Standing on the main deck, Aisha checks her gear again.

He wears cargo pants in turtleneck blade-proof clothing instead of his usual military uniform, and a light hand and leg armor made of a giant beetle skin shell on his hands and legs.

This is to prevent people from being identified as Saimrad in their uniforms in the unlikely event of anything.

Remove anything else that could be identified and make sure it is unmatched by the country.

And the weapon only left Kukli knife and tactical knife, plus a throwing knife.

Because I decided that taking Rapier would be difficult to use in shipboard combat. And if you have to, Aisha has a demon sword.

"The purpose is rescue, the terrorists are second to none..."

Whimpering to tell herself, Aisha squeezed her hand in her hand.

There comes a cat with a worried face from behind.

"Mr. Aisha."

"Lord Lou. You can't. You have to stay with Lady Nia."

Since there will be only military personnel on board but Aisha to protect, Lou decided to keep an eye on Nia and not be impotent.

And yet it makes no sense to be here. Then Lou,

"I'll go myself! Mr. Aisha, I can't believe there's only one of you!!

Aisha smiled gently at Lou with the expression of determination.

"Lord Lou, your tail is dripping and your legs are trembling?

"Nha!? This is... samurai trembling!!

Aisha pushed the ring she had in her pocket into the cat's collar as she approached Lou, who said she was strong.

"This is my treasure. Keep it because you have to lose it... and one more thing, you have to order Lord Lou to play a major role"


"... if anything happens to me, tell Keith I loved it"

Lou wept at Aisha's smile.

"Damenia! I definitely have to say it myself. Damenia!! Besides... and if anything happens to Aisha, your husband will cry... because that idiot is surprisingly tearful... so"

"... well... will Keith cry if I die"

Blur and Aisha, who shrugged over and over again, "Well, well," stand up with a sunny face.

"Yeah! Then I have to come back!! Come back and give him another..."

The moment I said that, Aisha's appearance scratched off. I used magic props for metastatic magic.

The cat that was left behind said, "Ah!,"

"I'll definitely be back!! Promise Nyaaaa!!

That's what I shouted at the sky.

There is always a magic prop for transfer magic on every airship.

This is a one-time disposable, and if something happens to the ship, use it to denounce it to the safe ground.

Aisha, who cannot use metamagic, used this to enter the ships of the terrorists.

But I can't use it normally. Terrorists enough to take over a passenger ship. I'm sure we'll have a transfer magic sealed talisman like Aisha used before.

Then there was only one way, and when Aisha let the captain of the ship on which he was aboard bring the ships on which the terrorists were aboard closer to a critical visibility distance, he used demonic props to transfer himself 300 meters above the ship.

This is not a direct metastasis, so we can get inside without a problem. If there's a problem, it's...

"Ew!!... Ugh!!

Forced to control her falling body, Aisha takes the position. I can't even keep my eyes properly open to the wind I feel from below.

I've done airborne training 200 times to jump off Wyburn's back, but it was my first experience with an airship floating in the sky.

Moreover, the distance to the fall is very short at 300 meters. Use metastatic magic and then position yourself in an instant. Float your body with simple flying magic to avoid colliding with an impending airship in front of you.

Landing at the stern, Aisha rotated her body and body to escape the same impact as she had fallen from a height of about three floors. But without letting him escape, he hits his shoulder and head. Pain rushes through his entire body.

"Agu!...... damn!

I have a concussion and my shoulders are falling out. Swallow the powdered magic medicine in your pocket while swallowing it to recover to the point where you can fight your body.

I heard voices from somewhere trying to get up that way.

A lookout terrorist who heard Aisha fall came with his crew. Forced his still painful body to stir up, Aisha hurriedly hid in the shadows.

When I hear my voice louder, my heartbeat gets louder and my pain gets worse. Kill the pain with the breathing my father taught me, and calm my heart.

I meditated on my eyes for a second. I pulled out the tactical knife and opened my eyes. Aisha jumped out and slashed her first thigh when she saw the shadow of a terrorist making a shadow check.

