
The babysitter bug told Natsume that they were about to hatch.

Natsume brought apples to the babysitter bug.

""Babybug, thank you for your hard work in taking care of it."

Babybug looked at the Pokémon egg tenderly.

Babybug felt that the moment when a Pokémon was born was the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Natsume looked at Babybug and smiled,"It was great that I brought you back then."

Babybug was reluctant to leave Aoyama District with Natsume at first.

Later, because of the attack, Babybug followed Natsume to the farm. Babybug originally thought that he would go back after hatching the Pokémon egg of young Kiras.

However, with the continuous development of the farm.

Babybug watched the farm change little by little, and watched the baby bugs live happily here.

So, from some day on, Babybug felt that this was his home.


Suddenly, there was a light.

It was not the Pokémon egg that was glowing.

Natsume looked back.

By the river, the body of the lotus leaf boy who was practicing fighting with Squirtle and others had been wrapped in light.

Natsume walked towards the river.

"Squirtle pointed at the lotus leaf boy excitedly.

Squirtle said that he just bumped into the lotus leaf boy in the water.

Suddenly, his body began to glow.

"It seems that Lotus Leaf Boy is going to evolve because of your collision."

Natsume looked at Squirtle and said with a smile:"Very impressive, Squirtle"


Squirtle scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

The light faded away.


The cute Lotus Leaf Boy evolved into Lotus Hat Kid.

Lotus Hat Kid is a bipedal Pokémon with a green body and red fingers and toes.

Lotus Hat Kid is the same size as a child, so it is often considered a human child.

People in ancient times even believed that Lotus Hat Kid was a spirit transformed from a child who drowned in the river.

"Congratulations, Lotus Hat Kid"


Natsume looked at the lotus hat boy and said,"Lotus hat boy, do you want to officially join the farm?"

Among the elves in the farm, only the lotus hat boy and the lotus leaf boys have not been formally subdued by Natsume's elf ball.


The Lotus Hat Kid nodded.

The Lotus Leaf Kids also came over.

They had long wanted to officially join this paradise.

The Lotus Leaf Kids had a good relationship with the farm elves, but they were the only ones who had not been subdued by the Poké Ball.

After dealing with the Lotus Hat Kids' affairs, Natsume came to the training ground of the farm gym.

Infernape and Heracross were doing their daily morning exercises here.


Natsume waved to Heracross.

"Heracross ran towards Natsume from the field.

"You're working hard, Heracross. You've started training with everyone so early."


Heracross said that his strength was far inferior to that of Infernape, so he had to work harder.

Natsume smiled and said,"I see."

Natsume took out the secret treasure silver powder.

"Heracross, this is for you."

Silver powder, a secret treasure of the insect system.

Silver powder can enhance the power of insect system skills.

Heracross took the silver powder from Natsume's hand with both hands, and then carefully absorbed the silver powder into his body.

【Tip: Heracross absorbed the silver powder, and the level of Heracross increased by 40..44..47 levels】

【Heracross's individual value (Special Attack) has been increased to 31 points.】

【Heracross has learned new skills: Missile Needle, Insect Chirp, Insect Resistance】

""Jia Huo!"

Heracross clenched his fists, with an excited expression on his face.

After absorbing the insect-type secret treasure, Heracross's strength has greatly improved.

Natsume glanced at Heracross's current data.

【Name: Heracross】

【Attribute: Insect/Fighting】

【Level: lv47】

【Traits: Perseverance】

【Skills: Swallow Return, Missile Needle...Double Payback, Insect Resistance】

【Individual stats: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (28), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (28), Speed (29)】

【Genetic skills: Cast on Earth】

【Absorption Secret Treasure: Silver Powder】

【Potential: Quasi-king】


Heracross wanted to fight with Flame Monkey right away.

Ever since Flame Monkey absorbed the secret treasure and its strength was enhanced, Heracross had never been Flame Monkey's opponent.

But now, Heracross felt that he could have a good fight with Flame Monkey.


The Flame Monkey on the training ground heard Heracross's shout and stopped training.


Flame Monkey looked at Heracross in confusion.


Heracross was standing next to Natsume, jumping and waving his hands towards Infernape.

Heracross said: Let's fight, Infernape!


Flame's eyes immediately became sharp.

Flame stretched out his hand and waved ~

See you in the arena!

The Parasaurolophus who were training here saw that Heracross was going to fight Flame, and followed them.

Everyone ran towards the battlefield together.

Many tourists have come to the farm gym.

They looked at the farm elves gathered together and immediately realized that there was a battle to watch.

