It was a mild cheerful afternoon.

Even in elf territory with little difference in warmth throughout the year, the number of days that are slightly chilly increases as winter approaches.

In it, this was the first warm day of pokapoka cheerfulness in a long time.

So Lou had decided to take a nap in the morning on his favorite tree.

He is cheerful and happily utter as he swings his dripping tail to the left and right.

I wish this day would go on forever. When I made the stretch - my whole body hair turned upside down.

It was a warning raised by a gene that lasted from a distant past.

predators and predators. Hunters and hunters. Kings and servants of nature.

That irritates Lou's whole body tingly.

"What... nya... this..."

Up Lou realized he was trembling.

Wild instincts were screaming. I want you to get out of here now.

But Keith... what about my husband?

Where I said my instincts were screaming dangerous, I don't think Keith would listen.

Then you run away on your own? Is there no other way to do this than to do that?

After getting lost, Lou perked his sweaty meatballs - and fled in fury toward the outside of the palace.


At the same time Lou escaped, his husband, Keith, was on his way to Nia's room.

Today was your day of study.

When I got drunk before this, I was very suspicious of Aisha because of the hangover the next day.

I explained that it didn't fit when I gave her the medicine to cheer her up, and I told Nia to say so and I managed to get something wrong, but I feel that gaze of Aisha sucks.

I'll have to be a little more cautious from now on, I don't know what to think. I still have lotions in my bag today, and I suck at thinking about trying lotion fellas and stuff today.

Knock on the door about the front of the room. Waiting as usual, Berna opened the door from inside.

Berna invites Keith into the room, suspicious that Nia has not responded.

Berna and Della were the only ones in the room who would bow their heads and say hello.

"Ah, uh. What about the princess?

We have a visitor here.

"Oh well... then you should go back to your room today..."

"No, the princess wants me to wait"

"Huh? Oh, I get it"

Something similar had happened before, and it was a hoax to be able to play unexpected samurai at that time.

So I sat in my chair drinking the tea served and continued to visually rape Berna and Della, wishing I had such luck this time around.

Talks echoed from the hallway as I simulated in my head what I would do if I attacked both of them in this room at the same time.

The door opened as I stood up from the chair and waited, thinking you were a great and energetic voice for Nia, and Nia came into the room.

"Master Keith!

A smile on his happy voice. Keith laughs back, too, but frowns when he sees the person next to him.

Next to Nia, who came into the room, stood one girl, not Aisha, who was always a samurai.

She looks eight or nine years old and has dark hair like pitch-black silk thread on her forehead pats and her back hair stretched to the waist.

She is a girl with a cute oriental face with a small nose and crisp eyes.

I could also ask from the dress I was wearing.

Though I thought it was a rare Eastern race even in Seimrad, where merchants go, the thought quickly changed and Keith's face blued in an instant.

Two horns grown from the girl's head, and a hand peeking from the dress.

No doubt that indicates that she is a dragon species.

Keith checked the number of the girl's fingers.

There were five fingers at the tip of his hands with reptile-like scales and claws.

Cold sweat erupted from all over my body.

The number of fingers suggests that the girl is less than 10% of the subdragon species, "The Legendary Blood [Dragon Force]."

It marks a longer time than an elf, a terrible race that accumulates an infinitely equal amount of magic and can fight with even the armies of the gods in bees.

Such a monster stands next to Nia with a flat face.

More than that, as usual, is Nia, and when she rushes over to Keith with a nico, she pulls that hand and tries to hook up with the girl who came mid-way into the room.

"Dear Keith! Dear Keith!! This way, my friend, it's you! Nightingale. This is more like Keith!!

To Nia, who somehow introduces herself with great pride, the girl, called Nightshade, turns her frigid gaze to Keith.

"Well, this one..."

Nightshade remains overlooked by Keith, who leaves him flat-headed without feeling too intimidated.

"I don't mind, raise your face"

He looks like a child, but whatever his tone and attitude may be, it is that of an old royal family he is accustomed to.

Keith raised his face wondering how old the hell he was, and Nightingale threw a worthy gaze from top to bottom before laughing with her nose.

"You think your lord gave Nia magic?

"Yep... Yep, well"

"Hmm... I don't know what's going on back there... but I'd like to hear it carefully."

Shit. This is serious shit.

When you can stare in the red copper eyes of a nightclub, a cold sweat comes out and feels the pressure, making it harder for you to lie.

Perhaps instinctive servitude towards nature's most powerful creatures makes it so.

There is even a theory that without their ancestor, the Dragon, every creature would still not have been released from the curse of the gods.

Doesn't the usual mouthpiece work properly for such an opponent?

(Might be over)

Keith thought so with his bloody lost face,

"Nightingale! You're being rude to Master Keith!! No!!

