About half a month ago, Keith was walking in the palace of Seimrad with a tense face.

He's not the usual nasty, supine, somewhere humble face. I am even a little blue with nervousness.

Let's just say that's something we can't help.

Whatever it is, it is up to King Mashua that Keith is on his way.

Today was the day I didn't have Nia's studies, so I was still in my room after noon reading a magic book I brought out of the library without permission with a cloak of pants.

That was when the door suddenly knocked and I opened it and there stood the deacon Fraser with Mashua.

Fraser, who bows 45 degrees in front of Keith in a hurry to correct his posture, takes care of all of Mashua's surroundings in an elderly elf.

He was originally traveling with Mashua, and he seems to be quite a user... is what Aisha is talking about.

"My father, except for King Mashua in this palace... no, even King Mashua said it was Lord Fraser who was best at“ killing ”him."

Keith sincerely regretted not having a magic wand when he remembered the words he had heard in his good words.

Can't you do anything when you say you have to!!

Keith, who likes to do whatever he wants in this palace, has plenty of reasons to be killed.

I tried to ask Lou for help on the side, and the user demon was seriously fighting the moving mouse toys I made and did for this previous one.

(Can't use it YES!!! Fuck yeah!!

Fraser came talking to Keith screaming with his heart.

"Master Magic, Master Mashua is here for you. Do you wish me the same way?

It was a low voice with such majesty that the wind blew through it.

And I said, "No!" Keith's heart wasn't strong enough to say.

"Yes. We will be on your way. Please wait while I get dressed."

Keith, who closed the door, hurried to get dressed and planted small magic items all over his clothes.

I thought I'd be suspicious even if I spent too much time, trying to open the door in moderation, but before that,


Activate and scream the Muffled Demon Prop.


Lou gazed at Keith with a mouse toy in his mouth.

"... I have to be back in two hours. Run... ok"

"Your husband... what's the PIN number for the safe under the bed?


Keith yelled and opened the door.

In the hallway Fraser stood not a millimeter out of position.

"Oh, thank you for waiting"


Keith follows Fraser leading by saying so.

That's how Keith can't stop sweating cold at all.

Could it have been possible that he was getting his hands on Nia?

Did you get your hands on Roana??

A lot of thoughts come to mind, and I don't feel that any of them are directly linked to the death penalty.

Honestly, if this is a female opponent, I don't feel like I can handle it. But Keith's mouthpiece doesn't work for the most part if the other person is a man.

I also know that from the past when I was chased around by the Cathedral Knights.

Is it over? Is this over?

Thinking of it that way, Fraser put me through to the room where it was.

That was a room Keith didn't even know about, the size of a small auditorium.

Standing in the middle of that large room is Mashua, what a single-edged short spear in his hand.

Oh, this is a bad guy... Princess, Aisha, Berna, Roana...... bye.

Keith to say goodbye with his heart,

"Dear Master Mashua, I have brought you the Master of Magic."

"Oh, that's hard work. I'll be done in a minute, so just wait."

When Mashua said so, he shed magic around him. Then a man-shaped puppet comes from the four corners of the room.

"also... screw it"

"I'll sit you down with a papet man."

At the same time Fraser said that, the pappetmen came at Mashua with a weapon in their hand.

When Mashua avoids all of that attack without difficulty, he attacks while rotating the short spear around his neck, arms, and shoulders.

Sometimes on the tip of the ear, sometimes on the stone, it took less than five minutes to smash through the piercing and destroy all the pappetmen.

Too gorgeous, too quick. And to that fearsome body technique Keith lost his word.

Not one sweat after doing all that, Mashua glanced around before pointing the same people-nostalgic smile at Keith.

"I'm sorry. Sometimes I feel bad when I don't move my body because of my young habits."

What was his habit when he was young... this elf... Keith, who thought so, asked terribly.

"O... what journey was the king taking when he was younger?

"Hmm? No, it's not a big deal. I used to beat the crap out of myself, like a great monarch."

"... dude... kunshiyu"

Keith managed to take advantage of the fact that he was about to fall. When I say the Great Sovereign, I mean the Great Sovereign Damuas-Kinos.

He is the King of the Dark Families who ruled the North more than 300 years ago from now.

He says he was destroyed by coalitions of all races, including humans, because he was so brutally outrageous, but only twelve of the coalition forces survived the expedition then.