The civil war on the farm was much more exciting than some challengers.

Natsume didn't join in the fun. Natsume sat down in the field and looked at the Sandslash and others active in the farmland.

The Wangwang Valley has been harvested, so the farmland now looks a bit desolate..

In the field, several tourists were working with Sandsang.

They also brought their own Pokémon with them.

Shellder, Centipede, and Naughty Panda.

Because there are tourists from all over the country visiting the farm gym here, Natsume usually sees some Pokémon that are not on the farm, or even Pokémon that Natsume has not seen in person.

However, it seems that because the battle between Infernape and Heracross was a little loud, they all put down their tools and ran towards the battlefield.

A Screw Hamster sat on the ground.

The Screw Hamster wiped his sweat and blocked the sun with his paws.

It looked very tired.

""Screw Hamster."

Natsume waved at it.


The screw mole pointed at himself.

"That's right, I'm calling you."


The Screw Hamster quickly stood up and said that he would work hard and not be lazy!

Natsume looked at the nervous Screw Hamster and said with a smile:"Relax, Screw Hamster"

"This is not some shady factory."

The screw mole breathed a sigh of relief, then swayed his body and ran towards Natsume.

Natsume glanced in the direction of the mountain hut, then stretched out his hand.


A bottle of iced milk instantly appeared in Natsume's hand.

"Screw Hamster, have a drink"


The Screw Hamster took it happily, and sat next to Natsume, holding the bottle of fresh milk."

Gudong gudong~"

Natsume looked at the Screw Hamster next to him and said,"Screw Hamster, how do you feel about life on the farm?"


The Screw Hamster swung his legs.

The Screw Hamster felt that life on the farm was very happy.

There were delicious food every day, and he would meet elves and friends from other places.

It was just that he had to work with Sandsam King all the time, which was a bit tiring.

Natsume said:"Screw Hamster, there is always work to do."

"If you feel tired, you can do something else"

"For example, play with Eevee and others, or go to the battlefield to watch Infernape and others fight."


The Screw Mouse was puzzled.

But Sandslash has been in the farmland the whole time.

Is it really okay if he doesn't go to help?

Natsume smiled and said,"Of course it's okay."

"Because elves are different from elves"

"The reason why the Chuanshan King has been in the farmland is that he feels very satisfied to harvest the food he has planted."

"This is what it likes"

"As for the Screw Mouse, you don't have to become a Sandslash King, you just need to be a good Screw Mouse."After listening to Natsume, the Screw Mouse looked at the battlefield.

The battlefield looked very lively.

The Screw Mouse also wanted to take a look.

Natsume encouraged him,"Then go."

The Screw Mouse was encouraged by Natsume, so he happily ran towards the battlefield.

Natsume took out his mobile phone, opened Farm Story and looked at the unfinished tasks.

Mission in progress: [Daxingling Exploration Mission Triggered (1/2)】.

【Tip: Release special mission (Ibrahimovic family) (2/8)】

【Jirachi and the Life Orb (1/5)】

【Reclaimed 3,000 acres of land (2,321 acres)】

【Five-color flower Beibei (1/5)]

Daxing'anling still has a task to find the water overlord that has not been completed.

Because there is no news yet,���The mission was temporarily put on hold.

After Natsume accompanied Chou Chou Yu to compete in the gorgeous competition, he planned to take everyone to Daxingling to stroll around, and by the way, he would take the fruits from the farm to visit Zhihuixing. The missions of Eevee and Hua Beibei are like side quests in the game, just take your time.

The two missions of Jirachi and the development of the farm are the main line.

The farm mission is still very smooth.

After all, the farm changes every day.

Natsume simply looked at the unfinished tasks and then exited Farm Story.

Natsume opened the news and browsed the recent major events.

The biggest topic in the news now is the Western Championship!

The four kings of the West.

At present, the most popular one is Keke Zhuoma from the Tibetan area!

Keke Zhuoma is the only female among the four kings of the West.

The Tibetan area is a very special area in the Dragon Kingdom Alliance.

Because it seals the entrance to the underworld.

The world of elves does have an underworld.

Of course, the underworld here does not refer to the reverse world of Pluto Dragon (Giratina).

There are a large number of ghost-type elves living in the underworld.

Legend has it that after people die, their souls will be taken away by pumpkin spirits.

Pumpkin spirits will take human souls from the underworld to another world.

In addition, some wild ghost-type Pokémon will even take living people to the underworld and suck out their essence.

And this is true!

Therefore, ghost-type Pokémon have always been feared by many people.

Koko Zhuoma's main Pokémon are all ghost-type.

