Still clinging diligently to her immature and underdeveloped body, Liz shook the back of her body at the sensation of coming up from her vagina.

I have to stay on this feeling and turn white, but that's what I'm so scared of.

I felt this fear since I defeated Wyburn alone when I was nine.

Liz shook her spine at the stimulus that made her feel even stronger, not convinced why she had to stick with her opponent like this.

"Also, no more! No more!! This is frightening!! Of fright!! Come on...... Hi-no!!

Sitting on Keith sitting naked, his vagina pointing upwards is pierced and rubbed by a slender meat stick.

The thin, luxurious body is still shivering like it's going to break, but Keith is hugging and supporting it.

I'm so relieved that for some reason, I turn my hands and feet on Keith's back from myself, and hug him like a Koala child.

But even though it was all this guy's fault in the first place, it also made me feel like an idiot to feel safe but scared.

But the intensity of this vaginal irritation had no other way to make it any easier than to hug and hug her that way, and Liz turned her thin arms and legs around Keith's body.

Liz didn't understand that that would result in more intimacy and stronger impact.

"Mmmm!! Huh!! Ahhhhhh!! Stop, go... oops!! Oh, I'm coming!! Bye!! Oh, please, no more, no more!! Ahhh."

Keith replied as he shook his hips to Liz trying to tell her gibberish by shaking his long hair to the pleasure of wrapping his entire body in a face-to-face seat.

"Are you sure you want to come this far? I think I'll be able to get my first squid in a little while."

Yes, it is. Today Liz is about to go through her first midlife squid.

Since then, Keith has scattered my body, and I've been beaten to death by Fella, but I never broke my contract with her anywhere.

"I knew Mr. Liz wasn't crazy," Keith suggests to Liz, who seemed pretty.

I have no idea how that could happen, but Liz has no choice but to follow suit than it was Keith who made the contract.

That's why I'm trying to do it this way, but in the first place, Liz still only has enough experience to count.

Besides, it was all done to Keith, about a month ago when he blamed Clitoris for saying, "Give me my first ACME" or something, and I celebrated my first ACME when I was born.

Then I went through Clear Acme a few times, which is suddenly medium squid. I can't help feeling afraid either.

"Because! Come on...... Mmm!! I'm frightened!! I hope not!! Ah, ahhh!! Huh!! Ko, Koshiyasu!! Also, don't do it anymore!!

"But I have to. The contract is... well, that's fine, because I'm fun. Let me keep it up today, and I'll see you next time."

Liz warped her face in a different way to Keith, who said so loosening her hips.

Yeah, if we don't go through this, we're not gonna break our contract, and we're gonna have to get a guy like this to treat us like good again.

I'm not going into research because this guy's holding me. If I take an apprenticeship class, they'll say, "Cute." They say it's the worst thing that can happen.

And even though it was hard to squirt so far, I can't believe I have to get fucked with that again...

Liz still hadn't realized that sweet paralysis ran deep with disgust when she remembered everything she had done in this room today.

I just strongly assume that I don't want to anymore, and I hold onto Keith in tears when this is all clear.

"... Ri... come on"

"Yes? What is it?

"Do it!! I said do it quickly!!

Keith stopped his hip movement completely to the word and moved only his penis freaked out in his vagina.

"What do you want me to do? I'm a moron, so I don't know. Tell me what to do."

Liz almost cried with anger and humiliation at Keith pretending to fall in love even though it was something she had just said herself.

But this is the last day because it's not what happens when you get busted here. I told myself this was the last time I squeezed the words Keith was looking for out the back of my throat.

"Make me crazy..."

"Huh? Did you say something?

"Huh!... Ugh!! Crazy!! Make me crazy!! Come on!!

As soon as the words came out, Keith turned his hand around Liz's hips and let her vaginal rub resume.

The vaginal wall, which was perfectly strung on the meat stick, overflows with pleasure as it was suddenly surprised to resume being rubbed and decided.

Keith, who supported Liz, who leaned back with a voice similar to that of a scream, smiled contentedly at the feeling flowing from his penis,

"Damn, you're such a bad kid for an ACME snack, aren't you, Liz? I'm just finally starting to look good with my criticism, and I really can't believe I want a medium squid anymore."

"Ugh, shut up no!! You said no... no, yes!! Ahhhhh!! Ku! Ugh!! Aww!! Oh! What, it's coming! This is coming!! Ahhh!!"

"I can't believe I said that. Mr. Liz spontaneously...... so much for being mean, it's time to get serious"

"Honey, come on? Huh? Yeah??

Liz was confused when she didn't know what it meant. Seriously? About time. So, what's it been? Such an idiot that I don't mean to feel as good as this dying thing.

Holding Liz's ass and back, who was admitting she felt good herself because of the confusion, Keith adjusted her position and began to blame her vagina in earnest.