One of them says, "What a mashua in front of you."

When I was a kid, I can't believe my grandmother had the characters in front of me for the story she told me about her bedtime.

"Come on, don't even look like such a monster. If that's what you mean, so is Fraser next door, and so is Aisha's father, who serves Nia, right?


What can I say?

I was surrounded by two of the twelve survivors, and I commuted two of their daughters.

(... if... you don't hit a bee or something)

I wish I could hit it.

To hardening Keith, Mashua said, "It's a raven and a horn," and then cut the subject out.

"Magic Master, I didn't call you today. I asked you for a favor."

Keith muttered "yes" with a dry mouth, not to say he would remain frozen forever.

heard that. Mashua nodded lightly,

Actually, for the first time, Nia's traveling on official business.


"Oh, but it's the Principality of Almas, where you have the obsessive Lord Leonora, about half a day by carriage."

Keith thought of the titty princess.

Exactly. I didn't get an erection under this tension though.

"Is that so? A princess would do her job well."

"I hope not. Oh, so I'm asking you, and I want you to get there for that journey."

"Me... will I sit down with you?


Keith was surprised by this.

The court magician is supposed to be immersed in the palace. I've never even heard of it.

I guess Mashua also guessed the surprise.

"No, I said that Noh is fine with Aisha and just one of the samurai... how could Mia?"

I'm actually more worried about Mashua, even though I managed to say something like that.

But it stinks to say that honestly.

"If anything happens, what are you going to do? You... tell me from morning to evening... thank you for leaving the basilisk. It looks like you have bought quite a few."

That's how I say it. Besides, Keith bowed his head.

"Oh, thank you. I know you're happy."

"So what do you say? Will you go?

Keith thought to Asking Mashua.

Journey. Nia and Aisha, and Leonora.

Wouldn't there be a reason to say no!!

"Of course I will sit with you! Whatever it takes to help you."

"That's helpful of you to say. Now Mia will be relieved."

Actually, it was Mom and Dad who didn't realize they had put the most dangerous person on offer.


That's how Keith is now in the palace of the Principality of Almas.

Having arrived for some reason, the flirtatious cat was looking forward to dating her girlfriend now.

Next to Lou like that, Keith, dressed in the guidance he had made at the dinner party, left the room to stroke his hair behind him and go out to the party about Nia.

When I walked into Nia's room with a knock, there was Nia in a dress with her hair done by Aisha and Krone in official knight clothes.

"Dear Keith!

"You can't!" said Nia, trying to look back. "Krone was embarrassed.

"Ha," Keith leaned closer to Aisha as she saw Nia getting her hair combed,

"It's so cool. I want to attack you."

I groaned to Aisha with a voice in position that didn't sound like Bosoli, Nia and Krone.

Aisha, who turned bright red, leaned down,

"Keith looks good too..."

That's what they say in a small voice when they can't even hear you.

Nia came running over after finishing her hair for those two.

"Dear Keith! Dear Keith Dear Keith!! I knew it would suit you!! Cool. Shh!

It's like watching the characters in the story up close. Nia praises Keith with a dryness and shakes that hand again.

He doesn't want to get his hands off Keith as much as he does.

"The princess is beautiful, too. Oh, that's always true."

"Hih... you can't say that..."

Nia, with her white skin turning bright red, still didn't let Keith go.

Keith and Nia were holding hands in the room and laughing until the pick-up arrived, feeling Aisha's gaze staring at it with envy.

The pick up came half an hour later, and Keith and Nia, and Aisha, led by it, head to the party venue.

By the way, Krone is on his way, waiting among the refrains of his servants brought by the royal families of the nations.

The large hall of the party venue is smaller than Seimrad, but the ancient nature of history feels heavy for that matter.

Almas is older than Saimrad as a nation.

The standing party venue is full of elves, whether you look to the right or the left.

It's impossible because only the royal family of the elves is called to party, but when one Keith, a black eyed brunette, mixes in among them, it feels different.

But that gaze immediately turns to the neighboring Nia, all gathered together for this little princess.

You said it was your first external official business, next time you went to our country, all sorts of arrowheads early, and Nia was a little confused about "awww".

Aisha, who should protect it, is surrounded by young royalty and escort knights from all over the country, and this one is also "awkward". It looks like this, Mr. Aisha. It's hot.

