A maid was walking in a huge sigh down the hallway of the palace. There are cleaning tools in that hand, and I can tell you that I'm in the middle of a job.

The limbs tucked away in the maid's clothes are a little puffy and her face slightly rounded. It doesn't have any distinct beauty, but its meaty face is adorable. It is Arsi.

When Arsi sighed again, he proceeded to the equipment room to clean up the cleaning equipment. It's always been like this since that day.

I keep sighing continuously with a worried face that seems to be depressed somewhere all day. Still, I manage to do my job, but when I'm alone, it gets intense.

Such a "day" plaguing Arsi is, of course, the day he went to see Keith, who caught a cold.

I'm going to deliver a meal, that's all I was supposed to do. When I realized I was getting my tits sucked. I could still just have had to be ashamed of myself if that was the case.

But then Arsi went horny herself. Next to Keith, who has a cold, he plays alone with Keith, who has a cold, to Okaz.

If that's true, I should blame Keith for letting her suck her tits even though she has a cold, but my good boy Arsi blamed herself.

How long have I been such a bad daughter myself? I wonder why I did such a bad thing.

Arsi, who fell into self-loathing without thinking it was Keith's fault, hadn't seen Keith since.

I naturally wanted to meet him, but I couldn't see him because I didn't know what to look like. Yeah, even if I didn't know Keith was a dick.

So when Keith came to the dining room at dinner, he was out buying dishwashing and leftovers so that he could run away. Arsi was so totally liked by Cock that Scalary told him to stay like this and become a kitchen maid.

And all of them were pushed to the still-room maid's heartbeat, but as for Arsi, it is a complicated mood because he is aiming for a chainbar maid.

Aside from that, I was once again depressed when I realized I was hoping to meet you, Arsi, who would not see Keith that way.

I don't like doing that, and I want Keith to meet me again and hug me.

I didn't have any ties to the man because of the pout - that's actually just what Arsi thinks, and some of the elves naturally like to be thinner and meatier. Arsi's demand for Pochaelf, which is rarely present, may then be high, but the only person he does not know is himself.

Horn on the rabbit. Tell me how cute you are by holding yourself so tight... my mind and body keep asking for Keith naturally to make me feel better enough to faint over and over again.

I want to see you, but I can't. Such a pile of sprouts made me horny again last night.

Until I met Keith, he said masturbation only lasted about once or twice a month, but here it is about once every three days.

That's making Arsi self-loathing again,

(I... suck... I can't believe I don't feel like a jerk when I think about Mr. Keith... suck)

That's how it was planted, so I can't help it, but the person was just surprised and disgusted by the lust that was just increasing by accident.

Arsi, who came to the equipment room with such a big sigh on himself again, placed the cleaning equipment in place, checked it, and then left the room.

Close the door and walk down the hallway with a dark face to the next place, you'll hit someone with the corner. It would be because I was walking downstairs.


Hurry up and bow your head. Arsi says, "Ah, no," and if you look up that voice is a familiar voice, there it is, after all.

"That, Arsi?

"Ki, ki... Ki, ki-su,"

Suddenly it counts. Arsi stiffens her mouth at the appearance of Keith, the person she wants to meet but can't meet.

As Keith smiled at Arsi for the first time in a long time, he said, "I haven't seen her face lately, but how have you been? I just tried to say“ is ”and the poof maid ran away with all her might.

Self-loathing, aged and troubled, led Arsi to flee in front of his enemies.

Keith, escaped in the middle of the word, just blurted to the spot, while Arsi cursed herself with tears.

(Run away and what do you do!? This is stupid... ugh)

Though I say with my heart, Arsi runs through the hallway with all his strength and flees Keith as far away as possible.

At the end of such a day, Arsi was sighing again and headed to the residential building.

After I ended up running away from Keith, I couldn't even get a decent job and got pissed off several times.

I apologize and try to concentrate, but I can't help remembering myself for running away from Keith like that.

Keith doesn't know he's gone horny, so at least he's usually busy saying hello.

Yet the action that has been taken is flight.

"No, you can't... you know"

Arsi, who somehow doesn't like everything about herself anymore, walks alone in the hallway of the palace as she almost cries.

Then I saw someone standing in the corner of the hallway. That was Keith.

"Ah," he muttered, stopping his legs, his head turning bright white for a moment. But the body enters the fleeing position just as it did earlier.

But before that, Keith approached Arsi.

"Wait, don't run... talk, will you let me?

Arsi couldn't move in a different way when he said, "Please."

I can't look directly at Keith's face, but still when I see him chill, he looks like he's in trouble and about to cry.

When he thought he was in trouble, Arsi nodded silently that he could no longer escape and would just listen.

When he saw it, Keith smiled, "Good," and took Arsi to his room to talk.

Keith's room, which hasn't been around for a long time, smells like a man after all, and that makes Arsi's heart somewhat zava.

Keith held me here, and I masturbated against Keith who caught a cold in this room.

Encouraged to sit in bed in a room mixed with good memories and memories of self-loathing, Arsi followed it, though.

(Here... so, I did... suck)

I almost cry into self-loathing and shame remembering myself for the masturbation I had that day.

Keith, with a drink, came to Arsi, who was leaning over, offered it and sat himself in bed.

Sitting side by side, Arsi distracted herself from sipping the tea she had not received face-to-face.

Keith was a little quiet about that, but eventually when he slowly opened his mouth,

"You know what, Arsi?... Arci, you've been avoiding me lately, haven't you?

Suddenly Arsi shook his body with gibberish at the words that poked him in the heart. Keith continues his words as he sees it.

"I think I... did something... I'm sorry, I lost it for a reason... so why don't you tell me? Why are you angry?"

