Keith, with a dark expression on his face at the sight of three anxiously peeking eyes, let his face down.

But Lou's hand is gentle and soft when he strokes Lou's head, who looks sorry.

It was Aisha who spoke first to Keith like that.

"Hey... lying, what is it? Again, Lady Nia, trick Berna into that..."

"... excuse me. I really don't know..."

Aisha is about to cry when she finds out that the voice is not a tribute to the way she always takes it and puts it on, but to keep her distance from herself.

In fact, Nia was already crying. I was crying and clinging.

"No... that's such a lie... Higu! Not at all...... did you forget? About me too... about everyone?

On Keith's lap answering nothing, Nia zeroed a large tear.

Keith stroked Nia's head in horror with the hands of the empty one, pointing his gaze at Aisha and Berna.

It is the first time that the gaze released sees the person to whom it meets, where there is only confusion without the affection of dearness or the smile that seems to favor it. Berna squeezed her hand about it.

Keith, who was sucked into some sort of black object by the demonic prop Lou used, had completely lost his memory.

But it wasn't just amnesia.

Common sense in general - for example, I remember how to use the bathroom, how to wear clothes, and even how to use magic magic, but I'm out of memory of who I am at heart and where I am.

And it's about other people around him, and Keith doesn't remember anything about Nia, Aisha, or even Berna's other Lou.

The hurried Lou told Keith to be in his room, then contacted Aisha in a conversation and asked her to bring Nia and Berna.

The three of them, who were forced to make a short time after noon to meet me, were stunned to see Keith, who was completely out of his memory there. That is how it continues to this day.

Keith turned to Aisha as the three silent people and the crying princess's hiccups echoed into the room.

"Um, Lou told me you said I was a magician by the name of Keith. And to say that he is employed as a courtroom magician in the country of Saimrad..."

"Oh, you're right"

"But... you two and this... princess, why are you in my room? Was I particularly close to you?

Aisha and Berna's faces distorted. Nia's cry grew louder.

This man has forgotten all the relationships that he has tied. Besides, I call you "you guys" with a gaze at strangers. That was pathetic.

I want you to call me "Dear Nia," "Aisha," "Berna," and with an unpleasant face, as usual. Yet there is a sense of despair that it will not come true.

I can't stand this anymore, and I remember when Nia, Aisha, and Berna tried to tell Keith about their relationship with me, but Lou called me there.

If you tell Keith about your current relationship, who is completely out of memory, it's bound to be confusing and a big deal. So he wants me to keep my mouth shut.

Especially to Aisha and Berna. I also explained that magic prop with care. I won't tell Nia because this princess doesn't even think that the inferior species and the acts committed by the inferior species are evil.

Aisha and Berna couldn't believe the demonic props that made their nausea fall out, but instead of confusing them and making it worse than it is now. And Nia shuts up too if she doesn't want Keith in trouble.

Lou to Keith, who gets in trouble with the questions he doesn't return,

"These three have been doing so much better since your husband came to this country. Friendly fellow. So this is how."

"Oh, that's on purpose. Thank you. Sorry to bother you."

Aisha and Berna warped their faces at Keith's other manners as he bowed his head and Nia wept.

Keith was confused because he didn't know how to get the three of them in trouble just because he released the word.

"So, what the hell was I doing in this country?

I can't even remember what I was doing when I lost that memory because I almost only cheated on someone and had sex.

The three daughters looked at each other,

"You were teaching me magic!!

"Oh, yeah. Others put up defensive magic in the palace."

"We were also entrusted with the management and operation of the pool"

I may recall one day if I don't dare let them do the same thing from work and all sorts of details as before. The three of them will explain what Keith has done in this palace.

Hearing his part, Keith revolts and rises to remember magic and magic magic.

"Hey, where are you going..."

Keith smiled at Aisha speaking.

"I don't know how far I can go in this condition, and I'm going to ask the king first because there's nothing but anxiety material about a court demon mentor with amnesia"

Keith opened the closet in front of the three surprised people and instead of the usual black clothes... when he found the white conductor clothes he had received before he took you and changed in the bathroom, getting his hair done and came back.