In addition to the motion of rocking your hips back and forth, you also mix the motions that make you squirm up, so that you stick them up towards the back of your vagina there.

"Ah! Ah!! Ahhh!! What, this! What is this!! What the fuck!! What are you doing!! Ahhh!! What the fuck!! What the fuck!! Konra no!! Ahhhhh!!

Every blow that gets rocked comes from the depths of Liz to pull ACME out.

The body that was riding the waves dawdled at once and pushed up, unable to do anything with the flesh or will of this immature girl.

Liz said, "Ah! Oh!" he added to his strength to cling to Keith as he raised his voice.

Other than that, I didn't know what to do anymore.

Keith responds by placing his tongue close to Liz's lips and attempting to insert it into her. Keith spoke gently to Liz, who still hates kissing.

"Liz, look, let's kiss. Because if I kiss you, I'll lose my fear. Right?"

"Liar, Tsukiya!! Just a quick thing...... no!! Nice!! Oh, Ra, that's where you're from!! Mmmm!!

I'm fooling myself to kiss you again. Liz, who thinks so, turned away and refused, not even realizing that she was somehow called away.

Because I really don't like the way I've been kissing this guy lately.

"It's not a lie. That's why I thought I was fooled just once. Look... chu."

There was a limit to how much I turned away when I snuggled this close. Liz was kissed to be pushed off, her eyes meditated as they were and her tongue tangled from herself.

"Phew, Phew!! Phew, Phew... Phew, Phew, Phew... Phew"

When the tongues touched each other and felt the warmth inside, I really felt the fear soothed.

So Liz lays her lips on Keith "with no choice. I couldn't help but turn that arm around Keith's head and wrap my legs around his waist disappointingly.

And I couldn't help but be intoxicated by a fierce kiss and give myself up in tears to the unknown sensation that springs from the back of my body.

Keith, who thought he had more power to tighten not only his limbs but even his vaginal meat, rocked his hips to blame Liz for concentrating only one grab of his butt with both hands.

Liz licked Keith's tongue all over and left it to sip as she was blamed for the vaginal steeplechase and was no longer comfortable with the pleasure information that was coming.

"Fugu, fugu! Phew, phew! Ahhh!! Shh, this is so awesome!! What? Come on, wow, wow! This is it, Ike? This, ACME!! Shh, no, no, no! Yikes! Ugh... Ugh."

I tasted the feeling a little too soon for a 14-year-old girl to know.

The whole body, especially around the hips, is finely freaked out, but the extremities and upper body are dazed and Keith has a crush on Liz.

His face was hectic to his first vaginal squid, his jaw resting on Keith's shoulder and drooling of covetousness.

Keith using such an elite girl's ACME vagina to handle meat sticks,

"Ooh, stiff manko...... once it's ok, it's a troll...... duh!! Oh, oh, shit!!

He shook his hips with his face up, and from there, when he supported Liz and put her to bed, he blamed her vagina in a normal position to run the contents of the golden balls to the urethra.

Fires pleasure toward Liz's still immature vagina back with a clear sense of the feeling coming in.

Dobby! Dobby! Bibi! Bibi!! Dobi! - The injected semen was held back from flying out toward the uterus and going to slime contraceptives.

Keith, shaking herself into long ejaculatory pleasure as she breathed, breathed relieved when everything was over and woke her body to pull a meat stick out of her vagina.

"Ooh... tons... awesome"

Surprised by the amount of semen accumulating in the contraceptive, I put that on Liz's stomach after coming up with the prank off.

Liz resented Keith for squeaking "porn" when she saw the belly of the girl with zero cloudiness in her contents.


"So, why?... hey, why... why haven't you broken your contract? Ooh!!

Liz, who was hungry as far as semen over the sweat, confirmed her contract with Keith without even taking a bath when her body was free.

As long as the magic contract line between Keith and myself is broken... brilliantly it stayed connected.

Shivering in anger and shouting, Keith replied flatly "You couldn't cut it," to Liz, who stuffed him naked.

"You didn't cut it!! Why, why not!? I told you if you do this, you can hang up!!

"I didn't say it. I was wondering if I could hang up."

Liz leaned down and shuddered slightly at the words she returned.

"Again... I cheated again... I cheated again!! Even when I put it in my mouth! Even when I gave him a drink!! Say the same thing when you put it on your face!! You fooled me again!! Bye! I want to! Damn you!! Shiatsu! You just have to!!

Keith argues as he avoids it to Liz throwing pillows and alarm clocks at him.

"I don't know how far I can go to get my first one."

"Because you make it an out-of-the-box contract!! Ahhh!! That's enough, hang up!! Hang up!! You just have to sign the contract!!

Even if the contract is not fulfilled, the contract can be terminated if Keith writes "This contract has been fulfilled." Liz asked for it.

