"Ugh! Ugh!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to!! Beautiful!! Nah...... Nah!! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!"

The resistance of the hymen has weakly refused to penetrate, but regardless, Keith pushed the meat stick from the point where it was hooked into the back.

The feeling of something hanging up puffy also passed over the contraption to Keith's meat stick, but still doesn't stop him from hipping.

Keith broke through Liz's hymen unbroken, as if to avenge what was always being made fun of.

I grabbed a pillow for too much pain, meditated my eyes, bit my teeth and looked at Liz with a bright red face. Keith let his hips reach the end with satisfaction.

The vaginal canal is not so cramped, but instead it is shallow to the back, making the roots a little extra even if you poke them all in.

Moving her hips to push in a little bit of the dust in her uterine mouth that she feels on the tip, Liz says, "Higi no!!" and asked him to raise his voice.

I knew it, but Keith pulled his hips and pulled out the meat stick one by one that would still be tight here.

A goose neck stretched on the teardrop scar and a cramped pain ran into Liz's body. So Keith stopped pulling on the painful part to get him used to it, and now he sticks forward.

to shallow pistons. Still screaming and gushing immature flesh.

Keith stared at Liz's face as she stopped hipster in a situation where she couldn't feel good or anything.

Liz was a vagina with pulsating wounds, and she was breathing with Zehezehi, weeping and coveting for accepting thick chunks of meat.

To Keith staring at that face with a nibble, Liz stared at Keith with her thin eyes open in a bitter breathing gap.



"Come on... let me go... I want to stay, I want to... Ugh"

"No, even if they say so. You can't give me anything if I can't move to a location like this."

To Keith, who answers honestly. Liz squeaks her face and slaps her with her hand.

It was a very weak force, and Liz's palm hit Keith's face with a pepper sound.

"You want to be there, but you can't... whatever you want, just hurry up."

"If you say so much"

Keith tried to pull his hips pretty big for a try.

Liz leaned heavily against the pain of a meat stick being pulled out rubbing her wound and said, "Gu no!" He raised his voice.

The pain ran in an instant to the brain, running around every corner of his body like a current.

Keith had a little trouble with Liz, who had no more power to slap me and was just exhaling into the pain.

Keith didn't have a hobby for blaming a woman who was just in pain, though he enjoyed abusing her a lot.

Besides, if the reaction is too sensitive so far, the piston can't be decent and I can't feel better.

(... I can't help it, change the way I blame you a little)

If physical abuse is not possible, I decided to go with mental abuse.

It's the lowest that it doesn't change which way you abuse it, but there's nothing you can do about it because there's revenge in it for the grudges you've been entangled in.

Keith asked gently stroking Liz, who stopped moving and became sweaty.

"Sounds tight...... is it that painful?

Liz has a grudge. When she turns her eyes to tears of large grains, that's all she tells me without voicing "obvious".

Reading that, Keith pretended to think a little before asking.

"Shall I cure you then? where the hymen is cut."

"... Huh?

"That should make it easier. The pain of the tear wound is severe, but it is small. It'll heal soon."

"Do it," Liz nodded as soon as she heard the words she had been called.

Normally, I would have thought that if Keith had said these words, there would be something behind it, but now I couldn't afford them either.

I can just take this pain. This pain is gone and this situation ends for me. I wanted to talk about it.

But there was a back there, after all.

"So, what do you want?

"... what?

"Please. Do me a favor when you ask people for things, right? Didn't you learn from your mother?

Liz shrugged her voice as she shook at Keith, who was going to say shaggy.

"Phew...... I have to!! It's not your fault I want so much!! Yet... heal quickly!!

Besides, Keith shook his head in the wind when he said he was jealous.

"Damn, this is what I call a prestigious appearance... okay? Healing magic is my good intentions, isn't it? If it's true, there's nothing in the way of the contract. But can I just do it for you as a“ good will ”? I'm saying. I can't believe you're ordering me to put that on... the end of the world."

"What the hell is that! What the fuck!! Please... call me back!! Ugh!!