One, Keith, who was feeling the difficult taste to be ignored, headed to the table where the dish was located and started eating liquor and the dish with his cod belly.

Excellent beer and roast dragon meat like you can only drink on this occasion is too delicious.

"Can you wrap this for me?

I even ask you to do that.

I heard a trumpet when I was doing so, and when I saw it, Dion, the princess of Almas, followed his wife and daughter, and the escort knight, into the venue.

The venue is surrounded by silence like water.

Dion glanced at the venue like he was sure of it,

"Ladies and gentlemen, good to see you. Thank you very much, Dion."

Dion looked forty. He was a tall elf there.

Your elf has a distinctive color whiteness and brilliance of hair, but it has a tougher atmosphere than that.

That Dion says a whole thank you to the elves in the venue,

"Well then, I wish you more and more development and peace of mind in our elf territory in the future, cheers!!

I put up a drink cup.

And the whole venue returned it, but even then Keith was devouring his meal like a hungry child.

As soon as the king's story was over and the lively atmosphere returned throughout the venue, there was another crowd around Nia and Aisha.

Some of them joke about it, but even bring it to the pageant.

If this were normal, Leonora would undoubtedly have gotten in the way and made the atmosphere great, but not today.

Leonora started earlier - long after entering the venue, she kept following Keith, the only black man on this scene, with her gaze.

I stared at every trick Keith would do, and I didn't want to talk to him.

Say what? What can I say, would Keith forgive me?

That's all swirling in my head, so it honestly didn't matter if everyone wasn't paying attention to me or if all Nia was attracting customers.

My father Dion and mother Krista stared at Leonora with a surprising look because that's usually how the momentum's daughter looks if she sucks at parties.

Not knowing my father and mother were looking at me like that, Leonora thought Keith only had a chance now to see him go to the terrace.

Seeing it, Nia can't seem to move surrounded by royalties from other countries. I won't be disturbed by this!!

By no means will, Leonora told her father,

"Father, if you'll excuse me, it's a little windy."

That's what I left behind and headed to the terrace. Naturally, Donna wants to follow me. "You stay here!" I command you to head early.

On the terrace, Keith looked up at the moon and looked stubborn.

What are you thinking? Could it be about me?

It was Leonora who raised her chest to pale thoughts and tried to speak up, but at this time Keith was actually thinking,

(Do it... I ate too much... puke...)

That's what happened. All of a sudden I put too much stuff in my stomach and it seemed a little backward.

Leonora sees and misunderstands that it is calming down by hitting the outside air.

Keith, after a while, finally noticed the signs of Leonora not being spoken to.

Under the blue moonlight, Keith and Leonora stand on the terrace. Leonora almost cried, saying it was the same sight she had dreamed of.

"Dear Leonora..."

It is not a call like the one I was dreaming of, it is called with a date, but it is all a delightful Leonora.

So tell me something... talk to Keith at all... even though I have to apologize to Keith.

"... Oh, my God, I'm not a magician. You're a pitiless man to come to the country like this, telling me you'll never show your face again!

It was those words that came out poking me in the mouth.

(Huh? What? What am I talking about? Oh, I have to apologize! I have to apologize!? Yet!!

My chest is pounding and I'm about to cry from behind my eyelids.

Yet his attitude is staring down at Keith with his chest high.

He was Leonora, who didn't know why he was doing it, and he didn't want to scream because he didn't want to.

Keith looked at Leonora like that and made her look even more pitiful.

"Right... what can I say again... sorry"

I smiled bitterly when I said that.

"When I found out the princess was coming to this country, I couldn't stop saying I really wanted to get there... I'm a pitiful man"

I wanted to come. I wanted to come to this country. That means I wanted to meet Leonora. Isn't that what you're saying?

Leonora, whose mouth was puckered, still said, "Keith!" I wanted to scream and hug her. But still,

"Heh, heh! I don't think I want to see a man who can barely protect what he says from his mouth."

(Stop... Stop! I guess not! Apologize, say sorry, so... so)

The voice of the heart and the words that come out of the mouth become completely contradictory.

Leonora, who can't even tear in her eyes and still be honest, kind of wanted to die already.

After figuring out how Leonora looked like that, Keith dared to keep talking.

