Heartscale's characteristic is dustproof.

This characteristic allows Heartscale to be immune to weather skills such as sandstorm and hail.

At the same time, it is also immune to all powder skills.

Hypnotic powder and mushroom roe deer are both powder skills.


Xinlinbao ignored the large amount of hypnotic powder and spores floating towards him and directly crashed into a sleeping mushroom.


Windy Dog looked at Natsume.

It was ready to take action.

Natsume patted Windy Dog's head and said,"Don't bully others."


Natsume looked at the group of sleeping mushrooms and said,"I always feel that the nights on the farm are too monotonous."

"If they are willing to go back to the farm with us, I think the night on the farm should be much more interesting."

When Natsume was talking to the wind speed dog, a dazzling light flashed.


Xinlinbao's body fell out with an explosion.

Magic flashes!

Behind the sleeping mushrooms, a lampshade night mushroom came out.


Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at Heart Scale Treasure angrily, and a light grey ball of light condensed in its hand.

Ordinary skill: Weather Ball.

This is a skill that changes its properties according to the surrounding weather.

At this moment, the ball of light smashed directly towards the Heart Scale Treasure that had fallen to the ground.


The little boar who had been wanting to escape suddenly became anxious when he saw this scene.

He quickly stepped forward and stood in front of Xinlinbao.


The little boar took a deep breath.

The temperature around him suddenly dropped.


A lot of fine snow gathered and shot towards the weather balloon.


The balloon exploded, and snowflakes flew all around.

Natsume suddenly said at this time:"Lampshade Night Mushroom, are you the leader here?"

Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at Natsume


The Lampshade Night Mushroom nodded.

It didn't dislike Natsume, and even had a natural sense of closeness.

The Lampshade Night Mushroom could sense the smell of fairy spirits and natural scents on Natsume.

"Sorry, Lampshade Night Mushroom, for disturbing your rest."

"Do you mind having a fight with the little pig?"

"If you lose to it, how about living on the farm with me?"

Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at the little boar.


It can fight, but the lampshade mushroom needs to stay to protect its companions.

So it can't leave here.

"I may not have expressed myself clearly just now."

Natsume looked at the Lampshade Night Mushroom and smiled,"I mean that your entire tribe should migrate to my farm together."

Natsume pointed in the direction of the farm.

The Lampshade Night Mushroom looked in the direction of Natsume's finger.

Of course it knew where that was.

Natsume's Peach Blossom Spring is the legendary fantasy village for the elves around him.

Sleeping mushrooms are different from other elves. They need to obtain nutrients from plants.

Therefore, in order to avoid absorbing nutrients in the same place all the time and causing the surrounding plants to wither, they need to change their territories from time to time.

However, it would be different if they arrived at the farm.

The thousand-year energy absorbed by the Millennium Comet in the universe is now under the farm.

Sleeping mushrooms don't need to worry about energy consumption at all.

At this time, Natsume noticed that the Sleeping Mushroom whose mushroom was eaten was squatting sadly under a tree.

Natsume walked towards it.

"Come here, Mushroom."

Mushroom looked at Natsume with grievance.

Natsume squatted in front of Mushroom, looked at it and whispered:"Look, it will grow back soon."

Natsume's power of Changpan rushed to Mushroom's body.

After absorbing the abundant energy, the mushroom on Mushroom's head began to grow immediately.

Soon, its mushroom grew back.

"That Brazil~"

The sleeping mushrooms looked at this scene with shocked expressions.

So amazing.

They looked at Natsume with more admiration.


Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at Natsume and made a decision


There is no need to fight, they are willing to follow Xia Xian to the farm


The little boar standing beside him breathed a sigh of relief.

No need to fight.

Of course, more importantly, if he wanted to eat their mushrooms in the future, he could negotiate with them.~


Let's go, let's go back to the farm together.

" Natsume stood up and looked at the little boar and said with a smile:"Don't worry, the battle still needs to be fought."


The little boar was puzzled.

Natsume looked at the lampshade mushroom and said,"My little boar is on the verge of evolution."

"I hope you can fight it to stimulate it."

Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at the little boar.


The lampshade night mushroom immediately agreed.

It didn't like this little wild boar.

The lampshade night mushroom definitely didn't mind beating it up.


The little pig sighed.

We still have to fight.

"Cheer up."

Natsume patted the little boar's body and then looked at Lampshade Night Mushroom and said,"Then, let the battle begin!"

"That Brazil!"

As soon as Natsume finished speaking, a large number of spores immediately appeared around the lampshade night mushroom.


The little boar quickly used the freezing wind.

The cold wind froze all the spores that were flying towards the little boar.

