Natsume surfaced and pulled his hair back.

The heavy rain from the sky crashed into the pool.

A lot of mosquito coil tadpoles had gathered around the pool.

They were startled by Natsume and his group who suddenly jumped down, and they all shrank back to the edge of the pool.

Natsume looked at them and waved his hand, as a greeting.



Squirtle and Water Leaper emerged from the pond one by one.

They looked at each other and smiled happily.

Natsume looked around.

This place was out of the farm.

The pond was surrounded by a large forest, and behind it was a waterfall from a high place.

This waterfall should not be visible in normal times, but because of the heavy rain, there was such a landscape.


Mienshao swam to Natsume's side and signaled Natsume to follow him.

There is an underground cave under this waterfall.

"Underground cave?"

Natsume suddenly became interested:"Let's go and take a look"


Milotic entered the water first.

The temperature under the water was very warm and comfortable.

Many elves living in Shuixia began to move at this time.

Loaches, mud fish and other elves flowed out of the water.

Natsume swam past them and followed Milotic through a narrow underground tunnel.

The tunnel was very long, and Changxia was about to lose patience.

About half an hour later, a large space suddenly appeared in front of them.

This was a fork in the road, with multiple waterways leading to different directions.

"Wait a minute, Minas."

After Natsume and Minas said something, they came to the shore.

Natsume took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight.

For Natsume, superpowers are the best waterproof bag.

So, although it followed Natsume in the water for a long time, it was not affected.


Squirtle, Vaporeon and Squirtle also jumped onto the shore.

They shook their"230" bodies and curiously looked around along the light of the flashlight.

There were some very old murals on the walls around.

Under the influence of time, many of the contents have become very blurred.

Many places even have traces of damage by foreign objects.

However, it is still possible to roughly see what story is depicted here.

Natsume moved closer and shone the light of the flashlight on it.

The pattern probably described that under the full moon, a huge palace would rise on the sea.

Countless people knelt down in the sea and worshiped it.

"A palace on the sea?"

Natsume said to himself,"Could it be the legendary sea temple?" Natsume carefully observed the contents of the murals here.

Tick-tick, tick-tick~

The sound of water dripping down the stone wall sounded from time to time. It was very quiet around, so I could hear it clearly.


Shuiyueyu looked around nervously.

"Squirtle patted the water jump fish, indicating that it was everything.

Squirtle took the water jump fish to wander around here.

"This is Manaphy, right?"

At this time, Natsume found a picture that looked very much like Manaphy.

However, there were many traces of love on this painting. This mural looked like many black lines were smeared on the original painting.

"I can't see clearly."

Natsume muttered, and then started taking pictures with his mobile phone.

If it is the Temple of the Sea, then this place should have been built by the Water People.

Shen Man and Zhou Yang are both about the Water People.

Natsume plans to ask them


Squirtle suddenly noticed that there was a ball-like object on the wall that was still moving.

Squirtle curiously moved over and then poked it with his hand.


The meatball suddenly made a cry and turned to face Squirtle.


Squirtle was startled and stepped back with a scream, holding his hands in front of him, looking at the unknown creature in front of him. Natsume heard Squirtle's cry and moved the flashlight to shine on the Pokémon.

【Name:Rolling Bat】

【Attributes: Psychic/Flying】

【Level: 1v20】

【Features: Simple】

【Individual stats: HP (28), Attack (25), Defense (24), Special Attack (29), Special Defense (27), Speed (28)】

【Skills: Wind, Charm, Telekinesis, Reckless, Air Blade】

【Genetic Skills: Ultrasound】

【Potential: Gym Level】

"Rolling bats."

Natsume looked at the rolling bat and said,"No wonder there are so many heart-like marks here."

Rolling bats are a very strange kind of elves.

They have no limbs, only a blue spherical body and a pair of black bat wings.

Rolling bats usually live in dark forests and caves.

Because they have no limbs, they sleep by sucking the wall with their nostrils.

The nose of a rolling bat is very big, like a black heart, so it leaves heart marks on the wall.


The rolling bat also looked frightened.

It looked at the Squirtle in front of it and thought it was going to attack it, so it immediately flapped its wings and used the air blade


Vaporeon reacted quickly and responded immediately.

Vaporeon rushed over with Lightning Flash and hit Rolling Bat from the side.


The air blade missed.

Rolling Bat quickly flapped its wings under the impact of Vaporeon and regained the high ground.

