the machine.

This can train the elves' reaction and counterattack abilities.

Rotoms flew around in the training room.

They would help record the data of Infernape during their training.

If grass-type elves are the easiest to raise, then fighting-type elves must be the most self-disciplined.

Natsume sat on the sofa, opened Farm Story, and began to draw the rewards for the million-yield task.

The first is the secret treasure extraction

【Hint: You have obtained the secret treasure, Sharp Beak.

Sharp Beak is a flying-type secret treasure, and there are many flying-type Pokémon on the farm now.

However, Natsume plans to train the Buzz Bat first.

Natsume looked at the door of the hut.

The Buzz Bat and the Pops were huddled together on the eaves, staring at the heavy rain outside in a daze.

"Buzzing bat.

Natsume waved at the buzzing bat.


The buzzing bats squeezed out from the pops, flying Natsume

"Buzz Bat, this is for you.

Natsume handed the sharp bird beak to Buzz Bat.

【Buzz Bat absorbed the Sharp Bird Beak, and Buzz Bat's special attack ability increased to (31)】

【The level of the buzz bat has been increased. The level of the buzz bat has increased to 31..35...Level 42】

【Buzz Bat has learned new skills: Angry Fang, Air Blade.

Natsume looked at Buzz Bat and said,"Buzz Bat, get up earlier in the afternoon and go to the gym to fight one or two battles."

"You can evolve faster through practice in battles."


Buzz Bat nodded obediently."

Ding wuwu~"

In the kitchen, the sound of the kettle rang out.

The hot steam rose up.

The water that Gardevoir had just boiled was boiling.

Gardevoir made a cup of black tea for Natsume and then brought it to the table in front of Natsume.

"Thank you~"

Gardevoir smiled slightly, and then sat down next to Natsume.

After Natsume watched Gardevoir sit down next to him, he lay on Gardevoir's legs.

Natsume adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable. Gardevoir put his legs together, reached out his hand and gently helped Natsume to tidy up his hair.

Natsume let the phone float in front of him and continued to draw rewards

【Tip: You got the Super Evolution Stone of Flame Chicken】


Natsume muttered,"Blazer hasn't been born yet, but the Mega Evolution Stone has already been arranged."

"Blaziken can be considered a super rich second generation in the Pokémon world."

Natsume thought about Blaziken and checked the trainers of Blaziken in Dragon Country.

There are quite a few trainers who are famous for using Blaziken.

However, the most famous one is Li Zhi, the national fire gym leader in Fog City.

Li Zhi's main Pokémon are Flare Ace, Blaziken, and Charizard.

Natsume searched for his battle videos on the Internet.

This was an Asian Cup match.

Li Zhi was commanding Blaziken to fight against a monster.

The commentator shouted excitedly on the phone:"Blaziken is getting faster and faster!"

"The acceleration feature allows Flammel to continuously increase its speed during battle!"

"Oh my God, look!"

"Flame Chicken used Bounce and flew into the sky. Flame Chicken wanted to..."

Natsume turned off the commentary.

In the video, flames ignited on the legs of the flame chicken.


Flame Kick!

Flame Chicken's body kicked towards the strange force like a rapidly falling meteor.

The strange force used the defense to block the heavy kick of Flame Chicken.


Flame Chicken crushed the protective barrier with one foot!

The ground shattered like a spider web.

The flame kick hit the strange force.

The strange force immediately lost the ability to fight.

"Wow, that's strong."

Natsume exclaimed.

""Mi Lu~"

The long-eared rabbit jumped towards Natsume.

Natsume quickly moved the phone away and hugged the long-eared rabbit that jumped into his arms.

The long ears of the long-eared rabbit covered the long-eared rabbit and Natsume's bodies like a quilt.

Natsume stroked the soft body of the long-eared rabbit and asked:"What's wrong, long-eared rabbit."

Natsume said, rubbing his body against it.

This way, his neck can be better attached to Gardevoir's thighs.

"Milu~" said the long-eared rabbit, nothing much, just want to stick with~


Natsume smiled and said,"That's great. Let's study the layout of the farm together."


:"I plan to grow some ordinary vegetables on the farm next."

"We don't need many vegetables, just enough for ourselves."


"Then there are the flower fields"

"We can connect the empty space of the cabin with part of the farmland, so that we can create a huge garden that belongs to our farm."

Natsume, Long-eared Rabbit and Gardevoir are talking about the next changes to the farm.

"We can plant all kinds of flowers in it."