"Sorry...... no. This... if I could just give this to you, I would never again... really"

Keith called the book from inside the bag with metastatic magic.

That was the "cruel execution of the world" Leonora had forgotten about before.

When Keith, who approached me, offered me the book, Leonora couldn't take it.

Because I felt like it would really be Keith's last time I took it.

So from behind Leonora, who can't help it,

"Dear Keith!!

Nia's voice rang.

Keith and Leonora's gaze heads that way. That's when Keith put the book back in his bag with metastatic magic again.

Nia rushing over with Aisha stuck to Keith's arm as she passed next to Leonora.

And I stare at Leonora with all my tight tears, but it's like a puppy threat and I'm not even afraid.

Nia glanced at Leonora. As soon as she turned her gaze to Keith,

"Ha, no when you leave! You have to stay by my side..."

"Shh, excuse me... I just wanted to get some air outside"

"Let's go that way more than that! I would like to introduce you to the people of other countries, Master Keith!

"Yep...... ok"

Leonora, unable to say anything to Keith as she tried to leave the terrace, warped her face and nearly cried.

(... I... deserve the death penalty the most)

If you squeal with your heart like that, Keith will make a mistake.

"I will return the book in the middle of the night."

I whispered to Leonora so loud that no one could hear me.

When Leonora looked up, Keith was already taken to the venue by Nia.

On the terrace alone, Leonora bit her lips on the last chance she was given.


Almas' reception hotel is built right next to the palace.

The party was over and Nia and Aisha, back there, and Krone were dressed in the prepared room.

The rooms are called living rooms and master bedrooms, and small rooms for servants.

Of course Nia will use the master bedroom, Krone will have a simple bed in the small room, and Aisha will have a simple bed in the upper room by the nature of the escort.

Keith was inferior to Nia's room but was available one room at a time because he is a demon mentor and a man with a position in one country.

Nia, who took a bath and dried her hair, and Aisha, who in the meantime wiped her body with a towel with hot water, changed into her bedding and into each bed.

Krone was ready for tomorrow and washed his body lightly with the rest of Nia's water before entering the small room he was given.

The time is already late at night.

Aisha, who did not mouth a sip of booze, slept careful not to fall asleep holding Rapier and Kuklinife in her arms.

In order to be able to respond as soon as an assassin arrives.

In a room lit with thin, thin lights, as Aisha meditated her eyes, the wind sounded all the time.

Open your eyes and grip the Rapier pattern. When you get up and try to get a duvet,

"Aisha... it's me"

Keith sat on Aisha's bed very quietly.

"!? Kim,... Keith, what are you doing"

Unexpectedly speaking out loud, Aisha rushed to whisper and ask Keith.

Keith, who laughed nicely at Aisha's inquiry,

"What... it's a night crawl"

"Goodbye!!... Oh, you..."

"If you're looking at Aisha, who looks good in knightly clothes, you really... right? Is that okay?

Put your body on the bed and try to cover it over Aisha.

Aisha hastily held it down.

"Bye, silly! What are you thinking! Master Nia is sleeping in the room right next door!? And Krone..."

"It's okay. Aisha has to make a loud noise to find out."

"That's not the problem!... and I'm on escort duty now..."


Keith stopped sneaking around and got a serious look. Aisha's voice stops on that face.

"Aisha's already mine, isn't she?... You know I want Aisha so badly right now, right?

Keith's penis, erected over his trousers, can be rubbed against Aisha's thigh.

Eisha, who swallowed the spit, said, "But,"

(Dear Nia... Dear Mashua, Mia, Father, I'm sorry... I'm Keith's bitch now)

I slowly lay down and opened my legs to the M-shape. I got into the position of accepting Keith.

Keith, who laughed, covered himself on Aisha and began gently licking his lips.

(I'll get that escort knight next to the princess asleep...... ugh! Expensive!!

The voice of the inferior heart barked wild dogs in the distance.


Meanwhile, in Leonora's room.

"Ki, Ki Su! Wow, you'll admit I was bad!!

I was practicing Leonora even apologizing in front of the mirror.

"What the hell is that!! I didn't apologize!! I'm not stupid. Me!!

I am not satisfied with the way I apologize and have been repeating this for almost an hour now.

"... Keith... I can't help but say that I was... sorry... not!!!

Leonora kept practicing apologies for the man who was about to do exactly what was next in the next building.

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