Natsume opens his phone and clicks on the draw

【Hint: You have obtained the Grass Gem】

"Green vine snake, come here."

Natsume called Green vine snake to his side, then took out the grass gem and gave it to Green vine snake.

Green vine snake reached out to take it and put it into his mouth.

【Tip: The Green Vine Snake absorbed the Grass Gem and its level rose to level 30】

【Green vine snake has learned new skills: Leaf Blade, Energy Ball】

""Just now~"

The green vine snake felt the energy running in its body.

It tried to control the leaves in front of it to condense.

The grass energy soon condensed into a green blade on the leaves in front of the green vine snake!

The green vine snake used the leaf blade

""Just now!"

The green vine snake canceled the release of the leaf blade, then took a deep breath, and the energy ball on his chest condensed.


The energy ball hit the sky.


The green light spot exploded in the air


The green vine snake called to Natsume excitedly.

Natsume smiled and said,"You have learned a new skill, green vine snake."

The green vine snake looked very happy.

Natsume touched the leaves on the green vine snake and said,"Let's call everyone and let them know we are safe."

Although this is a wild elf protection area, there is still a signal tower.

Signal towers are usually maintained by elf rangers when they patrol the forest.

Natsume called Rotom.

Beep~ The call was connected

"Rotom, this is Peach Blossom Farm~"

Natsume smiled and said,"Good evening, Rotom"


Arcanine immediately came to Natsume and put his big dog head in front of the camera.

Rotom said,"Everyone, Natsume called~"

Rotom pointed the camera forward.

Peach trees have been planted around the farm.

It takes two years for the seedlings of peach trees to grow before they can bloom and bear fruit.

The peach trees planted by Natsume are all one-year-old.

I think we can see peach blossoms blooming in the farm in March next year.


Curly was the first to run over and pounced on the camera.

Natsume smiled and waved:"Good evening, Curly"


Hackron also came over at this time.

Green Ivy Snake has a rather arrogant personality.

It did not lean towards Natsume like Arcanine and Hackron.

Green Ivy Snake just glanced at the camera with the corner of its eye.

Natsume pointed the phone at Green Ivy Snake:"Green Ivy Snake, you should also say hello to everyone."

In the camera, Sandslash and Houndoom also ran over

""Just now."

The green vine snake bowed slightly and then looked away.

"Everyone, let me introduce two new friends to you."

Natsume held the Bubble Squirrel in his arms and introduced it to everyone:"This child is the Bubble Squirrel"


Bubble Chinchilla said hello to the Sandshrew in the camera

"This is Bao Bao Jian."

Natsume turned the camera to Bao Bao Jian again.

Bao Bao Jian really didn't seem to be good at expressing himself.

He looked at Natsume with a paralyzed expression, then looked at the camera.~


At this time, Farfetch'd came running over, dragging his onion.

It challenged Houndoom.

"Heluga turned his head and refused!

"Farfetch, Natsume called.

Rotom turned the camera towards Farfetch.


The Onion Duck glanced at the camera and immediately came over.

"Chamu, Chamu!"

Farfetch'd asked the camera's side of the wind to fight.


Arcanine looked at Farfetch'e speechlessly.

Natsume rubbed Arcanine's furry body and said with a smile:"Farfetch'e is a fighting-type Pokémon after all."


Windy Dog looked at Natsume and asked,"Are all fighting-type Pokémon like this?" Natsume thought for a moment and then said,"Well, I think they all like fighting very much."


Buzz opened his eyes and yawned.

He looked around. The room was dark.

Where did everyone go?

Buzz flew around the room in confusion.

No one was there!

Buzz panicked.

Would he be abandoned?

Was it because he sneaked out to play while he was on night shift?

When Natsume left, Buzz was still sleeping.

Natsume forgot to tell Buzz that he was going on a long trip.

Buzz quickly flew to the roof.

He saw the Sandslash gathered around Rotom.


The buzzing bats immediately flew towards them excitedly.


The sharp eyes of the Onion Duck saw the Buzzing Bat rushing at it at high speed.

It subconsciously swung the onion.


The Buzzing Bat flew out again.

Because it didn't use much force, it didn't hurt the Buzzing Bat.

But this still made the Buzzing Bat very angry.

It ran over angrily to argue with the Onion Duck.


Onion Duck scratched his head, then asked Buzz Bat if he wanted to fight.

Buzz Bat rolled his eyes at Onion Duck, then pressed his entire body against the camera.


Curly-eared was immediately unhappy.

They dragged the buzzing bat down directly.

Natsume looked at such a lively scene and said happily:"It seems that everyone had a good day today."


Juanjuan asked Natsume if he had encountered anything interesting today.

Natsume slowly told everyone about his experience today.

Natsume told everyone about the scenery on the road and the people he met.

Although they were all very ordinary things, Juanjuan and the others listened very seriously.

The forest on a summer night was quiet and peaceful, but also full of vitality.

The moonlight sprinkled gently in the forest, and occasionally one or two explosions of skills would be heard, waking up the sleeping Spearows.

A group of fluorescent fireflies flew slowly over the sparkling stream.

There were also pigs running all over the mountain.

This���The elf, who looked like a wild boar, seemed to never be full.

The bonfire under the starry sky was still crackling.

At this moment, no one noticed that a petite figure suddenly appeared on a branch that stretched out.

It quietly looked at the boy and the elf beside the bonfire.

The flames reflected on the boy's face, making him look very gentle.


This is a Lalulas.

Lalulas can keenly use the red horns on their heads to capture the emotions of people and Pokémon.

Although they rarely appear in front of people, they will come closer when they sense positive emotions.

Because when it captures the warmth of people and Pokémon with its red horns, its body will warm up slightly.

This makes Lalulas feel very comfortable.


Lalulas let out a comfortable moan.

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