"Sunflowers, red roses, tulips and other common flowers should have"

"Fairy Flower full series also available"

"Of course, there is also Gracitia"

"Legend has it that when the Gracitia flowers bloom, Shemy, the grass-type phantom god who migrated from nowhere, will fly from the land to the sky."

Natsume imagines the future:"Maybe one day, Shemy will really be attracted by our sea of flowers."

""Mi Lu?"

Long-eared rabbit wanted to know what Xie Mi looked like.

Natsume clicked on his phone to exit the farm's floor plan and searched for pictures of Xie Mi for Long-eared rabbit.

Xie Mi in land form looks like a white hedgehog.

Dense and fresh green grass covers its back.

Legend has it that Xie Mi has the ability to decompose toxins in the atmosphere and can turn barren land into flower beds in an instant.

When people happily celebrate the end of the severe winter with the change of seasons and offer their gratitude to the heavens, Xie Mi will appear and fill the barren land with flowers.

Therefore, some people believe that Xie Mi is a phantom god that brings spring.


The long-eared rabbit thought Xie Mi looked so cute.

Natsume smiled and said,"Isn't it?"

"It just so happens that we have nothing to do today, so let's find a movie about Shaymi and watch it together."

Natsume put his hand on Gardevoir's leg to support himself.

Natsume waved his hand, and the remote control flew into Natsume's hand.

"There are quite a lot of movies about Shaymi."

Natsume muttered as he searched for the movies.

"Let's take this one."

Natsume chose a movie with a beautiful female lead on the cover.

The movie is called: Flowers of Ice Sky!

Ding ding ding~

The reminder sound of the movie about to start rang out


The Eevees also came over.


There were still lightning and thunder outside the window.

The strong wind hit the glass.

The heavy rain seemed to submerge the hut.

The lights in the hut were turned off one by one.

In the dim room, the story of the movie slowly began.

This is a movie about environmental protection and love.

The content of the story is roughly that the villain company polluted the land in order to develop technology.

The hero and heroine are in love while collecting evidence.

In the process, they met a Xie Mi.

The hero and heroine had a conflict because of Xie Mi, and reconciled because of Xie Mi.

At the end of the story, of course, the villain was sent to prison, and the polluted land was restored by Xie Mi's power.

After calling on people to protect the environment at the end, the movie ended.

The movie is very good.

Although Natsume only remembered that the heroine was beautiful and Xie Mi was cute

""Mi Lu~"

The long-eared rabbit liked it very much and wanted to watch it again.

Natsume certainly fulfilled the long-eared rabbit's wish.

However, Natsume did not finish watching it the second time.

Maybe it was because he was a little tired from being busy with things on the farm these two days. It may also be because the temperature in the room was too comfortable.

Halfway through the movie, Natsume fell asleep on the sofa.


Eevee, nestled at Natsume's feet, gently put down his fluffy tail.

The elves in the hut slowed down their movements.

Gardevoir took the sheet and gently covered Natsume.

Gardevoir looked at Natsume's face, blushed slightly, and gently leaned over.

In his sleep, Natsume suddenly felt his face was moist and comfortable.

Natsume's mouth corners slightly raised, it seemed that he had a good dream

���Night is long~..

In the early morning, it was still drizzling outside the window.

The raindrops hit the tiles on the roof, making a ticking sound.

The water drops dripped down the eaves to the ground.

On the TV, the news was playing.

"The typhoon hit Zhejiang Province last night"

"Jiang Province, Lin Province and other places were affected."

The TV showed the tragic situation after the typhoon landed.

Fallen trees, billboards smashed on cars, and flooded underground garages.

In the underground garage, a group of Magikarp floated out in the TV reporter's camera.

People and elves were participating in the rescue on the road.

"It looks a bit serious."

Natsume looked at the TV and put down the rice porridge in his hand.

Gardevoir sat next to Natsume and helped Natsume to open the nutritious eggs prepared by Jigglypuff.

After the news of the typhoon, the next news continued to play

"Gao Tai, chairman of Future Technology, donated 10 billion Elf Coins to the Forest Ranger Association for the first time."

On TV, a middle-aged man in a suit and with a smile on his face was speaking with a microphone.

"Our Spring City was once a city full of flowers"

"This is the place favored by Celebi"

"I still remember that ten years ago, if it weren't for Celebi, I might have lost my life in the fire."

"Celebi saved us."

"But unfortunately, Chuncheng was destroyed in that disaster."

