
Although the properties of the moles are also different, their changes are still not that big compared to the sandshrews.

Therefore, all the moles followed the three moles to the farm at the foot of the mountain.

Natsume finally brought the Wubo to the river behind the farm.


Water Leap Fish walked out of the river.

Water Leap Fish looked at the Woobs curiously.

There are more and more water-type Pokémon in the farm river.

Milotic, Squirtle, Vaporeon, Crocodile, Scyther, Squirtle, Lotus Hat Kid, etc.

In addition, Shen Man's Pokémon are also here.

Her Pokémon are all water-type.

The dancing swan floating in the water, the jewel starfish dozing at the bottom of the river.

The Vaporeon playing with the Vaporeon on the farm.

They make this small river on the farm full of vitality.

Of course, there are also the Woobs now.

Water plus The ground-type Woop has blue skin and lavender horns on both sides of its head.

It is less than half a meter tall and looks very cute.

The body color of the poison-and-ground Woop is the same as mud.

A standard mud doll.

It is said that this kind of Woop was driven to the shore after failing in the battle for territory, so it changed from a water-type Woop to a poison-type Woop.

The Woops of different attributes are similar except for their colors and attributes.

However, the differences are much greater after they evolve.

Shen Man looked at Natsume who had settled them and asked curiously,"What are these elves?"

Natsume explained,"I brought them all out from the base of that group of people."

"Because these elves have nowhere to go, I took them in and let them live on the farm."

Natsume said as he stretched his body.

"Let's go, long-eared rabbit, fairy Eevee"

"Let's take a bath and go to bed together."


Natsume picked up the long-eared rabbit and then smiled at Shen Man,"You should go to bed early too."

Above the farm, dark clouds passed by, covering the moon.

The night wind blew slowly.

The stars slowly disappeared, and the moon gradually faded in the sky.

The morning light began to appear.

Duduli climbed onto the roof of the farm hut.

It looked at the sky and took a deep breath:"Beep, beep, beep.~~~"

Shen Man listened to the chirping sound and opened her eyes.

Shen Man looked out the window in a daze.

The morning fragrance of flowers drifted into the house.

Shen Man sobered up a little.

"By the way, I am staying at Natsume's farm today.

Shen Man said to herself


A few Bobos flew past the window.

The three bees and horseflies on the farm floated up from the flowers.


Shen Man looked down at the quilt.

An Ibrahimovic pressed down a corner of the quilt.

""Good morning, Eevee."

Eevee looked at Shen Man with sleepy eyes.

It hadn't woken up yet, so Eevee put its head under the quilt and continued to sleep.

Shen Man walked down from the bed quietly.

The cabin was still very quiet.

In the living room, elves were lying everywhere.

Meltan was sleeping on the table with his back. Zoroark was lying on the armrest of the sofa.

And on the stairs leading to the second floor, there were Eevees on each floor.

Shen Man opened the refrigerator.

The cold air came in.

There were refrigerated fresh milk, fruit, and water in the refrigerator.

Shen Man took out a bottle of water and poured herself a glass.

This glass of water made Shen Man, who was still a little sleepy, wake up. Shen Man woke up completely.


The door was not locked and it opened with a push.

Chino the squirrel was lying in a sleeping basket by the window.

It raised its head and glanced at Shen Man, then turned over and went back to sleep.

It was approaching September.

The temperature in the morning had changed significantly compared to the previous few days.

Shen Man pulled her clothes and then walked towards the river behind the farm hut.

There were many balloons floating on the water.

Squirtle and Water Leap Fish were all lying in the balloons.

These balloons were obviously blown by the Sea Lion.

The Dancing Swan woke up very early and was combing its feathers.


Seeing Shen Man coming out, the dancing swan swam to the shore

"Good morning, dancing swan.

Shen Man helped comb its feathers.

Dancing swans are very gorgeous elves.

Their white feathers look clean and holy.

Dancing swans will dance at dawn, showing their charm with dance.


After washing her body, the dancing swan invited Shen Man to dance.

It was obviously not the first time Shen Man danced with the dancing swan.

She took off her coat and dived into the water.

Shen Man's snow-white skin against the white feathers of the dancing swan was very pleasing to the eye.

They danced together in the water.

The river water wet her long hair.

The dancing swan used bubble rays.

The bubbles in the sun were colorful.

They surrounded Shen Man and the dancing swan and floated in the air.

The sea lion also joined the performance.

She swam in front of Shen Man and took Shen Man's hand.