"Um, I'm glad you could show me around because I don't know where..."

Asking Aisha and Berna for directions, who are not least surprised that the man who only wears black looks like a proper magician, Keith and Nia still took a little and a half to get to Mashua's office.

Keith explains his sudden amnesia after apologizing for the sudden disrespect of his visit in the office.

But Lou didn't tell me about the magic props, so I decided to do the magic research myself. To keep Lou from being punished.

I understood that two people and one other than Nia really changed people for that proper standing behavior.

I don't feel frightened or humbled when I have a great person in front of me anymore, I can say what I have to say properly, and I can be well courteous on that.

But the three of them, including Nia, stared at Keith somewhere as if his chest was about to break.

Keith, who had finished all his conversations while doing so,

"I honestly don't know how far I can go in case something like this happens. So..."

"I'm anxious. If you tell me to quit my job, will you quit?

"If you want"

Nia turned bright blue and ran over to Mashua to answer Keith, who remained thankful without ever raising his face.

"No! Father, no! Master Keith can't believe he's losing his memory and kicking him out of the palace... no."

I was gently embarrassed that Mia saw it. Mashua stroked his crying daughter's head,

"If you do, don't let Nia resent you for the rest of your life. That's why I won't let you quit. Do your job as best you can. If you can't, tell me right away."

"I'm in awe. I will spare you this grace for the rest of your life, ready to crush."

"The reliability doesn't seem to have changed. Relieved."

I was one with three people who were horrified by this. But nobody expected that feeling to collapse in a direction they didn't even imagine.

It's been a week since Keith lost his memory. In the meantime, Leonora came and got bored with things she didn't remember, but managed to keep Keith from finding out about the original Keith.

Keith worked on figuring out the bottle that week to get his memory back, but somehow it was too much of an old demon prop and the structure was complicated and difficult.

Besides, if I break it, it will never be possible to figure it out again, so I can't do it without darkness. Since I had no choice, I searched for work every night, doing what I could during the day when I had nothing to do.

Yes, that Keith walked around looking for a job.

Keith, who is lucky to be asleep without a job or reading a book, goes around the palace and tells everyone if there's anything he can do to help.

And I did any little job, and if I was in any trouble, I would make you magic props, help you magically, and sometimes I would go home when I heard that my soldier's family was sick.

Aisha and Berna had noticed that people had changed completely, but if you try to be the elves around you who don't know Keith very well, you mistakenly think that's Keith the Vegan.

Keith's reputation gradually grew in shame, and the maid elves often thrived on Keith's topic in the dining room at lunch.

I knew it was Aisha and Berna who would get complicated when I heard that, especially since Berna couldn't even call Keith your husband lately and he was stressed out because he couldn't be sweet.

It doesn't seem to change much because it is initially faceless, but inside of it I hope to get it back to normal soon every day.

Of course Aisha is with me, and I can't help but feel the distance in a posture that has led me to revere Aisha as an escort knight since I lost my memory.

I really want to be hugged right now, and I want to sleep with you. I still think it's better to be tricked and trapped if you're going to be treated like this.

Apart from those two, I knew Nia didn't change her pity either.

I lost my memory for a week, and in the meantime I had about two hours to study, but that's when Keith really continued to take his subordinate thanks to the princess.

That figure was no different than the tutors Nia had ever seen.

Just one man who jumped over a hedge of disrespect from the beginning and treated me to Nia. The man who made Nia a girl is now just one of his subordinates.

The language and attitude are stiff, and I take an attitude that I know I really don't remember Nia. How many times would I have thought to tell Keith the truth like that?

Me and Master Keith swore an oath of end to each other. I've already done the act of making babies many times. I love you.

How many times were you about to leave with your mouth? But Nia was desperate to put up with Keith, who had lost his memory. But...

"Yes. That's it for today, then. I'm just amazed at the princess's talent."

My heart hurts and I'm about to cry when Keith flatters me with such distance that the way I call him back "Princess". At least I need help. Nia,

"Um... Dear Keith..."