"Eh, I don't like it. If you don't mind, you've honored your contract!

"You want it!!... Ugh, I don't know what to do... say it right."

Looks like she was asked an unanswered question, and Liz almost cried in a sense of helplessness that couldn't be helped anymore.

Keith gives such an evil tip to Liz again.

"I figured that would have to be put directly inside, wouldn't it?

"... you?... hey... hey!!

The smart girl who understood the meaning of the word blued at once.

Directly inside is definitely sex during raw sharks without contraceptives.

Liz, who shook her head with a blue face saying she didn't like it, hid with her hands the part where she had accepted Keith until just now.

I didn't let that happen until now, no matter what they did. Only such horrible things.

Because that's an act that can be done. Because it's the act of having a child with this guy in your stomach.

"Come on, I'll kill you! If you do that...... NEVER!!

Keith smiled gently and spoke gently to Liz intimidating her like a cat with her hair upside down.

"But you won't be able to break your contract for the rest of your life, will you? Is that okay?

"Well, if that's what you're gonna do!... Fine, nothing!! Even if it stays like this for life..."

"Heh... so there's no problem with me suing Mr. Liz for being great in the future and not fulfilling his contract then?

"Gu!! Ugh............!!

Liz bit her teeth when she was complained about the usual routine.

Whether Liz is called to the [pitch-black tower] in the future, but takes the place of running this country, it is the end of a roll if he is poked there.

Who will rely on politicians who do not invite [the pitch-black tower] those who have not fulfilled their contracts, nor can they fulfill their contracts?

It's absolutely impossible for a dream all to be crushed because of such a trivial man.

to Liz, who was shut on the escape route. Keith said again,

"So we need to break the contract here. That's why. Good luck!!

It's a line like trying to work together, but in fact, Keith is just having fun because Liz is struggling.

Liz, leaning down with a face like she had even come at the end of the world, zeroed her tears when she saw Keith's semen creeping up in her own belly.

You got this in your stomach? Can you bathe your uterus with such a thick, massive amount of semen? What kind of torture is that?

But when Liz realized there was no escape route, she squeezed out a grudge with her eyes that seemed to kill Keith right now.

"... okay... I'll do it... you just have to do it"

Keith jumped at Liz with a full smile.

"I thought you'd say that!! Exactly!! Good luck with that."

"Wait! Who told you to do it now!! Well, here's the thing..."

Liz counted the number of fingerfold days as she pushed Keith over the

"Ra, next week!! End of next week! On that day!!... Him, to... Him, without contraceptives... do"

Calculated the safety day and told them the day they thought it would be absolutely fine.

Keith, stretching out to Liz, laughed and nodded, understanding that the day was Liz's fine day.

"Next week, right? Looking forward to it, Liz......"

Liz slapped Keith's cheek as close as she could to her lips.

"You... if you're on track, I'm gonna kill you to the point where you're not gonna die, okay?


Gather the magic worked out on your arms to enter the offensive magical posture Liz. Keith rubbed his head against the floor as he held his cheeks.

They still couldn't kiss me in normal condition. Nothing seems too hasty.


Keith lay his head on his soggy legs in a room with a carefree smell of incense.

My back and back hurt because I kept putting it out four times, but when I did this, I felt it disappear too.

The back of my nose is stimulated by the mixed smell of sweat, love liquid and semen I put out flowing from my naked thighs.

My hair blocked my face as I meditated on my eyes. Open your eyes with a glance at the tickle.

"... it's ticklish. What are you doing?

When I sent my gaze to Kyoka, who would give me a knee pillow, the Fox-Eared Wizard laughed couscous with pleasure.

I looked up and couldn't see his face well with Kyoka's big breasts, but I knew he was laughing.

"Still no, I was a little ossified by the bad guy, think about it..."

"Bad... is that me? I'm trying my best to match my once-a-monthly estrus. Is that me?

Said dissatisfied, Kyoka responded with a gentle stroke of Keith's hair.

"Oh, hey... you fool me. There's no such thing as a bad guy?

Kyoka guessed what was going on there from the girl's body odor a few days ago and the leftover incense of Keith's body odor that she felt when she came to this room.

Magically amplifying the sense of smell, information analysis and profiling by smell was her specialty.

Keith knew it, so he realized what Kyoka was talking about, but shrugged his shoulder without any evil.

"That one got tangled up over there. And if that's what you think, don't say it every six months. Let me taste Mr. Kyoka more."

To that wish Kyoka tickled Keith's face again with a fluffy fox tail.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Tickled over the stars, Keith, feeling perfectly defeated, pushed Kyoka down again when he woke up to win.

"Then I'll make sure you want more from Mr. Kyoka"

"... I'd rather not say it for my own good."

Keith overlaid her lazy body with a pranky fox woman to satisfy her estrus.

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