Shen Man turned in the water, as flexible as a mermaid.

The graceful singing echoed melodiously.

Upstairs in the farm cottage.

Fairy Eevee was lying on the pillow where Natsume was lying.

The long-eared rabbit was held in Natsume's arms like a doll.

Natsume heard the singing of the sea lion, so he opened his eyes.


Sylveon's tail swayed slightly and rested on Natsume's face.

Celebi's Pokémon Egg was next to Natsume's cheek.

Natsume moved Eevee's tail away and placed the Pokémon Egg next to the pillow.

Natsume sat up and looked towards the window.

Gardevoir was lying by the window, with one hand supporting her cheek and looking into the river.

The breeze blew, and Gardevoir's hair swayed slightly

""Mi Lu~"

The long-eared rabbit turned over and pressed on Natsume's legs.

A normal boy of 18 or 19 would always feel embarrassed in the morning.

In Natsume's hometown dialect, boys of this age are so hard that they can penetrate steel plates.

The long-eared rabbit rubbed his eyes and patted the stick close to his face.

It was hot.

""Mi Lu~"

The long-eared rabbit reached into Natsume's clothes and played with it for a while.

It was fleshy and warm.

"Stop it, take it out."

Natsume took out the long-eared rabbit's hand.


The long-eared rabbit looked at Natsume and stuck out his tongue, then walked towards Gardevoir.

Natsume got off the bed and came to Gardevoir's side.

"Good morning, Xia"

"Good morning, Gardevoir."

Natsume pulled a chair over and sat by the window, looking at Shen Man who was dancing with Wu Tian Ku and the others in the water.

Shen Man in the water seemed happier than usual.

She was like an elf that should live in the water.

Natsume put his arm around Gardevoir's slender waist and stroked it gently.

Shen Man raised her head and looked at Natsume and Gardevoir by the window.

"Good morning, did I wake you up?"

Natsume waved his hand and shook his head slightly.

Natsume looked at Gardevoir beside him and smiled:"It seems that today will also be a beautiful day"


"This place is really more comfortable than any other resort hotel I've ever stayed in.

Shen Man changed her clothes and sat opposite Xia Mu.

"If possible, I would like to stay a few more days."

"It's a pity that I have to go to Green Vine City to be a referee for a gorgeous competition this afternoon."

Shen Man said as she tasted a piece of fried egg in front of her.

"Wow, it smells so good."

"What is this?"

Natsume smiled and said,"This is a fried egg made with Oliva oil."

"I see."

Shen Man thanked Jilidan:"Thank you, Jilidan"


Jilidan was sorting out his medicine box.

He looked up at Shen Man and smiled faintly.


The Meltans ran out of the hut one by one, holding iron buckets.

"Are they going to be milked?"


Natsume checked the time and said,"At this time, the Miltanks should have come out."

"Do you want to go with them?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Can I?"

Natsume smiled and said,"Of course I can."

Natsume called a Meltan and said,"Wait a minute, Meltan"


Melutan stopped and looked at Natsume in confusion.

Natsume said:"Meilutan, take her with you."


Meilutan responded, and then handed the iron bucket he was holding to Shen Man.

Shen Man took it and said,"Then, please take care of it, Meilutan"


Meilutan patted his chest and smiled happily, then waved his little hand and ran towards the team in front with Shen Man.

Xia Mu watched Meilutan and the others walk out and roar, and leaned lazily on the chair.

He was full and didn't want to move.

Xia Mu looked at the ceiling and was in a daze for a while.

Then, he began to think about what to do today? []

Xia Mu thought for a while, then took out his mobile phone and opened it to check the task about Meilutan.

As for Meilutan, there were still more than forty left to catch.

"Let's clear Meltan today."

Natsume sat up.


Natsume called Rotom's butler and said,"I'm going out for a while."

"Shen Man will be back soon, just let her make her own arrangements."

"Contact me if you have anything else."

Rotom nodded and said,"Okay, Lotom~"

Natsume changed his clothes into long sleeves and long pants.

"Let's go, Gardevoir, Eevee."

Natsume went to Daxingling this time, only bringing Gardevoir and Eevee.

Deep in Daxingling, in an open space, there was a machine.

Three men in camouflage uniforms were sitting on a dead tree behind a bush.

They were eating instant noodles while watching the running machine.


A man ate the instant noodles in big mouthfuls, and then threw the instant noodle box on the ground.

Next to him stood a motorcycle lizard.