"Princess, as I have said many times, Keith and I... if we don't get out, we won't be able to show ourselves as ministers."

"... I'm sorry... but, uh... with Master Keith until I get used to it..."

"... ok. So, any questions?

"No, the... you know... the"

Naia said it, but even if we can't at least get along with ourselves, this is all we squeeze out the words so hard.

"... I've been studying so hard today... you know, can you... stroke me, please?

If you can't kiss, hug, or have sex, at least... at least that's all. It was Nia's best request for Keith's warmth.

Keith shook his head slowly as he showed a troubled windy face to the words.

"You shouldn't. I am not allowed to touch the princess."

"So, but! In your room the day you lost your memory..."

"That's disrespectful behavior taken because the situation wasn't swallowing well. I'm sorry about that again."

Keith, bowing his head, stood up and thanked him again, and also thanked Aisha and Berna, who stood in front of the door, and left the room.

Keith was asking Aisha and Berna to stay in the room, saying that he should not be alone in the room with a man, even though he was under his command.

Aisha looked bitter when Keith first arrived, and when Nia broke her relationship with herself. Being with her while studying came true.

This is not what I wanted. You have to see Nia break your heart in despair like this. This shouldn't be the situation.

Sure, Keith got serious. This would be the right course of action for your people. This is what a courtroom magician should look like.

But Aisha, Nia, Berna and Leonora are all looking for that bright, fun, noisy Keith.


As she left the room, Berna called Keith. But Keith, who didn't think of herself as her husband, responded slightly to her voice, but left the room without saying anything.

Berna's faceless expression collapses, so pitifully distorted that she can't watch. It was worse than being dumped. Because they forgot.

Keith circled the palace looking for work after three forgotten women in a grieving room, then went back to his room.

When Keith sat down in his chair, taking off his guidance clothes in front of a dark-faced lou, paying dust and all that, and then turning into a closet.

"Maybe it's time to put on another tutor for the princess."

Lou, who was called out, said, "Nha?" I reacted.

"Honestly, there's not much I can teach you on my level, and I figured I'd better learn my magic as an elf. 'Cause I've already got the strength to do that."

"So, but... the princess should want to teach her husband..."

"... some of it will be because of the few men you touch, but it seems like you have an admiration for me... maybe you're complacent, but that's still a problem. So you better get out of here now."

Lou mumbled when he almost screamed that it was too late. It was my fault that made me think that way.

This husband is certainly what Lou wanted.

Serious, disciplined, dedicated, mindful, correct in courtesy, and gentle. Perfect as a human being. The reputation in the palace is also climbing eels.

Yet... the fact that Lou won't grieve those elf girls that he should have wanted the most hasn't only come true. It will never come true in this Keith.

This man can't laugh and make a scene and continue a problematic relationship in the public eye. A budding ethic doesn't make you do that.

Lou realized for the first time here how much that would make those girls sad. And I regretted it.

Around the same time, I had errands in Nia's room and couldn't take the study with me, but I still desperately comforted Nia, whom Leonora had come to visit.

I heard everything from Aisha. Leonora cuddled Nia,

"It's okay. I'm sure I'll be back... and Keith won't forget me, Mr. Nia, and this colored black woman and thin spot."

"Gusu, really?... but I'm sorry... I can't even have a good kid anymore... Ugh, the previous Keith... I want you to come back... Ugh."

"It's okay, Master Nia! I will definitely be back!! It's that Keith. I can't believe you really forgot us... Oh, no."

"Hey, what are you gonna do when you cry! Damn, are you still a knight?

"'Cause... Keesh, let me know... about me, I say Aisha... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

"My husband... I told you I wouldn't throw it away... I can't believe I forgot... that's not true... I'm gonna mess with you, no... I don't want to"

"Why, hey! Ma'am, town! Why are you crying all together!! Oh! Oh, me too... no, uh-huh."

There were four elf girls sobbing in Nia's room.

But there was no longer that inferior species that made me stop crying because I didn't like to make women cry mentally.

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