The level of this lampshade night mushroom is 35, a combination of grass and fairy.

In terms of level, it is not much different from the little boar.

In terms of attributes, they restrain each other.

Therefore, this lampshade night mushroom is definitely the most suitable opponent for the little boar now.


Xinlinbao stood aside with a puzzled expression.

So, this battle has nothing to do with me anymore?

Natsume looked at Xinlinbao and said,"Leave this battle to the little boar."

"Heartscale, you are still more suitable to fight with everyone in the gym."

"Don't be afraid of bothering everyone, and don't worry about disturbing everyone"

"Companions, we are supposed to trouble each other and help each other."

Natsume looked at Xinlinbao who was thinking with his head down and smiled,"This is not the valley you used to live in."

"This is our paradise."

Lampshade Night Mushroom quickly rushed to the front of the little boar.

Absorbing fist


"Kuai Yi!

The little piglet slid backwards.


The little pig stared at the lampshade mushroom in front of him.

The hunger of energy being sucked away made the little pig feel irritated.

The restlessness of not being satisfied made the energy in the little pig begin to boil.

Light suddenly bloomed.


The Night Mushroom looked at the little boar and took two steps back.

Natsume looked at the little boar wrapped in light and smiled:"It has evolved."

The little boar was already on the verge of upgrading.

The excitement and insecurity brought by the battle with the Night Mushroom promoted the little boar's desire to become stronger.

Driven by this force, the little boar successfully upgraded and completed its evolution.


The little boar disappeared, and now the long-haired pig stood in front of Xia Qian.

【The hairy pig has learned new skills: ice cones, boulders.

The hairy pig is also a combination of ice and ground.

After evolution, the height of the hairy pig reaches more than one meter.

The long hair covers its whole body.

This makes the hairy pig look like a moving pile of straw.

"Good job, long-haired pig."

Natsume looked at the long-haired pig and began to give orders:"Frozen Wind, charge forward"


The cold wind blew towards the lampshade mushroom again.

"That's it."

The Lampshade Night Mushroom looked at the long-haired pig rushing towards him and wanted to dodge.

However, as soon as he turned his body, his feet suddenly slipped.


The Lampshade Night Mushroom fell to the ground.


The long-haired pig rushed to the front of the lampshade mushroom.

Frozen teeth!


Natsume looked at the ground.

Because of the fine snow and the freezing wind, a layer of ice formed on the ground.

Because he didn't notice this scene, the lampshade mushroom fell to the ground while moving.


The long-haired pig was happy.

I am also very strong~

Natsume walked up to the long-haired pig and smiled,"You are so strong, long-haired pig"

"However, we must continue to work hard in the future"

"Try to learn the original power as soon as possible, and then become an ivory pig"


Natsume came to the front of the lampshade mushroom.

The lampshade mushroom was not seriously injured. After being healed by the power of Changpan, he recovered quickly.


Lampshade Night Mushroom sighed.

It really deserves to be the elf of Peach Blossom Spring. Even a stupid pig is so strong.


The long-haired pig looked at the lampshade night mushroom with dissatisfaction.

The long-haired pig was angry, and he needed to sleep with the mushroom to calm down. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The lampshade night mushroom rolled its eyes.

It didn't bother to pay attention to the long-haired pig.

"All right."

Natsume looked at the long-haired pig and the lampshade night mushroom and smiled:"Let's go back to the farm"


It was already noon when Natsume returned to the farm hut.

"Everyone, come out."

Natsume used the Poké Ball to release all the Lampshade Night Mushrooms.


With the red light shining out, the front of the hut was immediately filled with sleeping mushrooms.

There were 43 sleeping mushrooms.

They looked like colorful little mushrooms that could move.

Very cute.

"This is our farm."[]

Natsume looked at the lampshade mushroom and said,"You can let the hairy pig take you around the farm first."

"Then find a place that suits your life."


The Eevees were attracted by the noise at the door.

They looked at the sleeping mushrooms gathered here curiously.

Song Yan followed and walked out with the long-eared rabbit.

There was a wreath on Song Yan's head and a soup spoon in her hand.

"There are so many Sleepyhead Mushrooms."

Song Yan asked curiously,"Were these captured outside the farm?"


Xia Mu looked at Song Yan and said,"When the hairy pig was looking for mushrooms, he met them."


The long-haired pig greeted Song Yan.

"But what is this outfit you are wearing?"

"This one."

Song Yan adjusted the wreath on her head and said with a smile,"This is what Hua Beibei and the others gave me."

The wreath has three colors, red, white and orange, which correspond exactly to the three Hua Beibei.