"Are you okay, Squirtle?

Natsume walked to the side of Squirtle.


Squirtle felt a little embarrassed, and looked at the rolling bat with his hands on his hips.

Natsume smiled and said,"Let's watch the battle first."

"The battle between Vaporeon and Rollerbat has begun."

The levels of Vaporeon and Rollerbat are similar.

Rollerbat has the advantage of flying, but the cave here is so small that it can't fly there.


Vaporeon took a deep breath.

Water gun!

The water gun was fired at the rolling bats above the cave.


This rolling bat was quite fast and easily dodged the attack of Vaporeon.


When Vaporeon was about to continue attacking, he suddenly felt a mental force trying to grab him.

This was the telekinesis of Rolling Bat.

Natsume looked at Vaporeon whose body suddenly became stiff and said quickly:"Vaporeon, use Lightning Flash towards the underground river."


Vaporeon's body glowed slightly.


Vaporeon broke free from the restraints of telekinesis and dived into the water.

Once in the water, Vaporeon immediately felt much more comfortable.

This is its battlefield.


Rolling Bat floated on the water, looking at Vaporeon below.

Vaporeon appeared silently behind Rolling Bat.

Vaporeon is a Pokémon that can completely dissolve in water.

When it moves in the water, all you see is water flowing. Whoosh!

The water gun shot out.


Rolling Bat was completely unprepared for the water gun behind him.

Its body was hit directly, and then it fell downwards.


Vaporeon immediately jumped out of the water and bit the falling Rolling Bat with its mouth.


Vaporeon dragged Rolling Bat into the water.


As soon as the rolling bat entered the water, it panicked and struggled desperately.

Natsume bought a Poké Ball directly in the farm game and threw it underwater.


The sense of security brought by the Poké Ball made the rolling bat stop struggling.

Shake~ Ding.

The rolling bat was successfully captured.


Vaporeon jumped back to the shore with the Poké Ball in his mouth.

"You played well."

Natsume took the Poké Ball, touched the Vaporeon and said with a smile:"Thank you for your hard work.


Vaporeon raised its head and rubbed Natsume's arm with its neck.

Natsume touched Vaporeon's body, then stood up and said,"Come out, Rolling Bat"


As soon as the rolling bat came out of the Poké Ball, it subconsciously flew up high.

It flew very fast.


The rolling bat's head hit the rock wall above heavily.

Judging from the sound, the collision was not light. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Mo Li."

Rolling Bat immediately showed a tearful expression.

Natsume looked at Rolling Bat and smiled:"Rolling Bat, let me treat you."

A light green light lit up in Natsume's hand.

Rolling Bat sensed the surging vitality in the green light.

Rolling Bat hesitated for a moment, but still fell into Natsume's hands.

The energy of the power of Changpan began to nourish the body of Rolling Bat.


The rolling bat let out a comfortable groan.

"Rolling Bat, are you alone here?"


The rolling bat shook its head.

Its other companions flew out to find food.

Natsume asked curiously:"Then why didn't you go out with everyone?"

"Mo Li~"[]

Because I am lazy, I don't want to go out.

Although I didn't do anything, I just felt that I had worked hard.

So I want to sleep


After listening to the rolling bat, Natsume laughed and said,"Is that so? Then come with me."

"I'll take you to another place to lie down"

"Mo Li~"

The rolling bat didn't have any objections.

"Rolling Bat, do you know where these passages lead to?"

""Mo, Moli."

The rolling bat landed on Natsume's hand and pointed at the waterways with its wings, introducing them to Natsume.

They led to the mountains, the forests, and the long, long river.

"I see."

Natsume thought for a while, then checked the time.

It looked like there was nothing else here.

"Let's go back today."

"It's almost time."


The way back was much easier.

After Natsume used his superpowers to teleport several times, he returned to the back of the farm hut.

"Let's take a rest."

"Good night."

Natsume said to the Vaporeon and the others by the river.


Vaporeon responded and then returned to the water.

Milotic kissed Natsume's cheek and dived back in.

Natsume walked towards the hut with the Poké Ball of the Rolling Bat.

Gardevoir was already waiting at the door............

She brought a bath towel to Natsume and put it on him.

Then she wiped Natsume's hair with the towel.

Gardevoir looked at Natsume and said softly,"It's raining heavily outside."

Natsume looked at the Gardevoir in front of him and smiled,"Well, it looks like it will rain for a while."