Keith stared at Nia in a tone that was like embarrassing a friend.

of the subdragon species, and this way of speaking to their 'noble blood' counterparts is suicidal.

But the night I heard it,

"Oh, no... you don't! I just wanted to talk to you."

"Then why are you saying that? I wish I wanted to talk to you... I hate the way you say it at night."

"Ha! Come on, I hate it... wah, I'm sorry! I'm sorry about that! Forgive me. No, Nia."

"You can't apologize to me."

Totally played.

The relationship is kind of more like a grandmother being played by her grandchildren than a best friend.

Keith was watching the two of them squirm each other out of a good view of their relationship, but the cold sweat made him want to go back to the room half way.

"Oh, um... princess..."

"Dear Keith! I'm sorry, I'm obsessed with the story. You know what? We're going to have tea in the garden! If you don't mind, come with me."

"No, please don't disturb me."

"I can't believe I'm in the way!

"Nia ~, let's have a hard time having a conversation between women. You got to understand."

"Really?" Nia muttered with an unfortunate look on her face as she put her hand on her shoulder with a pompom, and took the samurai and Aisha, and the squire of the night, to the courtyard.

alone. Keith, heading in the opposite direction to his chamber, became sick of tremors that never healed.

At that time, the gaze and distrust shown by the Nightshade. I fear that everything will be broken.

Suspicious. Nightshade is definitely suspicious of himself.

In my head the word kept ringing like a warning.

Even after returning to the room where he should be able to relax, it continued, and Keith took a bath and took a few showers of cold water from his head to try to put it out.

It's okay. It's a story I keep a secret from my parents, Matthew and Mia. No matter how many best friends Nia talks to you lightly.

I would think so, but my anxiety didn't go away when I remembered when I was stared at with red copper eyes.

"... run away"

It is Keith who for a moment has seriously thought about such a thing.

But I'm too spared to throw this life out for the reason that I'm anxious that I might find out.

Nia, Aisha, Berna, Roana, Leonora.

You can't even talk about a seven-year-old human species every day. You can't let go of a life that you want to fuck an elf beauty all you want.

When I think of it that way, I can't stomp it and sit in bed in the bath and have a poor slack.

I can at least talk to Lou about something, but only at a time like this can I see a wasting cat anywhere.


If you were young by now, wouldn't Nia have told you about yourself at night?

Aren't you familiar with what your parents can't tell you and what your best friend would say?

When that happens, it feels too likely that he will be killed that night.

I'm really dying to get away with it. Far away to a distant place where no one knows.

Keith's journey has just begun. It doesn't make me feel like jumping towards the blue sky at all.

"Unfortunately... let's just pack our bags"

In order to prevent the guards from coming to capture them or the nightingales from boarding them, they tie the boundaries in the room and pack only important items and valuables in their bags.

Looking right and left all over the room that way,

"Do you even prepare to escape at night?

I stopped the muscles in my body from moving in that voice.

I can't move one finger to the predator directly behind me.

And when he could not breathe properly, and the spit that could not be swallowed overflowed,

"Only bad guts seem certain. I don't know if Noh will know everything and come... I'm so afraid of the survival instincts of the raw and filthy human species."

I know I'm going to be killed the moment I turn around, and I know I'm only waiting for horrible results, and I still can't help turning around.

As he bent his neck like a rusty toy, there was a night cuddle sitting relaxed in his chair.

Arm up, sit horseshit on the chair. Young girl at first glance.

But the reality is the most powerful subdragon species in all organisms.

The redbronze-eyed girl, who flushes her silky dark hair sarcastically, stared at Keith with a look that only floated with contempt.

"... Ah, let's"

I can't tell you anything. Keith opened his mouth at night.

"The juncture? It's easier to break than crush some Chilean paper... well, as a human species, it's a kitten."

I didn't care about the junction. The problem is the dialogue that Nightingale said.

From that feeling, Nightshade definitely knows the whole story. I came here to kill Keith after I found out everything.

Did I talk to you? Did Nia tell you all the secrets?

It's unthinkable, but I just don't think so.

Keith couldn't help but shudder to buy a little time to think.

"Oh... I can't believe I ran away at night... I was just cleaning up my room... so what can I do for you at night?

Night cum laughed delightfully at Keith with a cramped grin.

"I didn't expect you to try to escape this period... the dare of the Lord to make you sit... no, just an asshole"

"Running away?... That I'm the one"

"Ah, that's enough. That's enough! I understand everything! This colored madness inferior species!! I kept my mouth shut because it was obnoxious, but I had no choice but to cut white that far."

That said, when Nightingale offered his reptile hand to the void, a crystal of transcripts appeared there.