The motorcycle lizard immediately picked up the instant noodle box and drank up all the soup in it.


The motor lizard was very satisfied

"Ali, please treat your Pokémon better."

A man wearing a baseball cap said,"At least give it something to eat." The

Motorlizard's trainer, Ali, said indifferently,"As long as Pokémon don't starve to death, that's enough."

"Besides, if I were really hungry, I would definitely find food myself."

"Besides, don’t you see it is very happy drinking soup?"

The motor lizard touched its belly.

It actually wanted to eat.

Ali continued:"Look at those elves in the wild"

"Aren't they living well without trainers?"

"So, there is no need to spend too much money on them."

The man in the peaked cap shrugged:"Whatever you want, they are not my elves anyway."

Ali lit a cigarette for himself and looked at the machine and said:"But seriously"

"Your machine is really amazing."

"It can actually attract so many steel-type Pokémons."

Ali said as he kicked a space backpack beside him.

It was already full of Poké Balls.

The man in the baseball cap took up the hat and scratched his hair, then put it back on and said,"Of course not!"

"This machine will continuously emit a magnetic force that only steel elves can sense."

"After they sense the magnetic force, they will naturally gather here."

These people are elf poachers.

Elf poachers will use machines to capture elves on a large scale and then sell them.

They are definitely the group of people that forest rangers hate the most.

Ali asked curiously:"Where did you get such a powerful machine?"

"It shouldn’t be cheap, right?"

The man in the baseball cap said with some pity:"It’s definitely not cheap.""

"This was sold to me by a friend of mine."

"He's from the Lightning Team."

"This machine is said to be a defective product developed by a big shot in the organization."

"Defective product?"

A man with a tattoo of Rayquaza on his arm said in astonishment:"If the defective products are so good, how good must the finished products be?"

"Catching mythical beasts?

Many people like to have legendary mythical beasts tattooed on their bodies.

This is a kind of spiritual worship.

"You are right."

The man in the cap sighed,"Their target is the divine beast."

As they were talking, the bushes in front of them shook.

The three of them immediately perked up.

"Get ready, another steel elf is coming"


This is a Meltan.

The man in the baseball cap said excitedly:"Here it comes, here it comes!"

Ali was holding a capsule mixed with hypnotic and paralysis powder in his hand.

He looked at the elf that appeared in confusion:"Strange, what is this?"

"I've never seen this before." The tattooed man took out his phone and took a photo.

"Meltan, a phantom spirit with tough attributes"

"Meltan is the spirit after Melmetal disintegrates"

"They usually live in groups and will dissolve metals and eat them as their own food."

The three of them were stunned when they heard the introduction on their phones.

"It, what did it just say?"

Ali said blankly:"Is this the phantom spirit?"

"No way?"

"Did I hear it wrong?!"

The man with the Rayquaza tattoo put down his phone and said excitedly:"Quick, throw out the hypnotic capsules and paralysis capsules."

Ali quickly threw the capsule in his hand at the Meltan.

Bang~ Paralysis powder and hypnotic powder floated out from it.

The Meltan, who was running towards the machine, suddenly felt his body soften and fell to the ground.


"A Meltan fell down.

More Meltan appeared around.

"Throw them all out."

The man in the baseball cap put on a mask.

He said excitedly:"If we capture all of these Meltans, we might become legendary poachers!"

"No, we can definitely become legends!"


A beam of white light suddenly shot towards them.

The motorcycle lizard standing nearby reacted quickly and immediately pounced on them.


Cannon Light Cannon!


The Motor Lizard was blown away by Meltan's cannon!


A small Meltan suddenly stood above their heads.

It did not attack immediately, but raised its arms towards them.

Meltan's flowing arms suddenly expanded rapidly like Popeye who ate spinach.

It seemed to be showing off its strength.


This Meltan jumped under the tree.

Gyro ball!

Meltan spun at high speed.

Ali and the other two quickly rolled to the side in a very embarrassed manner.

The tattooed man shouted:"Sword Soldier, continuous slash!"

A sword soldier immediately pounced on the Meltan.

Meltan turned his body to look at the sword soldier.

The white light quickly condensed into a point in front of Meltan's eyes.

The next moment.


A dazzling beam of light was released instantly.

Cannon Light Cannon!

This beam of light swallowed up the sword soldier who pounced on Meltan.

The sword soldier seemed to melt in the light and directly lost the ability to fight.


Meltan happily raised his arm again.

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