Arsi was confused when she heard a voice that seemed sorry. They think it's their fault why they're avoiding Keith.

Otherwise, I wanted to say that I was the bad one, but then I have to confess to being a dick, so I can't do that.

But if you don't tell me, Keith will keep blaming himself, no such thing.

Keith leans his neck and speaks like a troubled voice to a pouty maid desperately thinking about what to do.

"... don't you want to say it?... do you mean notice for yourself? Or... I want to talk to you..."

When I heard a weak voice that seemed to cry, I thought Arsi couldn't do it anymore. I didn't want Keith to suffer any more.

You can never suffer to Keith, not just yourself, because of what you did. That's how Arsi suppresses his desire to escape and confesses his sins to Keith.

"Oh, I'm not... of. Otherwise... me... me... sorry."

Arsi apologized and then properly explained how nasty she had done next to Keith on that cold day.

I turned bright red to the tip of my pointy ear and tried so hard to embarrass myself that I told Keith without covering everything up.

"... so... I, Mr. Keith, have no face to match... so... sorry"

Without even being able to raise his face, Arsi cried zero.

I'm sure they hated me. I'm sure they despise me. I didn't want to see the look on Keith's face in disgust and he leaned down, but something warm enveloped that body.

Surprised Arsi rounded her eyes when she realized that was Keith's arm and that she was surrounded by Keith's temperature and smell.

"Uh... Keith,"

"Good... me, Arsi didn't hate me... good"

Arsi's surprise doubles to a voice of heartfelt relief.

Why are you so happy to hear the confession of all those nasty acts? Why are you hugging me so gently? I don't know what that means.

When confused Arsi looked up, there was Keith smiling happily.

"... oh, come on... no? Why?"

Keith looks stranger to the question that came out with his mouth poked.

"Come on? Why?

"Because I... as such... so"

"Is that... about masturbation? Not at all. I'm not gonna get mad at you."

In fact, Keith was rejoicing and excited to hear it instead of getting angry.

Whatever you look at, a normal girl, Arsi, finally masturbated beside a sleeping man. I don't care how many nipples he was sucking.

There's no way this inferior pervert wouldn't be happy to hear such a horny statement.

As a matter of fact, Keith thought Arsi might find out about the other women and not be angry about it.

If so, I don't know what means to plan the success or failure of the cheating man because it's Arsi who's been doing that salt attack.

Then I heard it from here before, and I thought about a hundred excuses depending on the words I returned... that was just a masturbation declaration.

Relief and erotic cuteness mixed in my mind, and Keith was alone to nibble that the vigor I had taken to make up sex would help.

But in Arsi's case, it's not as ignorant as Nia's, because I haven't planted it enough to make you feel better with punishment like Aisha or Berna...

Keith, who made the usual non-gentlemanly surface, kissed a pompous Arsi cheek,

"I'm glad you're not mad."

In that word, Arsi said with a surprised look, "Huh?," he said, staring back at Keith's face.

"'Cause, you know, Arsi thought about me and said he felt like a jerk. I'm glad to hear that."

"Huh?... Oh, no"

"Hmm? Maybe he masturbated beside me, but the occassion was someone else?

"Chi, no! Hey... Keith..."

Fool, what are you honestly answering? Arsi turned bright red and twisted. Keith hugs her like that again.

"Then I'm awesome happy. He said he was too happy you thought of me and masturbated."

Arsi had heard Keith say one word after another with incredible thoughts.

It's an absolute lie to masturbate yourself to the occassion, and to be glad you did that right next to your sleeping. Decided to lie.

Keith is sweet, so I'm sure Arsi's lying to me so I don't get hurt.

To a man without any shards of kindness, so determined Arsi shook his head small to the left and right.

"Liar, you don't have to... you don't have to. Really, it's disgusting... it's disgusting... tell me."

You'd sleep in shock if you told me, but it's better than being lied to and saying gentle words and continuing to think you're shady and disgusting. I thought so.

But Keith gave Arsi his moist eyes a decent kiss this time.

"I won't tell you... there's no way you can tell me what you don't think, is there?

What does a man say who only said what he didn't think?

"Ugh, no... no"

"I'm not lying. I was so glad to hear that Arsi thought of me. I'd rather be able to decide to lie about it..."

"... why?... duh, duh, duh."

I'm confused. I don't know what to say. Keith said gently to Arsi.

"What kind of man isn't happy to hear that the girl he loved thought of herself?

Arsi, who was told to "love it" toward the face, had the illusion that her face exploded and she had hot air.

Keith smiled and tilted his neck as he couldn't return a word in the smoke coming out of his head.

"Is it weird that you're glad your favorite daughter told you she masturbated?

Arsi agreed and said, "Hey, hey, hey, hey." As if waiting for it. Keith stood up and snapped his pants off.

"Hicha!? Hey, what? WHAT...... YEAH!

Keith, who not only took off his pants, but also his pants, still shriveled from the inside, but picked a meat stick that was already thick with his fingers or shook it gently.

"Well, can I try? In front of Arsi, I... I think about Arsi and I masturbate, so let's see if Arsi will be happy with that... Let's try it."

In front of Arsi covering his eyes with his hands, the meat stick that kept shaking eventually gathered blood and began to swell.

I hold the roots with my fingers, so when blood gathers on the exposed red and black tortoise head, I fully expose the geese neck and inflate the tip on the bread.

When it's big enough, Keith squeezes the rod section with his own hand and slowly starts to handle it back and forth.

While doing so I approached Arsi and stuck my penis out until I got the smell and the sound of saying Sikosiko, where I started masturbating in earnest.

For the first time in his life, Arsi was shown masturbating men by saying, "Hiaaah!" He screamed but couldn't stop watching it through the gap between his fingers.

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