"Does this show Nia's dementia? It's a wise race to say this..."

Forced transfer from spatial recognition. Spatially recognize the whole place in the first room you come to and move it to the place you like the object. It is the magic of the Divine Domain.

"Ah... well, that's..."

Think. Think. Make excuses!!

"Ah, so... me and the princess"

"Sending magic to something hanging in your groin? Yeah, and you're willing to skip that relationship or something? Keep your hands on the escort knight and the samurai. That excuse won't work."

What is this woman? How do you know all that? How do you know all that? Why is it all happening?

Keith almost cried at night as if he were the one who had all the life of the man who said Keith in his book and read it.

God knows everything. That's why you shouldn't work for evil, right?

I remember the words my grandmother used to say.

As an organism this far, I almost got in to see if I could get that close to the finished form.

"That's not the face I said I'd know... well, I'll teach you a souvenir of the underworld"

Nightshade has a blurry face when he pulls his lower lid,

"These eyes of the Nong are not the eyes of the god."

Divine Proverb Eye - It is said to be the eye that discerns the essence of every living thing in this world.

It is said that only the gods were once allowed to possess eyes, and that God has come to uncover and judge with these eyes the sins of every living being.

Some species have similar eyes to it, but it has been said that only God can really use it because the amount of magic that spins in the eyes is needed for digits.

Such a horrible substitute... or an underworld souvenir!!

"Because of these eyes, Noh has seen the nature of all things he has never seen before... his inferior, filthy and abominable nature!!... but only Nia said otherwise. Such a clean daughter doesn't...... you!!

Bishi!! and the room makes a squeaky noise.

"Deceit! Filthy!! Take it away!!! Let that sober Nia imitate cheap whores haha!! I'm tired enough of dragging my bowels out and feeding the garbage worms!!!

Digital magic overflows and pollutes the whole room.

A precision device, a demonic prop, made a noise from one end and bounced it off.

Keith rattled his teeth. I got a little bit of a chick.

Compared to this, being chased by the Cathedral Knights is only a child's play.

Together, they kill hundreds of thousands of oaks, tear the earth apart, dye the sky, and eat the moon.

This is the dragon. Is this the "noble blood line"?

I try to stop my heart from moving to too much fear.

Your body is about to die, no matter how you scratch it.

To Keith like that,

"Well, it's not easy to say."

All at once, the signs came out.

Nightshade bounced in his hand and threw a copy of the flying crystal on the floor.

"If you die, Nia will pity you... it will be the same if you disappear. See you later, dude. Lord, leave this palace."

"... to?

"Not to me. Tell Mashua to resign from the position of court magician and walk away from this palace. That way, Nia won't have pity, but pity will heal soon. Especially for the elf species, the pity of a broken heart is bound to heal time. Later, hey, pussy!! Sick from this palace."

This is an offer that I do not even wish for.

If you walk away from this palace, you won't have to be killed.

If you quit properly, it will be easier to do all sorts of things because you will have the title of former magician of the court of the Elf Country.

Yes, this is more of an offer. Especially for Keith, who was trying to escape.


"... what happens if you refuse to do so?

"... ahh?

The noise of the doth made the nightfall awesome. That's all Keith nearly threw up.

A rare offer. You'd be lucky once in a hundred years to just leave doing all that.

But I'm not convinced of anything.

I can never be convinced that you are threatened with this kind of obedience.

Besides, Nia's, Aisha's, Berna's, Roana's, Leonora's... I can't believe I dumped everyone!! Keith could never do it!!!

I was quick and ready to run at night, but I wasn't seriously willing to run.

Even if he escaped, he was just going to hide himself until it was almost cold.

I was in training and everything, and I felt like coming back.

That's what such a great shitty kid would say to me, "Ahhh yes, I get it! Eh heh," Keith's penis won't forgive me for dying.

Keith's penis even sells fights to God!!! Now it's shriveling with fear......

Keith, whose heart and penis complain that he will never be able to leave this country on the horn, offered to disagree with a girl who is equally powerful to this God.

"... say no... you're not going to say that?

"Yeah... leaving is a bit... can you do something about it a little bit more?

"hehe... hehe!!! I told you, you rotten out-of-the-way!! Fine, if you want to go all the way, I'll give you another way!!!

Black wings with a skin membrane from the back of the nightclub dress are BASARI!! and made a noise and spread.

My hands make a squeaky noise and it grows louder, and my nails stretch. The excess magic sparked and scattered.

He showed his stretched fangs, and at night he gave a niggling grin. Laughter is inherently the expression that a carnivore gives when hunting for his prey.

"Lord, you deserve an extraordinarily miserable death..."

He narrowed his gaze and stood on the chair at night as a tonne jumped up.

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