【Tip: Your Sandsam King discovered the Clay of Light while cultivating the land.】

【Tip: Reclaim ten acres of wasteland (mission completed)】

【Mission rewards: Time accelerator (ten acres of land, three months) * 1; peach fruit tree seedlings for one year * 100; magic candy * 1 has been issued】...

【New task: Harvest 10,000 kilograms of crops】

【Mission Rewards: Unlock the Cowshed; Draw a Secret Treasure; Magic Candy*1】...

【New quest: Plant peach tree saplings】

【Mission Reward: Extract one attribute gem]

Ding Dong~

Ding Dong~

Ding Dong~

Natsume's cell phone on the bedside table kept ringing.

Natsume lay on the bed, reaching out to touch


Juanjuan ran in.

It jumped onto Natsume's bed with the phone in hand, and then handed the phone to Natsume.

"Thanks, Curly Ear."

Natsume took the phone and kissed Curly Ear on the face.


Natsume opened his phone and took a look at the ranch notification, then turned his head to look at Curly who was lying beside his pillow and asked,"Curly, is Sandsand King already in the field?"


Juanjuan nodded.

"This guy."

Natsume sat up from the bed and walked towards the balcony.


In front of the house,

Farfetch'd was waving his onions diligently!

Its training method was very simple, just keep using skills at the air.

Houndoom had already inspected the farm and ran back.


Flaty Ducky blocked Houndoom's path and challenged it!

"Heluga accepted the fight.


Farfetch immediately rushed towards Houndoom, dragging his scallion.

Farfetch was wearing a compulsory training device, which greatly restricted its performance.

Houndoom easily avoided Farfetch's attack.


Buzz Bat yawned and flew over.

Everyone had gotten up, and Buzz Bat was ready to go to bed.

"Did anything happen last night?"

Natsume let the buzzing bat land on his shoulder.


Buzz Bat shook his head.

He had been guarding the roof of the house yesterday, and no wild elves or strange people broke in.

In the middle of the night, Houndoom and the others woke up, and Buzz Bat even went out for a walk.

"You've worked hard, go to sleep."

The buzzing bat flapped its wings and flew into the closet.

Natsume came to the living room.

Another curly-eared owl was helping Rotom prepare breakfast.

It was very good at housework and had learned to make some simple food.

For example, sandwiches.

Fry two eggs, cut two slices of tomatoes, and put a piece of steak on top.

Toast the toasted bread and sandwich them together, and a super large sandwich is complete.


Curly moved the breakfast in front of Natsume and looked at him expectantly. Natsume took a bite and praised,"It's great, Curly~""

"It has reached the level where you can open a restaurant."

Curly Ear jumped up happily at Natsume's flattery.

Natsume smiled and said,"Curly Ear, please call Sandshrew and the others over."

"I have something to say later."


Juanjuan nodded and ran out happily.

Since the strength of Haxorus and the others has grown, Natsume plans to go to Qingshan District.

Qingshan District is the largest wild elf protection area in Lin Province.

All the elves living in Lin Province can be met there.


Hackron flew in from the window.

"Good morning, Haxorus."

Natsume touched Haxorus's chin and took out the clay of light.

""Haxron, this is for you."

Haxron opened his mouth and swallowed the light clay.

Light clay can increase the effect of the elves' skills such as light wall and reflection wall.

Any elf can take it.

Natsume is currently lacking high-end combat power, so he plans to stack Haxron's level first.

【Tip: Haxorus absorbed the Light Clay, and Haxorus's level increased by 36...37..39..42】

【Haxoron has learned new skills: Water Tail, Mystical Guardian, Dragon Dive, Light Wall】


Hackron felt the energy in his body and burped comfortably. Then, Hackron began to shed its skin.

After a while, Sandshrew and the others were called into the living room by Curly-ear.

Natsume looked at Sandshrew and the others and said,"Everyone, after breakfast, let's plant the Wangwang Valley first."

"After planting Wangwang Valley, I plan to go on a long journey, and the others will stay at home to plant the peach fruit saplings."

After saying this, Natsume looked at everyone and said,"The purpose of going to Qingshan District is to recruit more companions who can come to help."

"Anyone want to go?"


Hakron called out quickly.

Natsume looked at Hakron and smiled,"You are the driver this time."

"Of course I will go."

Chuanshan King hesitated.

Natsume looked at Chuanshan King and said,"Chuanshan King, don't worry about it. Just help me till the land at home."

"Chuan Chuan~"

Chuan Shan Wang readily agreed


Fat Onion Duck wants to stay and continue training

"no problem"


Leader Heroga felt that it was more important to protect the territory.

So Heroga and Dalubi all chose to stay.


Green Ivy Snake wants to go out with Natsume


Windy Dog is going too.

Natsume nodded slightly:"Then this time, I will go out with Windy Dog, Hackon and Snake."

"Others watching the house"


Juanjuan'er quickly pulled Natsume's clothes.

They also wanted to go out with Natsume.

Natsume rubbed their heads and said,"This time we go to Qingshan District, I guess there will be a lot of battles."

"You guys just stay at home first."

"Next time we go out, let's go out together."

Natsume's little curly-eared one doesn't like to fight normally.

In addition, Natsume doesn't plan to bring too many Pokémon this time.

Three Pokémon are enough.


Juanjuan looked at Natsume reluctantly.

Natsume smiled and said,"Okay, I will definitely take you guys with me next time I go out."

After getting Natsume's assurance, Juanjuan became happy again.

After eating, Natsume took everyone to the farmland.

Ten acres of land were all planted with Wangwang Valley seeds.

Because there was a time accelerator as a task reward, there was no need to spend money this time.

""Hakron, rain~"

Hakron flew over the fields.

Rain clouds slowly gathered.

Since ancient times, Hakron has been worshipped by farmers as the one who controls the weather. People believe that it can control the weather, so there is always a constant flow of offerings in the lake where Hakron lives. The rain falls evenly on the ten acres of fertile land.

【Tip: Watering amount meets the standard】

"It's OK, Hakron"


Hake chirped softly, and the rain clouds dissipated.

"Chuan Chuan~"

Chuan Shan King looked at the Wang Wang Valley growing in the field excitedly.

Natsume smiled and said,"Chuan Shan King, I’ll ask you to take care of these Wang Wang Valleys while we’re away.""


Natsume took out the saplings of the peach fruit tree and said to Rotom,"Rotom, you and everyone else will plant these saplings later."

"I can let you take charge of this."

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