"So I want to make everyone a fresh milk taro smoothie~"

Natsume:"Is that so?"

"It seems that we came back just in time."

Song Yan laughed and said,"It's just in time."

"I'm just about to go downstairs to get the frozen milk from the ice cellar, so please~"

"Um, I thought you were all done."


Xinlinbao said at this time.

It planned to go to the gym at the foot of the mountain.

Dragon Pokémon don't like to eat ice.

"Go ahead"


Windy Dog responded, and it and Heartscale ran down the mountain together


The long-haired pigs should first take the lampshade night mushrooms to find a place to rest.

The sun at noon is not very friendly to the night mushrooms.

In addition, due to their special body structure, the night mushrooms cannot eat food directly.

If you meet a starving night mushroom in the wild, it is useless to feed it. What you should do is to eat and drink a lot, and then put the night mushroom on your body.

In this way, the night mushroom will instinctively absorb nutrients from you.

Therefore, it is quite dangerous to meet the night mushroom in the wild.

"~ I'll go get the ice milk first."

After saying this, Natsume and Song Yan used instant teleportation to appear in the underground ice cave.


Ice Eevee is lying here to rest

"Ice Eevee, come up and have some smoothies together."

Natsume took out a piece of iced milk and looked at Ice Eevee and said


Glaceon stood up and shook off the ice on his body.

Although this place is large, the elves on the farm rarely come here.

Because the temperature down there is getting lower and lower.

Glaceon is quite comfortable staying here, after all, it is an ice elf.

Inside the hut

""Thank you for your hard work~"

Song Yan took the frozen milk that Xia Mu handed to her.

She put the milk into a large bowl and blended it.


The long-eared rabbit brought the cooked taro balls and cut fruits

"Put all of these in and finally pour a glass of fresh milk"


Soon, a cup of cool and delicious smoothie was successfully made.

"Try it."

Song Yan scooped a piece of soup for Xia Mu with a spoon.

"How do you feel?"

Song Yan looked at Xia Mu expectantly.

"It tastes great."

Natsume praised:"It's icy and soft."

"After taking a bite, I felt like I was lying in the snow."

"There are many ice elves playing around me.

Song Yan was amused by Xia Mu's words.

"This is too much."

Natsume smiled and said,"Anyway, it is really delicious."

"Hey, then do more."

"Let everyone try it~"


The long-haired pig ran over excitedly.

"Kuai, Kuai~"

Natsume looked at the long-haired pig that ran in and said with a smile:"Don't be impatient"

"There are more."

Gardevoir served a bowl of


Today's farm is smoothie day~

On a small island in the East China Sea.

Zhou Yang sat under a parasol and assembled his fishing rod

"Well, let's do something big."

He raised his head and looked forward.

In front of him was the endless sea.

The whole ocean is my fishing ground!

Zhou Yang thought with high spirits.

Sure enough, sea fishing is still interesting.

After Zhou Yang knew that the weakling fish was conquered by Natsume, he was depressed for a long time, but there was nothing he could do.

Who made me not seize the opportunity at the beginning?

""Old Zhou, weren't you fishing in Daxingling? Why are you here?"

A middle-aged man walked towards Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang said depressedly:"Don't say anything, a nearly four-meter-long weakling fish escaped."

"In the end, he was captured by a little brother."


"Four meters?"

The middle-aged man who asked the question was surprised and said,"Weak fish?"

"You mean a school of fish, right?"

Zhou Yang rolled his eyes:"How can I not tell the difference between a squid and a school of fish?"

The middle-aged man said in disbelief:"Four meters?"

"The two of us together are less than four meters long, how can a weakling be four meters long?"

Zhou Yang cast the rod and said,"Why would I lie to you?"

"It may be less than four meters, but it is definitely more than three meters!"

Zhou Yang was speaking confidently when he suddenly frowned.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky and said unhappily,"Why is it going to rain again?"

"The weather at the seaside has been so strange lately."

The middle-aged man next to Zhou Yang heard this and also looked up at the sky.

The sky was clear and the sea was calm.

The middle-aged man asked suspiciously,"Raining?"

"No way"

"Look at this weather..."

Boom~ thunder rumbled in the sky.

Crash~ the sea was rough.

The originally clear sky immediately became dim.

Zhou Yang looked at him with a squint and said,"What's wrong with the weather?"

The middle-aged man was shocked and said,"Although the weather at sea can change at any time, this one changed too damn fast."

"Sichuan Opera face-changing, huh?"

As the two were talking, a huge wave suddenly rolled up.


Zhou Yang's face suddenly changed. When he turned around and was about to run, the waves hit the two of them.

They were swept into the sea together.

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