"Oh, and I got a new elf."

"Come out, rolling bat"


The rolling bat landed on Natsume's shoulder and looked at the elves in the house curiously.

The rolling bat has eyes.

But because its hair is too long, it covers its eyes, so it looks like it has no eyes.


Buzz Bat looked at Rolling Bat curiously.

Natsume looked at Buzz Bat and said,"Buzz Bat, Rolling Bat is now in your hands."

"You are both nocturnal creatures, so you must be a good match."


Xiamu patted the little head of the buzzing bat and then looked at Song Yan and said,"I'll go take a bath first."

Song Yan's face turned slightly red.


Chuanshan City - Water People Elf Cultivation Base.


Chuanshan City is a coastal city, and the Water People Cultivation Base is located where it meets the sea.

You can see the sea clearly here.

Zhou Yang, who had just gone to bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Manaphy, Manaphy..."

Zhou Yang muttered as he walked out of the room and came to the water tank in the living room.

Manaphy's elf egg was floating in it.

"Still there."

Zhou Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although, he had just entered the bedroom. Zhou Yang thought worriedly.

What if a thief breaks into the house?

Will Manaphy's eggs be stolen?

It would be better to move the water tank to my room.

Zhou Yang thought of this and said to the snorkeling weasel and the swimming ring weasel who came out with him,"Let's carry the water tank in together."


The snorkeling weasels nodded slightly, and they began to lift the water tank.

However, because the bedroom door was a bit narrow, it was not easy to carry it in.

"Put it down first."

Zhou Yang thought for a moment and said,"Forget it, I'll sleep in the living room."

"Come on, everyone, carry the water tank back."


The snorkeling weasel helped Zhou Yang carry the water tank back.

"Um...Since we are going to sleep outside, do we need to carry the bed out?"


Snorkeling Weasel looked at Zhou Yang speechlessly.

It felt that its trainer had been talking nonsense since he brought this Pokémon egg back.

"Forget it, just sleep on the sofa."

Zhou Yang muttered as he lay on the sofa.

He lay on his side, his eyes fixed on Manaphy's elf egg.

Half an hour later....


Zhou Yang cursed and sat up again.

"I can't sleep at all."

"No, no, I really have to upgrade my home security tomorrow."

"Security upgrades to the highest military standards"

"Manaphy's elf egg, this is an elf that affects the stability of the entire ocean."

Zhou Yang paced back and forth, muttering to himself:"I don't know if anyone else noticed it at the time."

"I think should not be...No, Lao Zhang saw it at that time." Zhou Yang scratched his hair in annoyance.

"Anyway, let's see the reaction in the 4.8 group first."

Zhou Yang took out his phone and opened a group chat.

This is a sea fishing group.

Many fishing friends on the small island where Zhou Yang is today are in this group.

"At that time, the sea seemed to be glowing."

Zhou Yang opened the group chat and saw someone sent this message.

Zhou Yang's heart suddenly tightened.

"Glowing? Maybe it's a lantern fish or a light monster swimming up?"

Someone replied:"The light of a lantern fish is very bright."

Zhou Yang immediately typed:"Yes, I think it's a lantern fish too."

"In fact, I saw one."

As soon as Zhou Yang finished speaking, someone immediately tagged him and said,"Boss Zhou, are you okay today?"

"I was terrified when I saw you being swept away."

As soon as Zhou Yang spoke, the focus of everyone's conversation suddenly changed.

"By the way, I think I saw Zhou Yang picked up a Pokémon egg."

Zhou Yang quickly typed:"Did you see it wrong?" Lao

Zhang suddenly typed in the group and asked in confusion:"Isn't that a Pokémon egg?"

Pa Pa~

Zhou Yang slapped himself inexplicably.

He was usually very calm, why couldn't he speak clearly today?

Zhou Yang knew in his heart that all this was due to Manaphy's Pokémon egg.

When Zhou Yang was struggling with how to respond, someone in the group suddenly sent a message:"Have you heard, there is information about Lugia appearing recently."

"There seems to be a lot of news about Lugia recently."

The news about Lugia immediately triggered a new round of discussion.

Everyone stopped paying attention to Zhou Yang's affairs.

This made Zhou Yang slightly relieved.

"That's great."

The more you talk, the more mistakes you make.

Zhou Yang simply threw his phone aside and looked at the elf egg in the water tank with worry.

"Maintaining peace in the ocean, I never thought I would experience something like this."

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