The shock is transmitted to the vagina when you scream loudly causing pain. to Liz trying to breathe. Keith said

"I don't know if I can tell. Here's the bad boy! Yikes!!"

That's what I said and started to move my hips.

The injured vaginal meat that was sticking to Keith's penis that stopped him from moving suddenly spreads the wound to the restarted movement.

"Ah! Ahhh!! Yikes!! No, I don't want to!! I want to be there!! I want to be there Ooh!! Ahhh."

"Don't even do me a favor. It's just an order, it's good to be a little strong for a kid who says so!! Yikes!!... Ooh, that's so tight."

I've only moved it a little bit. The entire vaginal meat comes tight perfectly in the vagina and the breath leaks over the slime into that feeling as well.

It seemed as if the virgin-specific relentless tightening was squeezing Keith's meat stick with cunning.

However, the person being dragged through the wound has pain that pierces the lower abdomen and strengthens the limbs.

Then again, the meat stick was tightly tightened and the feeling doubled, making it the best possible situation for Keith to have more pleasure if he blamed it.

"Wow!! Don't be ridiculous!! Ah, ahhh!! Yes, I want to!! I want to be there! Oh, ghoul!!

No more cursing words came out. Liz thought diligently with a thought that was painful and summery.

I need you to do some healing magic. I can handle the pain. It's with torture like this.

But I'm gonna ask Keith to do that. I have to say what. I didn't like that.

But it hurts. It hurts too much. It's the hardest thing I can do about this on my own.

I can't do magic magic to myself, and I don't have magic items for when I say that right now.

Transfer from the room I can't even spell the magic language because I can't concentrate because of the pain so I can bring it with magic.

I mean, the best I can do right now is,

"Wow, okay! Don't make fun of me anymore! Don't be ridiculous!!

Keith's movements stopped perfectly. Still, the pain left a lingering aftertaste.

I can't wait till that aftertaste heals. Liz lay her eyes down and shrugged "please" small.

"Huh? What is that? That's not a favor, is it? I mean, please, just look me in the eye and say," Please, heal Liz's magic. "Right?

"Just... don't flatter me, you imbecile scumbag... it's you when this is over!!

"Yeah, but this is what's happening now... if you don't ask me"

That's what Keith says. He tries to move again. Liz was in a hurry about the trick, "Ugh!!" He roared out loud.

The stray swirled in my head, but as a result of putting pride and pain on the measure, I couldn't really stand this pain right now.

To myself like that, and most importantly to Keith, I bumped my anger at Keith for inflicting pain, and Liz scratched the sheets of the bed .

With a face like a child causing eclampsia,

"... Liz's... Gu"

"Do you mind if I move?

"Ah! Ugh, guh... Ugh! Heal and enchant Liz's Omako!... please hurry... hurry!!

Keith cured the last word of Liz as she turned bright red and begged her to stare at him.

I found that the tear wound healed and healed with magic. The pain twitches and there is relief on Liz's face.

That's how in reassuring Liz, Keith started rambling his penis.

"Huh? Ah, ahhhhhhh!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! MAN, MAN, not yet!! Tochuuuu!! Ugh, no!! I want to stay no!! Mostly!! Ahhhhh!!

Vaginal meat on its way to full healing was scratched or scratched by a meat stick with a goose neck, and the wound that was about to heal was opened again.

Keith had already stopped exerting healing magic and was particularly persistent squeezing around the area where that wound would have been made.

blamed for becoming wound-aware, Liz shed another nearly stopped tear,

"Why! Why! Oh! I asked you not to!! Really...... dude, oh!! Oh no!! Ok, ok!!

Then Keith returned as he moved his hips with his fallen face.

"Is that it? Didn't it heal properly and completely? Oops, no. Look, I'm“ retarded, "so I'm not sure. Anyway, it's" incompetent. "

Keith laughed at the words he said as he laid his hands next to Liz's body and moved only his hips back and forth with a gouge.

Taking what he always said backwards, Liz felt a genuine desire to kill a man waving his back over himself and inflicting pain.