Because the thigh has a lot of nerves gathered together, when it is slashed, man instantly concentrates his consciousness on that part.

I stabbed a knife horizontally resting on the other left chest that wasn't responding to that gap. "Gu," he made a clogged noise and his heart was torn apart. The guy was out of breath. The heart stabs and dies in three seconds.

Taking her hand off the stabbed knife, Aisha grabs the Kukli knife on her lower back, holds the pain, holds the sword and puts a blade on the other neck with her face up.

"Where are the passengers... where are they"

to a low voice asking. Terrorists are

"Ku, fuck you, Abaz. Gu... gu"

Before I could finish, Aisha scratched her throat with a knife. He doesn't talk, he doesn't talk, then he doesn't have to be alive.

Pulling through the knife that remained stuck in the dead man's chest, he wiped the blood paste and delivered it to his sheath, and Aisha snatched the magic prop from the body and put it in his ear that allowed him to make short-range radio calls.

As a result, he proceeded to hide from the ship, taking into consideration the location of the hostages as the terrorists engaged in conversation.


At the same time, on the ground - a beautiful woman with fox ears who was walking hiked her nose.

Seek out the scent you are looking for from the smell that drifts, and focus your consciousness towards it.

Use the magic gathered only on your nose to enhance your sense of smell and analyze it. It was her skill.

"... that guy."

There's a beauty with blue hair and a beauty with glasses in the military in the direction you point to. "True?" I turned my gaze.

"I hope you don't trust me...... I masturbated yesterday, Eliza"

"I trust you!! Oh! Already!!

Speaking of which, glasses and blue hair approached the soldier. the man, who was guarding the emergency line, looked surprised at the two beauties approaching,

"Hey, what's so fun about believing in evil gods?


"Is that it? Do you feel that if you profess, she can be made and become rich, not to mention taller?

The man with the faces that the two words didn't make sense accidentally pulled out his hips sword and was slashed by his glasses.

the blue hair that assembled it on the ground with only a body wrap,

"I don't like the fact that it strikes her, not me. I don't care what you think. I think I'm more attractive?

"What's so fascinating about your chosen breasts?

"You were similar until a few years ago, weren't you?

The military and gendarmerie, who were around the two men who hit each other lightly, rushed to extract and surround them.

The man who was ambushed said, "He's one of the terrorists!" I shouted,

"Please don't make a scene!! I belong to the Holy Knights!! This man has been arrested for snitching with an evil god follower!!

The movement stopped around him in his stern blue-haired voice and in the regiment chapter on his arm. Then the beauty in the glasses steps on the man's face with high heeled boots.

"Hey, it hurts, so it hurts a lot to talk, so which one do you prefer to talk to or be heard out of the body?

Power fell out of a man's body when he had no choice.


At the same time, in the air - approaching soundlessly from behind like a snake, Aisha strangled one of the watchmen with wings and stuck a knife from the back.

Bone and visceral placement is different on the front and back, but Aisha is fully familiar with it.

A blade profoundly pierced the liver zeroes black blood from the wound, killing the man in just ten seconds.

Another tries to poke Aisha with each of his buddies by pulling out a blade on his dull companion until he is on the verge of desperation, but before that, Aisha takes his hand off the knife pattern and throws a stab at the face of the man who comes at it when he grabs the throwing knife.

Having pulled the knife out of the two dead, Aisha counts the three doors they were guarding before opening them.

I opened it, looked inside, and turned around. There are three men standing. Throw a knife at both of them and stab them, and go straight to the other, waving a kukli knife down.

But when the man took the position and played it with his sword, he cried out and slashed it on Aisha.

Aisha, who was repositioning herself, took it with her bare hands and slashed her opponent's flank into lateral fissures as she distorted her face to the pain and shock running on her arm.

Hurry away. In front of Aisha, the man felt a fierce heat in his belly, touching the wound with his hands, watching his bowels stick out and becoming faceless, kneeling on the floor and dying as they were.

breathing Aisha told a passenger who was in a room that kept screaming,

"Be quiet!! I'm here to help!!

