The Linhai Military Base...

In a spacious office, Major Gu Yan sat on a chair beside his desk.

An officer reported to Gu Yan:

"Major... has fully checked the base's early warning system, no problem!!"

"It shouldn't be a problem with our early warning system. Maybe the enemy used something to block our early warning signal, so they sneaked into us from underground without anyone noticing."

"Da Da Da Da..."

Major Gu Yan's fingers tapped rhythmically on the desk, expressionless, looking at the reporting officer and said:

"Keep checking... If we don't find out how the other party blocks our early warning signal as soon as possible, there will be another attack."

"Yes... Major!!"

The officer saluted and then stepped out.

Gu Yan then clicked on the virtual display screen and made a call.


Beijing, Elf Military University

In an ancient Chinese-style office,

Two old men were talking,

One of them had gray hair and a goatee, and said angrily:

"Old Gu... did you receive the news?!"

"During the training camp competition in the third- and fourth-tier cities, more than a dozen military bases were attacked at the same time, causing serious casualties!!"

Another old man with a Mediterranean look heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he said:

"Received. .....It has been preliminarily determined that it is the revenge of the hateful organization Symbiosis Society! ! "

"I didn't expect that after a few years, this dirty organization has revived again..."

The old man with a sheep beard said angrily:

"The centipede is still alive........."

If someone else was here,

they would definitely recognize them at a glance.

These two old men are two of the top ten king-level trainers in China.

They are the president of the Elf Tsinghua University and the president of the Elf Military University.

The old man with a sheep beard is named Zhao Guoqiang, the king of flying, and the president of the Elf Tsinghua University!!

The old man with a Mediterranean name is Gu Ming, the king of steel, and the president of the Elf Military University.

They are celebrities who can shake China with just a kick!!

"Ding ding ding..."

At this time, Gu Ming's private communicator suddenly rang. Gu Ming glanced at the caller ID and connected the video call.

A display screen lit up in the void.

The person on it was Major Gu Yan.

"Old man... I have two things to report to you!"

Gu Yan looked at Gu Ming and said,

Because of the angle,

Gu Yan didn't see Zhao Guoqingqiang here,

so he spoke casually,

because Gu Ming was his father!!

"Did the Symbiosis Society also attack your military base?!"

"Just tell me the number of casualties!"

Gu Ming's face darkened and he asked directly.

Gu Yan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect the old man to receive the news so quickly. He nodded and said:


"Casualties: 0......."

"Oh... 0 more casualties..."


"How many casualties did you say!"

Gu Ming suddenly reacted and looked up at Gu Yan and asked.

Zhang Guoqiang on the side was also slightly stunned.

He looked at Gu Yan on the display screen.

"I said... 0 casualties!!"

Gu Yan emphasized again,

"You kid still have this ability!?"

"Did you discover this attack in advance!?"

Gu Ming looked at Gu Yan with surprised eyes, and said to Gu Yan in a suspicious tone,

Gu Yan's strength is still good, but facing this sudden attack,

unless he is well prepared,

there will definitely be casualties,

those who attacked were brainwashed by the Symbiosis Society, and even if they died, they would drag some people to be buried with them.

Gu Yan looked at his father's eyes, and his mouth twitched fiercely,

How contemptuous is this! ?

Gu Yan felt that he had suffered a critical hit, and said speechlessly:

"This is the second thing I want to report to you..."

"This terrorist attack was carried out by a senior high school student named Lin Haoran, who killed

A gym-level warrior resolved the crisis and saved dozens of students! ! "

"I formally apply for the second-class individual merit for Lin Haoran as a reward! ! "

After listening to Gu Yan's words, Gu Ming couldn't help but reach out and dig his ears, and then asked uncertainly:

"A senior high school student..."

"Killed a gym-level warrior! ? "

"Gu Yan... Have you stayed in Linhai for too long and your brain is broken! ? "

"Or are you too bold to fool your father! ? "

Gu Ming stared at Gu Yan with a gloomy face.

Gu Yan: "...................."

I'm so good! !


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