"Over the years, it is the forest rangers and the citizens of Chuncheng who have been planting trees here, improving the land and bringing life back to Chuncheng...."

The TV reporter began to introduce Gao Tai's origin.

Gao Tai is known as the most legendary entrepreneur.

This is because it took him only ten years to build a huge Future Technology Group from a down-and-out insect catcher.

Gao Tai's eyes are believed to have the ability to see through the future.

Many of the companies that Future Technology invested in early have been promoted to the top 500 in the country.

Future Technology has funded many people, including people from Dragon Country and other countries.

Most of these people who have been funded by Future Technology have become well-known trainers, and there is even a regional king among them.

However, Gao Tai himself does not seem to be a powerful trainer.

He can only be said to be a very successful businessman.

Natsume listened to the introduction on TV and suddenly became curious about such a legendary figure.

Natsume searched his history of making a fortune.

There are many speculations about Gao Tai's history of making a fortune on the Internet.

These speculations are very wild.

Some people say that Gao Tai used to be a gangster and accumulated his first pot of gold by committing crimes.

Some people say that Gao Tai actually started his career by robbing tombs.

Others say that Gao Tai was kept by a 500-jin male tycoon.

"My goodness, the last one is a bit too wild."

Natsume was amused by the news.

Natsume opened the official website of the Trainer Association and directly entered his ID number and name.

Search bar: Gao Tai.

Natsume clicked to search.

Name: Gao Tai.

Gender: Male.

Age: 39.

Place of origin:....

The internal information database of the Trainer Association records Gao Tai's personal situation in detail.

Natsume simply scanned it and then looked at his real history of success.

It said: In 2014, when Gao Tai went out to catch Caterpillar, he discovered a jade vein in the deep mountains of Yun Province.

Jade is an important raw material for making Poké Balls.

When he went out to catch Caterpillar 397, he discovered the 397 jade vein, which was equivalent to Natsume's very"coincidental" discovery of Jirachi.

Natsume looked at Gao Tai's history of success and couldn't help but wonder: Is this guy also cheating?

Natsume thought about it and searched for the disaster in Chuncheng ten years ago.

7.7 Chuncheng distorted space"volcano".

The 77 volcano incident occurred in Chuncheng, Yun Province in 2014.

On that day, the distorted space suddenly descended.

There was gushing lava and flames in the space.

The secret realm named Volcano submerged most of Chuncheng.

The flames ignited everything.

Smoke covered the sky.

Fortunately, that day, Celebi appeared.

Celebi saved the city, allowing the people and elves in the city to survive.

However, strangely, the trees and flowers around Spring City could no longer survive from that day on.

Many people thought that this might be due to the distortion of space.

However, since then, people have never seen Celebi again.

Natsume looked at these records and said to himself:"Celebi..."

"If it was with the help of Celebi's power, then that would explain it."

Outside the house, the rain slowly stopped.


An Ibrahimovic, covered in mud and dripping with water, was happily running towards the house.


Chino Chinchilla screamed in fear.

Chino Chinchilla rushed forward and blocked the Eevee


Ibrahimovic braked in time.

However, behind Ibrahimovic...



Bang~ Bang~

Squirtle and Aqualad all crashed into Eevee.


Ibrahimovic exclaimed, and threw himself towards the frightened Chino Chinchilla.

"Ibrahimovic quickly stood up, shook off the mud on his body subconsciously, and then looked at the Chino Chinchilla on the ground.


Chino Chinchilla looked at the mud on his body, then looked at the mud spots on the floor.

Chino Chinchilla's anger began to increase.


Eevee looked at Chinchilla in fear and quietly stepped back.

Behind it, Squirtle and Waterjump looked at each other and turned around silently.

"It's all dirty."

Natsume picked up Chino Chinchilla


Chino Chinchilla looked at Natsume with a wronged look.

Natsume smiled and rubbed Chino Chinchilla's fur:"Okay, I'll take you to take a bath."

After Natsume finished speaking, he said to Squirtle and Eevee:"And you"

"Go wash yourself first, then clean this place."


Squirtle bowed and ran towards the river.


Shuiyueyu followed


This Eevee seems to like playing with Squirtle and the others.

Natsume thought: It seems that we can consider evolving this Eevee into Vaporeon.

Gardevoir has already been put into the bathtub.���

Natsume put Chino Chinchilla in. Natsume cleaned Chino Chinchilla's body, and Gardevoir handed over a towel.

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