Be vocal and intimidating and shut up. Aisha spoke quietly this time to a scream that stopped perfectly.

"I'm sorry I shouted. Really help. Tell me, where were those kids taken?

Among the hostages sitting on the floor who heard it, a couple of human species believed to be the parents of their children said, "On the bow! shouted."

"A bow... ok. I'm going to help, but I can't do it alone. We need someone to take the kids away after we help them!

The parents of five children made one name after another for Aisha's words.

But Aisha asked the ex-military-like man and the young man, who were irrelevant but raised his hand, not them.

In the case of parents, there is no certainty that they can remain calm in a situation where the child is crying, and most importantly, they make their own child a priority.

I'm not saying that's bad, it's just awkward in this situation.

I give the two of them the weapons of the dead man, and I also instruct those who remain in the room to give them the weapons of the dead men outside to stay in the room.

"Look, don't ever open the door until one of these two comes along, okay? Nice!"

Saying so, Aisha took two men to the bow.

Run all the way down the road to the bow while defeating some terrorists.

Because there's no correspondence from the people who killed them, so it's time for them to start getting suspicious. That means the children's lives are in danger.

As the bow deck reaches the visible position, Aisha lowers them back to confirm the position of the enemy.

Two magicians perform phantom magic and loud magic. There is one terrorist talking. Three of them are keeping an eye on the children.

And now there are exactly two people trying to behead one child!!


Saying so quickly, Aisha ran out with her face up. Originally, three enemies at the same time would be most unconscious from being a woman, saving the children and cleaning up the disturbing magicians. And leave the child with both of us......

Though I thought that the only way to get here was to run out.

As the terrorist's gaze gathers, Aisha kills the terrorist next to the child who is still likely to be killed with a throwing knife and throws the crying child over to the ex-military behind his arms.

Keep throwing the last two throwing knives and a tactical knife to defeat the other three watching over the kids,

"Take the kids. Yeah!!!

I yelled at the ex-military and the young man. Here, the terrorist leader and the man who was showing his face in the mysterious magic set Aisha as his first enemy and yelled at the magic guide.

"Kill that woman!! Hurry up!!

The two magicians interrupted phantom magic and loud magic, switching the magic they were working on for attack and releasing flamebullets towards Aisha.

Feeling a flaming bullet coming at him in terrible slow motion, Aisha tried to rip it off with the Devil's Sword Gilead.

But if we use Gilead here and tear apart the flamethrower, we don't know where it's going.

To the kids in the back? No. Might we drill a hole in the ship more than that? Then all passengers......

I thought so far Aisha crossed her arms in front of her face. At least I wanted to die with only my face clean.

(Keith... I love it)

Aisha desperately conveys her thoughts with her heart, but magic flames bounced and scattered just a few centimeters away from her body.

The terrorists weren't the only ones who were stunned. So is Aisha.

Aisha, confused not knowing what had happened, realized that her hair was dripping and her hair decoration was broken.

That was a new hair decoration Keith gave me just before the trip to get in the mood for "it was a promise."

"... defensive magic... Keith's one"

There was joy and love at the bottom of Aisha's heart.

Protected me. Keith protected himself. Keith saved himself!!

I can't be happier. I thought I was gonna die. I thought he was dead. And yet Keith helped!!

Then this life... this mind and body are all Keith's. It's just Keith's in the true sense!!

Having so decided, Aisha summoned Guilliad the Devil's Sword, cutting down at once the two Devil's Instructors preparing for the next attack.

Aisha stuck her cutting-edge at one of the remaining leaders, kimeposing as Keith's instructions said as she waved the Devil's Sword Gilead beside her body, wrapped in a flame that drives karma mad.

"Hey there... you'll make amends for breaking my precious hair ornament... be ready, you shithead"

Aisha, who shook up the Devil's Sword wondering if the leader who distorted his face would let him escape, was taken by an arrow that flew from behind him for the Devil's Sword to strike back automatically.

