
Keith finally took a breather after washing his body at night and dipped in the hot tub with that little dragon.

The night came suddenly in the middle of the night. The bird was making his body bloody, and if you ask, he says he's been hunting minotaurs.

I rushed to see if there were any wounds, and when I knew there were no injuries, I let him take a bath, but no, it was really bloody and amazing all over my body.

It was dark, and there was blood on the black dress at night, so I didn't know much at first, but when I took a bath and sprinkled hot water, the black blood paste from my tail, hands and feet mixed with hot water and contaminated my feet, making it difficult.

I hurried and put the soap on the sponge and washed the gossip. Where was all this blood creeping up?

The night they were washing me seemed nice, but as for Keith, the bathroom was going to be bloody and crying.

Keith, who had washed her hair properly and relieved herself finally washed her body too, finally gently washed the bathroom to avoid creeping up and soaking it in the hot tub.

In the hot tub, the nightcap is on his leg in such a way that he faces Keith and hugs him.

It will be shaped like a face-to-face seat because it has a tail, so I have to. I liked this position at night though.

Thus, Keith clings to me, "I can't help it." When I get a good kid and I can stroke my tail, my chest flakes off and my crotch becomes cum.

Let the young body be full of sweetness to the man. Night Xu was happily hugging Keith with black hair floating on the hot surface.

He said, "Well, the fourth guy lives in a labyrinth, but he can get in, but he can get out."

"So? What's wrong?

"Bye, I magically smashed the ceiling and flew out of there. Wow!

Keith, who seemed to enjoy the adventure of Minotaur's exorcism, caught a cold sweat as he turned his hand around the waist of a light night.

"Oh well... that's not worth building a labyrinth either"

"Which one of us is wrong with him? If it had been easier, I wouldn't have broken it."

It's not a labyrinth, is it?

Keith was bitterly smiling at some unrealistic story as he put in the scratch.

When it comes to minotaurs, it is the best thing that afflicts adventurers.

Live in labyrinths and ruins of ancient castles where treasures say they are asleep, and relentlessly devour and kill what comes there.

Even now, with a few casualties from it a year, crusade requests come to the Magic Instructors Association and the Hunter Guild every year.

Every time a massive party is organised to go out to the exorcism, but it is a dangerous job that ends in failure.

It's an incredible thought that such a little girl has defeated five bodies in one day.

The thought just now made me check for injuries and I was seriously worried.

But if you think about it, Nightingale is the princess of the most powerful creature in the world. It would be a twist even if it were a bunch of minotaurs. I know that.

"Nguyen puts his fist on the dovetail like this..."

When I look at the nights that are giving me an explanation of the situation, I really only look like a little girl.

The explanation for exorcising Minotaur also only appears to be a child who excitedly explains the contents of the book he has just read.

That looked too cute for Keith to be able to contain his prank. I think it's cute. My heart is connected to lust. It is terminal.

Keith looked at the naked chest of the nightclub and felt this feeling of a young man riding on his leg, swelling his lust stick slightly.

At night when I was explaining, I thought, "Huh?" I was surprised to see it in the hot tub.

He immediately raised his face and swelled his red-dyed cheeks to stare at Keith at night.

"Why is this happening when Non talks about martial arts? Yeah, add or subtract!!

Keith snatches her lips and licks her as she taps the hot surface of her pussy at night.

The little tongue pulled into surprise, but soon he tangled into Keith's thick tongue and tried hard to lick it.

Tongues rubbed against each other in a tickling glossy sensation. Night cuffs leaked "cuffs" and twisted a perfectly young body with both breasts and buttocks.

When I let go of my lips and tongue, the look on my face was already horny, and I couldn't help but want to be stroked around my hot body.

"Keith, it's a fight. Ha ha. See you in battle!

while answering yes and yes to a night when you still insist on having sex as a battle.

"But before we do that today... there's a part of you that hasn't washed yet, so it's a battle after you wash it."


Keith lets the confused night stand in the hot tub and gently kisses Omango, who appears in front of him.

Keith's lips touched the pink longitudinal muscles and piqued! and the body of the nightingale reacted.

"You haven't washed the naka here, have you? It's an important place to fight, so before you do, you have to scrub it in my penis and wash it in the back."

That is synonymous with battle because it is sex. But washing isn't a battle, so you don't have to put up with feeling better or jump to drive Keith crazy.