I'll kill you. I'll definitely kill you when this is over. I'll kill you for anything. I'll clear this grudge with any hand, no matter how many years it takes.

That's all I carve into my heart, horns on my rabbit. Now I focus my consciousness on ending this quickly.

With a crooked face, he said, "Ahhh!," said Keith to the stuffy Liz,

"Then I'll call you again. Healing magic. But..."

"What the hell is this? What do you want me to say?

"No, don't want me to kiss you. Then I feel like I can work hard. Please kiss me from Mr. Liz."

I told you earlier that Liz would never like it. I'm telling you to give me a kiss.

Liz couldn't believe how far this man was going to get at what she didn't like.

Keith put his face closer to that face,

"It's a kiss, if you kiss me, I'll heal you perfectly. I'll do my best. So look."

Liz turned her mouth against her lips as she pulled over, but at that moment Keith rubbed her penis against her vaginal wound.

Liz, whose body jumped in pain, said, "Higi!" and raised a voice so unusual that I could see it myself.

If it's about to get stuck like this, if it's enough to make you cry in pain like this, if it's about to put up with pain like this and you're dying.

Liz gave Keith a shitty kiss when she decided that breaking into a kiss would also wear less pride.

For the first time in my life, I can't help but think that a kiss that makes me a man from myself is such a lousy scumbag man.

But when I tell myself I'm patient and I snuggle my lips together, Keith comes out of his tongue and licks Liz's lips and inserts them out of the gap.

I opened my eyes to surprise, and when I was licked around, I tried to bite him off, but I could.

The sound of licking and sipping the mucous membrane of the mouth echoes, and the feeling of the tongue crawling around the inside of the cavity goes all over the body.

When I managed to withstand it, my mouth eventually moved away. Keith laughed contentedly when he saw his face thinking it was over.

I felt like I was being molested for everything. Liz was completely healed magic as promised without the energy to cry anymore.

The finish of the pain lingered a little, but the wound was completely healed and Keith's movement didn't hurt. Relaxed Liz, but soon realized that was a big mistake.

Keith's meat stick continued to move in his painful vagina, conveying a sweet feeling.

At first, I just thought the finish of the pain was making me feel weird, but every time Keith gradually moved, it got stronger.

"Ah, mmm... duh... mmm! Ahhh!! Hey, what, this"

My body starts to freak out differently and I can't stand to breathe.

It didn't take that long to realize that was a sweet gasp. Yes, Liz was starting to feel it.

Pain disappears from the vagina instead of pleasure information flowing out. Liz frowned uncomfortably.

"Mmm! Mm-hmm! Oh, yeah! Amen!! What did you do... what did you do to me?!

Keith, questioned, replied as he gently rubbed a nice spot of Ningro vagina with his turtle head without stopping his hips from moving.

"What, I did the healing magic, as I was told. What do you say? What about a vagina with healed wounds? Do you feel your penis? Does that feel good?

Liz shook her head left and right desperately. It was as if to reject that thought of myself.

"Kimochi, often... No, no!! This, that's why...... ahhh!! No, no! Ugh! Not at all!! No! Mmm-hmm!! Mm-hmm!!

Liz's vagina, healed not only by the tear wounds, but even by the pressing and spreading compression that meat bars had invaded her narrow vaginal path for the first time, had merely flowed pleasure information to her already.

Now I realize it was a mistake, but it is a later festival.

The vagina healed with the meat stick in it is in a state of complete acceptance of the man, and besides, its vaginal walls deliver the first irritation sensitively.

It had become the best thing I could feel.

"Not good! Terrible no!! This... Ugh! Am I right!! Oh, you fooled me!! This is amazing!! Hmmm!!

"Deceived you? Please stop arguing. Didn't Mr. Liz ask you to heal me? I just asked for that favor."

"Because...... aah!! This... this is, um! Ahem!! Mm-hmm!!

Liz's freshly opened virgin vaginal meat tightened at the same time as her carefree sweet voice.

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