Therefore, she is also called the Ghost Queen.

It is worth mentioning that Koko Zhuoma is only 24 years old and is the youngest king in the country. It is said that Koko Zhuoma's Pokémon are inherited from her elders.

After all, the lifespan of ghost-type Pokémon is generally very long.

Among the remaining three kings, the most famous is Wang Xun, who is nicknamed the 100 million king.

This is a trainer who majors in electric-type.

However, he does not seem to be very interested in the title of champion.

It has been publicly stated that he will not participate in the championship battle.

There are many Gobi and deserts in the west.

Therefore, there are two kings who major in rock-type and are famous for sandstorm tactics.

In addition, these two sandstorm kings are also very distinctive.

There are"¨「¨「"True" Muradin, who holds the title of Sandstorm King, is from the Western Regions.

All of his main Pokémon are rock-type, and all of them can cast sandstorms.

Therefore, if a team battle takes place in a desert area, his strength is definitely the strongest among all the kings.

However, he also stated that he would not participate in the championship match.

There is another Sandstorm King named Yue Qun, and his team is more comprehensive.

Yue Qun's ace Pokémon is a Bandiras with a Yangsha characteristic, and the remaining five main Pokémon are Dragon Head Diglett, Armored Bird, Artificial Cell Egg, Vaporeon, and Nut Dumbbell.

This team seems to be bred specifically for competitive play.

Since Wang Xun and Muradin have both stated that they have withdrawn from the championship battle.

Therefore, the Western Champion will be between Keke Zhuoma and Yue Qun.

The Dragon Country official has already set the specific time for the championship match.

The last day of August, August 31st.

Natsume glanced at several highly praised comments in the comment section below.

The King of Leave Does Not Ask for Leave:"What a pity, I thought I could see the battle between the two Sandstorm Kings."

Pink Devil:"King Muladin doesn't like playing competitive games. If it's an all-out fight, King Muladin will definitely not quit.""

It's the Garlic Turtle, Not the Squirtle:"By the way, why did the 100 Million King Zhang Xun quit?""

One Hundred Thousand Volts to Send You to the Sky:"King Zhang Xun likes to travel around the world, and he doesn't care about anything. Of course, he's not interested in the title of champion."

"Can Groudon Fly?""Coco represents the mysterious Tibetan area. After all, the foundation is there. If nothing unexpected happens, I feel that the next Western Conference champion will be King Coco.""The adolescent fisherman dreams of meeting Kyogre:"That's not necessarily true. Yue Qun has future technology behind him. Whether it's personal strength or connections, Yue Qun is not inferior to Coco Dolma."

After Natsume got a general idea of the championship match, he put away his phone and thought about his August plan.

On August 10, Natsume will go to Lingkong City to participate in the gorgeous competition and visit Lingkong Prison.

After returning from Lingkong Prison, he will rest for two days at the farm and go to Daxingling District to see if he can meet the water overlord. At the end of August , he will go to watch the championship match. It seems perfect to end August with the battle between the two kings.

"Very good."

Natsume thought happily, then stood up and patted the dust off his pants.


A violent explosion sounded on the battlefield.

The battle between Infernape and Heracross is not over yet!

""It's burned, Hercules, show your perseverance!"

A tourist shouted.

He stood in the field behind Hercules, and said excitedly with a strong sense of substitution:"Go on, use the insect attack!"

Hercules' body was red, and the flames burned its body.

""Jia Huo!"

Heracross's insect wings spread out, using all his strength!

Infernape looked at Heracross rushing towards him.

He could dodge this move, but the pride of a fighting Pokémon would not allow him to retreat.


The scorching flames burned on Infernape's fists.


Flame Monkey rushed towards Heracross.

Flame Fist!

Flames burned in Flame Monkey's fist!


Heracross's big horn hit Flame Monkey's abdomen.

Flame Monkey's fist hit Heracross's round face!


The impact of energy made Flame Monkey and Heracross tumble to the ground at the same time.

They fell to the ground and looked up at each other at the same time.

"Pull K."

Chansey and Doll looked at them nervously.

The fighting-type Pokémon on the farm always made them worried.

Natsume looked at Infernape and Heracross on the battlefield and smiled,"They are so energetic!"


In the sky, Kuailong held a handful of glutinous mushrooms that he had just picked from the greenhouse.

��Win? Who won?

Dragonite asked Natsume while throwing the glutinous mushroom in his hand into his mouth.

Natsume patted Dragonite's big belly:"Dragonite, have you gained weight again?"

Dragonite lowered his head and pinched his chubby belly.


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