Nightingale immediately read that it was okay to feel as good as your body wanted as your mind wanted.

How wonderful that is...... otherwise it would be a nasty offer, when I often come up with something like this, the nightfall swells, but I almost smiled at the joy and my cheeks pimpled.

"As it were, at all! What... I don't know what a pervert thinks!!

"So you don't have to wash it? Do you want to keep fighting?

"Ugh... Ugh, Ugh... Ha ha ha ha!!... haha, wash it... ampuntan"

When permission was given, Keith smiled and let the crotch of the nightingale spread with his crotch, glancing with his fingers to roll around inside.

At night when the thrill didn't stop, Keith stared at what he was going to do, with his eyebrows in the letter "C" and a sliced exhale.

At that time, the bathroom door made a noise as Ki...... Keith sent his gaze to see if Lou was back,


The night on Keith's screaming face, he also turned around and said, "Hiya!," he exclaims.

What was the stunning sight the two of them saw there... was the appearance of a beautiful white blonde elf staring at the bathroom door - opening it and showing only half her body - with her soft-eyed eyes.

"Hey, Master Nia!!

When Keith calls out to that look like a ghost, Nia pups! and swell your cheeks like rice cakes,

"Yah-yah... keep it to yourself again... uuuu"

Nia, who vomited a grudge, remembered that she had her groin figured by Keith with her crotch open, and hurriedly sank herself into the hot tub.

Then it inevitably takes the form of a naked hug to Keith, all he can see is the wind flirting in the hot tub, and as a result Nia puts tears in his eyes.

"Dear Keith... make a fool of yourself at night... Huh?"

"Hey, Master Nia! Please stop showing that body only half way through the door!! Because I'm scared of something!!

"Do you mean go somewhere... Hiuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"Chi! Because it's not!! Oh, already!!

As he began to lose his pick up, Keith rose out of the hot tub scratching his head.

The body remained stuck at night, and the appearance made Nia cry even more.

I managed to calm down, Nia and Nightingale, and Keith had a quiet juice for the three of us.

Tears stopped, but Keith stirred up the contents of the cup with a sigh of sigh as he sat next to him at night with his nose and eyes still red Nia and a bat that seemed bad.

On the night of the bath, Keith wore the piece he had made before. Nia stared jealously at him as he was putting him on.

That's how the three of us sit side by side in bed drinking juice, but there was just silence there.

"... and, by the way, Master Nia. You know how many nights I've been here?

When Keith asks, unable to stand the silence, Nia lifts her face up haha and moves away from it.

"Uh, uh... there's a look for you at night from your room... uh"

You see a nightcap from the room? Keith thought about it without falling to his heart.

From the window of Nia's room, Keith's room cannot be seen in position from any location. I mean, you can't even see the nights coming from the sky.

When he thought so, Keith had a bad feeling and checked the room with a magic scan. but there are no particular abnormalities.

I thought I was thinking too much, but Nia's behavior is too suspicious for that.

I thought about it, and eventually I thought, "Ah!" Nia was bickered by Keith, who raised her voice! became.

I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna go by the window and I'm gonna say, "Ah, ah!" I don't mind Nia trying to stop him in a hurry, "Keith opened the window and looked outside the room.

"I knew it! Dear Nia, you put up enchantment alerts just outside my room!!

"Huh!?" I come to make sure myself by surprise. "Night Xu found traces of witchcraft there that were indeed set up so that the alarm that would inform the intruder if someone passed by the window would sound only in Nia's head.

Too brilliantly camouflaged to find this a bit or softly.

"Oh, no, I don't... I don't know."

Keith stuffed Nia cutting white like a kid found a prank.

"Dear Nia... what happens to bad kids?


Reminds me of this previous ordeal. Nia looks like she's going to cry. And distort your face,

"Because! Because I'm coming to Master Keith in secret at night... I don't know if I should come! … so, so"

"That's why I went out the window so you wouldn't know if I checked the room... because it's not a security device."

Setting up alarm magic in positions that are deliberately difficult to understand to combat thieves is a constant means of countering crime.

I didn't know I'd set up a female cat on a guy who misses this worldless princess...... otherwise I wouldn't want to crawl a female dragon at night. It's evolving steadily in weird directions.