As he rushes to regain his position and pays off one flying arrow after another, his fellow terrorists rush from all over the ship.

"... oh, with a doughnut"

Whimpering Aisha was speculated as to why the number of hostages was low relative to the size of the ship.

I mean, I guess these guys were moving this ship by placing them in every part of the ship, apart from the executor, with a crew that could move the airship as passengers.

Surely that's more certain than threatening the sailors to move the ship. But that means that all the sailors on this ship... should be considered dead.

A leader man laughed high at Aisha, who punched his tongue.

"Stupid bitch!! Are you an army man? Gendarmerie? Or an hired adventurer!? Either way, but it sounds like you're the one who's ready!! Don't worry, I won't kill you easily... make you a charlatan and then sacrifice our God."

Hin...... and a sound shook Gilead's cuttoe. The nose of a leader man who raised his voice "hehe" was nicely slit to the side.

Without even looking at the screaming leader man, Aisha counts the number of terrorists who were moving the ship.

"Don't sprang up later like a cockroach...... oh, something similar?

"Grr...... Ouch!! Kill him. Yeah!!

A terrorist has arrived in Aisha at the hanging of a leader holding his nose.

The brown lady knight takes a deep breath and says from her lungs, "Whoa!!" He squeezed out his voice and mutilated the enemy in front of him.


Not long before Aisha made a big stand with the terrorists, on the ground - the three beauties blatantly glanced at each other when they caught a man walking inside the army and giving information to his companions, and vice versa.

According to this man, the terrorists who are in the air now are only positive, and their original purpose is to gather military and gendarmerie personnel in this place.

And the good news is that they're hitting another airship that's taking over and targeting a mass slaughter.

That other airship is not visible and is not perceived because it is heavily equipped with concealed demonic props.

"... what do you do with the guys on board? Are you gonna blow yourself up?

to the inquiry of the beauty of the glasses. The man,

"... anticipating the timing to the airship that's up there right now, traveling with metastatic magic... and escaping in the midst of the mess with the explosion down there"

"What did you do to Han?"

"When the military and gendarmerie gather to their limits, let them know up there and escape with a magic prop for long-range transfer..."

"Huh," the glasses beauty murmured as she clapped her hands at the magic prop that was being removed from the man's pocket.

Compared to the three too calm, the military and gendarmerie personnel who were listening together began to make a scene in amazement.

The main purpose was to kill ourselves. There's no reason to panic either.

Each one tells his superior, "How can I!" And he asks, and his superiors asks the headquarters, and the headquarters asks the government.

The scene panics every second due to the fear that an invisible ship may fall even while we do so.

Among the three placid in that, a beauty with blue hair asked the beauty with glasses.

"What do you want to do? You got any maneuvers?

Then the beauty in the glasses kicks into the dovetail of a fellow terrorist and even gets bored,

"The bat that tried to join the massacre... so, maneuver... uh-huh"

Put your hands on your chin and meditate your eyes. In my head, it was pounding and pounding. He told me that a good idea comes to mind when the man I loved rings this sound with his head.

After doing so for a while, the phantom magic that was suddenly floating in the sky scratched out.

Scratchy footage showed someone helping a child just before that, and loud magic also sounded "Take the kids".

The glasses beauty and the other two looked up at the sky and opened their eyes when the scene was swollen by the feminine voice.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones. I want to beat the crap out of you."

"Seya... I feel good"

"That's crazy. Even though he got stuck in the same guy."

"" Stop with the lower stuff!

The eyeglass beauty smiles and says when her scratchy blue hair shuts up.

"But if you have a client, there's a way to do it... I'd be happier if you were scratching me good"

Fox ears and blue hair, which I found to be largely thought of due to the length of my relationship,

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho."

"I... seem to have to follow you"

"Will the manual labor specialist not try to take a break? All right! Let's go then!!

The blue-haired beauty turned her wrist to the glasses beauty who looked up at the sky and shouted, and the fox-eared beauty waved "Be careful ~".

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