"No secrets... don't tell me. It's cunning... gusu"

other than sex. Seriously. When he cried, weak Keith stroked Nia's head, he envied the night cunt,

"Hey, why not! If it's a scratch, it's Nia! Stay with Keith... I'll get him to stroke me!! Even non sometimes...... sometimes haha!!

"It's not always the same!! Dear Keith, I'm so full of groans, I can't keep you company!! I really want to make it tickle every day but no!!

"Still more than Non! I don't know... I don't know if there will be any on the moon!! Non even with Keith every day... fuzzy."

From there, I can't honestly say it at night like Nia, but it's not a problem because it's conveyed in a nuance.

And I'm glad Keith was told, but I didn't want to see a fight scene, so it was a complicated mood.

There are two beautiful girls and two beautiful toddlers who want us to have sex every day. This is a dreamy situation as a man, except when it comes to those two fighting.

Keith desperately tried to stop the two of them because he didn't have a special hobby to bring the women into a fight and rejoice in.

But say we're both still young in mental age. It's not easy to stop girls from arguing with each other.

"It's sloppy! It's better that way!" "Not if you can keep it to yourself!" "Let's take Nia!

"Um, hey," he said to the voice calling from left to right, but he didn't seem to hear it.

Keith, who was about to be the limit,

"Ah too!! Come on both of you!! If we continue to argue any further..."

I felt that the Sex Nashi Manifesto only works for as many women knights as this one. So,

"I won't give you a good boy anymore when you have sex with them!!

The faces of the two princesses Lori solidified into despair.

Good boy. No good boy. What a terrible devil's place that is.

It's too harsh for you to be a good kid while you con the back of your vagina with your penis anymore.

I can't believe I can't feel that feeling anymore when you gently stroke my head with Keith's big, warm hand with the pleasure of coming up from Oman.

"Oh, no!! No way!!

"Oh, yeah! Definitely not!! Good boy, good boy. That's too harsh!! Ahoy!!

With a pathetic look, to the two princesses of Lori, who are desperate to follow,

"Can we get along then? Can we make up?

They told me and they looked at each other. Think of each other's expressions as though there was an uncomfortable feeling.

Keep arguing and fighting, if a good boy gets nasty enough...

"... you can do it."

"... ok wow"

"You can't help but tell me, can you? Look, to each other."

Keith prompts me, and they say, "I'm sorry," but those hands both put Keith's roomwear sleeve on "This is my own!" He clenched as he claimed.

Still, Keith spoke to the two of them, saying the horn on the rabbit and the story was settled.

"Well done. These are good princesses. So... it's late at night. Shall we go to bed?


Said he was going to sleep. Keith put the two of them to sleep beside each other and lay down on the bed with a threesome river lettering.

I told Nia that I wouldn't mind if I slept like this and I would send her there properly.

The two princesses have some unconvincing look as they pinch Keith and hug him from both sides.

Nia had a feeling that if she fell asleep, she would surely have had sex with Keith at night while she was a good girl, and if she tried at night, she was really supposed to have Keith wash her tits all over her while she was a good girl after this, but that made her fu.

We're both really uncomfortable with that, and we stare at each other over Keith.

"... Nightshade, don't you want to go to sleep?

"... Nia, why don't you go to bed in the morning?

"I'll go to bed at night."

"I'm not going to go to bed until I see Nia's face."

"" Uh-uh. ""

Keith stroked his two bodies, not giving in a single step, sighing.

"See, that's how you do it again... you have to be a good girl... right?

A stroking hand gradually moved to his head, and the two were made good children. Will this go away? I didn't like that. The two held Keith stronger than out of sight of each other to focus their consciousness on Keith alone.

Keith, the troubled face, thought a lot as he stroked the two of them. And I couldn't help but tell these young princesses,

"Yes, both of you, I'll talk to you."

Talk? And Keith replied, "Yes," to the two people who shrugged and leaned their necks.

"I'm going to prep forever because my mood stays elevated by the contention. I'll tell you a story, so let's just listen to it and relax and get some sleep, okay?

I'm not sure what kind of a question mark Nia brings to my mind, and I'm not a kid. It's a stubborn night, but I didn't strongly disagree.

So Keith took it as permission and started making a voice for the conversation, keeping the two smart, nice kids.

"Mukashi, mukashi. There was a prince and a princess in one place..."

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